
Sarah Palin???


oe, it's okay, it's okay! it's over, over, over!

Sep 3, 08 11:28 pm  · 

whooo...this is fully non-substantive, but rudy and judith giuliani are a couple of gargoyles.

Sep 3, 08 11:28 pm  · 

republicans, helping those who help (love?) themselves...

that's why they think it's hilarious to be a community organizer, someone that helps the poor, disadvantaged, sick. because actively engaging community and trying to make it better is a big joke.

now it's time to watch "the last lecture" hopefully a lil more inspirational

Sep 3, 08 11:30 pm  · 
vado retro

oh and since the repubs were so hopped up on gustav heres a fact or two about mccain's votes on KaTrInA independent commision.

Sep 3, 08 11:30 pm  · 

hehe i've always wanted to see des moines--er, akron....haha. whoops. my ignorance on ohio is extensive!

i would tuna, but ol' ken blackwell would put my ballot into an electronic machine, and i don't think it would ever return! is he still kicking around elected office out there?

Sep 3, 08 11:31 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

great speech!

Sep 3, 08 11:32 pm  · 

hehe, great-ly misleading, yes.

Sep 3, 08 11:35 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

and project runway is on in 25 minutes ..

what a perfect night!

Sep 3, 08 11:36 pm  · 

I'm ashamed to admit I'm not sure mfrech. I know he lost his bid for the gubernatorial race though.

Sep 3, 08 11:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

You guys probably missed Daily Show, but they were on fire. Hilarious.

Sep 3, 08 11:37 pm  · 

fair enough, tuna. i'll start packing.

i'll have to catch the daily show rerun tomorrow...

Sep 3, 08 11:38 pm  · 

Me too. It's off to bed for me. I think my heartrate has calmed down enough now to do so. G'night.

Sep 3, 08 11:40 pm  · 

Me too. It's off to bed for me. I think my heartrate has calmed down enough now to do so. G'night.

Sep 3, 08 11:40 pm  · 
vado retro

lb we were on fire here baby!!!

Sep 3, 08 11:42 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

"victory in iraq is finally in sight and he wants to forfeit"

are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?!?

i've never hated someone more in my entire life

Sep 3, 08 11:45 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

clean coal!

see, conservatives and liberals can agree on some things!

Sep 3, 08 11:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i got a feelin that mr. ron paul may get some votes in this election. why not???

Sep 3, 08 11:47 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

along with mr. nader!

vote third party, people!!

Sep 3, 08 11:49 pm  · 


No Beta. Its over. They were never gonna get hills votes. They want middle america. They just got it. People in this country are too fucking stupid to see through the drilling shit. They dont know its suicide. They dont get the numbers, they dont know it wont do a fucking thing to save us. In 2 years gas will be $10 a gallon. We wont have wind, we wont have solar, we wont have geothermal, because the investment and political will will not exist. Trucking fleets will go under, supermarkets will go empty, and half the third world will be killing eachother for a few pounds of rice. And then it will be Isreal and Iran, and Pakistan and India. Russia will take the caucuses and half of eastern europe because they will know we cant to shit about it. You think those two can keep their finger off the button under circumstances like that? Circumstances that are fucking inevitable consequences of the policies theyre promising? Im telling you man, we are all going to fucking die.

Sep 3, 08 11:50 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i agree, we are all going to fucking die

Sep 3, 08 11:54 pm  · 

don't forget about bob barr! he's living la vida libertarian.

Sep 3, 08 11:55 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

and that constitionalist dude too!

oh god, 2 minutes to project runway

hasta la vista!

Sep 3, 08 11:58 pm  · 

I love this thread! oe don't be a naysayer! Everybody I talk to agrees with beta....and I'm still cautiously optimistic.

I'm glad you guys had the balls to watch that muck. I couldn't handle it. Wasn't home anyway.

Yay Project Runway!

Sep 4, 08 12:03 am  · 

lb - stewart & co freakin' rocked. I believe they have some clips to show you.

oe - Game over man, game over!

Sep 4, 08 12:23 am  · 
Sep 4, 08 12:35 am  · 
Sep 4, 08 12:45 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

after watching that spectacle of lies i kind of feel like i was fucked by a moose

Sep 4, 08 12:56 am  · 
vado retro

goddamn moosefuckers.

