digger, then you are missing the larger point here. this family desires privacy in a moment of family "crisis" yet this candidate believes that other women, women for whatever reason; means, choice, rape or incest, should NOT have privacy. privacy between a doctor and patient.
no matter how you cut it, this is a political issue, Palin's judgment and Mc Cain's judgment are at issue.
Yes, beta, let's talk about the HYPOCRISY of Palin's actions, and the hypocrisy of giving her a break on that issue.
hy·poc·ri·sy: –noun, plural -sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.
republicans will never overturn roe v. wade because they'll lose the last thing they can hold sway over voters. they'd never turn out as many people for any election.
I've never made personal attacks on Clinton, only criticized some of the politics and the issues...
Emilio, if Chelsea had gotten pregnant at 17, it would be precisely the same issue. People, the media, the blogosphere would try to turn that into a personal controversy, but it would be just a distraction from the real issues at stake in the election.
I am taking this as a strategic point. Clinton and Obama are on the same side here, most Obama supporters would have voted for Clinton if she had won. The republicans are baiting, this is the game they play... The rants against Palin are there, the internet, the media is going to have a field day as it is, so what good comes from the democratic party, or the Obama campaign making this an issue.
Disappointed Clinton supporters like to say that it was the Obama campaign that used dirty tactics to attack Clinton, but I don't think that is true, Obama has always said only positive things about her. If anything, it was the right wing media which has always been vicious against her.
Putting out ads about her health care plan is not the same thing as putting out ads about her child with an underage pregnancy... Or ads about connections to a controversial reverend wright soundbite for that matter... Lets not go there, it won't win...
Emilio, I hear your point, but this weekend I also heard someone address exactly this question with the old saying "You fight with a pig the only thing that happens is you both end up covered in shit - but the pig enjoys it."
I'd rather the Dems take the high road. But you're right, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17 every right wing evangelical would have blamed it on Hilary's bad parenting. I'm curious now how the evangelicals will view Palin as a working mother with high ambitions, especially one with children who in many ways "need" her right now. They hated Hilary for it.
Let's put it out there: there is nothing shameful about a 16 year old getting pregnant. It is common and understandable. What is not understandable is that adults should feel withholding education about biology and birth control is a good idea.
In fact, that does point up Palin's hypocrisy: she said creationism should be taught in schools along with evolution: "Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both." If that's what she believes, then there's nothing wrong with education on both abstinence AND birth control, right?
Palin almost certainly never got that call you fabricated ... what kid would ever make such a call ... so how can you say she "failed the first test, the 3AM phone call" ?
I agree with you on the privacy issue ... I just think you're being abusive because you can be abusive here with impunity. Your point about "the 3AM phone call" has nothing whatsoever to do with the issues at hand.
Stick to the real issues -- there's plenty of meat there. When you take on such a vindictive, abusive tone, you start to sound like some neandethal Republican -- which I'm pretty sure you're not. but, sometimes you do seem to emulate those guys here on Archinect.
actually on diane reehm today there were republicans spinning the positive's of teenage pregnancy...the real point is that she has pushed this abstinance only agenda and it has personally not worked in her family's case. so, the question is...if you are prolife and are in palin's words "proud that our daughter is keeping the baby" why would you promote abstinance??? you should be promoting unprotected sex in the back of compact cars, unprotected teenage sex in the governor's mansion, unprotected sex everywhere...
Archmed, they could be talking about real fiscal conservative policy (bush only got it half right), but they got no mitt (nice freakin' pick, McChange)
congrats to Obama/Biden
the optimist in me sees this as a good set up for Romney 2012!
My real worry at this point is that the firestorm of criticism will run Sarah Palin out of town.....and they'll have a do-over with Mitt Romney in the VP slot.
So, please, media, go a bit easy on Sarah Palin. She's great for the democrats.
"Teen pregnancy is the best decision that teen women can make during their high school years! It's the best way to keep them out of college, keep them at home and groom them to be the next great generation of housewives."
digger, I get your point too, but the 3AM phone call scenario reminds me of this:
vado, I was listening to Diane Rheim this morning also. At one point she or one of her guests said "Picture Sarah Palin sitting across a table from Vladimir Putin" Is that an image that is easy to process? Or one that scares the crap out of you?
