Record expires on 14-Feb-2009.
Record created on 14-Feb-2008.
Database last updated on 20-Feb-2008 12:22:32 EST.
are these people fucking morons? do they not know how to privatize their domains? talk about disingenuous...
hey everyone, let's create (on feb 14 no less) a completely false website that looks like a clearinghouse for simple delegate information, and fill it with bullshit stats which can be skewed in our favor. but we won't let on that we have anything to do with it...we'll just let people think that delegatehub dot com is run by a bunch of, well, delegates.
It was Obama's ninth straight victory. With no excuses readily available, the Clinton campaign made none. Indeed, in the space the networks reserved for her concession speech, Clinton said nothing about Wisconsin at all, taking advantage of the media's tradition of televising the runner-up's congratulatory address to bait-and-switch them into covering an attack-laden "contrast" speech that never once mentioned the night’s results. Noticing this, the Obama campaign pushed up their speech. The networks promptly dropped Clinton to give uninterrupted airtime to the night’s winner. It was Clinton’s second loss of the evening.
Heh... A subtle but effective move on the part of the Obama campaign, something Old Man Daley himself would be proud of. Well played, sir!
yea, that seems like one more desperation move by her campaign.
the CNN video in the corner, though, is not partisan and points out that in most scenarios, neither candidate will have enough votes for nomination, and barring 80/20 wins by Obama from here on out (which is not out of the question, but unlikely), the primary will probably have to be decided by the super-delegates. she's not going to give up easily based on that scenario, and you know what, i wouldn't either.
Assuming Obama has a convincing majority of the pledged delegates in his pocket, I seriously doubt the superdelegates would be dumb enough to overrule the popular vote and nominate Hillary. It would throw the convention into chaos, alienate a huge portion of the electorate, give the White House to McCain in a year that the Democrats should have been a shoo-in, and damage the party's credibility for a generation. The superdelegates, if nothing else, are political animals who know what's at stake.
The real nightmare scenario would be if Obama and Hillary end up more-or-less tied in pledged delegates, and an all-out brawl would break out concerning the Michigan and Florida delegates. But I think the chances of a tie in the pledged delegates are looking less and less likely. This nomination is now Obama's to lose.
Yeah, if she loses Texas and/or Ohio, especially by a wide margin, she'll most likely drop out and spend the next couple years quietly licking her wounds... She's a conniving weasel, but she's not stupid. While Bill has nothing left to lose, she still has a plum Senate seat to hang onto.
If she insisted in hanging around to the bitter end, she'd only end up looking incredibly desperate and foolish, which won't play well with the party bigwigs, and she'd be a pariah at the convention.
yea, either of those scenarios would do a lot of damage. i do think she'll step down if she loses either Texas or Ohio (i mean, that's her whole strategy now).
Also, keep in mind that there's more going on than just a presidential election. Lots of House and Senate seats are also up for grabs, in addition to governorships and other local offices. In order to get anything accomplished in 2009, the Democrats will need to control at least 60 Senate seats in order to block Republican filibusters. I think the Democratic honchos are beginning to realize that Obama has much longer coattails than Hillary.
Remember what happened the last time a Democratic president was elected (yes, that long ago): two years later the Repubs took over Congress and it was gridlock for much of the next 6 years. They're ruthless and, now, "threatened."
Remember which Democrat was occupying the White House in 1994, and Hillary's healthcare debacle was a big motivator for the GOP. I think 1994 is a big reason people aren't eager to see another Clinton in the White House.
And keep in mind that in 1994, the Democrats had been in control of congress for decades. They were fat and complacent, and I think they deserved the ass-kicking they got that year. This year, I think the Dems have been humbled enough not to take anything for granted.
We are within striking distance of something historic: one million people donating to this campaign.
This unprecedented foundation of support has built a campaign that has shaken the status quo and proven that ordinary people can compete in a political process too often dominated by special interests.
But it's going to take an incredible organizing effort to bring in 100,000 new donors before March 4th.
Be a part of this historic drive.
Please donate now and double your impact.