Sep 4, 08 12:58 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

stella got auf'd on runway


Sep 4, 08 1:06 am  · 
Electoral College

Okay oe and mfrech, i think i found something that might put your mind at ease. Look at the link and think about who that Veep speech was aimed at, and then look at the toss up states in play. I think it becomes pretty clear that there are very few toss ups that will go McSames way.

The other thing to consider is that the speech was written for her by McSames people, and that while lipstick may be what separates a pitbull and a hockey mom, you can put lipstick on a pig and it doesn't make it a pageant queen, it's still a pig.

Sep 4, 08 4:20 am  · 

How is it that Republicans can lie through their teeth and smile in their speaches and make the mob of followers cheer and boo on cue like that? Is it me, or does even the audience seem fake?

There's something kindof creepy about a teleprompter read speach with: one punch line and then *pause, and "CHEER!" and then another punch line and then *pause, and "BOOOO!", and then another punch line and then *pause, and "CHEER!", over and over again... It feels a little bit like watching a WWE spectacle... Last night on Fox News I noticed they were actually interviewing a couple WWE celebrities at the convention... It was only towards the end of Palin's speach when I realized why her speech made me cringe so much: it was the eerie similarity of the line by line telepromptering that has an eerie similarity to most of George Bush's speaches... For all we know, it could be written by the same person... Karl Rove... The style sounds eerily similar... The pointed politically positioned lines that when you really examine them have absolutely no evidence, but which she reads off as if they are fact...

The only speach that I thought was well delivered, reasonably genuine and likable was Mike Huckibee... At least he doesn't seem like an angry guy, he seems genuine enough, not a fear mongerer, and he's the one guy in the room of Republican nutjobs that actually gets the joke... The speach was well delivered and he has a sense of humor, even if I completely disagree with his views...

All that shameless pandering to the evangelical base though by the majority of speakers made me throw up in my mouth a bit... But at least it has got to kill the Republicans chances of winning over Hillary voters I would think... Why in the hell would any dedicated Hillary supporter vote for that?

Looking at that room, it's sort of scary the lack of diversity of the place, was it just me, or did everybody look basically the same? Setting aside the whole "predominantly middle aged to old and white" aspect, they had the same sort of glazed over republican zombie eyes... Is it just me that feels like that room was full of plastic people, like something out of the Stepford Wives? There was absolutely no talk of the issues, just lame attack after lame attack and constant stroking John McCain's balls... I'm convinced that George Bush and John and Cindy McCain, and Mitt Romney are really Crab People... And they've replaced Joe Lieberman with Crab People too... At one time, John McCain was a pretty cool guy... But then the Crab people got him...

What's more, I noticed that the media cameras continually zoom in on the one non-white guy in the crowd... Some Indian or Filipino dude, there were only a few of them here and there you could search for them in the crowd and pick them out... And the cameras would also keep zooming in on the same young people in the audience, over and over again... The hot chick up front who coincidentally happens to be wearing a baby sling, carrying her adorable new born baby with a "McCain Country First" button on her chest... I wonder how she got a front row seat?? Really, it was as if the cameras were trying really really hard, in futility to downplay the homogeneity of the place...

I find it laughable whenever the Republicans say that they are the party for the people... How can they represent the people when their party is completely lacking in diversity and when they continually project this "If you're not one of us, you are unpatriotic, and you can go fuck yourself!" attitude... "Frenchy!" Say what you will about the Democrats venue at Mile High Stadium and their *lame styrofoam greek column stage props* (okay fine... so the Democrats rented greek columns made of EIFS), but at least those were real people there, not drones... They're the same people who show up for the Denver Broncos games... There's a reason why the Republicans would never open their convention up to the public like that: because they would need to have riot police with shields and nightsticks on standby in the Milwaukee Brewers locker rooms... Or else they'd have to mass pre-emptive ambush all potential protestors at their homes...

Sep 4, 08 5:05 am  · 

brink, spot on, the cheers seemed more for themselves rather than authentic enthusiasm for the speaker. it's the red meat for the party faithful, there was nothing of substance to the middle class. more sound barks than bites.

Sep 4, 08 6:12 am  · 

sound barks, yes. but sound bites work. i'm scared, because palin's speech was awfully quotable and - while packed with misleading statements - will strike a nerve with a lot of people that won't be interested enough to look deeper.

the republicans are being entertaining. they love to poke fun at dems and giuliani and palin have just shown that they love to play along at poking fun. obviously we'll see how this plays out over the next few weeks but i'm now scared. the republicans want a snarky derision-filled slugfest and the american public in their current cynical mood might just eat it up.

