
Sarah Palin???


sorry. i'm a habitual line stepper.

Sep 3, 08 4:31 pm  · 

Hi all,
anybody seen this??
Nothing better than a live mike.

Sep 3, 08 4:44 pm  · 

it's the media

Sep 3, 08 4:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think you guys are confusing Liberal with Education. Just because one is conservative, or Christian, doesn't mean they aren't inteligent.

Sep 3, 08 4:50 pm  · 

aqua, no one's saying Palin is constitutionally unqualified, just that people should see through this: she was selected to appease one group (the far-right) and try to attract a small faction of another group (disenchanted former HRC supporters). Palin, by being selected by one person as a token insred of through a protracted process by millions of people, is not breaking a glass ceiling--in fact, she may be reinforcing one. As many have said here, she was selected not because she is a capable, accomplished female politician, but because she is a far-right woman. She's a token to neocons and a few women.

moreover, yes, most cities get resources from "fly-over" states, but don't forget that the vast majority (possibly all) fly-over states get resources in the form of return on their tax dollars from all those elitists on the edges of the country. it's amazing that no one ever calls these "small government conservatives" out on their hypocrisy: they're all about reducing government spending and pet projects in their rhetoric, but don't mind government spending as long as it helps them get re-elected and line their benefactors' pockets. there's a chart in "The Untied States of America" showing that states that tend to vote Republican receive more money than they put in, while those that tend to vote Democratic pay more money than they get back. Sounds like liberals live in less of an ivory tower and more of a piggy bank to me, and conservatives know it and milk it. The Republican Party may be bankrupt in terms of ideas, but at least they're making off with our money.

Sep 3, 08 4:53 pm  · 

TK - I don't diagree that people create the culture of the places they live. My argument was that it's elitist to snub the rural, i.e. "flyover" people as somehow being of lesser value, whereas I think we all play equal roles together in a greater functioning society. And elitist isn't necessarily intelectualism, but a perceived belief of superiority.

While I don't disagree that there are many people in this country that could be considered close minded, or parochial if you wish, it's not an accusation I'd single out to certian regions. From my experience no singular region has a monopoly on that. As for MN and Jesse Ventura, the fact that he was elected as an independant seems stark contrast to the provincial view of the two party system.

By Bobos in Paradise I assume you are referring to the David Brooks book of which I have read and would argue that the Twin Cities is chock full of. The gentrification of the downtown, or the huge rise in value of small pre-WWII housing in South & SW Mpls is directly porportinal to the rise of the bobo crowd.

Sep 3, 08 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

Sarah's Speech
( sung to the classic blue eyed soul tune Sara Smile by Hall and Oates)

Baby mama with a woman's eyes
I can feel you're watching your mother tonight
All alone in Saint Paul and she's standin in the spotlight
When the republicans are done, they nominated you
Now Newt and Rush are havin fun, they're titilated by you.
It's you... And McCain forever

Sara's Speech
Won't you speech a while for me

If you feel like explainin about your maverick tendencies...
tonights the opportunity that you can sieze...
the world wants to be free and all you got to do is let them know
And though john mccain is old he needs your milfy self
and if you have any ideas could you pleeze keep em to yourself
It's you... And john forever...

Sara Speech
won't you speech a while for me Sara...

Sep 3, 08 5:13 pm  · 

because neo-conservative "ideas" (I use the term liberally here) are so stupid, because they are so bereft of any proposals that would actually do anything positive for anyone who is not a multi-billionaire tycoon or right-wing religious fanatic, and because the arena of intelligent policy proposals and public discourse has been surrendered to liberals, progressives and the few thoughtful conservatives left, the far-right has made intelligence and the use of reason out to be something that should be feared and avoided. it's that simple: when your ideas are stupid in terms of what they provide for the general public and your opponents' ideas are intelligent, then you make out intelligence to be a bad thing, and stupid to be, well, normal, likeable, attractive.

it's incredible that in 2004 the incumbent, son of a former president was the one describing his opponent as an elitist, and that people are letting a career senator, and son and grandson of navy admirals get away calling the African American son of a single-mother an elitist simply because he's intelligent and went to good schools. Barack Obama is not an average person, but neither is John McCain, and the average person should not be president anyway.

intelligence is good, and our nation wouldn't be so fucked if we'd exercise some of it once-in-awhile.

Sep 3, 08 5:23 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

this is a little off topic at the moment, but i've been watching cnn and all i keep hearing from the GOP is how palin truly lives her rhetoric - specifically they laud her strength in carrying to term her baby with down syndrome. now i don't claim to be an expert on either [abortion or DS], but after a little research i found that the screening for down syndrome happens somewhere between 15-20 weeks gestation. now when you put those numbers into context - only 5.4% of abortions occur during weeks 16 and higher, with the majority of occurring at 8 weeks or less.

if i interpret these numbers correctly, she wouldn't know that her baby had down syndrome before what would end up being a late term abortion. can anyone shed any light on this? im dizzy from all of the spin.