What do you guys make of this story? I have to say there has been a lot of bat-shit insane stuff coming out of the media this past month, I seriously feel like Im in the fucking twilight zone sometimes. Intentionally sabotaging her?? So what now theyre gonna deep-six an ex-president so hillary can claim some fucking crazy freudian-psychobable feminist repression? How about the guy has been out of the game for a while? How about politics have changed since the 90's and the slick-willie routine just isnt fooling anyone anymore? How about hillary clinton as a candidate just plain isnt that compelling and never really was?
I honestly dont know what to make of all this. I mean the media throws up their arms in fucking outrage when the clintons tie themselves up in racial nonsense in South Carolina and then in the same breath go right back to their flying pie charts of racial demographic breakdown to explain every fucking detail of how this race has come together. I think theyre all fucking out of it. What if *GASP!* people arent as big of suckers as youve all thought these last 20 years? What if people just want someone they can trust to actually do what they say theyre gonna do? What if people are just fucking sick of the braindead right-left soap opera and just want to see some shit get done for a change?I mean christ! Get it through your heads! Race and gender and demographics just isnt what this election is about! GIVE IT UP! All us regular people are seriously just begging to move on.
I think what is happening right now has everyone from frank luntz to bill kristol to everyone on capitol hill are absolutely dumbfounded. They just cant believe what they are seeing Obama do. They cant believe he raised all that money from small doners, they cant believe his people are really winning a grass-roots ground war. They cant believe none of their media models are working. And its got them scared out of their minds. They just cant believe this could really be the one that finally pulls the rug out from under the table.
the pimp and free combo, weird how they always come together and make a lot of noise over nothing. Thankfully your radical ideology has shown to be empty and without support in America.
free, Obama emphasizes how it is all about personal responsibility. He has actually ran the most classically conservative campaign I have seen, with the probable exception of Ron Paul. He emphasizes personal responsibility and government as an extension of that, classic American democratic ideals.
I like the GOP message better: Why should you be taxed to pay for services you take for granted ? That's just for chumps, and other people. Hoard what you can, and grub as much more as you can from the chumps. Now you're afraid of having your hoard stolen by the poor and the desperate; we'll put more police and guards out there for you. Aliens and the chumps are trying to steal your country from you; we'll put them in their place. It's every man for himself ! Vote for us, the War, No Tax, and Spend party !
I dont know maybe I take it back. Watching pimp and frc lose their minds maybe its better that a good chunk of the population just moves to a cabin in montana to cry in the dark for the next 20 years.
Did you see the piece on Danes last week ('60 Mins') ? They are rated "happiest people" by someone. They have cradle-to-grave health coverage, all education in the country is paid for, 6 mo maternity/paternity paid, six weeks vacation is normal. Full employment. Tax ? about 50 %. Happy ? More like they have low expectations (self-described) so anything good makes them content. Don't know if this is connected or not to the above.
Jesus. What a pile of shit that story is. Leave the poor guy alone. Even if the guy was fooling around I just dont see how this matters. Dont we have bigger fucking problems to deal with??
Well, you know it wouldn't be a proper presidential election without a sex scandal, now would it?
Given how many "family values" Republicans have been caught having flings with underage boys or with strangers in airport restrooms, the idea of a politician having an affair with an attractive woman seems almost quaint.
free, whatever makes you feel better about having such a narrow view of the world that cannot be represented in this electoral cycle.
For those of us that dream a better future, but realize that it takes hard work, compromise, and above all leadership cannot lose this election cycle. I prefer Obama over Clinton and McCain, but in all reality all three of these candidates would probably be ok. At least none of them spouse your narrow views.
Obama '08 - for individuals that believe that government should inspire all of us to do the hard work necessary to make this country even greater. And once we have all worked hard we will make sure that everyone has the opportunities in front of them to continue that hard work in the ways that suit them best.
collective Change and Hope achieved, with strong leadership, with individual freedom and action.
