
Confessions of an Architect


I'm great at faking confidence
Everyone uses me as the "one who as all her shit figured out" when I have no idea what I'm doing or why
I love architecture, but know I need more talent then I have
I think because my friends are such amazingly gifted designers, I can be one by association
I wish I was an artist, but will never have the self-confidence, drive, or creativity to be one
I like doing math equations for fun
I can't spell but am not ashamed, and don't try to improve my ability
Most of the time when I talk, I'm just pretending that I know or understand more than I do, or am trying to impress someone
I don't think I've ever had an original idea
I fluxuate between wondering if i actually care about changing the world, to convincing myself I must care because it's important to do so . . . but still wishing I didn't have to

I'm addicted to watching What Not to Wear and weight-loss shows like the Discovery Health Challenge

Nov 6, 05 2:20 am  · 

Its terrible but true.
I love it when others fail at things that I excel at. Usually I will act sypathetic to their lack of succes, but really I am just rubbing in that I got the job done and they didn't. I typically compare how they failed to where I succeeded in order to really drive home the point that they failed.
Oh the prick I am.

Nov 6, 05 2:43 am  · 

i find myself more interested and better able to define urban planning issues after two courses, than after 4 1/2 years defining/studying architecture

Nov 6, 05 11:38 am  · 
Ms Beary

I just reread much of this thread. Wow. I am mostly shocked at my own confessions, interesting.

Nov 6, 05 11:36 pm  · 

I don't like architecture school anymore but keep going because I've already wasted too much money.

I have a really high GPA and get good reviews/crits, but I don't think I will be an architect when I graduate.

Since coming to school I've essentially lost all respect for the profession.

Nov 7, 05 7:43 am  · 

In secret ....I believe and to feel that Le Corbusier harmed to the natural evolution of the architecture and therefore he helped to build the current situation (sad situation).

Nov 7, 05 8:10 am  · 
Per Corell


I think Le Corbusier was robbed what could be used for a rigid Lego mind fabrication , ---- I don't think Le Corbisier can be spottet in any of the rigid concrete lattrice ontop the organic havn't changed. Today's bunkers are just the same only planned with difficult computer programs instead by skilled concrete workers.

Nov 7, 05 9:49 am  · 

poor Corb he gets blamed for so much bad shit in the world. He just pioneered an efficient means to construct but he gets blamed nonetheless - poor Corb live on in my heart.

My confession...I believe Corbusier lives on in me partially, and when Oscar Neimeyer passes I will have them both coursing through my veins. Honestly...I'm the one.

Nov 7, 05 11:20 am  · 

I have a pin up in 2 hours and haven't produced anything all weekend even though I spent the majority of it in studio.

Nov 7, 05 11:42 am  · 

I told my friends and coworkers recently that i quit my job in a proverbial blaze of glory, for all the moral reasons of "wanting to make a difference" and "hated designing McMansions" but the truth is, i was fired.

Nov 8, 05 12:03 pm  · 

i know how to do a lot of things, but i dont do them.
I'm capable of making amazing drawings and incredible 3D renderings, but i don't make any.
I know how to keep in perfect shape and eat healthy and workout, and i've done it before and looked fantastic, but i'm lazy and eat whatever i want.

I didn't know anything about architecture until almost my 3rd year in school. They never told us we will get horrible salaries after we graduated.
I start relationships with girls, and as soon as they have a genuine interest, I become disiniterested.
Thats not an architectural confession but it feels good to get it out :)

Nov 8, 05 12:14 pm  · 

I'm stupid.

Nov 8, 05 12:42 pm  · 
Geoff Manaugh

I once bleached a rat that had climbed up my toilet in Washington DC. I didn't know what else to do - what do you do? there's a rat in your toilet - an exterminator would've cost $200! - so I bleached it. I dumped bleach on it and - zam, it turns white and all its hair falls off! Seriously. I'm standing there flushing the toilet but it won't go anywhere - in fact the lack of water makes it easier for this little hairless white rat-object to scramble up the side of the bowl - it was horrifying! - so I put an art history textbook on the toilet seat and then biked down to a hardware store near Dupont Circle where I bought these ridiculous rubber electrical repair gloves - they were ridiculous - I could've gone to the moon with them, you know, they were like two inches thick - and then I'm like this astronaut walking back into my bathroom and the damn rat is still there! And it's still living! So I have to grab it, wearing these gloves, and - and then these two rubbish bins got involved and it just sort of went downhill.
This hairless white rat is bleeding and half-crushed and I'm wearing astronaut gloves, and I had to kill it in the backyard - which was my landlady's driveway - with a rock. It was awful.
So that's my confession: I bleached a rat. Now I'm an editor for Archinect. Go figure.