Sep 3, 08 5:27 pm  · 

that is cruel and inhumane treatment of towards the child like keeping a suffering animal alive is what you are saying?

Sep 3, 08 5:32 pm  · 

I think it's wonderful that she decided to have a child with Down Syndrome... I have a cousin with Downs, and I don't think he's of any less value than any other member of my family. However, I also support her right to have discontinued a pregnancy for that or any other reason. What I can't believe is that we're being told, basically, that one of her credentials for the office of the Vice Presidency is that she chose not to have an abortion. McMaverick has really bucked his party again by choosing someone whom his base will jerk off to (figuratively and literally probably) until November 4 instead of someone whom he thought might actually be a good pick for the country, or someone able to take over for him, which he said was his priority. Why won't the media call him out on this shit?! They're still saying this is a "maverick move" because it's unexpected, but it's the most obvious pandering to the far-right since the Repugs decided to ignore all of science and diagnose a comatose woman via satellite as cognitive. Our country is a fucking joke, and I will cry if we're lost again this November.

Sep 3, 08 5:38 pm  · 

But didn't she support her daughter to already have one? and now she has to keep this one with a boyfriend she was separated from and put in another school who doesn't want to have a kid himself and is now dragged on the presidential campaign on FOX myspace *now online* at the hotel in St. Paul all for political reasons.

Sep 3, 08 5:48 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

im certainly not questioning her decision to have a child with down syndrome, i think its wonderful. i guess what i am saying is, did she have a choice? because the GOP makes it seem that she made a choice not to abort the child and by making that decision she is now the poster-child for the pro-life right. but if in fact she didn't know about her child's condition until after a safe and legal abortion could be preformed, then i don't understand how she can be lauded for making such a choice.

Sep 3, 08 5:48 pm  · 

MArch - the first (and for many, only) test for DS is called the Nuchal Translucency, or NT Screen and it's done around the same time as a normal Level II ultrasound, thereabouts of 20wks gestational or so.

the NT looks at a particular fold of flesh behind the neck, and there is anecdotal correlation between high risk for DS and certain thicknesses of the nuchal fold and how it relates to the baby's overall size at the time. it's not exact, and only gives you an odds-on reading, but for many, it's the only advance screening needed.

by way of a Chorionic Villi Screen (CVS) you can get an exact and definitive answer (to like, 99%) as to the genetic makeup of the unborn child. this can't be done prior to 10 or 12wks if i remember correctly.

the amniocentesis is the only other way to get near 99% accuracy, because both the amnio and the CVS are clinical, rather than anecdotal tests like the NT. they actually remove cells from the womb for analysis, hence some associated danger with miscarriage afterwards, though it's a low percentage risk. the amnio can't be done until later either though...not until after wks 14 i think, maybe fifteen.

for a woman of advanced maternal age like Palin, they would have most definitely done the CVS early enough in the pregnancy so that an early-term abortion would have still been possible, although it does beg the question: if you are against abortion anyway, why does it matter whether or not the baby has a developmental disability?

why would it matter if the baby had a cleft palate? or three eyes and no mouth?

it's all god's plan after all.

Sep 3, 08 5:53 pm  · 

someone is getting off to that somewhere

Sep 3, 08 5:53 pm  · 

they are anti-choice by 'creation'

but choice is what we all have in all mater of issues.

this kind of authoritarian 1 sided logic falls short of all thinking people and insults us all.

Sep 3, 08 5:53 pm  · 

Let's all go shoot something. It'll make me feel better.

Sep 3, 08 5:54 pm  · 


the NT is done at 11wks. i always screw up the 11wk tests and the 21wk tests.

can you tell i'm a recent dad?

Sep 3, 08 5:57 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

you make a good point mightylittle, why would it matter? which just infuriates me more. the GOP is constantly condemning the media and the left for attacking this woman and her family, but guess who is politicizing and using not only her child with DS, but also bristol and her situation?

i need to get a job and stop watching cnn.

Sep 3, 08 5:57 pm  · 

congratulations, you trumped evolution (don't worry, since you don't believe in it) and killed an animal smarter than you! idiots.

Sep 3, 08 5:58 pm  · 

(had an old window open, i was referring to the palin hunting photo.)

Sep 3, 08 5:59 pm  · 


Sep 3, 08 6:00 pm  · 

i can smell them moose sausages crackling on the grill...

c'mon antisthenes, i know you love meat.

up there in alaska, you know they shoot vegetarians? yup, sure enuff.

they shoot in broad daylight and smoke them over a fire of alder and willow branches.

they'd smell you before you got off the plane. your kind is not welcome up there.

Sep 3, 08 6:02 pm  · 

hey, mightylittle, ever hear the New York answer for the alaskans?



Sep 3, 08 6:12 pm  · 

what, now you're a vegan too?

