The polls have been notoriously unreliable this entire election season so far. The only poll that matters is the one taking place right now in thousands of school gyms and church basements.
I'm hoping Obama's supporters will once again defy expectations, but we won't know for sure until late tonight. But even if he comes up short, he's still ahead in the delegate count, and faces several more friendly states before Pennsylvania.
If true, this means that even if Clinton sweeps all four states today (and picks up maybe 20 pledged delegates at most), she'll still be even further behind in the delegate count.
Agreed... Hillary and the whole Democratic Leadership Council are nothing more than bunch of Republican Lite hacks who are happy to sell out the progressive wing of the party in order to score points with big business. It's time for some real change.
I think that the corporations are getting scared of Obama. Check out the lucky things that have happened to Hillary:
-SNL and The Daily Show basically endorse her, who owns those shows? where is the media bias?
-Actually, all the Media has shifted to Hillary, while they allow her to whine.
-An image of Obama in a Turban 'magically' appears, thanks to Hillary's campaign, she also says that Obama is not a muslim 'as far as she knows'.
-The Canadian Govt pulls off some wag the dog stunt on NAFTA, retracting and apologizing after the fact.
-Now the Rezko thing was a stupid mistake by Obama, but I ask you, how many Rezko's are behind the Clintons? Why would they not release their tax returns? Why is the media pushing a story that Obama has been upfront about, but give Hillary a free pass on all her problems?
This is the recipe of political and corporate corruption that can lead to a Hillary victory. President McCain anyone?
listen Patrick, until we go after the COUNTRIES funding the Jihad, your brother's elimination of ONE guy is a drop in the bucket compared to the blood spilt. no offense, but for fucks sake, one guy and we're supposed to get geeked? one roach drops, another crawls in...
(Patrick Marckesano) Finding causes for war (retroactively) hardly seems like a reason to continue the war of choice in Iraq. We chose to enter and we just have to chose to exit.
And it is interesting how the machine politics of Hilary Clinton and the NeoCons would both use the ignorant tactic of releasing a photograph of Barack Obama in Kenya wearing traditional clothing. Granted he looked goofy as hell, but its an ignorant, low brow/blow that seems to be the reason that Barack Obama is winning. In all of the dirty political games being played by Republicans and Hillary (machine Democrats), I think its refreshing that he is not pulling the same dirty games. He has continually taken the high road and its evident in Hilary's desperate attempts which only make her look bad.
By the way, the Canadian government has already released a letter clarifying that the manner that the Clinton has portrayed the information is incorrect. It's just another dirty trick pulled out right before the Primaries tonight.
USA created only created and stoked the islamist cause and the republicans pandering the opposite but same of the (evangelism) only serves to dig all of us who are far more intelligent into a areas we don't want to go or be. there are better ways to solve problems non violent conflict resolution, something a republican/fascist/conservative has never tried
Various blogs are now saying that astronomical numbers of independents and Republicans are voting in today's Democratic primaries in Texas and Ohio, even more so than in previous primaries this year.
Some speculate that they're "strategic voters" voting for Hillary to ensure that the GOP has an easier candidate to beat in November. This may explain a small percentage of crossover voters, but I think the idea falls flat. Most of them hate Hillary so much that they'd rather not risk her even winning the primaries. If she somehow beats McCain in November, they'd be stuck with her for 4-8 years, and have themselves to blame.
That leaves three possible scenarios:
1. Republicans are voting for Obama because they genuinely like him and they intend to vote for him in November. This could be part of a once-in-a-generation realignment of the electorate, and a very happy development.
2. Republicans are voting for Obama in the primaries because, if McCain loses in November, they'd prefer Obama as president over Hillary, even if McCain was their first choice. I can live with this.
3. Republicans are voting for Obama because they think he'll be easier for McCain to beat in the general election. There's very little evidence to back up this idea, and I think it would account for only a tiny fraction of crossover voters (even fewer than Hillary's).
Elimelech points out that the polls are heavily weighed toward the responses of people more inclined to vote for Hillary (whites and older voters). I'm hoping we see a major upset tonight.
