
Thread Central


Have a nice day everyone! From someone named Edward Clark on Facebook. Enjoy.

Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. We just don't know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of. - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free

Jan 31, 22 12:33 pm  · 
6  · 

Would you be willing to remove the tracking facebookid connected urls? I like the list of resources, but I won't click anything connected to fucking facebook unless I am tricked or forced.

Jan 31, 22 12:36 pm  · 
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WorldCat and ILL (interlibrary loan) are two things that I think every student should learn about on the first day of every semester.

Follow that up with information about how you can request your local library acquire books. Blew so many of my classmates minds that you can simply ask the library to buy a book for you to check out.

Jan 31, 22 12:45 pm  · 
2  · 

screengrabbed for future reference!

Jan 31, 22 2:58 pm  · 

Great resources, thank Orhan!

Jan 31, 22 6:31 pm  · 

Just put in my lottery entry to climb Mt. Whitney in September. 

Feb 1, 22 10:53 am  · 
6  · 

Good luck! I hear it's an amazing view.

Feb 1, 22 12:56 pm  · 
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If you have an extra place on your team, can I join you?

Feb 1, 22 1:28 pm  · 

Please link a trip report when you are done, or a couple photos here — I’m a fan of adventurers

Feb 3, 22 10:54 am  · 

I hardly get to visit TC these days but I just came here to say that it's hilarious and bizarre when Archinect auto-sends me an email to let me know that someone 'liked' a comment that I made on a random thread 13 years ago. 

That's it. Hope all are well! 

Feb 1, 22 11:15 am  · 
5  · 

I think I did that, just to draw you back.

Feb 1, 22 11:28 am  · 
3  · 

Isnt that called cyber stalking?

Feb 1, 22 2:56 pm  · 

If it had been 200 of my comments from '09, I'd be worried for sure!
I assumed that this was just an honest and probably uncontrollable reaction to some brilliant observation I made back when I was smarter.

Feb 1, 22 3:15 pm  · 
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All went downhill after ‘16

Feb 1, 22 3:28 pm  · 
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Seriously, Steven, I read my own comments from 15 years ago here and think “Damn, I used to actually be smart!”

Feb 2, 22 2:30 pm  · 
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You're still smart Donna, you're just working with the material you get ;)

Feb 2, 22 2:50 pm  · 
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It's constant with me, Donna. The *worst* is to read things I wrote when I was in school. *That* guy was smart. The academic parts of my brain have atrophied over the decades.

Feb 2, 22 3:10 pm  · 
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Ha! I had the opposite experience recently.... was looking at an old Tschumi book from school at my margin notes and what I underlined thinking "what a naïve idiot!" 

Maybe that just means I'm reach peak smartness now and it is all downhill from here.

Feb 2, 22 4:10 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

I'm embarrassed to admit how often I google something building-related and find that I answered the same question on a forum or in an article years before. I swear I'm getting dumber the older I get.

Feb 2, 22 5:01 pm  · 
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You're not getting dumber WG. You just have so much knowledge in the brain of yours it's easy to forget where you put it. Happens to me all the time - it's just that I really don't know the answer . . .

Feb 2, 22 5:25 pm  · 

Good to know that mine isn't the only brain needing a wheelchair. It's so full of useful stuff, most of which is not reachable without a week's notice.

Feb 2, 22 6:45 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Chad I'd like to think that's the case but other clues make me think I really am getting dumber. Or there is limited capacity and Instagram Reels songs are squeezing out the important content.

Feb 3, 22 8:23 am  · 

colonoscopy prep day, yay!

Feb 3, 22 10:55 am  · 
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Feb 3, 22 11:31 am  · 
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My partner did the prep, and opted out of the anesthesia, she said the procedure isn't that bad.

Feb 3, 22 11:40 am  · 

The hilarious, gone-too-soon Dennis Wolfberg on his colon exam from thirty years ago... when the procedure was still to be dreaded, and for good reason:

Feb 3, 22 12:57 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Fun stuff! I had my first one last year. I didn't find the prep to be bad at all, but maybe I was lucky. I did find the $4k bill for the privilege to be outrageous, mainly due to a coding issue--apparently "diagnostic" is different from "screening." The $15K a year my wife and I pay for insurance covers screening, but not diagnostic, and after hours on the phone, there is no way to change it. F our insurance-driven health system. I should have risked cancer instead and stuck them with a giant bill.

