I am disappointed in Obama including [url=http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2008/12/18/washington/AP-Inauguration-Minister.html]Rick Warren[/ur] in the Inauguration. If his choice was to stimulate debate, I can perhaps give him some leeway, but if this is to display some sign of capitulation to religious conservatives, then I have a problem. I hope it's the former.
I would guess that maybe you make a move like this, then you have legitimacy to go for gay marriage, strengthening the Court against repeal of Roe, etc etc ?
(too bad george bush is still president)
the countdown has begun!
75 days 22 hours 15 minutes 32 seconds
I am disappointed in Obama including [url=http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2008/12/18/washington/AP-Inauguration-Minister.html]Rick Warren[/ur] in the Inauguration. If his choice was to stimulate debate, I can perhaps give him some leeway, but if this is to display some sign of capitulation to religious conservatives, then I have a problem. I hope it's the former.
I would guess that maybe you make a move like this, then you have legitimacy to go for gay marriage, strengthening the Court against repeal of Roe, etc etc ?
that too, but perhaps another thought is by doing this, he is provoking discussion/conflict and keeping the debate in the public sphere?
watch warren go on a diatribe, this ought to be funny, already from his staff i am hearing he is preparing some sic stuff.
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