Nov 8, 05 7:32 pm  · 
Geoff Manaugh

And then when I went to sleep for the next two months I had to put an old art history textbook down on the toilet seat - it was Janson, 5th Edition - to weigh it down because imagine if that had happened at 3 o'clock in the morning! It was terrible. It still sounds terrible, when I tell it, but you know - that was 1998. I was living on Swann Street.
Beware your toilet. That's the moral. Beware your toilet.

Nov 8, 05 7:37 pm  · 

The use of my toilet is every day less, and I think that it´s proportional to the foods that I eat ..., lately my office has not gone well, you know only coffe ...and cigarettes and the wait for some client, I remember that before it used more my toilet ( good times)and I will think that if my architectural business going to deteriorating some day I should be closed my toilet ...

Nov 10, 05 9:37 am  · 
Bryan Finoki
Nov 10, 05 6:21 pm  · 
Geoff Manaugh

Hey, you found it... Give it back.

Nov 10, 05 8:26 pm  · 
Bryan Finoki

uuuuuhhhhm, i dont know, man. i think you need to go down and check this one out.

Geoff, you might be doomed.

Nov 11, 05 3:36 am  · 
Geoff Manaugh

Those look like sweet potatoes. Yams.


Nov 11, 05 10:12 am  · 

Sometimes, I just post to make my total comments go up so I seem more credible....crap I did ti again didn't I...

Nov 13, 05 12:22 am  · 

The truth is... as a 4th year undergrad, i don't know why i didn't quite 3 years ago. i don't know what i'm trying to prove. it's like i thought the real world would be a breath of fresh air after all that bullshit design studio; an internship gave me some clarity, and now that i see the light at the end of the tunnel i'm no longer interested. as i understand more and more about what makes the world go round i want to be less a part of it.

that's partly why i can't stand the work that i do; because i feel like every direction i move in is a wrong and useless one anyway.

Nov 13, 05 3:53 am  · 

.im thankful i studied architecture for all the culture i had to discover in the process.
.i hate how ugly and immature buildings still continue to grow here and there.
.i wish public relation & contacts weren't so essential to an architect but they fact they are the key to success (even much more than talent).

Nov 13, 05 7:20 am  · 

UrbanDesign: glad to hear that I'm not the only one...damnit, I did it again

Nov 23, 05 3:09 pm  · 
Per Corell

ryan83 what you describe are the sad reality of it, even when you know you done it the sheer pleasure will last you a short moment ,you find it is fullfilled and it suddenly is nothing. Who told you that this is soo good that you can get what you expect when the real things are so ignorant about you as person, ---- there are something much greater than you start realise this and on that way find the real values and true pleasure.
The pleasure of something nice.

Nov 23, 05 3:31 pm  · 

If it's slow, sometimes I leave a command running on AutoCAD or a pen on top of a drawing with the cap off to make it look like I 'just stepped out' and go outside for 5-15 minutes.

Nov 23, 05 4:51 pm  · 
Queen of England

We dont wear panties.

Nov 23, 05 5:29 pm  · 

I always want what I can't have. If I can't have it....I'll usually want it. If I've got it....I take it for granted. If I lose it....I convince myself I was never meant to have it.

This goes for many things in my life, but mostly men.

Nov 23, 05 9:10 pm  · 

confesion 1: Most of the time I don't have a clue on what the hell you guys are talking about.

confesion 2: I am a student, a girl and I should be creating a railway station under ground right now but I rather sit here...

Nov 24, 05 6:22 am  · 

oh man, geoff, brian, that is really horrible and scary but soo funny.
brian what are you doing collecting hairless rodent pictures?!

Nov 24, 05 6:51 am  · 

i still don't know why i chose to be an architect..
hey this will be my new thread...

Nov 24, 05 8:56 am  · 
Darren Hodgson

I have found myself having a problem with self disicpline. I used to be quite good at it, but just lately I get distracted so easily...