Sep 4, 08 6:47 am  · 
liberty bell

So Palin made a crack about "styrofoam columns"? Woohoo, she supports high quality architecture!! And I guarantee you NO Republicans live in fake styrofoam McMansions!!!!

Sep 4, 08 7:06 am  · 

i agree steven to a degree, but the electoral map seems to have mccain winning the states that her message played to last night, and i don't see that the toss-ups will give him any edge in the general election. last night was one night, and it will get her and mccain through the weekend. wait until she is forced to answer real questions, and not present a speech written for her, it'll be different then. i will admit that the tactic of running against the media and not Obama/Biden does seem more effective, but i think this time the tactic will backfire. there has not been one speaker that addressed the mess this economy is in or has offered a plan for ending endless wars...

Sep 4, 08 7:06 am  · 


i'll give palin credit on one count - she delivered a well done partisan political speech, which is what she was supposed to do. so she didn't write it. who really cares? so she glossed over 50 different 'facts' and half truths, lies, and everything else. did any of us dems really think obama was going to go out and mention jeremiah wright on this kind of stage? of course not.

it's a partisan political event....

breathe deep, take some hope in that joe biden should rip her to shreds in a debate. it doesn't matter how much they prep her, she has yet to prove she can do impromptu well.

and, yes, the dems should officially take the gloves off. in fact, they ought to give hillary some space to take the first shots. all the whining by the repubs is aimed at blunting the inevitable shots, while simultaneously reminding disaffected hillary voters that it's the 'establishment' that has it in for women...

Sep 4, 08 8:43 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm trying my best to breath deep, laru, and invited my ex-pat Oregon neighbors over tonight to have a beer and try to reassure each other.

But it's not just the specter of a McCain presidency that has me worked up, it's the constant strategy of Republicans to appeal to the public's basest instincts and distract the working class with sensationalist talk instead of addressing issues that actually affect their lives. The Repubs know that most Americans are, let's face it, not exceptionally intelligent, so they demonize education, while factory jobs disappear. They know a "kick their ass!" attitude is alive in most people (including me, including everyone!), so they demonize discussion and negotiation in favor of stupid force. They demonize wealth and "the elite" while they themselves are wealthy, privileged, well-connected etc.

I mean I'm not saying anything new here, this is how the Republican party has been operating for 30 years. I'm just astounded, every time, that they are willing to lie and manipulate so blatantly and I'm astounded every time that the Repub base just eats it up no question.

So I guess my constant incredulousness means I'm as stupid as everyone else! "Why is everyone in this handbasket, and where is it going"

Sep 4, 08 8:56 am  · 

Heellllooooo Canada.

Sep 4, 08 8:59 am  · 

from my wife, regarding last night's performance:

And women here seemingly ate it up. Lies, insults, no ideas for education or economy or the environment, just a snarky sorority sister dishing about her opponent. Go figure!

Ms. Beta

Sep 4, 08 9:31 am  · 
vado retro

yes i agree if the rnc is going to use hillary she should be the pitbull in a pantsuit for the dems.

palin will appeal to my aunts and uncles up in salem heights indiana who never would vote for democrat anyway...they have a mentality that they are fighting against the odds in the world and goddamn it if they can do it so can anybody else. of course, my uncle who just retired took one sick day in 28 years! thats great. he loved his job as a mechanic. but they also moved into my grandparents house and lived there the whole time they've been married. it was great in that they didnt need to institutionalize my grandmother etc...but they also face great challenges and obstacles of children who get cancer they march on, they somehow see that the dems are the bad guys in all this. even though my one uncle is named after fdr. my one cousin in all this who married into the creative class has a wife who won't even visit them. she's aloof. they probably see obama as aloof as well.

my brother has a kid in iraq. he thinks its a clusterfuck. he joined for the bonus and to get money to support his love child and to get out of working at walmart. that'll teach him to drop out of college. my brother has been laid off and has been out of work for ages. my niece who in the last election couldn't decide whether to vote for kerry or bush is now in baracks corner. that shows the flipfloppiness of people. just the idea that you could be undecided about two complete opposite befuddles me. but its not uncommon. maybe she'll shift now since her husband likes hockey.

i love all these people and it makes me understand the salt of the earth. i am from that stock and understand them even though i am a versace glasses wearing nordstrom shopping bourgeiousie. i do like feeding my aunt's goats though.