I mean I know Palin can shoot a wolf from a plane, but I doubt she'd be allowed to fly over Putin.
scares the crap out of me too ... but I see no reason to be abusive about facts that clearly are not in evidence ... or abusive for any particular reason at all.
if we want a debate, let's have a civil debate on the important issues ... seems to me that's what Obama's been promoting all along. however, if we simply want to engage in abuse and name-calling, what's the point?
You're right, digger, we should argue the issues. Which i do think is what Obama has been trying to do, honestly.
I misread, it turns out Palin hasn't shot wolves from a plane, but she did institute a bounty on wolves, including those shot from the air (apparently without executive authority to do so). So my last post was misinformed.
Also, just one more little personal dig, because I'm hoping the designer-ey group here will like it: I read on a blog comment thread that Palin is "an example of what happens when you let a straight person decide your hairstyle" ROFLMAO!!!! (Her hair is bad, really.)
OK, so back to taxes and the economy and the war...
digger, my point about the 3am phone call is this; here is a woman, a mother, and now a grandmother, spewing - yes espousing POV's such Creationism, and Pro-life agenda to the point of preventing women their own private moment - the kinds of things she has been known to spew, points to a larger issue, her head either burried in the sand, up her ass, and therby missing the proverbial 3am call. then to top it off she compounds the lie, and adds a shotgun wedding to the mix, to an 18 year old that seems like a winner. please tell me on what planet does any 18 year old guy ever decide that marrying a girl he "knocks up" is ever ready for marriage, let alone being a father, fuck i am barely ready.
I like her hair. And her glasses. Whatever, I probably have bad hair too. I mean, I decided how my hair looks, and I'm straight! That's a low blow coming from you, lb. :o(
And the more we talk about how she looks, the more we fall into the "sexism trap" that all the PUMAs claim existed for Hillary. Have we once talked about McCain's hair? Or Biden's? Or Obama's? No. Let's stick to all of the actual reasons that she's bad for the job, and when the Repubs start slinging the mud, I have no doubt that Obama will call them out for it, as he has done so well for the majority of the campaign.
I agree with you, liberty bell, Obama should not lie down with the pigs. I didn't bring up my point to say that the Dems should now play dirty, rather to point out a dynamic here at Archinect (and the country at large), where the "let's have a reasonable debate" rule is applied only when it's convenient to apply it. Hypocrisy isn't always were you expect it.
" but I see no reason to be abusive about facts that clearly are not in evidence ... or abusive for any particular reason at all.
if we want a debate, let's have a civil debate on the important issues ... seems to me that's what Obama's been promoting all along. however, if we simply want to engage in abuse and name-calling, what's the point?"
yes, digger, I couldn't agree more, but go back and read some of the bile directed at Clinton on the old threads, or read some of the stuff that was said about her in the media, then tell, me where the "civil debate" was for her? I tried to call for that on more than one occasion, but apparently some women are more equal than others when it comes to being afforded civility. Every one who posts now makes sure to say that they were "only objecting to Clinton based on her politics"...sure, keep telling yourself that, you might eventually believe it.
emilio -- what's the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right" ?
all I'm saying is that this is where we are now ... let's move forward in a civil, productive, fact-based manner ... let's make this decision on as objective a basis as possible.
vado, the only problem is that personal attacks in this case will backfire. they will make right wingers more excited, give this a culture-wars feeling, sway independents, perhaps hurting Obama.
Above anything, politics is about winning and that means attacking sometimes and threading carefully in other situations.
This woman seems like a nice enough person, but is deeply flawed politician and office-holder, pointing this out is how O will win.
I think y'all need to leave the office more often and meet the rest of the country. Teen pregnancy, using her power to stick it to her brother in law, moose hunting, drunk driving husband, ex-sports anchor, ex-beauty queen ... In the eyes of the constituency they're going for, these are all Good Things. Good as in endearing, humanizing, relatable. This is total Culture War.
I have no doubt that the people in the town in rural maryland that I grew up in absolutely adore her.
I am seriously scared.