Where to the pollsters even find their respondents? From the phone book? How many people under 30 even have a land line anymore? Almost everybody I know uses their cell phone as their primary number, and they aren't listed in any phone book. These people are leaning heavily to Obama, and I think they've been left completely off the map by the polling outfits.
Overall, I think it looks good for Obama.
Also, it turns out that even the rosiest scenarios for Clinton on's Delegate Counter (see article links in my last post above) are too optimistic for her. A Daily Kos reader digs deeper into the numbers:
I'm in a huge inflatable nightclub near the NYU campus, surrounded by hundreds of Obama supporters watching the returns on huge screens. I'm drinking one Obamatini for each state he wins tonight. And if he wins Texas, I'll take a vacation in Austin later this year.
I decided to come home and get some much-needed sleep, rather than hang around at the nightclub all night.
Looks like the most important state in this whole thing tonight will be: Vermont, of all places. Obama's huge win in Vermont -- assuming near-ties in OH and TX -- means that he's even further ahead in the delegate count than he was at the beginning of the week.
Some bloggers are citing (unnamed, of course) high-level sources in the Clinton campaign and among Democratic big-wigs that Clinton will be out of the race by the end of the week. The question becomes whether she bows out of the race gracefully, or is pushed out by party elders who see the writing on the wall and are desperate to avoid a bloody fight in Denver. I hope they're right.
Hillary is going to stay in, Obama will pull out his 50 SD's waiting in the sidelines, she will have to make up a 150+ delegate deficit. She will smear even worse than all she has done so far, leaving Obama unfit for any election AND Hillary (if she can steal the nomination) will still lose. It is sad to say and to see, but if Hillary doesn't get out now, the democrats will have defeated themselves.
After losing to the worst president this young nation has ever seen the democrats will have a hard time coming back. They have already proven they are as racist as the other side. I am not saying that questioning Obama is wrong (this is a presidential election afterall), BUT whenever this election has been waged fairly Obama wins AND when Hillary turns to xenophobic, racist tactics he loses. This sad tactics and ignorance is enough for me to start voting Republican (McCain if Hillary is on the other side) for a while.
It is a sad day in America, we are defeating a candidate solely based on his race/background. China and Europe will step up and lead this ailing world now.
I'm so tired of this primary race. I'm tired of Hillary embarrassing herself and us with equivocal statements like, "we're going all the way", and then she turns around and attacks and mocks Obama and pretends like this is acceptable. This is exhausting, and her lack of respect for the majority of people supporting her opponent, clearly a superior candidate, is disturbing. She is embarrassing and I can't watch it anymore. Somebody make it stop, please.
What the HELL would make you think that someone with almost no experience would make a good president??????
If I had as much experience as Obama (in the architecture world) I wouldnt even qualify for the ARE's. so seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
We are not talking about appointing some "avante garde" design dean, this man/woman is to run the most powerful country in the world..........Talk is cheap! and Obama is all kinds of cheap.
Too many liberals are looking for a quick fix with a "dramatic change" agenda. Change does not guarantee progress.
We are much better off with experience at this point of our cluster-fuck world. And Obama is the only one without it.
go read your history books dolt. there was this guy named Lincoln, perhaps you've heard of him? hillary clinton is a wack job. the only experience that thing has is TRAVELGATE, WHITEWATER, and HOW TO GET RID OF 3 WEEK OLD EJACULATE OFF OF BLUE SHEETS IN THE LINCOLN BEDROOM. hey, would you look at that, they do have something in common - Lincoln - one want's to emulate his succes, and the other wants to clean up gism from her husbands filandering with West Wing interns...
well, Obama has exactly the kind of experience that is comparable to an architect who has started (and done well) at all levels of practice -- starting small as a community organizer, winning tough local and state campaigns, working big deals at the national level. It's Hillary who's career is that of someone who does not have all of her IDP credits but thinks she can do it all regardless.
but what I'm really getting tired of is the argument that because she can win big states we will need her as the nominee in order to carry those states in the general. Does anyone think for a minute that Obama will not (handily) carry California, New York and most of the other states she has won in the primary? As well as being much tougher for McCain in swing states. Most Clinton supporters have said they will vote for Obama in the general if it comes to that, while the independents and republicans he has been bringing into the party will run screaming back to McCain.