I have been proud before, but I think that what Obama is doing shows there is a willingness in America to be both inspired and challenged to work harder. I am today even prouder of our nation.
between the iseman thing and the current crop of front page pics of mccain during the keating five days, that guy's in a world of hurt right about now.
i think the NYT looks quite foolish having endorsed hillary a few weeks back, and are falling in their swords in front of obama and the rest of the DNC by bringing up this whole long 5 pager right as mccain starts going on the offensive against obama. they've obviously had this story in the can for weeks...
mccain saw, like everyone else is seeing, that obama has maybe reached critical mass, and the floodgates are about to really blow wide open in tx and oh. he went on the offensive right away, and since the times is backpedalling in their anti-obama rhetoric and getting ready to start helping the dems blast the repubs in the process, mccain is instant cannon fodder.
i really think that for all his likeable factors (smarmyness, baldness, inability to think in a non-unilateral fashion, etc) he really is a quite a loser.
on a side note, about the new york times...they've become terribly shallow of late. and the online typos and grammatical errors are driving me i taking crazy pills or does everyone else see this too?
didn't somebody once say something about how the internet and email were ruining the english language?
oe, I wish there was a better way to mark your post on the last page, but I don't think I could have said it better....I mean the one at 02/20/08 20:21. Very well put.
ditto that, mightylittle. My cousin (the crazy-right-wing-nutcase one, bless him) told me a week ago about a sex scandal that the LA Times had been sitting on and they were trying to decide if they should release it or not. He was convinced it was Bill/Hillary, because, well, you least he was right about the subject matter. Wrong coast and wrong candidate though.
(I have totally been noticing the typos too. Driving me mad. Perhaps they have been drunk ever since they called the endorsement thing wrong. Honestly though, can you blame them for going with Hillary, since she's their Senator? If they had gone with Obama the race might already be over.)
The president who came to office with the most glittering array of experiences had served 10 years in the House of Representatives, then became minister to Russia, then served 10 years in the Senate, then four years as secretary of state (during a war that enlarged the nation by 33 percent), then was minister to Britain. Then, in 1856, James Buchanan was elected president and in just one term secured a strong claim to being ranked as America's worst president. Abraham Lincoln, the inexperienced former one-term congressman, had an easy act to follow.
Rather, a President Obama will likely engage the world in the way it should be engaged -- with respect, understanding and a clear sense of purpose. He will be, at the very least, a symbol of what can restore greatness to America -- a greatness that millions of people outside America want to believe in, but have up until now had difficulty reconciling with the facts. From their perspective, if a black son-of-an-immigrant with a Muslim name can become an American president, then anything truly is possible in America. And that's a country that would be very hard to be enemies with.
A half-black son of a muslim who abanodoned his family.
Nice article - vote for Obama because our enemy can identify with him....
It's not that Obama can't win, it's the fact that if he does win then America is done - finished. Elected by people who are voting for the first time, people who want a handout, and people dumb enough to march to the beat of regurgitated rhetoric.
Aw pimp, I know you are sad that even your own party repudiated your narrow view of the world, just don't take it on Barack.
Are all muslims your enemy? It is this type of us vs. the world that is KILLING thousands of soldiers and makes the job of the extremists easier.
I would not even care if Barack was a muslim, which he is not.
Barack's presidency prospects are being looked at with glee in ALL Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, the middle east, and most of Asia. In perilous times of global change, Obama is the best chance we have on keeping the US in a leadership role.
For what it's worth, my first thought upon reading this was: "Blaire Hull" and "Jack Ryan." In addition to being a phenomenally talented politician, is it possible that Obama's the luckiest man in the history of civilization?
I dont know guys, I volunteered in NH, hes doing well right now but lets not count our chickens yet. If Hill survives March 4th, if they pull some judo shit on him the debates the whole perception of this thing could change very quickly. Granted hes too smart a guy for that to be very likely, but it could still happen.
And the McCain thing, I mean if hes selling favors to a lobbyist, if theres real quid pro quo evidence then ok, thats hypocritical and looks real bad. But thus far the times really isnt showing the goods. I actually agree the times has been heading south in the last year or so and who knows, maybe theyve finally bit the bone on this one and McCain will end up looking unfairly vilified. Either way its a huge distraction from real debates that could further this race.
Elimelech: Don't bother trying to have a rational debate with Pimpanzee. It's like wrestling with a pig: You both get covered in shit, but the pig enjoys it.
