
Sarah Palin???


Palin hates polar bears too. According to NPR, they were recently placed on the endangered species list after 9 studies all said they were getting screwed by climage change (which isn't caused by humans according to her). So now she's appealing and trying to get them taken off the list.

Sep 3, 08 12:29 pm  · 

it is the party of racists, representatives from Arizona are getting busted for being NeoNazi rally speakers, what does McCain have to say about this?

Sep 3, 08 12:29 pm  · 

virtual flags are SO patriotic.

Sep 3, 08 12:30 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

yes they are different - i don't know why

but (as i said in the greek temple obama thread) i'd like all of you, at least on this issue, to BE OBJECTIVE. i think it's hilarious how much the political parties have swayed architects and designers critical eye.

bottom line - if you showed a photo of both stage sets prior to the convention (without any of those old, evil white people in the audience), 99.9% of you would choose the republican set as the better design. and probably 99.9% of you would have guessed the clean, modern set was for the democratic convention.

Sep 3, 08 12:30 pm  · 

how old and white is Free Ramos and Compean , do you think?

he is out of place in the architectural community that is for sure.

Sep 3, 08 12:31 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Anti: it is the party of racists ..

oh give me a fucking break already

so fucking tired

Sep 3, 08 12:32 pm  · 

FRC what would it take for you to really speak your bigoted mind or shut up?

Sep 3, 08 12:34 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i'm not the one using race here, anti

Sep 3, 08 12:35 pm  · 

'your party IS" :D LOL

please defend

Sep 3, 08 12:35 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

and i very clearly spoke my mind regarding design issues of the convention stage sets

i prefer the clean, modern option

yeah, i'm really out of place in the architecture community

Sep 3, 08 12:36 pm  · 

Anti, so I guess you don't think Obama is a "race traitor" anymore? And you are OK with the fact that McCain didn't pick a "gook" for VP? (your words, not mine)

Free, I honestly don't know what I would think, because we keep seeing the sets from different angles because of the TV cameras. Honestly TV distorts everything. I feel like the spaces look small but the reality is that they are probably smaller. What are we not seeing? I would love some pictures of it from somebody on the floor....

Oh look, I can search Flickr.....

I think I actually like it.

Sep 3, 08 12:40 pm  · 
vado retro

so lieberman is a democrat who believes in compromise and reaching out, but apparently he is unable to do that within his own party. he should be politically garrotted. but obama won't do this because he doesn't want to seem to hold a grudge or get any payback. is there a third party to vote for?

Sep 3, 08 12:42 pm  · 

Incidentally, a quick search on Flickr for "RNC" didn't yield anything for me. Go figure.

Sep 3, 08 12:42 pm  · 
vado retro

and what about those democrats wearing two button single vented suits with pleated pants rather than prada? wtf? is up with that...

Sep 3, 08 12:43 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

computer rendering

gulf coast governors

Sep 3, 08 12:45 pm  · 
A couple of quick Google searches and some algebra, and voila... in fact, over 5X as many people voted for Obama in 2004 than there are people in the entire state of Alaska. So Obama may not have the executive decision making experience but his decisions affect a hell of a lot more people than any decision Palin has made.

So are you saying that any politician from a state with a small population isn't qualified to be part of the executive branch of gov't? If I reacall correctly Bill Clinton was gov of Arkansas which is a fairly small state, but Bush was gov of Texas, the second most populous.

I'm not here to defend Sarah Palin, but I do want to defend the constitution and the representative republic that it created. It's an insult to all those people in "fly over" country to say population matters, and why the founders gave each state two senators regardless of population. By qualifying how many constitutients a politician represented as experience is basically saying IL is more important than AK because more people live there. Not accusing you of saying that, but that's how I read it.

Sep 3, 08 12:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

FRaC: I can't bring myself to watch the convention - either of them* - so I didn't see either set well enough to make a judgment on it. But as far as being objective: I can objectively analyze the republican platform and see that there are so many issues about which they are opposite my views that there is no way in hell I would vote for them.