Jamchar, Hillary has exactly what type of experience?
Her representation of corporate interests? Her drilling of a 12 year old rape victim? That she was married to one of the most divisive presidents?
Fuck, that is a good lesson to us all, to be good designers just marry one and talk about THEIR skills. You don't have to get a license just marry a person with one.
Today is a sad day. Obama will now have to go on the attack, expect Hillary's skeletons to come out for the embarrassment of all.
Agreed... I think Obama needs to take control of the message again by pointing out Hillary's manifold flaws and skeletons. Good thing is, he can do that without having to resort to lies or distortions, because everybody knows that the Clintons are practically a walking scandal.
For the past week or so, Obama has been on the defensive, and I think it's hurt him. He needs to go back on the offensive and let Hillary be the one defending all of her "experience".
The tax returns will end this once and for all. Its too bad the Clintons are extending their filings - I just hope they get caught hiding the money.
Anyways - Im happy. Obamas still up by a large margin, she would have to evoke Fla. and Mich. setting off a shitstorm and John McCain is building steam. Love it.
BTW - even though I support Obama - has anyone noticed the lack lack of clarity on the democratic side this election cycle? Obama got symbolic and generational change on his side. Thats real. But Hillary and Obama have literally 1950's era democratic party concepts that have long been expired. Honestly they represent the party of one step back. Of the 2 Obama is the better choice, at least he believes in regulation of free markets and subsidies rather than outright government control like Hilldog - which would prob be sold to the highest emir bidding. Remember also - Billbob marched with the commies in Red Square, against his country. Fuck these people, theyre slime who tell fat old ladies who are dumb enough to listen to them "they feel theyre fucking pain" while sticking them again. No offense Ohio - but your state is half hill billy half white trash. You lose jobs because of a lack of vision and talent and blind embrace of the past. You could become a growing mfr region again like S.Calif., Ill., Wis. or Ky, SC, Tenn and Fla. but you wont - nor will Mich. - because your populations are stuck in 1966 in their minds.
The overarching theme of this election is change - to each party and the who they answer to. On the republican side its McCain, a true moderate who infuriates the right wing nut jobs who've hijacked the republican party, because his is legacy of comprises with the opposition party and represents a new republican direction. Despite their slander and attacks he's emerged the leader. On the Democratic side Obama's defied the odds and emerged the leader over stale, old timer machine style democrats with nothing to offer but more failure. Whats worse is they know this and still push it on the ignorant! Even if she wins the Dem nomination, she cant beat an electorate calling for change no matter how hard she sells it - their not buying in to it anymore. Between McCain and Hillary, people will pick change.
Some of the biggest names on Wall Street—including John Mack, Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley (MS) and Steve Rattner, managing principal of the Quadrangle Group—have publicly endorsed Clinton. She has more maxed-out, executive-level donors than either Obama or Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and has pulled in $3.9 million from donors associated with the health-care industry, more than any other candidate
I really am starting to find the Hillary bashing rather amusing. All the energy usually reserved for republican bashing is focused square on Hillary.
Even the rhetoric is the same. Adjaectives like "racist" and "xenophobe" and calling her a shill for "Wall Street" and "Coprorate Interests."
That's the neo-con playbook....don't you have a different one for a fellow democrat? And why all the Clinton hate all of a sudden? Back in the 90's the Clintons were like gods to the democrats. I've noticed many "I miss Bill" bumper stickers.