Elimelech said: Barack's presidency prospects are being looked at with glee in ALL Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, the middle east, and most of Asia.
I fear this is BAD news to the Pimps of the [nation]; after all, those ferriners are the ENEMY. It's US vs THEM -- they're all SOCIALISTS or COMMUNISTS or something, over there. . .they. . .they. . .HATE us for our WAY OF LIFE. . .
SDR, I hope not. I think that after 8 years of unilateralism and a change on the global balance of power eminent, I think Americans are ready to re-join the rest of the world. If nothing else people like pimp are narcissistic and Obama will be the best chance to have the US as a global leader again.
Certainly. On the plus side, the citizenry abroad seem quite benign about the American people; it's our leadership that they revile. It seems we're especially popular among Africans, for some reason.
I recall a brief spate of public opinion from abroad that was allowed onto American media following Bush's first election; a young Russian called him an idiot and a peasant, as I recall. They're no deprived of the truth over there, any longer, apparently. . .
that delegatehub thing is rather disingenuous...take a look at this:
from domain tools search...
Private Registration
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA. 20172-0447
Administrative Contact:
Hillary Clinton for President
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA 20172-0447
Technical Contact:
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA 20172-0447
Record expires on 14-Feb-2009.
Record created on 14-Feb-2008.
Database last updated on 20-Feb-2008 12:22:32 EST.
are these people fucking morons? do they not know how to privatize their domains? talk about disingenuous...
hey everyone, let's create (on feb 14 no less) a completely false website that looks like a clearinghouse for simple delegate information, and fill it with bullshit stats which can be skewed in our favor. but we won't let on that we have anything to do with it...we'll just let people think that delegatehub dot com is run by a bunch of, well, delegates.
yeah I though delegatehub seemed a bit dodgey.... scroll down to the bottom of the page for the fine print and you see this:
"Paid for by Hillary Clinton for President"
Ezra Klein: The Underperformer
It was Obama's ninth straight victory. With no excuses readily available, the Clinton campaign made none. Indeed, in the space the networks reserved for her concession speech, Clinton said nothing about Wisconsin at all, taking advantage of the media's tradition of televising the runner-up's congratulatory address to bait-and-switch them into covering an attack-laden "contrast" speech that never once mentioned the night’s results. Noticing this, the Obama campaign pushed up their speech. The networks promptly dropped Clinton to give uninterrupted airtime to the night’s winner. It was Clinton’s second loss of the evening.
Heh... A subtle but effective move on the part of the Obama campaign, something Old Man Daley himself would be proud of. Well played, sir!
Obama is your new bicycle:
While Hillary is not:
^^ i love that. heh.
Three words: daunting delegate deficit
yea, that seems like one more desperation move by her campaign.
the CNN video in the corner, though, is not partisan and points out that in most scenarios, neither candidate will have enough votes for nomination, and barring 80/20 wins by Obama from here on out (which is not out of the question, but unlikely), the primary will probably have to be decided by the super-delegates. she's not going to give up easily based on that scenario, and you know what, i wouldn't either.
she will drop out after she loses TX and/or OH.
Assuming Obama has a convincing majority of the pledged delegates in his pocket, I seriously doubt the superdelegates would be dumb enough to overrule the popular vote and nominate Hillary. It would throw the convention into chaos, alienate a huge portion of the electorate, give the White House to McCain in a year that the Democrats should have been a shoo-in, and damage the party's credibility for a generation. The superdelegates, if nothing else, are political animals who know what's at stake.
The real nightmare scenario would be if Obama and Hillary end up more-or-less tied in pledged delegates, and an all-out brawl would break out concerning the Michigan and Florida delegates. But I think the chances of a tie in the pledged delegates are looking less and less likely. This nomination is now Obama's to lose.
Obama has it. Clinton is out of her mind and not to be trusted
(cross-posted with Elimelech)
Yeah, if she loses Texas and/or Ohio, especially by a wide margin, she'll most likely drop out and spend the next couple years quietly licking her wounds... She's a conniving weasel, but she's not stupid. While Bill has nothing left to lose, she still has a plum Senate seat to hang onto.