Which makes the concern about the failures of the two-party system so legitimate (and yeah, I'm jacking the current discussion): I have voted in 5 presidential elections and have been voting against someone I disliked rather than for someone I liked in 4 of them. I *think*, with Obama, I'm voting more or less for someone, but I'm also very definitely trying to keep McCain from winning this time. I potentially would have voted for him in 2000, but he's reversed himself in every important way since then and shown his true stripes as someone who wants to get elected, methods and country be damned.

Which is why I'm so infuriated (again) at Palin: when I heard he'd selected a woman, my immediate visceral reaction was "That bastard, he's pandering to women and using a cheap tactic to get elected". But! If I'd later learned that the selection was Christine Todd Whitman, I would have actually been a little excited, because it would at least have given a smart, experienced, well-deserving woman a chance to move up to the highest office. I don't want to say I would want him the then die, I won't go that far, but if she had become president I could have potentially been excited.

Instead McCain picked a cheerleader. Who apparently is doing her cheerleading job just fantastically, and thus diminishing women's achievements in this country by decades.

Anti, I think calling FRaC a bigot is being harsh, that's a pretty big accusation based on some online postings.

* I did listen to 75% of Barack's speech form across the room.

Sep 3, 08 12:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, what's that disco-ey octopus thingy you posted?

The rendering with the flag is lovely, and yet another instance of renderings being completely misleading.

Sep 3, 08 12:53 pm  · 

liberty, on one of the morning shows today -- I think it was Good Morning America -- they interviewed Geraldine Ferraro about the selection of Palin. I think you should try to find the clip, it's interesting!

Sep 3, 08 12:53 pm  · 

dudes that place is small and dead

echo.... echo..

the wanna be fascist party is a joke

Sep 3, 08 12:55 pm  · 

your right Liberty Bell he is worse than that. not that I would call him that name or any other but will and would call out his actions as such.

Sep 3, 08 12:59 pm  · 

LB - I agree on the failures of the 2 party system. I've mentioned that on other threads enough and won't repeat. Personally I've voted in 3 presidential elections, this will be #4. In the first two I was voting against someone and by the thrid I got enlightened and voted 3rd party. Feels much better to vote my conscious and will be doing the same this November.

As for your comments about preferring Whitman over Palin, that just sounds like a partisian comment based on the political differences between the two. What would you say about an Elizabeth Dole or Condi Rice pick, two females that are known to have more conservative leanings than Whitman? I don't disagree that the Palin pick was pandering to certian voters, but what VP pick isn't pandering?

Sep 3, 08 1:04 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

what actions, Anti?

Sep 3, 08 1:11 pm  · 

The sets are prefect...the democratic set reaches out to the audience but is large, over-designed, and expensive. On the other hand, the republican set is distant, exclusive, and surprisingly under-stated while still reminding you who is in control of whom.

Sep 3, 08 1:36 pm  · 

Vote Pirate Party! at least in EU 09 :)

human rights never to be denied, ideas not to be owned by lifeless entities, renegotiate copyrights and eliminate patents. The corporation is not a person.

Sep 3, 08 1:41 pm  · 
el jeffe

palin at church three months ago, part 1.

part 2.

Sep 3, 08 1:55 pm  · 
el jeffe

let's try this.

Sep 3, 08 1:57 pm  · 
el jeffe

it's too early in the day for scotch but i may have to make an exception...

Sep 3, 08 1:59 pm  · 

as somebody living in a flyover state, there is a reason to fly over them. Richard Florida was proven correct. yes,
IL is more important than AK because more people live there

except when you look at how much oil is available to destroy the global climate...

at least palin doesn't have the record of failure, being awol, or personal addiction as the current pres.... (at least for now.)

I'm just happy that Pawlenty is staying in MN for now. LT Gov Molnau is about as competent as 'heck-of-a-job browney'

Sep 3, 08 2:01 pm  · 

Tk, is Minnesota considered in play for this election?