Sep 4, 08 9:34 am  · 

Out of control government spending is what kills the economy. That's what George Bush I did and Bill Clinton righted the ship. Yes, he raised taxes and we eventually created a huge government surplus that began to pay down our massive debt. There's no way to ignore the financial mess that this country is in.

Sarah Palin created a huge deficit in her small home town and tried to use eminent domain to take a piece of land from someone. So much for being a Republican reformer.

Sep 4, 08 9:49 am  · 

No, it is not uncommon. Mind numbing, but not uncommon.

This is what scares me about people - they just don't want to think. I know that 99.9% of the population is generally lazy, but c'mon, pay a little attention.

The Dems better find a good way to hit hard. I cannot believe that it is even legal for her to claim that "it is God's will to drill..." and bullshit like that.

I don't understand how you can blatantly lie on national TV and not suffer any repercussions. If they keep getting away with that, things aren't going to be pretty.

Sep 4, 08 9:56 am  · 
vado retro

fuck nicety nice i want a slugfest too.


you spending on teenage mothers in alaska. would you change that vote now that your daughter is a baby mama???

you first supported the "bridge to nowhere" now are against it. are you going to return the money that the federal government gave you for the bridge?

sarah. you say you are against earmarks, however alaskans per capita receive 10 times the national average of earmarks.

sarah you say you're for change in washington, yet you hired lobbyists to represent wassila when you were its mayor?

which is it?

Sep 4, 08 9:58 am  · 

I cannot see how that was a good speech. Everyone is praising her because she didnt bomb: She was never supposed to.

The facts remain the same, and in her speech she was mean(putting off the independents), she made no real policy arguments. I found the speech vacuous and ineffective. She is a Governor, we all knew she had a hint of political skills. Expect a 24 hour honeymoon and then the tearing over her lack of credentials to re-ignite.

This is going to be rocky, and the Obama voters and campaign have to have their A game from now on, but I think we can still do this thing.

Keep the faith:

Sep 4, 08 10:00 am  · 

The saddest thing about this whole idea of parading your son in a situation like this is she has no idea, the challanges people with limited mental capacity face in this nation. I have a looked thru the window on a number of occassions and what I see is ugly at best.
When the Economy goes south so do programs for people with limited mental capacity. Typically they don't vote as adults, so they
are someone that government tends to ignor. I can attest to it here in Connecticut. We all know how much the cost of living has gone up in the last year, yet there was a Zero Percent increase in the State Budget to assist these people and the non profit organizations which support them. The effort to not increase this budget was lead by our Female Republican Governor, because she was scared we were going to be in the Red this year. Well all said and done we had a 75 million dollar surplus. So the legislator meets and divides up the
money between all non profits and those in the lower wage earners to fork up money to pay for heating fuel this winter. So once again here we go. I wonder if our Lady Govenor is a participating member of ARC of America? I doubt it, I wonder if she will step up for these people and make a difference elected or not elected? If she isn't
elected and she does then I would have a great deal of respect for her, even though we have different ideas about Christianity. If she is elected and this becomes a major area of concern of the VP, then she could have a great run as long as she can convince the ole boys and girls of both parties along with Joe Liberman types to tow the line. However I saddly feel neither of these will ever happen. It is most likely a topic which will be tossed into the wind when something more interesting to talk about comes along.

Sep 4, 08 10:07 am  · 

Look at the trend lines in the polling. Expect a small bounce for McCain:

Sep 4, 08 10:19 am  · 
vado retro

okay im listenin to diane reehm and they are talking about the peggy noonan comment. and this conservative lawyer keeps referring to noonan as the media. guess what peggy noonan was a fucking speech writer for fucking reagan. give me a fucking break.

Sep 4, 08 10:28 am  · 

Contrary to her "advocacy" of special needs children (as she stated in her speech), Palin cut the budget for special needs programs by 62% !!!! In addition, she cut spending on programs to help teen mothers by 20% !!!!

Good luch Bristol and Trig -- you're going to need it!

Sep 4, 08 10:43 am  · 
vado retro


Sep 4, 08 10:48 am  · 

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