(and BTW, Free Ramos, weren't you in love with her, too, about two pages ago? What happened?)
WonderK, I don't think her looks are "fair game" for what kind of policy maker she will be, any more than I think any woman's (or man's ) looks are. But I do think everyone in the public eye is fair game for the occasional joke, otherwise we wouldn't have The Daily Show!
And I am also straight and decided my own hairstyle, which is an admitted disaster, but I don't care what other people think of it (I actually had a boss once ask me to make it look "neater" for a meeting we had in middle America).
I actually think that this may be why McCain will win, this thing reads as a movie. If Palin survives a month of this scrutiny, the narrative will be that she is a surviver, this is a movie plot and it could work.
WonderK, LB, people have been talking about and making fun of Biden for his plugs, so male politicians also get their looks scrutinized.
Geez everybody has gone in less than 300 posts from talking about how horrible of a pick this was and how big of a mistake it was to now being scared stiff that this portends a win for McCain. What happened? Thinking like that will win the election for McCain.
I agree 4arch. This may be invigorating the Republican base, but it is also reinvigorating the left leaning independents like myself to vote for Obama. Obama's move to the center and his Biden pick irks me...I was willing to sit it out or vote for Nader again just out of principle (I have voted for Nader every time except the last time). Now, though, I am voting Obama...no way I want this Hooters waitress who took advantage of some hookups to be president...she can even feign presidential.
I also visited my dad in the north texas republican land of Plano and while he will still vote for McCain (thinks Obama wants his money - that is it) although his wife is disgusted at the Palin pick and is going to vote for Obama...she is a lifelong right wing bible thumper who thinks Palin is a twit.
Yes, it's true, it is important to keep a sense of humor. But these are murky waters and we must tread carefully or else we are going to get sucked down the drain with the rest of the bottom feeders. At least that lady in the picture will be ready, even if we aren't! (And that, my friends, is called taking the metaphor full circle)
Elimelech, speaking of funny, that blog you posted is hilarious.
Incidentally, my problems with Hillary Clinton were not her policies or initiatives, it was the things she said on the campaign trail that led me to believe that she would say absolutely anything to get elected. Add to that her questionable associates and history of receiving contributions from powerful lobbies, and of course, the whole issue of perpetuating the dynasty in American politics, and we just had to break the cycle. I think the reason we're all harping on Sarah Palin's looks, her kids, and whatever is because this is the first look we've ever had at her. Hillary has been around for years, and Palin showed up, uh, basically last week. And now all of the sudden we're supposed to think she'd be good at the Vice Presidency? All signs point to NO.
Todd Palin was a member of the Alaska Secession Party from 1996-2002. He became a Republican when his wife ran for mayor of Wasilla. (A race that she handily won 616 to 413. One thousand twenty nine people voted all told.)
Alaska Secession Party is in support of the idea of Alaska seceding from the US. That means, at one time, our potential vice president's husband (and possibly our potential vice president) were traitors to their own country.
Ok, maybe I am a litle pissy today, but it pisses me off that people think a 40 something year old woman, what is she 45?, cant have a baby, and that it must be her 17 y.o.'s kid instead of hers.
I cant even get my thoughts organised its got me so disgusted. Seriously. There was a woman in India that just gave birth, she was 72. And its a fact that the risk of Downs Syndrome goes up with the age of the mother.
Lots of women have babies when they're older. It'd be one thing if Palin was 60, but 40s? Really?
sarah is age the issue? it was never for me, my understanding of this - and what gives me pause is supposedly she was on a plane from houston to anchorage [8 hrs with a stop-over in seattle] and her water broke and the airline wasn't notified. and coincidentally bristol was held out of school for 4 months with mono exactly at the same time. i admit im a sucker for a conspiracy theory but....
mighty, I kinda think the way Bristol is holding that baby is just the way a woman holds a baby. It's physical: prominent hips become handy when one has a baby! Every baby I pick up I do the "baby dance" - swaying, rocking, cooing, etc. It's just natural.