Damn, have the Obamatrons looked at themselves in the mirror lately? Rather than rabit calls for Hillary to quit, why don't you just shut up and let the publicity die. Ever thought that perhaps you're the ones doing harm to the party? The voters will eventually make the ultimate decision regardless of the current hype.
aqua, the point, and seemingly sharp one at that, you seem to be missing is that the math - you know 1+1=2 and not 4 - does not and will not add up for a hillary win. so who is hurting who? funny how her asshole campaign peopl go around touting this idea of the rules of the dem party, but in the same breath say that fla and mich should count? what happen to thems the rules?
Aqua - Ive been a Clinton basher for years. I cant wait for a return to an 85% corporate income tax for small businesses while the wall st. banks get tax breaks, create a $7 trillion bubble, the defense dept. gets slashed and are feel good blind liberalism gets us into bad trade agreements. The republicans have that part right.
evilp, i am a passionate dem, but fcuk all, the taste in my mouth is reminiscent of the time i vomitted kamikaze's in college....clinton WAS good, but they are now the past. we either separate ourselves from 1960's bs or - clinton and mccain - or we will continue to fight the war our parents lost.
If Obama supporters bash Hillary the same way we bash neocons, it's because Hillary has been running her campaign right out of the Karl Rove playbook. Like Bush, she's demonstrated that she thinks voters are nothing more than chess pieces to be moved around and manipulated for the sole benefit of herself and her shadowy clique of big-money backers.
I hated the Clintons in the 1990's and I hate them now. They and the "Republican Lite" DLC have never hesitated to sell out the Democratic Party to corporate interests and co-opt right-wing talking points as their own. In case you forget, it was Hillary who voted for the war in Iraq. It was Hillary who voted to strip citizens of bankruptcy protection. It was Hillary who pandered to the right wing by sponsoring a constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning.
It's the pandering, mealy-mouthed, milk-toast Democrats like the Clintons that have been responsible for 30 years of Republican rule in national politics, and the country is going down the toilet as a result. Obama isn't perfect, but he's the best chance in a generation for Democrats to take back the democratic wing of the Democratic Party, take back the White House and Congress, and hopefully clean up the mess that Bush & Co. will leave behind.
One nice thing about PA is that it's close enough that I'll hopefully be able to take some canvassing trips down there with the Obama crowd... Assuming my shoulder is more-or-less healed and the weather is better.
Well Penn will be a 60 /40 split. Very sim to NJ. He has the delegates, the pop vote and the cross overs. He doesnt have Fla. and Mich. thats the issue.
Obama will have two more very friendly states (Wyoming and Mississippi) before Pennsylvania, where he can beef up his delegate lead and reclaim momentum.
Last I heard, Obama was rapidly eating up much of Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania, so he may be able to pull it off. Like I said, a lot can happen between now and then.
Maybe Hillary will be caught on TV kicking a puppy or eating a live baby sometime within the next few weeks.
Penn - is classic Hillary base. Old New Englanders in the east, moutain folk in the middle and rust belt in the west.
All he has to do is keep getting the proportions.
You know - if i was a democrat in Idaho, or Mo. Id be upset that the Clintons keep calling me insignificant - because they really do mean it. They rep the Democratic coastal elite.
I have to admit - Id love to watch a Hillary McCain battle royal.
we can only so hope. . .
we can only sew hope. . .
we can. . .
The polls have been notoriously unreliable this entire election season so far. The only poll that matters is the one taking place right now in thousands of school gyms and church basements.
I'm hoping Obama's supporters will once again defy expectations, but we won't know for sure until late tonight. But even if he comes up short, he's still ahead in the delegate count, and faces several more friendly states before Pennsylvania.
More good news for Obama?
Tom Brokaw: 50 more superdelegates set to endorse Obama
If true, this means that even if Clinton sweeps all four states today (and picks up maybe 20 pledged delegates at most), she'll still be even further behind in the delegate count.
Obama for a real solution not another war monger who believes in the "myth of redemption"
Agreed... Hillary and the whole Democratic Leadership Council are nothing more than bunch of Republican Lite hacks who are happy to sell out the progressive wing of the party in order to score points with big business. It's time for some real change.
ditto LiG,
I think that the corporations are getting scared of Obama. Check out the lucky things that have happened to Hillary:
-SNL and The Daily Show basically endorse her, who owns those shows? where is the media bias?