If she insisted in hanging around to the bitter end, she'd only end up looking incredibly desperate and foolish, which won't play well with the party bigwigs, and she'd be a pariah at the convention.
yea, either of those scenarios would do a lot of damage. i do think she'll step down if she loses either Texas or Ohio (i mean, that's her whole strategy now).
Also, keep in mind that there's more going on than just a presidential election. Lots of House and Senate seats are also up for grabs, in addition to governorships and other local offices. In order to get anything accomplished in 2009, the Democrats will need to control at least 60 Senate seats in order to block Republican filibusters. I think the Democratic honchos are beginning to realize that Obama has much longer coattails than Hillary.
Remember what happened the last time a Democratic president was elected (yes, that long ago): two years later the Repubs took over Congress and it was gridlock for much of the next 6 years. They're ruthless and, now, "threatened."
Remember which Democrat was occupying the White House in 1994, and Hillary's healthcare debacle was a big motivator for the GOP. I think 1994 is a big reason people aren't eager to see another Clinton in the White House.
And keep in mind that in 1994, the Democrats had been in control of congress for decades. They were fat and complacent, and I think they deserved the ass-kicking they got that year. This year, I think the Dems have been humbled enough not to take anything for granted.
Got this from the campaign:
Donate Now and Double Your Impact
We are within striking distance of something historic: one million people donating to this campaign.
This unprecedented foundation of support has built a campaign that has shaken the status quo and proven that ordinary people can compete in a political process too often dominated by special interests.
But it's going to take an incredible organizing effort to bring in 100,000 new donors before March 4th.
Be a part of this historic drive.
Please donate now and double your impact.
please .. donate now
those aren't 'just words'
..Whatever change you have in your pocket.
Hope For Change..he he.
wouldn't it be so cool to have a million people donate?!?
so cool!
you like me, you really like me!
and the more i insult you and say you're nothing unless the government gives you money the more you like me!
you can't make it on your own! you're poor! vote for me i'll take from the rich and give it all to you!!!!
all men are created equal!
are those just words?
we must even out all money everyone is the same!
What do you guys make of this story? I have to say there has been a lot of bat-shit insane stuff coming out of the media this past month, I seriously feel like Im in the fucking twilight zone sometimes. Intentionally sabotaging her?? So what now theyre gonna deep-six an ex-president so hillary can claim some fucking crazy freudian-psychobable feminist repression? How about the guy has been out of the game for a while? How about politics have changed since the 90's and the slick-willie routine just isnt fooling anyone anymore? How about hillary clinton as a candidate just plain isnt that compelling and never really was?
I honestly dont know what to make of all this. I mean the media throws up their arms in fucking outrage when the clintons tie themselves up in racial nonsense in South Carolina and then in the same breath go right back to their flying pie charts of racial demographic breakdown to explain every fucking detail of how this race has come together. I think theyre all fucking out of it. What if *GASP!* people arent as big of suckers as youve all thought these last 20 years? What if people just want someone they can trust to actually do what they say theyre gonna do? What if people are just fucking sick of the braindead right-left soap opera and just want to see some shit get done for a change?I mean christ! Get it through your heads! Race and gender and demographics just isnt what this election is about! GIVE IT UP! All us regular people are seriously just begging to move on.
I think what is happening right now has everyone from frank luntz to bill kristol to everyone on capitol hill are absolutely dumbfounded. They just cant believe what they are seeing Obama do. They cant believe he raised all that money from small doners, they cant believe his people are really winning a grass-roots ground war. They cant believe none of their media models are working. And its got them scared out of their minds. They just cant believe this could really be the one that finally pulls the rug out from under the table.
the pimp and free combo, weird how they always come together and make a lot of noise over nothing. Thankfully your radical ideology has shown to be empty and without support in America.
free, Obama emphasizes how it is all about personal responsibility. He has actually ran the most classically conservative campaign I have seen, with the probable exception of Ron Paul. He emphasizes personal responsibility and government as an extension of that, classic American democratic ideals.
I like the GOP message better: Why should you be taxed to pay for services you take for granted ? That's just for chumps, and other people. Hoard what you can, and grub as much more as you can from the chumps. Now you're afraid of having your hoard stolen by the poor and the desperate; we'll put more police and guards out there for you. Aliens and the chumps are trying to steal your country from you; we'll put them in their place. It's every man for himself ! Vote for us, the War, No Tax, and Spend party !