I give no credence to the theory that Trig is Bristol's baby but! the way Sarah Palin handled her delivery was not only questionable from a health standpoint, but flat-out bizarre. i think that has helped fuel a lot of the rumors. I mean, Sarah Hamilton: can you imagine once your labor started making the decision to hop on a plane for over eight hours?!? But I have to temper my criticism of her delivery decisions because I, selfishly some would say, demanded to walk to the delivery room instead of drive or take a cab. Pregnant women do odd things, but I do think the level of oddity on Palin's delivery was pretty dang high.
sure LB, but you're presumably a classy and successful mom already! not all 16yo girls are that handy with a baby.
plenty of women do NOT hold even their own kids that way, from what i see down at the park.
in fact just yesterday, i saw a family crossing the ON-RAMP FOR THE FREEWAY and the mom was holding the baby upside down, playing with him as she walked. ACROSS THE ON-RAMP FOR THE FREEWAY!!!!!
now i'm all for kind, veggie friendly driving and sharing the road with peds and being slow and deliberate and all that safety shit but this was beyond the pall!
Sarah Palin???
digger, then you are missing the larger point here. this family desires privacy in a moment of family "crisis" yet this candidate believes that other women, women for whatever reason; means, choice, rape or incest, should NOT have privacy. privacy between a doctor and patient.
no matter how you cut it, this is a political issue, Palin's judgment and Mc Cain's judgment are at issue.
Yes, beta, let's talk about the HYPOCRISY of Palin's actions, and the hypocrisy of giving her a break on that issue.
hy·poc·ri·sy: –noun, plural -sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.
republicans will never overturn roe v. wade because they'll lose the last thing they can hold sway over voters. they'd never turn out as many people for any election.
I've never made personal attacks on Clinton, only criticized some of the politics and the issues...
Emilio, if Chelsea had gotten pregnant at 17, it would be precisely the same issue. People, the media, the blogosphere would try to turn that into a personal controversy, but it would be just a distraction from the real issues at stake in the election.
I am taking this as a strategic point. Clinton and Obama are on the same side here, most Obama supporters would have voted for Clinton if she had won. The republicans are baiting, this is the game they play... The rants against Palin are there, the internet, the media is going to have a field day as it is, so what good comes from the democratic party, or the Obama campaign making this an issue.
Disappointed Clinton supporters like to say that it was the Obama campaign that used dirty tactics to attack Clinton, but I don't think that is true, Obama has always said only positive things about her. If anything, it was the right wing media which has always been vicious against her.
Putting out ads about her health care plan is not the same thing as putting out ads about her child with an underage pregnancy... Or ads about connections to a controversial reverend wright soundbite for that matter... Lets not go there, it won't win...
the problem is that the parents didnt listen to right music and so their kid never heard this pregnancy prevention TuNe!...
Emilio, I hear your point, but this weekend I also heard someone address exactly this question with the old saying "You fight with a pig the only thing that happens is you both end up covered in shit - but the pig enjoys it."
I'd rather the Dems take the high road. But you're right, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17 every right wing evangelical would have blamed it on Hilary's bad parenting. I'm curious now how the evangelicals will view Palin as a working mother with high ambitions, especially one with children who in many ways "need" her right now. They hated Hilary for it.
Let's put it out there: there is nothing shameful about a 16 year old getting pregnant. It is common and understandable. What is not understandable is that adults should feel withholding education about biology and birth control is a good idea.
In fact, that does point up Palin's hypocrisy: she said creationism should be taught in schools along with evolution: "Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both." If that's what she believes, then there's nothing wrong with education on both abstinence AND birth control, right?
Now that "conservative moral values" are off the table, what will the GOP talk about now?
The great legacy of George W Bush?
Seriously. What will they talk about?
no beta ... you're missing my point.
Palin almost certainly never got that call you fabricated ... what kid would ever make such a call ... so how can you say she "failed the first test, the 3AM phone call" ?
I agree with you on the privacy issue ... I just think you're being abusive because you can be abusive here with impunity. Your point about "the 3AM phone call" has nothing whatsoever to do with the issues at hand.
Stick to the real issues -- there's plenty of meat there. When you take on such a vindictive, abusive tone, you start to sound like some neandethal Republican -- which I'm pretty sure you're not. but, sometimes you do seem to emulate those guys here on Archinect.