Sep 3, 08 2:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

aqua, I honestly don't know much about Dole but when I've heard her speak I've been impressed, same with Kay Bailey Hutchison. I was sincerely hoping this election was going to have been between Condi Rice and Hilary Clinton, that would have been an amazing choice!

Whitman was governor in Jersey while I lived in Philly, and I liked everything about her work and persona there. If McCain's main intent was to get a woman on the ticket, she would have been a far more qualified, intelligent, reasonable choice, as would any of the women mentioned above. Instead he picked a Barbie doll.

But again: I despise McCain so much (now, not 8 years ago) that it doesn't matter who he picked to be VP, I'm voting against him.

Sep 3, 08 2:19 pm  · 

Didn't E. Dole recently want to name a AIDS relief bill after Jesse Helms? In '87 Helms described AIDS prevention literature as " so obscene, so revolting, I may throw up."

I think I'm going to throw up.

Sep 3, 08 2:25 pm  · 


Sep 3, 08 2:26 pm  · 

i give up. That woman has me so flustered I can't even post an image correctly right now.

Sep 3, 08 2:27 pm  · 
except when you look at how much oil is available to destroy the global climate...

Typical spin. So the Constitution doesn't matter when it comes to politicians coming from states with oil resources? This is not a Democrat/Republican argument, both parties have had many national politicians rise from states with small populations.

as somebody living in a flyover state, there is a reason to fly over them.

Richard Florida and his "creative class" cities also exist in middle America. I'm sure he'd agree that places like the site of the RNC, St. Paul, is one of those cities. But regardless, it's highly elitist to say flyover states are irrelevant. Problem with the creative class cities is they cannot survive without the resources from "fly over" terriory. For example show me any city that produces enough food to sustain its population. One cannot exist without the other, something I've very aware of each week when I pick up my CSA delivery.

This is the exact Ivory Tower thinking that republicans call the democrats on all the time. I'm all for a political discourse, but elitist and name calling comments doesn't elevate a debate.

Sep 3, 08 2:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

I have to say this, relative to nothing currently being discussed: Palin's husband's DUI in his 20s is of absolutely no significance.

I guess I don't want people to think my dislike and distrust of Palin is based on anything so silly. I think the relationship to the secessionists is interesting and funny, but not a big deal (though I don't mind if it turns into one). The whole pregnancy thing, the mothering thing, the bad hair...none of it is really important.

I think her experience level is laughable; her views on abortion, global warming, creationism, and sex education are opposite mine, and her selection tells me McCain - who is who one would be voting for if they voted that way, not her - doesn't care one bit about what's good for the country (Country First! be damned), only what's going to get him elected.

Back to discussing flyover states.

Sep 3, 08 2:39 pm  · 

being elite is a good thing.

Sep 3, 08 2:41 pm  · 

LB - if you say Kay Bailey Hutchison has "impressed" you I'd say you are less partisan than 99.99% of people on archinect, as she's a Texas Republican, two words that don't go over too well around here.

I don't know much about Whitman, but agree that McCain could've picked a better female running mate if that's what his intent was. All the blow-up over Palin has me thinking this is going to end up similar to Harriet Miers. One certinaly cannot complain about the action of this presidential race.

Sep 3, 08 2:42 pm  · 

i lived under the shadow cast by christie todd whitman's gubernatorial administration.

two word summary: POLICE STATE

Sep 3, 08 2:50 pm  · 

this just in:

NYTimes from the McCain arrival to St.Paul to meet the Palins.

they even trotted out the ol' redneck himself - Levi Johnston.

they really are an all-american family. and god bless them for it.

why is gov. palin NEVER holding her own baby?

Sep 3, 08 2:55 pm  · 
vado retro

did you know that a 72 year old man has a 1 in 3 chance of living until 80. those are actuary table facts. i wonder if it figures in if you are president and have all the free healthcare you;ll ever need. mc cain could ve chosen heather wilson from new mexico hell she was even an officer in the air force.

Sep 3, 08 2:57 pm  · 
vado retro

although i still wouldn't vote for her here's the bio of HeAtHeRwIlSoN congresswoman from new mexico. and she's only four years older than sarah. she wasn't a sportscaster though.