Feb 3, 22 2:46 pm  · 
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Ultimately, not a big deal & not dreaded as my similarly aged friends led me to believe...

(prep reminded me of our dog on acadia just gorging on sea water & then producing a fountain in the kitchen of our least it was on linoleum!)

worst of it was being up all night to prep for a 8a appt

Feb 4, 22 6:59 pm  · 

Great gowd.  

Working on a project in a mountain town with SUPER strict and arbitrary design requirements.  How bad are these requirements - everything must look like wood, all windows must have trim and appear to be double hung. Oh, and the guidelines are written so that the board can change their minds about what is allowed at any time. Did I mention this is for a Fire station, SAR, and multi family housing projects?  Yup. 

Now I'm trying to find a composite product that will look like wood siding.  We were going to use a product called Resysta but you can't use trim on this system.  Instead all the corners and joints have exposed metal j-trim and h-trim.  Nope, can't use that.  

Oh and DD's are due in a month.

And the city is now requiring that we follow the 2021 IECC and make the projects LEED Certified.  

#@*!  me. 

Feb 3, 22 12:56 pm  · 
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I think architects should make it standard practice to talk about the cost of these seemingly arbitrary design standards when they present to public hearings. The average citizen might be a little less supportive of their local design review board if they had a window into their (sometimes project-busting) effect on budgets, especially public budgets.

Feb 3, 22 1:01 pm  · 
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Wilma Buttfit

tduds, I think their intent is to make it expensive. To keep out the riffraff. Edit to add, I guess that doesn't really make sense for a fire station, more for SFR. Chad, what is SAR?

Feb 3, 22 1:30 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I work with an architect who lives in Western Colorado. He is designing a house in an area that has a design review committee and has requirements for Architectural Elements. 62 pages worth. The design review lady, who knows he is an architect, asked him if he could do Architectural Elements.

Feb 3, 22 1:35 pm  · 

SAR - Search And Rescue. This project is in a mountain town that wants to remain old and crusty.

Another frustrating thing -  the head of the review department that wrote the 'guidelines' doesn't use typical nomenclature.  For example:  the person uses the term 'modular' to mean massing. 

Feb 3, 22 1:55 pm  · 
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Feb 3, 22 1:59 pm  · 

as long as there's no budget, you should be good, right?

Feb 3, 22 2:01 pm  · 

"guidelines are written so that the board can change their minds about what is allowed at any time."

Boom! There's your angle...!

Feb 3, 22 2:03 pm  · 

"Wants to remain old and crusty" is my Tindr headline.

Feb 3, 22 2:19 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Chad, I'll gladly change spots. Sounds like a vacation compared to the 2 residential projects on fire here.

Feb 3, 22 2:30 pm  · 

"I think their intent is to make it expensive. To keep out the riffraff." 

Oh, for sure. I just want to make them say the quiet part out loud.

Feb 3, 22 3:22 pm  · 
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Well the nickname for the town this project is in is "Crusty Butt" This is despite the fact that the average home there costs $2 million and no one that works in the town can afford to live there. The town is having to build affordable housing in order to keep all the businesses around.

Feb 4, 22 10:50 am  · 
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i need to get there some day -- hopefully without ever seeing the inside of your first responder building (no offense; i do hope it gets built )

Feb 4, 22 7:02 pm  · 

Check out this aluminum siding. Not sure how it will jive w the arbitrary style you’re stuck w though

Feb 12, 22 12:56 pm  · 
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Anyone see this on amazon?  The author introduced me to the pretty good house concept a couple years ago.  Looks like a good book!

Feb 3, 22 4:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

WG made a post about is a few days ago.

Feb 3, 22 4:44 pm  · 
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Shoot, I was super excited to share too

Feb 3, 22 7:49 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Sorry, we all pre-ordered a copy already. 8-)

Feb 3, 22 8:21 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Thanks Shell! I hope people find it useful. Mostly I hope we didn't make any glaring omissions or mistakes (but we probably did).

Feb 4, 22 10:23 am  · 
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Save something for the second edition!