Nov 24, 05 9:19 am  · 
Queen of England

God may forgive you, but I never can.

Nov 25, 05 6:27 pm  · 

I really hate rats - that has me feeling nautious now


architechnophilia = jamarch

Nov 27, 05 11:00 am  · 
Geoff Manaugh

My landlady's theory about the rat was that it hadn't come up through the toilet at all - which would've involved too many torqued valves and narrow pipes and places to drown and all - but that the rat had already been inside my apartment, and for several days at that. Its thirst, she opined, had driven it not to the case of Sam Adams in the refrigerator but into the toilet.

Inasmuch as I was sleeping on the floor at the time - on a futon mattress without a bedframe - I can't tell if I find this option more horrifying than the rat-as-pop-up-ad in the toilet. Did it crawl over me in bed at night before the toilet incident? Where was it hiding? Why didn't I hear it? Or see it? And how did it get in?

It's all so very Freudian. So Mr. Cuthbert - keep the seat down.

Nov 27, 05 12:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

A holiday-related confession:

Every year, I go to the Christmas tree lot and pick the scrawniest, crookedest, ugliest tree for my own. The tree I fear will be rejected by everyone else and never fulfill its dream of becoming a Christmas tree. I take it home and make it briefly beautiful, because I feel sorry for it.

The triumph of some kind of Hegelian emotional projection over sensible aesthetics, for this architect, can be troubling. And it drives my husband crazy.

Dec 19, 05 9:03 am  · 

maybe just thinking of this?

Dec 19, 05 9:14 am  · 

Architecture .... architecture ...what does are you doing with me? I´m feeling so misunderstood

Dec 19, 05 10:05 am  · 
Rim Joist

I once taped Larry Lester's butt cheeks together.

Dec 19, 05 1:59 pm  · 

1) This is my first post on Archinect. Hi everybody.

2) I haven't even started my architecture education yet (though I have a degree in Industrial Design.)

3) I never bothered finding a design job after school, because...

4) I'm a well-known and well-respected body piercer.

5) I am scared as shit about returning to school.

I could go on and on and on...... Maybe next time.

Dec 19, 05 3:31 pm  · 

is it bad that i went christmas shopping and got so pissed off with peoples bovine inability to quickly and efficiently move from shop to shop that i started to have a kinda guilty wish for some kind of natural disaster? i mean i like people, but i hate crowds

Dec 20, 05 4:19 am  · 

architecture got me into thinking firm names are the cooliest......

Dec 20, 05 5:00 am  · 

- I hate engineers and people who are involved in any other field outside architecture especially commerce, sorry I am a bigoted ass

- I want to quit smoking.

- I hate University of Auckland

- I am not an architect yet, still in-making

- I hate people who bullshit during crits. It annoys the hell out of me

- I want to think abstractly but I can't

- I hate CAD

- I hate people who don't work hard and still manage to get a good grade because I am not as gifted as they are, I hate them

Jan 11, 06 12:22 am  · 

I like britney spears :)

Jan 11, 06 2:12 am  · 

I enjoy school.

Jan 11, 06 3:34 am  · 
Ms Beary

I don't really understand electricity in buildings, I dread talking to the electrical engineers because all they talk about is power, amps, circuiting, and three phase power (whatever that is). All I care about is plug-ins where I need them, good looking light fixtures that illuminate the spaces properly and that the light switches are in the right place -- all things that the electrical engineers think are picky little things.

Jan 11, 06 10:17 am  · 
Ms Beary

I am, electrically, really shallow!!

Jan 11, 06 10:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary, those words could have come out of my mouth, I feel exactly the same way about all things electrical.

As far as I'm concerned, electricity is magic. Magic to which I can hook a pretty light fixture.

Oh, also - I never trust drawings to accurately represent anything in the real world. Drawings lie.

Jan 11, 06 10:29 am  · 

I confess that I've spent the past two hours on the phone with a travel agent trying to at all costs avoid a layover in detroit.

Jan 11, 06 10:33 am  · 

37% of detroit lives below the poverty level.

Jan 11, 06 10:37 am  · 

Detroits airport isn't bad though. How long is your layover?

Many things are magic, I submit also cooking.

Mad-beaker, could that bullshit that so annoys you in critiques actually be the abstract thinking you crave?

Jan 11, 06 10:46 am  · 

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