

Kiev, UA



Plan C is our vision of an aesthetic future that may never arrive.

Currently, there is no evidence of possible colonization of Mars. It is not known whether this cold distant planet will be able to host humans. There are no rockets that could deliver such a quantity of necessary equipment to a distance of 225 million kilometers. At the same time, Mars is the most Earth-like of all the planets in the Solar System. and Mars is a pressure like on three Everests, an atmosphere with extremely low density, an almost complete lack of oxygen, active solar radiation on the surface of the planet, low gravity and an average air temperature of −50°C. Frequent sandstorms up to 100 m/s and meteorites are a bonus. If the Earth has a conditional "blanket" - the atmosphere of the planet that protects from solar radiation and solid bodies, then on Mars we have every chance to get hit by a meteor shower. And a bunch of other factors that we don't even know about. However, people are great dreamers and inventors, so welcome to Mars.

Never say never.

Scientists often appeal to the concept of terraforming. It is the modification of the planet's climatic conditions to bring the atmosphere, temperature and ecology to a state suitable for the habitation of terrestrial plants and animals. Simply put, it is the transformation of space into one where there are favorable conditions for life. For Plan C, we took a conditional point in time when: – ways of processing Martian resources were found; – robotics has already been introduced on Mars; - found ways to eliminate radiation from the regolith and produce the necessary amount of oxygen, water and food. Under these conditions, we will be able to build our Plan C — a full-fledged place to live with all the necessary conditions.

Plan C is an autonomous settlement whose outer walls will be built with 3D printers. People will not be able to do this, because it is possible to move freely without suits and oxygen devices only inside the building. The settlement should be as close to the equator as possible to allow the pressure and temperature to be reached, which will be as suitable for life as possible. Plan C must be located on the slope of the crater to provide adequate protection from sandstorms and radiation, so the shape of the building resembles a torus or a regular bagel.

So, we have a protective "bagel", on the other side of which is the dead, cold and radiation-riddled Mars.
What is inside.

A common corridor stretches along the entire settlement, which will serve as both a place for walks and a dining area. Half of our "bagel" is occupied by sleeping areas, the other half by technical, research and general areas. The atmosphere of the interiors combined two worlds: unexplored Mars and native Earth. Sandstorms were responsible for the color range, living plants for the ability to breathe fully, science of the future for the ability to live on a dead planet.

The corridor is a Martian jungle.

Plants are the best friends in the process of adaptation of earthlings to space life. Along the entire corridor there are trees and greenery, which, thanks to phytolighting, will transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen. Yes, the road to the common areas resembles an ordinary walk in the open air.

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Status: Unbuilt