Sep 3, 08 3:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

aqua, I should qualify my statements and say that I'm speaking in emotional terms: Hutchison "impresses" me with her intelligence, snappiness, and fire. That's something I admit to liking about Texans. (Bush doesn't have that fire, he's a scared little kid.)

Yes, she's an oil republican, but she seems smart and capable. Nancy Pelosi, for example, is a Democratic woman but I can't bear to listen to/watch her. She strikes me as slimy, much as Hilary did late in the campaign (and I so deeply wanted to love Hilary - i ached to love her - but it didn't work out).

I respect people, especially women, who have made achievements against difficult odds.

I can and probably should be lambasted for this from both sides, but Palin strikes me as neither very smart nor capable of much beyond self-preservation (which is a skill Alaskans really must have), but rather a woman who has made achievements based on her looks and personality. And yes, they say we hate most in others what we see in ourselves: guilty.

mightylittle, what about Whitman causes you to use "police state" in talking about her? I know she frisked that kid and did some other dumb police-related things, but that was just bad PR more than bad policy, no?

Jesus, poor Levi Johnson. What a crappy situation to be in. But then again, maybe he likes it.

Sep 3, 08 3:17 pm  · 

really want to know LB? it's a bit of a story...

Sep 3, 08 4:03 pm  · 

Levi's Myspace page: On the part where it asks about children, he wrote, "I don't want kids."

from one of his 7 myspace pages

this kid loves FOX ;)

Sep 3, 08 4:20 pm  · 


People create the places they live in. If folks in the flyover states want to be more relevant and contribute to the larger culture (other then Target and Scotch Tape), they can make that happen. there is no need for the citizens of these places to be so parochial or provincial. There is a bigger world out there and I just wish that all those folks would remember that. there are no bobos in paradise in Minnesota

As the state that elected Jesse Ventura to be the governor, yes the state is still in play.

If being intellectual is being elitist, then elitism is good. I just don't understand the republican's fascination with stupid candidate - ie W and McSame/trophy veep.

Sep 3, 08 4:21 pm  · 
So are you saying that any politician from a state with a small population isn't qualified to be part of the executive branch of gov't? If I reacall correctly Bill Clinton was gov of Arkansas which is a fairly small state, but Bush was gov of Texas, the second most populous....It's an insult to all those people in "fly over" country to say population matters, and why the founders gave each state two senators regardless of population. By qualifying how many constitutients a politician represented as experience is basically saying IL is more important than AK because more people live there. Not accusing you of saying that, but that's how I read it.

First of all aqua, who died and made you Partisan Police? Standing in judgment and pointing fingers at everyone else - ranking Archinect members on their percentage of partisanship, really? - makes you no better than the lunatic religious wing-nuts who I am voting against.

Second of all, if you do a search, you'll find that Illinois was ranked as the #1 state in the country which most accurately reflects the demographic make-up of the entire United States. Illinois is America. So if you call the 27% who voted for Keyes in 2004 the, ahem, lunatic wing-nuts, you've got a pretty diverse group of people voting for Obama.

And yes, it's bigger, and yes, its transportation infrastructure and manufacturing industry mean a lot more to the union than Alaska does. (Without oil, of course.) Alaska is 4 hours by plane and climatically TOTALLY different from the nearest part of the continental 48. Fly-over state? No, it's a fly-OUT state. Out of touch? I've been there and I'd say yes. You?

Sep 3, 08 4:27 pm  · 

continuing bristol's baby's name...

hello clitty

Sep 3, 08 4:29 pm  · 

treekiller, i agree about the elitism comment. The republicans don't value stupid cantidates, it is just that they have found a way to make being intelligent a negative quality and being stupid a positive one, it is purely for campaigning purposes and has no usefullness beyond the election cycle. The real question is why do so many voters eat this garbage up? Why do they allow themselves to be convinced graduating at the top fo your class at Harvard is a bad thing.

Sep 3, 08 4:30 pm  · 

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