^^ Brilliant ;)
I dont know maybe I take it back. Watching pimp and frc lose their minds maybe its better that a good chunk of the population just moves to a cabin in montana to cry in the dark for the next 20 years.
Did you see the piece on Danes last week ('60 Mins') ? They are rated "happiest people" by someone. They have cradle-to-grave health coverage, all education in the country is paid for, 6 mo maternity/paternity paid, six weeks vacation is normal. Full employment. Tax ? about 50 %. Happy ? More like they have low expectations (self-described) so anything good makes them content. Don't know if this is connected or not to the above.
Jesus. What a pile of shit that story is. Leave the poor guy alone. Even if the guy was fooling around I just dont see how this matters. Dont we have bigger fucking problems to deal with??
She went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. . .
Is that like Miami of Ohio ?
i think i'm losin' my mind
this time
this time i'm losin' my mind !!
that's right
i said
i think i'm losin' my mind
this time
this time i'm losin' my mind !!
Well, you know it wouldn't be a proper presidential election without a sex scandal, now would it?
Given how many "family values" Republicans have been caught having flings with underage boys or with strangers in airport restrooms, the idea of a politician having an affair with an attractive woman seems almost quaint.
free, whatever makes you feel better about having such a narrow view of the world that cannot be represented in this electoral cycle.
For those of us that dream a better future, but realize that it takes hard work, compromise, and above all leadership cannot lose this election cycle. I prefer Obama over Clinton and McCain, but in all reality all three of these candidates would probably be ok. At least none of them spouse your narrow views.
Obama '08 - for individuals that believe that government should inspire all of us to do the hard work necessary to make this country even greater. And once we have all worked hard we will make sure that everyone has the opportunities in front of them to continue that hard work in the ways that suit them best.
Hope - Individual Freedom - Action
Obama 08
maybe a better way to put it is:
collective Change and Hope achieved, with strong leadership, with individual freedom and action.
I have been proud before, but I think that what Obama is doing shows there is a willingness in America to be both inspired and challenged to work harder. I am today even prouder of our nation.
Will the long nightmare, the national embarassment, of the Bush-Cheney years finally end ?
We have a lot to do, to repair ourselves, the nation and our self-respect in the world. It can't happen soon enough for me.
between the iseman thing and the current crop of front page pics of mccain during the keating five days, that guy's in a world of hurt right about now.
i think the NYT looks quite foolish having endorsed hillary a few weeks back, and are falling in their swords in front of obama and the rest of the DNC by bringing up this whole long 5 pager right as mccain starts going on the offensive against obama. they've obviously had this story in the can for weeks...
mccain saw, like everyone else is seeing, that obama has maybe reached critical mass, and the floodgates are about to really blow wide open in tx and oh. he went on the offensive right away, and since the times is backpedalling in their anti-obama rhetoric and getting ready to start helping the dems blast the repubs in the process, mccain is instant cannon fodder.
i really think that for all his likeable factors (smarmyness, baldness, inability to think in a non-unilateral fashion, etc) he really is a quite a loser.
on a side note, about the new york times...they've become terribly shallow of late. and the online typos and grammatical errors are driving me i taking crazy pills or does everyone else see this too?
didn't somebody once say something about how the internet and email were ruining the english language?
oe, I wish there was a better way to mark your post on the last page, but I don't think I could have said it better....I mean the one at 02/20/08 20:21. Very well put.
ditto that, mightylittle. My cousin (the crazy-right-wing-nutcase one, bless him) told me a week ago about a sex scandal that the LA Times had been sitting on and they were trying to decide if they should release it or not. He was convinced it was Bill/Hillary, because, well, you least he was right about the subject matter. Wrong coast and wrong candidate though.
(I have totally been noticing the typos too. Driving me mad. Perhaps they have been drunk ever since they called the endorsement thing wrong. Honestly though, can you blame them for going with Hillary, since she's their Senator? If they had gone with Obama the race might already be over.)