Feb 4, 22 9:09 pm  · 

I think the covid thread is locked. Alas

, I was about to use one of my favorite gifs.

Feb 4, 22 12:41 pm  · 
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Damn right. Call in a nuke from orbit! Get away from her you bitch!

Feb 4, 22 1:34 pm  · 

Absolutely. I hope you know who is banned forever. I am going to flag every post or comment he makes I don't care what it is.

Feb 4, 22 2:04 pm  · 

That’s a relief, and perfect timing as we’re over the hill pandemic-wise!

Feb 4, 22 3:02 pm  · 

I'm just going to reply to any of his posts that are BS with T1 or T0 with 'T' being the trolling score.

Feb 9, 22 8:01 pm  · 

So apparently GCs are saying they are mostly done with supply chain/materials price escalation and are now dealing with labor shortage price escalation. I actually believe the labor shortage, but I’m not sure why that would cause price escalation unless you are pushing schedule.

Feb 4, 22 2:32 pm  · 
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Because it gives GCs an excuse to excise the parts of the projects they don't want to think about without having to say that part out loud.

Feb 4, 22 2:39 pm  · 
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Interesting. I've heard nothing more than what is basically a rumor at this point, but supposedly there is a PVDF resin (i.e. Kynar 500) shortage coming up that might make getting the fluoropolymer coatings for metal roof and wall panels, as well as curtainwall and storefront mullions difficult. If it turns out to be true, I'm not looking forward to reviewing the substitutions from contractors that they'll try to push through.

Feb 4, 22 3:02 pm  · 
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Have you ever encountered a project that didn't "require" the schedule being pushed? Because I haven't. Time is money and if the GC has to extend insurance, rentals, and internal staffing costs due to a delayed schedule, I actually understand that.

Feb 4, 22 3:03 pm  · 
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^only once. Government project with extremely high liquidated damages (like, on the order of a month's rent per day beyond the agreed-upon substantial completion). It was a nail biter but they got it approved one day early.

Feb 4, 22 3:08 pm  · 

EA - what do you think they would try to sub for metal coatings?

Feb 4, 22 3:37 pm  · 

My guess is they'd come in with a polyester coating as the substitution. It's probably the "right" solution in most applications. I believe there are some that will get you AAMA 2604 performance and that might be good enough if the owner gets a healthy credit in return, but it still wouldn't have the same performance as a 70% PVDF complying with AAMA 2605 that we'd typically specify for those applications. Yes, it could save the timeline and be cheaper, but the performance will be less than expected and the owner might not be happy in 10-15 years time. But if that's all you can get ... might as well take it I suppose.

If the (supposed) shortage is limited to PVDF and does not include FEVE resin, then there would still be options to get the same (or better) performance in FEVE-based coatings, but I think FEVE tends to be more expensive so there might have to be some adjustments to budgets or design to make it work. You could use it as an excuse to get some nice vivid colors if you wanted to.

Feb 7, 22 3:57 pm  · 

So long as you're talking about materials, I want to do galvanized gutters, a simple, profile, what gauge would you be inclined to use?

Feb 7, 22 4:30 pm  · 

b3ta, do you have a copy of SMACNA's Architectural Sheet Metal Manual? Check out Table 1-5 which gives you various materials (including galvanized steel) and recommended minimum thicknesses for each based on gutter girth.

Feb 7, 22 5:48 pm  · 
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I wish. It's on my list.

Feb 7, 22 9:03 pm  · 
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I love SMACNA. Fun to say, glorious to read.

Feb 7, 22 10:10 pm  · 
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It's better than graphic standards.

Feb 7, 22 10:14 pm  · 

Trying to remember if you commented earlier about using madcad for accessing standards, codes, etc. It can be included in your madcad subscription if you have one. Either way, you didn't get this from me (you can also see the same info here):

P.s. you can use SMACNA's online calculator ( to help determine the size of gutter you might need for you project based on rainfall and roof area.

Feb 8, 22 2:34 pm  · 
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Not sure if that link works above. I clicked it just now and got an error. Here's another link that hopefully lasts longer than a few hours.

Feb 9, 22 12:41 am  · 
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So it's whack-a-mole until your dumb ass gets bored, then? Might I suggest an IP ban, mods?