Nobody really thinks Palin is in the same league as Clinton...
actually on diane reehm today there were republicans spinning the positive's of teenage pregnancy...the real point is that she has pushed this abstinance only agenda and it has personally not worked in her family's case. so, the question is...if you are prolife and are in palin's words "proud that our daughter is keeping the baby" why would you promote abstinance??? you should be promoting unprotected sex in the back of compact cars, unprotected teenage sex in the governor's mansion, unprotected sex everywhere...
Archmed, they could be talking about real fiscal conservative policy (bush only got it half right), but they got no mitt (nice freakin' pick, McChange)
congrats to Obama/Biden
the optimist in me sees this as a good set up for Romney 2012!
My real worry at this point is that the firestorm of criticism will run Sarah Palin out of town.....and they'll have a do-over with Mitt Romney in the VP slot.
So, please, media, go a bit easy on Sarah Palin. She's great for the democrats.
Republican Reaction to Palin's bombshell:
"Teen pregnancy is the best decision that teen women can make during their high school years! It's the best way to keep them out of college, keep them at home and groom them to be the next great generation of housewives."
digger, I get your point too, but the 3AM phone call scenario reminds me of this:
vado, I was listening to Diane Rheim this morning also. At one point she or one of her guests said "Picture Sarah Palin sitting across a table from Vladimir Putin" Is that an image that is easy to process? Or one that scares the crap out of you?
I mean I know Palin can shoot a wolf from a plane, but I doubt she'd be allowed to fly over Putin.
scares the crap out of me too ... but I see no reason to be abusive about facts that clearly are not in evidence ... or abusive for any particular reason at all.
if we want a debate, let's have a civil debate on the important issues ... seems to me that's what Obama's been promoting all along. however, if we simply want to engage in abuse and name-calling, what's the point?
You're right, digger, we should argue the issues. Which i do think is what Obama has been trying to do, honestly.
I misread, it turns out Palin hasn't shot wolves from a plane, but she did institute a bounty on wolves, including those shot from the air (apparently without executive authority to do so). So my last post was misinformed.
Also, just one more little personal dig, because I'm hoping the designer-ey group here will like it: I read on a blog comment thread that Palin is "an example of what happens when you let a straight person decide your hairstyle" ROFLMAO!!!! (Her hair is bad, really.)
OK, so back to taxes and the economy and the war...
digger, my point about the 3am phone call is this; here is a woman, a mother, and now a grandmother, spewing - yes espousing POV's such Creationism, and Pro-life agenda to the point of preventing women their own private moment - the kinds of things she has been known to spew, points to a larger issue, her head either burried in the sand, up her ass, and therby missing the proverbial 3am call. then to top it off she compounds the lie, and adds a shotgun wedding to the mix, to an 18 year old that seems like a winner. please tell me on what planet does any 18 year old guy ever decide that marrying a girl he "knocks up" is ever ready for marriage, let alone being a father, fuck i am barely ready.
I like her hair. And her glasses. Whatever, I probably have bad hair too. I mean, I decided how my hair looks, and I'm straight! That's a low blow coming from you, lb. :o(
And the more we talk about how she looks, the more we fall into the "sexism trap" that all the PUMAs claim existed for Hillary. Have we once talked about McCain's hair? Or Biden's? Or Obama's? No. Let's stick to all of the actual reasons that she's bad for the job, and when the Repubs start slinging the mud, I have no doubt that Obama will call them out for it, as he has done so well for the majority of the campaign.
extra ouch....
This should keep it funny:
I agree with you, liberty bell, Obama should not lie down with the pigs. I didn't bring up my point to say that the Dems should now play dirty, rather to point out a dynamic here at Archinect (and the country at large), where the "let's have a reasonable debate" rule is applied only when it's convenient to apply it. Hypocrisy isn't always were you expect it.