My favorite thing of the day:
Even George Will has figured it out:
The last paragraph is eye-opening:
The president who came to office with the most glittering array of experiences had served 10 years in the House of Representatives, then became minister to Russia, then served 10 years in the Senate, then four years as secretary of state (during a war that enlarged the nation by 33 percent), then was minister to Britain. Then, in 1856, James Buchanan was elected president and in just one term secured a strong claim to being ranked as America's worst president. Abraham Lincoln, the inexperienced former one-term congressman, had an easy act to follow.
Barack Obama: A new face for American diplomacy
Rather, a President Obama will likely engage the world in the way it should be engaged -- with respect, understanding and a clear sense of purpose. He will be, at the very least, a symbol of what can restore greatness to America -- a greatness that millions of people outside America want to believe in, but have up until now had difficulty reconciling with the facts. From their perspective, if a black son-of-an-immigrant with a Muslim name can become an American president, then anything truly is possible in America. And that's a country that would be very hard to be enemies with.
A half-black son of a muslim who abanodoned his family.
Nice article - vote for Obama because our enemy can identify with him....
It's not that Obama can't win, it's the fact that if he does win then America is done - finished. Elected by people who are voting for the first time, people who want a handout, and people dumb enough to march to the beat of regurgitated rhetoric.
I'm going to counter your stupid article with this:
Aw pimp, I know you are sad that even your own party repudiated your narrow view of the world, just don't take it on Barack.
Are all muslims your enemy? It is this type of us vs. the world that is KILLING thousands of soldiers and makes the job of the extremists easier.
I would not even care if Barack was a muslim, which he is not.
Barack's presidency prospects are being looked at with glee in ALL Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, the middle east, and most of Asia. In perilous times of global change, Obama is the best chance we have on keeping the US in a leadership role.
Obama's opponents have a thing for screwing up:
For what it's worth, my first thought upon reading this was: "Blaire Hull" and "Jack Ryan." In addition to being a phenomenally talented politician, is it possible that Obama's the luckiest man in the history of civilization?
I dont know guys, I volunteered in NH, hes doing well right now but lets not count our chickens yet. If Hill survives March 4th, if they pull some judo shit on him the debates the whole perception of this thing could change very quickly. Granted hes too smart a guy for that to be very likely, but it could still happen.
And the McCain thing, I mean if hes selling favors to a lobbyist, if theres real quid pro quo evidence then ok, thats hypocritical and looks real bad. But thus far the times really isnt showing the goods. I actually agree the times has been heading south in the last year or so and who knows, maybe theyve finally bit the bone on this one and McCain will end up looking unfairly vilified. Either way its a huge distraction from real debates that could further this race.
Elimelech: Don't bother trying to have a rational debate with Pimpanzee. It's like wrestling with a pig: You both get covered in shit, but the pig enjoys it.
Obama wins Democrats Abroad contest
Barack Obama – 65 percent, Hillary Clinton – 32 percent, with the rest of the candidates pulling in less than 1 percent of the vote each.
Democrats Abroad will send 22 delegates to the Democratic Convention, with half a vote each, carrying a total of 11 votes (7 of them for Obama).
Obama's long list of legislative accomplishments:
Elimelech said: Barack's presidency prospects are being looked at with glee in ALL Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, the middle east, and most of Asia.
I fear this is BAD news to the Pimps of the [nation]; after all, those ferriners are the ENEMY. It's US vs THEM -- they're all SOCIALISTS or COMMUNISTS or something, over there. . .they. . .they. . .HATE us for our WAY OF LIFE. . .
SDR, I hope not. I think that after 8 years of unilateralism and a change on the global balance of power eminent, I think Americans are ready to re-join the rest of the world. If nothing else people like pimp are narcissistic and Obama will be the best chance to have the US as a global leader again.
Certainly. On the plus side, the citizenry abroad seem quite benign about the American people; it's our leadership that they revile. It seems we're especially popular among Africans, for some reason.
I recall a brief spate of public opinion from abroad that was allowed onto American media following Bush's first election; a young Russian called him an idiot and a peasant, as I recall. They're no deprived of the truth over there, any longer, apparently. . .
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