Sep 3, 08 6:16 pm  · 

in Alaska they have many green houses to get the required 85% fresh fruits and vegetables, and other herbs.

Protein over dose is a danger to health, even more so simple proteins mixed with bad cholesterol. nuff said.

sustainability in all your choices is key, especially diet.

Sep 3, 08 6:26 pm  · 

namhenderson, I was just about to post that. Its a really, really bad sign for the republicans. Murphy and Noonan are about the only people they have going for them anymore.

Sep 3, 08 6:31 pm  · 

A Møøse once bit my sister...

Sep 3, 08 6:38 pm  · 

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

Sep 3, 08 6:39 pm  · 

A moose pissed me off once. I bit it and made it cry.

Sep 3, 08 6:41 pm  · 

Eskimos eat a high protein diet with basically no vegetables. They are healthy and have very little signs of cancer or heart disease in their culture. What any of this has to do with this presidential race is beyond me.

Sep 3, 08 6:42 pm  · 

cardiovascular mortality is one-third lower in Alaskan natives

first google result says that.

Sep 3, 08 6:48 pm  · 

and to they they still eat those baby seals.

don't those stupid natives know that quinoa is better for them?

Sep 3, 08 6:49 pm  · 

But what does this have to do with the presidential race?

Sep 3, 08 6:49 pm  · 

everything e...everything.

Sep 3, 08 6:50 pm  · 
Inuit Greenlanders, who historically have had limited access to fruits and vegetables, have the worst longevity statistics in North America. Research from the past and present shows that they die on the average about 10 years younger and have a higher rate of cancer than the overall Canadian population

i can't find a article that says anything contrary by any scientific review

typical republican junk science propaganda man i am not impressed

as a life long 1005 vegetarian i know my shit ;)

Sep 3, 08 6:51 pm  · 

even quinoa is too high in protein to be healthy all the time , moderate

what this has to do with the election is a broader consciousness in politics, the future, the built environment, sustainability and that people are becoming more educated about our own health.


Sep 3, 08 6:53 pm  · 

anti - can you conscientiously support a candidate who is not vegetarian?

Sep 3, 08 7:05 pm  · 

an Alaskan governor i would be proud of would increase focus on organic produce production and community sustainable agriculture using all the facts and evidence collected during our recorded human existence not preach hate speeches about end times and jesus that are found all over YouTube.

Sep 3, 08 7:05 pm  · 

If you ask Obama I would bet he is aware and acts to cut his consumption of meat. But ask

he looks fit so he is obviously not unaware.

Sep 3, 08 7:07 pm  · 

as an anti-authoritarian I could not speak to how I would want a leader to be. but would advocate for local grass roots justice and the continued evolution of the American justice system out of the rut it is in currently with the prison industrial complex, institutional racism and persecution of non violent crimes

Sep 3, 08 7:11 pm  · 

i'm asking you, not obama.

Sep 3, 08 7:11 pm  · 

gotta hand it to the republicans. they know how to make a STORY! they have handily overshadowed most of the excitement of the dnc convention which was only - what - last week?!

between the brilliant think tank that found and selected her and the merciless/magical p.r. machine that the gop can bring to bear, they got it goin' on.

the dems are going to have to, once again, figure out a way to make themselves interesting. obama has been a gift so far, but now he'll be in danger of sounding too pointy-headed. until friday his decision to give a dry policy speech with a lot of rah-rah at the convention seemed like a good idea, but he's been out-maneuvered. he's not the enigma anymore so curiosity may fade, while the new celebrity's star rises.

he's going to have to work hard to remain the star-with-a-story.

Sep 3, 08 7:13 pm  · 

hmm, me must have me facts wrong. could have sworn I read that. Don't get me wrong, I am all for increasing organic food production and community sustainable farming. I shop at a local farmers' market every week, stay out of the middle of the grocery store [and try to stay out of grocery stores as much as possible] and eat things raised and grown as close to home as possible. But I love good meat, and there is nothing wrong with eating it. It's all about balance.

Sep 3, 08 7:13 pm  · 

Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër ?

See the løveli lakes

The wøndërful telephøne system

And mäni interesting furry animals

Including the majestik møøse

Sep 3, 08 7:14 pm  · 

what does all that have to do with this election?

well, the above silliness was very likely written by another Palin

Sep 3, 08 7:15 pm  · 

so I think I'll watch a few Python movies while the convention is on, cause I'd much rather see that Palin.

Sep 3, 08 7:17 pm  · 

They shoot vegetarian's in Alaska? Damn.

Sep 3, 08 7:24 pm  · 

Jail Carl Rove

Sep 3, 08 7:33 pm  · 

eskimos have high level of omega-3, hence the "healthiness"

however, inflamatory response is deficient from not enough omega-6, so they tend to bleed to death.

Sep 3, 08 8:29 pm  · 

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