" but I see no reason to be abusive about facts that clearly are not in evidence ... or abusive for any particular reason at all.
if we want a debate, let's have a civil debate on the important issues ... seems to me that's what Obama's been promoting all along. however, if we simply want to engage in abuse and name-calling, what's the point?"
yes, digger, I couldn't agree more, but go back and read some of the bile directed at Clinton on the old threads, or read some of the stuff that was said about her in the media, then tell, me where the "civil debate" was for her? I tried to call for that on more than one occasion, but apparently some women are more equal than others when it comes to being afforded civility. Every one who posts now makes sure to say that they were "only objecting to Clinton based on her politics"...sure, keep telling yourself that, you might eventually believe it.
emilio -- what's the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right" ?
all I'm saying is that this is where we are now ... let's move forward in a civil, productive, fact-based manner ... let's make this decision on as objective a basis as possible.
i am all for personal attacks, low blows and insults in politics. politics is personal...
Yea, well, digger, there's another old saying: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."
vado, the only problem is that personal attacks in this case will backfire. they will make right wingers more excited, give this a culture-wars feeling, sway independents, perhaps hurting Obama.
Above anything, politics is about winning and that means attacking sometimes and threading carefully in other situations.
This woman seems like a nice enough person, but is deeply flawed politician and office-holder, pointing this out is how O will win.
I think y'all need to leave the office more often and meet the rest of the country. Teen pregnancy, using her power to stick it to her brother in law, moose hunting, drunk driving husband, ex-sports anchor, ex-beauty queen ... In the eyes of the constituency they're going for, these are all Good Things. Good as in endearing, humanizing, relatable. This is total Culture War.
I have no doubt that the people in the town in rural maryland that I grew up in absolutely adore her.
I am seriously scared.
(and BTW, Free Ramos, weren't you in love with her, too, about two pages ago? What happened?)
Anyone thinking that the Palin pick is a republican effort to throw the election and regroup for 2012?
I'm not big on conspiracy theories but would be surprised if something similar hasn't been tried before in the past.
WonderK, I don't think her looks are "fair game" for what kind of policy maker she will be, any more than I think any woman's (or man's ) looks are. But I do think everyone in the public eye is fair game for the occasional joke, otherwise we wouldn't have The Daily Show!
And I am also straight and decided my own hairstyle, which is an admitted disaster, but I don't care what other people think of it (I actually had a boss once ask me to make it look "neater" for a meeting we had in middle America).
aquapura: isn't that the plot for Chris Rock's movie:
I actually think that this may be why McCain will win, this thing reads as a movie. If Palin survives a month of this scrutiny, the narrative will be that she is a surviver, this is a movie plot and it could work.
WonderK, LB, people have been talking about and making fun of Biden for his plugs, so male politicians also get their looks scrutinized.
Geez everybody has gone in less than 300 posts from talking about how horrible of a pick this was and how big of a mistake it was to now being scared stiff that this portends a win for McCain. What happened? Thinking like that will win the election for McCain.
I agree 4arch. This may be invigorating the Republican base, but it is also reinvigorating the left leaning independents like myself to vote for Obama. Obama's move to the center and his Biden pick irks me...I was willing to sit it out or vote for Nader again just out of principle (I have voted for Nader every time except the last time). Now, though, I am voting Obama...no way I want this Hooters waitress who took advantage of some hookups to be president...she can even feign presidential.
I also visited my dad in the north texas republican land of Plano and while he will still vote for McCain (thinks Obama wants his money - that is it) although his wife is disgusted at the Palin pick and is going to vote for Obama...she is a lifelong right wing bible thumper who thinks Palin is a twit.
*she can't*
edit post feature please---for the love of yahweh!!!!
Come on, chupacabra - that's totally photoshopped. At least I sincerely hope so.
of course...but there are others with her acting to that basic image...that is the point...hey...it is Ruch who stated, "we have a babe on our ticket"
Rush...damn these pork fingers of mine....DAMN THEM!!!
That picture....it can't be real....please.
Yes, it's true, it is important to keep a sense of humor. But these are murky waters and we must tread carefully or else we are going to get sucked down the drain with the rest of the bottom feeders. At least that lady in the picture will be ready, even if we aren't! (And that, my friends, is called taking the metaphor full circle)
Elimelech, speaking of funny, that blog you posted is hilarious.