-Actually, all the Media has shifted to Hillary, while they allow her to whine.
-An image of Obama in a Turban 'magically' appears, thanks to Hillary's campaign, she also says that Obama is not a muslim 'as far as she knows'.
-The Canadian Govt pulls off some wag the dog stunt on NAFTA, retracting and apologizing after the fact.
-Now the Rezko thing was a stupid mistake by Obama, but I ask you, how many Rezko's are behind the Clintons? Why would they not release their tax returns? Why is the media pushing a story that Obama has been upfront about, but give Hillary a free pass on all her problems?
This is the recipe of political and corporate corruption that can lead to a Hillary victory. President McCain anyone?
Chin up. Two articles that keep things in perspective, regardless of what happens tonight:
Hillary's Math Problem
This Whole Thing is a Fairy Tale
Funniest political analysis, I have seen:
Bugs Bunny vs. Daffy Duck
Why voters always choose the wascally wabbit for president.
listen Patrick, until we go after the COUNTRIES funding the Jihad, your brother's elimination of ONE guy is a drop in the bucket compared to the blood spilt. no offense, but for fucks sake, one guy and we're supposed to get geeked? one roach drops, another crawls in...
(Patrick Marckesano) Finding causes for war (retroactively) hardly seems like a reason to continue the war of choice in Iraq. We chose to enter and we just have to chose to exit.
And it is interesting how the machine politics of Hilary Clinton and the NeoCons would both use the ignorant tactic of releasing a photograph of Barack Obama in Kenya wearing traditional clothing. Granted he looked goofy as hell, but its an ignorant, low brow/blow that seems to be the reason that Barack Obama is winning. In all of the dirty political games being played by Republicans and Hillary (machine Democrats), I think its refreshing that he is not pulling the same dirty games. He has continually taken the high road and its evident in Hilary's desperate attempts which only make her look bad.
By the way, the Canadian government has already released a letter clarifying that the manner that the Clinton has portrayed the information is incorrect. It's just another dirty trick pulled out right before the Primaries tonight.
USA created only created and stoked the islamist cause and the republicans pandering the opposite but same of the (evangelism) only serves to dig all of us who are far more intelligent into a areas we don't want to go or be. there are better ways to solve problems non violent conflict resolution, something a republican/fascist/conservative has never tried
there is no evil. it is all in the mind
Various blogs are now saying that astronomical numbers of independents and Republicans are voting in today's Democratic primaries in Texas and Ohio, even more so than in previous primaries this year.
Some speculate that they're "strategic voters" voting for Hillary to ensure that the GOP has an easier candidate to beat in November. This may explain a small percentage of crossover voters, but I think the idea falls flat. Most of them hate Hillary so much that they'd rather not risk her even winning the primaries. If she somehow beats McCain in November, they'd be stuck with her for 4-8 years, and have themselves to blame.
That leaves three possible scenarios:
1. Republicans are voting for Obama because they genuinely like him and they intend to vote for him in November. This could be part of a once-in-a-generation realignment of the electorate, and a very happy development.
2. Republicans are voting for Obama in the primaries because, if McCain loses in November, they'd prefer Obama as president over Hillary, even if McCain was their first choice. I can live with this.
3. Republicans are voting for Obama because they think he'll be easier for McCain to beat in the general election. There's very little evidence to back up this idea, and I think it would account for only a tiny fraction of crossover voters (even fewer than Hillary's).
Elimelech points out that the polls are heavily weighed toward the responses of people more inclined to vote for Hillary (whites and older voters). I'm hoping we see a major upset tonight.
Where to the pollsters even find their respondents? From the phone book? How many people under 30 even have a land line anymore? Almost everybody I know uses their cell phone as their primary number, and they aren't listed in any phone book. These people are leaning heavily to Obama, and I think they've been left completely off the map by the polling outfits.
Overall, I think it looks good for Obama.
Also, it turns out that even the rosiest scenarios for Clinton on's Delegate Counter (see article links in my last post above) are too optimistic for her. A Daily Kos reader digs deeper into the numbers:
Slate's delegate calculator sucks, why it's even worse for Clinton
...And I hope stories like this are being repeated all over the country.
I'm in a huge inflatable nightclub near the NYU campus, surrounded by hundreds of Obama supporters watching the returns on huge screens. I'm drinking one Obamatini for each state he wins tonight. And if he wins Texas, I'll take a vacation in Austin later this year.
Just finished off my Vermont Obamatini. If he sweeps this thing tonight, I may not make it home.
what's in an "obamatini?"
Ummm... Lots of alcohol, and it's blue.
it makes you feel good today, but tomorrow it just leaves you hollow and empty. and ruins your life. but the temptation is unstop-obamable.
I decided to come home and get some much-needed sleep, rather than hang around at the nightclub all night.
Looks like the most important state in this whole thing tonight will be: Vermont, of all places. Obama's huge win in Vermont -- assuming near-ties in OH and TX -- means that he's even further ahead in the delegate count than he was at the beginning of the week.
Some bloggers are citing (unnamed, of course) high-level sources in the Clinton campaign and among Democratic big-wigs that Clinton will be out of the race by the end of the week. The question becomes whether she bows out of the race gracefully, or is pushed out by party elders who see the writing on the wall and are desperate to avoid a bloody fight in Denver. I hope they're right.
I swear to you if she wins this nomination I will leave this country and never come back.
Hillary is going to stay in, Obama will pull out his 50 SD's waiting in the sidelines, she will have to make up a 150+ delegate deficit. She will smear even worse than all she has done so far, leaving Obama unfit for any election AND Hillary (if she can steal the nomination) will still lose. It is sad to say and to see, but if Hillary doesn't get out now, the democrats will have defeated themselves.
After losing to the worst president this young nation has ever seen the democrats will have a hard time coming back. They have already proven they are as racist as the other side. I am not saying that questioning Obama is wrong (this is a presidential election afterall), BUT whenever this election has been waged fairly Obama wins AND when Hillary turns to xenophobic, racist tactics he loses. This sad tactics and ignorance is enough for me to start voting Republican (McCain if Hillary is on the other side) for a while.
It is a sad day in America, we are defeating a candidate solely based on his race/background. China and Europe will step up and lead this ailing world now.
I'm so tired of this primary race. I'm tired of Hillary embarrassing herself and us with equivocal statements like, "we're going all the way", and then she turns around and attacks and mocks Obama and pretends like this is acceptable. This is exhausting, and her lack of respect for the majority of people supporting her opponent, clearly a superior candidate, is disturbing. She is embarrassing and I can't watch it anymore. Somebody make it stop, please.
What the HELL would make you think that someone with almost no experience would make a good president??????
If I had as much experience as Obama (in the architecture world) I wouldnt even qualify for the ARE's. so seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
We are not talking about appointing some "avante garde" design dean, this man/woman is to run the most powerful country in the world..........Talk is cheap! and Obama is all kinds of cheap.
Too many liberals are looking for a quick fix with a "dramatic change" agenda. Change does not guarantee progress.
We are much better off with experience at this point of our cluster-fuck world. And Obama is the only one without it.
go read your history books dolt. there was this guy named Lincoln, perhaps you've heard of him? hillary clinton is a wack job. the only experience that thing has is TRAVELGATE, WHITEWATER, and HOW TO GET RID OF 3 WEEK OLD EJACULATE OFF OF BLUE SHEETS IN THE LINCOLN BEDROOM. hey, would you look at that, they do have something in common - Lincoln - one want's to emulate his succes, and the other wants to clean up gism from her husbands filandering with West Wing interns...
well, Obama has exactly the kind of experience that is comparable to an architect who has started (and done well) at all levels of practice -- starting small as a community organizer, winning tough local and state campaigns, working big deals at the national level. It's Hillary who's career is that of someone who does not have all of her IDP credits but thinks she can do it all regardless.
but what I'm really getting tired of is the argument that because she can win big states we will need her as the nominee in order to carry those states in the general. Does anyone think for a minute that Obama will not (handily) carry California, New York and most of the other states she has won in the primary? As well as being much tougher for McCain in swing states. Most Clinton supporters have said they will vote for Obama in the general if it comes to that, while the independents and republicans he has been bringing into the party will run screaming back to McCain.
(Hillary reminds me of someone who has been building models and pumping Rhino for some starchitect and now wants to open their own firm)
Jamchar, Hillary has exactly what type of experience?
Her representation of corporate interests? Her drilling of a 12 year old rape victim? That she was married to one of the most divisive presidents?
Fuck, that is a good lesson to us all, to be good designers just marry one and talk about THEIR skills. You don't have to get a license just marry a person with one.
Today is a sad day. Obama will now have to go on the attack, expect Hillary's skeletons to come out for the embarrassment of all.
Agreed... I think Obama needs to take control of the message again by pointing out Hillary's manifold flaws and skeletons. Good thing is, he can do that without having to resort to lies or distortions, because everybody knows that the Clintons are practically a walking scandal.
For the past week or so, Obama has been on the defensive, and I think it's hurt him. He needs to go back on the offensive and let Hillary be the one defending all of her "experience".
The tax returns will end this once and for all. Its too bad the Clintons are extending their filings - I just hope they get caught hiding the money.
Anyways - Im happy. Obamas still up by a large margin, she would have to evoke Fla. and Mich. setting off a shitstorm and John McCain is building steam. Love it.
BTW - even though I support Obama - has anyone noticed the lack lack of clarity on the democratic side this election cycle? Obama got symbolic and generational change on his side. Thats real. But Hillary and Obama have literally 1950's era democratic party concepts that have long been expired. Honestly they represent the party of one step back. Of the 2 Obama is the better choice, at least he believes in regulation of free markets and subsidies rather than outright government control like Hilldog - which would prob be sold to the highest emir bidding. Remember also - Billbob marched with the commies in Red Square, against his country. Fuck these people, theyre slime who tell fat old ladies who are dumb enough to listen to them "they feel theyre fucking pain" while sticking them again. No offense Ohio - but your state is half hill billy half white trash. You lose jobs because of a lack of vision and talent and blind embrace of the past. You could become a growing mfr region again like S.Calif., Ill., Wis. or Ky, SC, Tenn and Fla. but you wont - nor will Mich. - because your populations are stuck in 1966 in their minds.
The overarching theme of this election is change - to each party and the who they answer to. On the republican side its McCain, a true moderate who infuriates the right wing nut jobs who've hijacked the republican party, because his is legacy of comprises with the opposition party and represents a new republican direction. Despite their slander and attacks he's emerged the leader. On the Democratic side Obama's defied the odds and emerged the leader over stale, old timer machine style democrats with nothing to offer but more failure. Whats worse is they know this and still push it on the ignorant! Even if she wins the Dem nomination, she cant beat an electorate calling for change no matter how hard she sells it - their not buying in to it anymore. Between McCain and Hillary, people will pick change.
Some of the biggest names on Wall Street—including John Mack, Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley (MS) and Steve Rattner, managing principal of the Quadrangle Group—have publicly endorsed Clinton. She has more maxed-out, executive-level donors than either Obama or Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and has pulled in $3.9 million from donors associated with the health-care industry, more than any other candidate
businessweek-Is Hillary Good for Business
I remember my uncle who was a Merril Lynch Exec in the late 90's telling me why Wall St. loved the Clintons, " Their fucking blind"
Who wants to really get fired up now?
Hillary hints she would accept Obama as runningmate
Tell us how you really feel evil p
I really am starting to find the Hillary bashing rather amusing. All the energy usually reserved for republican bashing is focused square on Hillary.
Even the rhetoric is the same. Adjaectives like "racist" and "xenophobe" and calling her a shill for "Wall Street" and "Coprorate Interests."
That's the neo-con playbook....don't you have a different one for a fellow democrat? And why all the Clinton hate all of a sudden? Back in the 90's the Clintons were like gods to the democrats. I've noticed many "I miss Bill" bumper stickers.
Damn, have the Obamatrons looked at themselves in the mirror lately? Rather than rabit calls for Hillary to quit, why don't you just shut up and let the publicity die. Ever thought that perhaps you're the ones doing harm to the party? The voters will eventually make the ultimate decision regardless of the current hype.
aqua, the point, and seemingly sharp one at that, you seem to be missing is that the math - you know 1+1=2 and not 4 - does not and will not add up for a hillary win. so who is hurting who? funny how her asshole campaign peopl go around touting this idea of the rules of the dem party, but in the same breath say that fla and mich should count? what happen to thems the rules?
she just doesn't have the math to get the deligates
Aqua - Ive been a Clinton basher for years. I cant wait for a return to an 85% corporate income tax for small businesses while the wall st. banks get tax breaks, create a $7 trillion bubble, the defense dept. gets slashed and are feel good blind liberalism gets us into bad trade agreements. The republicans have that part right.
The Clintons are good at one thing - dragging the country through the mud and leaving a bad taste in people's mouths.
evilp, i am a passionate dem, but fcuk all, the taste in my mouth is reminiscent of the time i vomitted kamikaze's in college....clinton WAS good, but they are now the past. we either separate ourselves from 1960's bs or - clinton and mccain - or we will continue to fight the war our parents lost.
The 'red phone' ad was a red herring, this type of ignorance and hate is the real reason Clinton won:
If Obama supporters bash Hillary the same way we bash neocons, it's because Hillary has been running her campaign right out of the Karl Rove playbook. Like Bush, she's demonstrated that she thinks voters are nothing more than chess pieces to be moved around and manipulated for the sole benefit of herself and her shadowy clique of big-money backers.
I hated the Clintons in the 1990's and I hate them now. They and the "Republican Lite" DLC have never hesitated to sell out the Democratic Party to corporate interests and co-opt right-wing talking points as their own. In case you forget, it was Hillary who voted for the war in Iraq. It was Hillary who voted to strip citizens of bankruptcy protection. It was Hillary who pandered to the right wing by sponsoring a constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning.
It's the pandering, mealy-mouthed, milk-toast Democrats like the Clintons that have been responsible for 30 years of Republican rule in national politics, and the country is going down the toilet as a result. Obama isn't perfect, but he's the best chance in a generation for Democrats to take back the democratic wing of the Democratic Party, take back the White House and Congress, and hopefully clean up the mess that Bush & Co. will leave behind.
for aqua and the other clintonistas. find a way do the math yourself.
We are fucked, PA is a closed election (no independents and republicans), plus more old people:
Yes We Can?
No, We won't Let You!
But We Already Did?
Silly Kids...
PA is still seven weeks away... A lot can happen between now and then.
One nice thing about PA is that it's close enough that I'll hopefully be able to take some canvassing trips down there with the Obama crowd... Assuming my shoulder is more-or-less healed and the weather is better.
Well Penn will be a 60 /40 split. Very sim to NJ. He has the delegates, the pop vote and the cross overs. He doesnt have Fla. and Mich. thats the issue.
Obama will have two more very friendly states (Wyoming and Mississippi) before Pennsylvania, where he can beef up his delegate lead and reclaim momentum.
Last I heard, Obama was rapidly eating up much of Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania, so he may be able to pull it off. Like I said, a lot can happen between now and then.
Maybe Hillary will be caught on TV kicking a puppy or eating a live baby sometime within the next few weeks.
Penn - is classic Hillary base. Old New Englanders in the east, moutain folk in the middle and rust belt in the west.
All he has to do is keep getting the proportions.
You know - if i was a democrat in Idaho, or Mo. Id be upset that the Clintons keep calling me insignificant - because they really do mean it. They rep the Democratic coastal elite.
I have to admit - Id love to watch a Hillary McCain battle royal.
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