Absalom Espinoza

Absalom Espinoza

Los Angeles


Advanced Materials and Tectonics

 This course was focused on learning the basic elements of complex facades, going from the envelope system and material to the basic structure and substructure of it to understand how it works, how it was made, the implications of the fabrication, the process by which it was made and assembled and all of the issue pertaining to the development of building tectonics . 

In this course we looked at precedent studies to understand the way they were made, the class was divided by teams of 4 members and we each took a case study and analyzed all of its elements until we understood the system fully and after this we were required to (based on our case study) create a model that uses that same system and adapt it to fit the climatic and environmental conditions of L.A. city.

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Status: School Project
My Role: Partner
Additional Credits: Aja Zarrehparvar, Marius Laurinkus & Egil Kobberstand