

Kiev, UA



Oschadbank is a national bank of Ukraine whose strategic statement is "My bank. My country".

The task of the MAKHNO studio was to convey Ukrainian authenticity and culture, but to move away from the strictness that was characteristic of financial institutions before.

The design studio wanted to make the bank human and friendly to people.

MAKHNO Studio developed a non-standard concept "bank as a gallery". This is a modern office design based on paintings, sculptures, art decor and lighting. The studio is proud of its handmade lamps, which are created and manufactured for the interior.

Thanks to the materials - concrete, wood, marble - the interior is wrapped in a natural shell.

In the meeting room of the studio, the walls are decorated with wooden panels with patterns that repeat Ukrainian embroidery. The national idea is also represented by decorative pottery - one of the signs of Ukraine, which originates from Tryplian times.

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Status: Built
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine