I went to the Library of Congress Website. The FACTS of what each did in the Senate last year sure surprised me. I'm sure they will surprise you, too. Whether you love or hate Hillary, you will be surprised. Whether you think Obama is the second coming of JFK or an inexperienced lightweight, you will surprised. Go check out the Library of Congress Website. After spending some time there, it will be clear that there is really only one candidate would is ready to be the next president, even better than Gore. If you don't want to spend an hour or two doing research, then I'll tell you what I discovered on the jump.
Wow. Sit back and imagine for a second if the candidates were reversed. If Obama had lost 11 in a row, making lame excuses, was low on cash, and was cadging some cheesy late support from 527s.
Everyone would be calling for his head, no? So why is Clinton so damned special?
Clinton is well connected the the power elite(ex-ceo wall-mart) is y she sold her soul see Michael Moore's Sicko for the scene that she sold out for 200+ million dollars (to not have health care)
more good context on y Clintons are a republicans in democrat clothing watch Adam Curtis Power of Nightmares and The Trap series
if McCain really was servicing the cute lobbyist, it can only help him...would put a stop to all the over-the-hill jokes...that randy old goat (allegedly).
"If I was John McCain, though (Kelly pauses, shudders, continues) I'd want to make sure everyone knew it was consummated. Consummated like crazy. He'd better hope she kept a diary where she says he gave it to her like John Henry laying track."
am i the only one who thinks that cindy mccain is like tina fey's character from mean girls? the one with the fake boobs who givers her teenage daughter's friends booze so they think she's cool?
Have you guys noticed these poll numbers? They seem to say that if (when) Obama gets it there are more red states in play than in the past few presidential cycles.
General Election: McCain vs. Clinton FOX News McCain 47, Clinton 44, Und 9 McCain +3
General Election: McCain vs. Obama FOX News McCain 43, Obama 47, Und 10 Obama +4
Virginia: McCain vs. Clinton Rasmussen McCain 51, Clinton 41, Und 8 McCain +10
Virginia: McCain vs. Obama Rasmussen McCain 49, Obama 44, Und 7 McCain +5
Republican Presidential Nomination Gallup Tracking McCain 62, Huckabee 22, Paul 5 McCain +40
Democratic Presidential Nomination Gallup Tracking Obama 44, Clinton 45 Clinton +1
Iowa: McCain vs. Clinton Rasmussen McCain 47, Clinton 37, Und 16 McCain +10
Iowa: McCain vs. Obama Rasmussen McCain 41, Obama 44, Und 15 Obama +3
Republican Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking McCain 54, Huckabee 29, Paul 8 McCain +25
Democratic Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking Obama 46, Clinton 41 Obama +5
New York: McCain vs. Clinton SurveyUSA McCain 41, Clinton 52, Und 7 Clinton +11
New York: McCain vs. Obama SurveyUSA McCain 36, Obama 57, Und 7 Obama +21
Kansas: McCain vs. Clinton SurveyUSA McCain 59, Clinton 35, Und 6 McCain +24
Kansas: McCain vs. Obama SurveyUSA McCain 50, Obama 44, Und 6 McCain +6
Pennsylvania Democratic Primary Franklin & Marshall Clinton 44, Obama 32 Clinton +12
Pennsylvania: McCain vs. Clinton Franklin & Marshall McCain 46, Clinton 46, Und 8 Tie
New Jersey: McCain vs. Clinton Quinnipiac McCain 41, Clinton 47, Und 12 Clinton +6
New Jersey: McCain vs. Obama Quinnipiac McCain 39, Obama 46, Und 15 Obama +7
Pennsylvania: McCain vs. Obama Franklin & Marshall McCain 44, Obama 43, Und 13 McCain +1
did it seem like during the the past few debates
the candidates were just mudd slinging and defending
themselves, rather than answering the bloody questions
to you guys?
this is my second vote, i am a youngling
maybe im just inexperienced
i dunno
Did you guys hear Hillary's answer to tough moment? Is she trying to be elected on the fact that her husband cheated on her?
Hillary can be ok(through meditation and prayer I am trying to forgive SC) but I do not understand why she keeps bringing up her failures (Bill's problems, Health care) as her biggest assets? Maybe she just does not have much else.
mightylittle, ahem.....I believe you are referring to Amy Poehler's character in Mean Girls, not Tina Fey. Tina Fey played the cool teacher that got accused of dealing drugs.
.....And now that you all know I've seen "Mean Girls", I'm going to back away from the intelligent discussion slowly....
Let's face it. It's over. Teamsters President James P. Hoffa may have provided the last bit of muscle Wednesday with his union's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.).
From the Fact Check Desk: Obama's Army Anecdote
February 22, 2008 1:33 PM
At last night's debate in Texas, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, told an anecdote about an Army captain that
is causing a lot of chatter in the political world.
Obama was making a point about what he called "the single most important foreign policy decision of this
generation, whether or not to go to war in Iraq." His point was that in opposing the war he "showed the
judgment of a commander in chief. And I think that Senator Clinton was wrong in her judgments on that."
He argued the Iraq war "diverted attention from Afghanistan where Al Qaeda, that killed 3,000 Americans,
are stronger now than at any time since 2001."
And then he told the following story to argue that Clinton's vote -- and the larger decision to go to war --
had negative consequences.
"You know, I've heard from an Army captain who was the head of a rifle platoon -- supposed to have 39
men in a rifle platoon," he said. "Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24 because 15 of those soldiers
had been sent to Iraq. And as a consequence, they didn't have enough ammunition, they didn't have enough and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.)
I called the Obama campaign this morning to chat about this story, and was put in touch with the Army
captain in question.
He told me his story, which I found quite credible, though for obvious reasons he asked that I not mention
his name or certain identifying information.
Short answer: He backs up Obama's story.
The longer answer is worth telling, though.
The Army captain, a West Point graduate, did a tour in a hot area of eastern Afghanistan from the Summer
of 2003 through Spring 2004.
Prior to deployment the Captain -- then a Lieutenant -- took command of a rifle platoon at Fort Drum.
When he took command, the platoon had 39 members, but -- in ones and twos -- 15 members of the platoon
were re-assigned to other units. He knows of 10 of those 15 for sure who went to Iraq, and he suspects the
other five did as well.
The platoon was sent to Afghanistan with 24 men.
"We should have deployed with 39," he told me, "we should have gotten replacements. But we didn't. And
that was pretty consistent across the battalion."
He adds that maybe a half-dozen of the 15 were replaced by the Fall of 2003, months after they arrived in
Afghanistan, but never all 15.
As for the weapons and humvees, there are two distinct periods in this, as he explains -- before deployment,
and afterwards.
At Fort Drum, in training, "we didn't have access to heavy weapons or the ammunition for the weapons, or
humvees to train before we deployed."
What ammunition?
40 mm automatic grenade launcher ammunition for the MK-19, and ammunition for the .50 caliber M-2
machine gun ("50 cal.")
"We weren't able to train in the way we needed to train," he says. When the platoon got to Afghanistan they
had three days to learn.
They also didn't have the humvees they were supposed to have both before deployment and once they were
in Afghanistan, the Captain says.
"We should have had 4 up-armored humvees," he said. "We were supposed to. But at most we had three
operable humvees, and it was usually just two."
So what did they do? "To get the rest of the platoon to the fight," he says, "we would use Toyota Hilux
pickup trucks or unarmored flatbed humvees." Sometimes with sandbags, sometimes without.
Also in Afghanistan they had issues getting parts for their MK-19s and their 50-cals. Getting parts or
ammunition for their standard rifles was not a problem.
"It was very difficult to get any parts in theater," he says, "because parts are prioritized to the theater where
they were needed most -- so they were going to Iraq not Afghanistan."
"The purpose of going after the Taliban was not to get their weapons," he said, but on occasion they used
Taliban weapons. Sometimes AK-47s, and they also mounted a Soviet-model DShK (or "Dishka") on one
of their humvees instead of their 50 cal.
The Captain has spoken to Sen. Obama, he says, but this anecdote was relayed to Obama through an Obama
I find that Obama's anecdote checks out.
Some are quibbling about whether or not the "commander in chief" can be held responsible for how well
our soldiers are being equipped, since Congress provides the funding for the military, but the Pentagon (and
ultimately President Bush) are in charge of the funding mechanism.
humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than
it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief."
Asked about the story in the Spin Room last night, Obama strategist David Axelrod told the National
Review's Stephen Spruiell, "that was a discussion that a captain in the military had with our staff, and he
asked that that be passed along to Senator Obama."
Conservatives have weighed in on this story, many of them challenging its veracity I might suggest those on the blogosphere upset about this story would be better suited directing their ire at
those responsible for this problem, which is certainly not new. That is, if they actually care about the men
and women bravely serving our country at home and abroad.
- jpt
The Rio Grande Guardian reports that one of Hillary Clinton's most prominent supporters in the Valley showed up at a rally this morning ... for Barack Obama.
the odd thing is Patrick, that given what McCain has said about his foreign policy strategy; 100 year occupation, bomb Iran, etc...i almost think that just the opposite thinking, most americans would take in a heartbeat.
are you really hanging your hat on Obama saying one thing and Clinton another? are you trying to decide between Hillary and Obama? because i think the really debate will happen when we see two very contrasting positions Obama vs. McCain, and until that happens, specifics will be held close to the vest and not wastes.
I think all these attacks over fluff have made OBAMA the most substantial candidate. I can tell you his positions off the cuff. McCains stands seem to shift as the campaign moves forward, so I think I know him and his policies less than I did a year ago. I have no clue where Hillary stands on this issue.
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, spoke at St. Mary's college in Maryland last week and offered a very frank assessment of the state of the Clinton campaign. A Political Wire reader emails a summary:
"Townsend said she expects Sen. Barack Obama to win the Democratic presidential nomination and that Clinton is finished. She believed that the Wisconsin results demonstrated that Clinton's coalition (voters over the age of 50 and those earning less than $50,000) had fallen apart. When asked why the Clinton campaign had failed, Ms. Townsend had plenty of opinions and she placed significant blame on Bill Clinton and his racially tinged statements in South Carolina. She also felt that Clinton made a tactical error in making "experience and inevitability" her central campaign themes. Townsend argued that Clinton had little more experience than Obama and far less than candidates such as Senators Dodd and Biden. Additionally, making the inevitability claim hurt her when she lost Iowa... Townsend then lamented Clinton's decision to go negative and question Obama's readiness. She said that she called the Clinton campaign and advised that they 'go out on a high note' but her advice was politely dismissed."
During Clinton's 1996 visit to Texas, United Press International reported that she "touted the president's support for NAFTA." In her memoir, Clinton trumpeted her husband's "successes on the budget, the Brady bill and NAFTA." The Buffalo News reports that in 1998 she "praised corporations for mounting 'a very effective business effort in the U.S. on behalf of NAFTA.'" And last year, her lead Wall Street fundraiser told reporters that Clinton remains "committed" to NAFTA's "free" trade structure.
The mailer on health care is no different than what she and Obama have said during the campaign, and she has acknowledged. Obama's health care plan is not mandatory accross the board and punitive in nature, while hers is. Clinton wants to go after your wages.
looking at her hysterical video, over comments that Obama has been making in every debate and are all true, I now think that Hillary is committing political seppuku. It is a shame, Hillary please stop all this for your own good, at least leave with your head on high.
Still waiting for substance. Let's hear some foreign policy discussion, Obama. We don't need you to commit. Just convey some understanding of the situation on the ground or strategic considerations.
Why did Tina Fey endorse Hillary on TV (my love for her has fallen 5 points)? Why did they not have something similar about Obama? Is bitch the new black? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvNVslzgC4w
If they want to run as co-presidents let them do it, i think you will find that the majority of the country does not want 'smart' people that get caught with their pants down and cigars out.
Obama naysayers want substance? Here's some substance:
I Refuse to Buy into the Obama Hype (now a supporter)
I went to the Library of Congress Website. The FACTS of what each did in the Senate last year sure surprised me. I'm sure they will surprise you, too. Whether you love or hate Hillary, you will be surprised. Whether you think Obama is the second coming of JFK or an inexperienced lightweight, you will surprised. Go check out the Library of Congress Website. After spending some time there, it will be clear that there is really only one candidate would is ready to be the next president, even better than Gore. If you don't want to spend an hour or two doing research, then I'll tell you what I discovered on the jump.
tell it, brother
I thought this spot on:
Wow. Sit back and imagine for a second if the candidates were reversed. If Obama had lost 11 in a row, making lame excuses, was low on cash, and was cadging some cheesy late support from 527s.
Everyone would be calling for his head, no? So why is Clinton so damned special?
Clinton is well connected the the power elite(ex-ceo wall-mart) is y she sold her soul see Michael Moore's Sicko for the scene that she sold out for 200+ million dollars (to not have health care)
more good context on y Clintons are a republicans in democrat clothing watch Adam Curtis Power of Nightmares and The Trap series
That legislative comparison is a pretty powerful argument. Talk about vision!
if McCain really was servicing the cute lobbyist, it can only help him...would put a stop to all the over-the-hill jokes...that randy old goat (allegedly).
"If I was John McCain, though (Kelly pauses, shudders, continues) I'd want to make sure everyone knew it was consummated. Consummated like crazy. He'd better hope she kept a diary where she says he gave it to her like John Henry laying track."
ted kennedymocking the spanish language
am i the only one who thinks that cindy mccain is like tina fey's character from mean girls? the one with the fake boobs who givers her teenage daughter's friends booze so they think she's cool?
i think this pic proves my point:
Things are looking good in OH and TX, people watching the debate tonight?
I wonder if the Texas debate will be broadcast here in California. . .
it's on cnn at 5:00 pm pacific
ooh! 42 minutes from now!
Sorry for this longer post, but...
Have you guys noticed these poll numbers? They seem to say that if (when) Obama gets it there are more red states in play than in the past few presidential cycles.
General Election: McCain vs. Clinton FOX News McCain 47, Clinton 44, Und 9 McCain +3
General Election: McCain vs. Obama FOX News McCain 43, Obama 47, Und 10 Obama +4
Virginia: McCain vs. Clinton Rasmussen McCain 51, Clinton 41, Und 8 McCain +10
Virginia: McCain vs. Obama Rasmussen McCain 49, Obama 44, Und 7 McCain +5
Republican Presidential Nomination Gallup Tracking McCain 62, Huckabee 22, Paul 5 McCain +40
Democratic Presidential Nomination Gallup Tracking Obama 44, Clinton 45 Clinton +1
Iowa: McCain vs. Clinton Rasmussen McCain 47, Clinton 37, Und 16 McCain +10
Iowa: McCain vs. Obama Rasmussen McCain 41, Obama 44, Und 15 Obama +3
Republican Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking McCain 54, Huckabee 29, Paul 8 McCain +25
Democratic Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking Obama 46, Clinton 41 Obama +5
New York: McCain vs. Clinton SurveyUSA McCain 41, Clinton 52, Und 7 Clinton +11
New York: McCain vs. Obama SurveyUSA McCain 36, Obama 57, Und 7 Obama +21
Kansas: McCain vs. Clinton SurveyUSA McCain 59, Clinton 35, Und 6 McCain +24
Kansas: McCain vs. Obama SurveyUSA McCain 50, Obama 44, Und 6 McCain +6
Pennsylvania Democratic Primary Franklin & Marshall Clinton 44, Obama 32 Clinton +12
Pennsylvania: McCain vs. Clinton Franklin & Marshall McCain 46, Clinton 46, Und 8 Tie
New Jersey: McCain vs. Clinton Quinnipiac McCain 41, Clinton 47, Und 12 Clinton +6
New Jersey: McCain vs. Obama Quinnipiac McCain 39, Obama 46, Und 15 Obama +7
Pennsylvania: McCain vs. Obama Franklin & Marshall McCain 44, Obama 43, Und 13 McCain +1
sorry but all your general election poll numbers 9 months or so before the election are pointless
sure it's fun to look at the numbers, but come on
come ON!
Free, it is fun anyway.
Is it just me or is this the most substantial debate to date, pretty awesome.
did it seem like during the the past few debates
the candidates were just mudd slinging and defending
themselves, rather than answering the bloody questions
to you guys?
this is my second vote, i am a youngling
maybe im just inexperienced
i dunno
I thought it was all about the issues. I may be biased but I think Obama won it hands down.
CNN.com just interviewed a UT architecture student, he was leaning Obama, but had to run because he had a pin up.
Did you guys hear Hillary's answer to tough moment? Is she trying to be elected on the fact that her husband cheated on her?
Hillary can be ok(through meditation and prayer I am trying to forgive SC) but I do not understand why she keeps bringing up her failures (Bill's problems, Health care) as her biggest assets? Maybe she just does not have much else.
Obama to raise $60 million from over 200,000 people with an average donation of $140?
It's a shame it costs so much to campaign now. It should be a crime.
mightylittle, ahem.....I believe you are referring to Amy Poehler's character in Mean Girls, not Tina Fey. Tina Fey played the cool teacher that got accused of dealing drugs.
.....And now that you all know I've seen "Mean Girls", I'm going to back away from the intelligent discussion slowly....
Barack Obama picked me up at the airport.
i always mix those two up...mean girls was a great flick though. nothing to back away from...
Hillary Clinton umped me at the bus station.
Map of the elections:
Amigos de Obama
countdown to free's and pimp's anti-spanish response, 5... 4.... 3... 2...
Let's Just Say Obama's the Nominee. So, Who's the Running Mate?
Let's face it. It's over. Teamsters President James P. Hoffa may have provided the last bit of muscle Wednesday with his union's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.).
AP Survey: Superdelegates Jump to Obama
From the Fact Check Desk: Obama's Army Anecdote
February 22, 2008 1:33 PM
At last night's debate in Texas, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, told an anecdote about an Army captain that
is causing a lot of chatter in the political world.
Obama was making a point about what he called "the single most important foreign policy decision of this
generation, whether or not to go to war in Iraq." His point was that in opposing the war he "showed the
judgment of a commander in chief. And I think that Senator Clinton was wrong in her judgments on that."
He argued the Iraq war "diverted attention from Afghanistan where Al Qaeda, that killed 3,000 Americans,
are stronger now than at any time since 2001."
And then he told the following story to argue that Clinton's vote -- and the larger decision to go to war --
had negative consequences.
"You know, I've heard from an Army captain who was the head of a rifle platoon -- supposed to have 39
men in a rifle platoon," he said. "Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24 because 15 of those soldiers
had been sent to Iraq. And as a consequence, they didn't have enough ammunition, they didn't have enough and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.)
I called the Obama campaign this morning to chat about this story, and was put in touch with the Army
captain in question.
He told me his story, which I found quite credible, though for obvious reasons he asked that I not mention
his name or certain identifying information.
Short answer: He backs up Obama's story.
The longer answer is worth telling, though.
The Army captain, a West Point graduate, did a tour in a hot area of eastern Afghanistan from the Summer
of 2003 through Spring 2004.
Prior to deployment the Captain -- then a Lieutenant -- took command of a rifle platoon at Fort Drum.
When he took command, the platoon had 39 members, but -- in ones and twos -- 15 members of the platoon
were re-assigned to other units. He knows of 10 of those 15 for sure who went to Iraq, and he suspects the
other five did as well.
The platoon was sent to Afghanistan with 24 men.
"We should have deployed with 39," he told me, "we should have gotten replacements. But we didn't. And
that was pretty consistent across the battalion."
He adds that maybe a half-dozen of the 15 were replaced by the Fall of 2003, months after they arrived in
Afghanistan, but never all 15.
As for the weapons and humvees, there are two distinct periods in this, as he explains -- before deployment,
and afterwards.
At Fort Drum, in training, "we didn't have access to heavy weapons or the ammunition for the weapons, or
humvees to train before we deployed."
What ammunition?
40 mm automatic grenade launcher ammunition for the MK-19, and ammunition for the .50 caliber M-2
machine gun ("50 cal.")
"We weren't able to train in the way we needed to train," he says. When the platoon got to Afghanistan they
had three days to learn.
They also didn't have the humvees they were supposed to have both before deployment and once they were
in Afghanistan, the Captain says.
"We should have had 4 up-armored humvees," he said. "We were supposed to. But at most we had three
operable humvees, and it was usually just two."
So what did they do? "To get the rest of the platoon to the fight," he says, "we would use Toyota Hilux
pickup trucks or unarmored flatbed humvees." Sometimes with sandbags, sometimes without.
Also in Afghanistan they had issues getting parts for their MK-19s and their 50-cals. Getting parts or
ammunition for their standard rifles was not a problem.
"It was very difficult to get any parts in theater," he says, "because parts are prioritized to the theater where
they were needed most -- so they were going to Iraq not Afghanistan."
"The purpose of going after the Taliban was not to get their weapons," he said, but on occasion they used
Taliban weapons. Sometimes AK-47s, and they also mounted a Soviet-model DShK (or "Dishka") on one
of their humvees instead of their 50 cal.
The Captain has spoken to Sen. Obama, he says, but this anecdote was relayed to Obama through an Obama
I find that Obama's anecdote checks out.
Some are quibbling about whether or not the "commander in chief" can be held responsible for how well
our soldiers are being equipped, since Congress provides the funding for the military, but the Pentagon (and
ultimately President Bush) are in charge of the funding mechanism.
humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than
it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief."
Asked about the story in the Spin Room last night, Obama strategist David Axelrod told the National
Review's Stephen Spruiell, "that was a discussion that a captain in the military had with our staff, and he
asked that that be passed along to Senator Obama."
Conservatives have weighed in on this story, many of them challenging its veracity I might suggest those on the blogosphere upset about this story would be better suited directing their ire at
those responsible for this problem, which is certainly not new. That is, if they actually care about the men
and women bravely serving our country at home and abroad.
- jpt
The Rio Grande Guardian reports that one of Hillary Clinton's most prominent supporters in the Valley showed up at a rally this morning ... for Barack Obama.
As Homer Simpson would say: D'oh!
That regeatton Obama songs is one of the funniest things I've heard in ages.
I'm glad my fellow latinos are voting for the guy but please...this is lame. LOL
the odd thing is Patrick, that given what McCain has said about his foreign policy strategy; 100 year occupation, bomb Iran, etc...i almost think that just the opposite thinking, most americans would take in a heartbeat.
are you really hanging your hat on Obama saying one thing and Clinton another? are you trying to decide between Hillary and Obama? because i think the really debate will happen when we see two very contrasting positions Obama vs. McCain, and until that happens, specifics will be held close to the vest and not wastes.
Patrick, are you serious? He gave a very detailed positions on many issues but SPECIALLY foreign policy in the last debate.
His OWN words during the debate:
For his positions on the website:
His entire history on foreign policy:
I think all these attacks over fluff have made OBAMA the most substantial candidate. I can tell you his positions off the cuff. McCains stands seem to shift as the campaign moves forward, so I think I know him and his policies less than I did a year ago. I have no clue where Hillary stands on this issue.
Prominent Clinton Supporter Thinks Obama Will Win The Nomination
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, spoke at St. Mary's college in Maryland last week and offered a very frank assessment of the state of the Clinton campaign. A Political Wire reader emails a summary:
"Townsend said she expects Sen. Barack Obama to win the Democratic presidential nomination and that Clinton is finished. She believed that the Wisconsin results demonstrated that Clinton's coalition (voters over the age of 50 and those earning less than $50,000) had fallen apart. When asked why the Clinton campaign had failed, Ms. Townsend had plenty of opinions and she placed significant blame on Bill Clinton and his racially tinged statements in South Carolina. She also felt that Clinton made a tactical error in making "experience and inevitability" her central campaign themes. Townsend argued that Clinton had little more experience than Obama and far less than candidates such as Senators Dodd and Biden. Additionally, making the inevitability claim hurt her when she lost Iowa... Townsend then lamented Clinton's decision to go negative and question Obama's readiness. She said that she called the Clinton campaign and advised that they 'go out on a high note' but her advice was politely dismissed."
Hillary mad over the truth, her position on NAFTA:
During Clinton's 1996 visit to Texas, United Press International reported that she "touted the president's support for NAFTA." In her memoir, Clinton trumpeted her husband's "successes on the budget, the Brady bill and NAFTA." The Buffalo News reports that in 1998 she "praised corporations for mounting 'a very effective business effort in the U.S. on behalf of NAFTA.'" And last year, her lead Wall Street fundraiser told reporters that Clinton remains "committed" to NAFTA's "free" trade structure.
The mailer on health care is no different than what she and Obama have said during the campaign, and she has acknowledged. Obama's health care plan is not mandatory accross the board and punitive in nature, while hers is. Clinton wants to go after your wages.
Obama on Hillary's healthcare and NAFTA
looking at her hysterical video, over comments that Obama has been making in every debate and are all true, I now think that Hillary is committing political seppuku. It is a shame, Hillary please stop all this for your own good, at least leave with your head on high.
video of Hillary:
Obama responds:
Patrick, I also wanted to show you this:
Barack Obama: Analyzing his stump speeches
Yes they are filled with platitudes, but they discuss policy as much as his opponents' speeches do
Patrick, I also wanted to show you this:
Barack Obama: Analyzing his stump speeches
Yes they are filled with platitudes, but they discuss policy as much as his opponents' speeches do
Iowa: McCain vs. Obama Selzer & Co (DMR) McCain 36, Obama 53 Obama +17
Iowa: McCain vs. Clinton Selzer & Co (DMR) McCain 49, Clinton 40 McCain +9
Iowa is Obama country!!
The voting record is here:
Did you read his article in Foreign Policy published last summer?
It's very easy to find:
Oh god, Nader is back. . .
On SNL...
Why did Tina Fey endorse Hillary on TV (my love for her has fallen 5 points)? Why did they not have something similar about Obama? Is bitch the new black?
If they want to run as co-presidents let them do it, i think you will find that the majority of the country does not want 'smart' people that get caught with their pants down and cigars out.
Are you serious? The black guy named Barack Hussein Obama has all the advantages, right?
SNL you said before that the media had already chosen Hillary:
Eeeek. They put it in print.
New York Time's article about concerns over Obama's safety
Is that pimp and free in the photo?
They're Republican red, and true blue to Obama
Did you look at Obama's article in Foreign Policy?
A lot of people complain that they don't know what Obama stands for and the reality is that his books and his articles can help answer that question.
Take care
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