Incidentally, my problems with Hillary Clinton were not her policies or initiatives, it was the things she said on the campaign trail that led me to believe that she would say absolutely anything to get elected. Add to that her questionable associates and history of receiving contributions from powerful lobbies, and of course, the whole issue of perpetuating the dynasty in American politics, and we just had to break the cycle. I think the reason we're all harping on Sarah Palin's looks, her kids, and whatever is because this is the first look we've ever had at her. Hillary has been around for years, and Palin showed up, uh, basically last week. And now all of the sudden we're supposed to think she'd be good at the Vice Presidency? All signs point to NO.
Chupe, you should've dropped by.
is that Levi in the background up there?!?
FWIW - i still think that Trig is Bristol's kid, and that they'll come out in a couple of weeks and announce that Bristol had a "miscarriage."
if you look at the way Bristol is holding Trig at one of the Press Con's in Daytona, it looks much more like mom/son than sister/brother.
just making totally unbiased value judgments here...don't mind me!
Todd Palin was a member of the Alaska Secession Party from 1996-2002. He became a Republican when his wife ran for mayor of Wasilla. (A race that she handily won 616 to 413. One thousand twenty nine people voted all told.)
Alaska Secession Party is in support of the idea of Alaska seceding from the US. That means, at one time, our potential vice president's husband (and possibly our potential vice president) were traitors to their own country.
Sorry, he became an undeclared when his wife ran for mayor......
yeah - SP was also in the AIP i hear.
this is the pic i was talking about above:
call me crazy, but that's how moms hold their sons. sure, bristol has a bunch of little siblings, i understand. like i said, call me crazy.
here is the link mightylittle....
Ok, maybe I am a litle pissy today, but it pisses me off that people think a 40 something year old woman, what is she 45?, cant have a baby, and that it must be her 17 y.o.'s kid instead of hers.
I cant even get my thoughts organised its got me so disgusted. Seriously. There was a woman in India that just gave birth, she was 72. And its a fact that the risk of Downs Syndrome goes up with the age of the mother.
Lots of women have babies when they're older. It'd be one thing if Palin was 60, but 40s? Really?
i might think little Trig is Bristol's, SH, but not because i don't think the Governor could have borne another kid of her own!
"Lots of women have babies when they're older. It'd be one thing if Palin was 60, but 40s? Really?"
From my wife who delivers babies for a living...yes...that is dangerously old...for the baby and the mother.
sarah is age the issue? it was never for me, my understanding of this - and what gives me pause is supposedly she was on a plane from houston to anchorage [8 hrs with a stop-over in seattle] and her water broke and the airline wasn't notified. and coincidentally bristol was held out of school for 4 months with mono exactly at the same time. i admit im a sucker for a conspiracy theory but....
mighty, I kinda think the way Bristol is holding that baby is just the way a woman holds a baby. It's physical: prominent hips become handy when one has a baby! Every baby I pick up I do the "baby dance" - swaying, rocking, cooing, etc. It's just natural.
I give no credence to the theory that Trig is Bristol's baby but! the way Sarah Palin handled her delivery was not only questionable from a health standpoint, but flat-out bizarre. i think that has helped fuel a lot of the rumors. I mean, Sarah Hamilton: can you imagine once your labor started making the decision to hop on a plane for over eight hours?!? But I have to temper my criticism of her delivery decisions because I, selfishly some would say, demanded to walk to the delivery room instead of drive or take a cab. Pregnant women do odd things, but I do think the level of oddity on Palin's delivery was pretty dang high.
sure LB, but you're presumably a classy and successful mom already! not all 16yo girls are that handy with a baby.
plenty of women do NOT hold even their own kids that way, from what i see down at the park.
in fact just yesterday, i saw a family crossing the ON-RAMP FOR THE FREEWAY and the mom was holding the baby upside down, playing with him as she walked. ACROSS THE ON-RAMP FOR THE FREEWAY!!!!!
now i'm all for kind, veggie friendly driving and sharing the road with peds and being slow and deliberate and all that safety shit but this was beyond the pall!
There are a lot of fishy circumstances around that pregnancy involving both her and her daughter. None of them had to do with age.
damn. they stole my link.
frigging bots.
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