Feb 4, 22 5:14 pm  · 
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If your goal was to become the most revilved person on archinect you can stop now because you have succeeded.

Feb 4, 22 6:24 pm  · 
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Feb 4, 22 6:25 pm  · 

When they finally discover the center of the universe some people are going to be very upset when they find out that it isn't them.

Some of them seem to be getting early indications and are behaving accordingly.

Feb 4, 22 9:57 pm  · 

all this dancing on the archinect-grave of banned poster(s)…smh ✌️

still glad that archinect, as per my suggestion(!), shut down the COVID Central thread, pointless rehashing.

Feb 5, 22 1:39 am  · 

Geez, you leave Archinect for a weekend and there are nukes everywhere? What did I miss?

Feb 7, 22 8:45 am  · 
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Sounds like you picked a good time to leave for a weekend.

Feb 7, 22 3:30 pm  · 
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Today started with a scramble to engage a consultant for a surprise found during demolition and ended with a second structural check sheet for a project that's already way behind schedule. I'm ready for a break and it's only Monday.

I picked the wrong month to quit drinkin'

Feb 7, 22 8:46 pm  · 
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There’s no wrong month to quit drinkin’!

Feb 8, 22 2:18 am  · 

or, for that matter, to start up again.

Feb 8, 22 2:14 pm  · 

it looks like that “here’s what a liberal sounds like” thread is locked? I was gonna post this image, apparently from Ottawa (sorry you’re dealing with this, Non):

Feb 7, 22 10:14 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Thanks Donna. That intersection is a few blocks away from my office. Police made a big raid last night and confiscated loads of fuel and propane stashes. It's calming down, but it's still a mess of extreme-right pro-Christian racists...

Feb 8, 22 12:20 am  · 
4  ·  1

a true follower of Jesus Christ can neither be extreme-right nor a racist…

Feb 8, 22 2:00 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

No such thing as true-follower because the figure is fictional. Nothing to compare to.

Feb 8, 22 2:35 pm  · 
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Feb 8, 22 2:43 pm  · 
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One can still be a follower of a fictional character, just stick with the fiction…

Feb 8, 22 3:46 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Update, I decided to go into the office this morning. Been avoiding the gong-show all last week. Truck honking is temporarily illegal (10day injunction) and fuel/food/bible supplies are diminishing... Still a few hundred exceptionally deluded protestors with turcks here tho. Downtown also smells bad.

Feb 9, 22 9:19 am  · 

Saw someone waving a sign that said "Honk if you love Trudeau" - I laughed

Feb 9, 22 9:37 am  · 
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Feb 9, 22 6:38 pm  · 
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^this is genius.

Feb 10, 22 10:15 am  · 
Wood Guy

Who's playing Wordle? Who hates Wordle? Who thinks they hate it but only because everyone else is enjoying it and they haven't tried it yet? 

I've played 20 games, running just over 4 guesses on average. Thought I'd be better at it, but it's fun. At least until the ads and paywall appear. 

Feb 9, 22 9:38 am  · 
Non Sequitur

what's wordle?

Feb 9, 22 9:40 am  · 

It's a fun thing to do over my morning coffee. Haven't missed one yet!

Feb 9, 22 11:24 am  · 

The most frustrating is when you get all letters but one on guess two and then finally get it on the last guess because you guessed the vowels in the wrong order.

Feb 9, 22 12:50 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Pete yeah that kind of thing is frustrating. Or when you forget to use a yellow or green letter because you haven't had enough coffee yet.

Non, hopefully you're joking, but if not, there are more important things going on than the riots outside your door.

Feb 9, 22 2:06 pm  · 
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Feb 9, 22 2:13 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

No riots yet... but there have been a few close calls. Still not safe outside and many are there waiting for a fight to start. It's not over, probably not even close to. WG, no, have no idea what that is.

Feb 9, 22 3:22 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Well let me introduce you to it: Fun little word game, everybody gets the same word, only one per day so you can't get (too) addicted.

Sorry to hear about the troubles up there. 

Feb 9, 22 3:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Neat, got the word on 4th try

Feb 9, 22 3:51 pm  · 

Ok Wood Guy, you got me into it! Wordle has been all the hell over my socials, I had no antipathy toward it but hadn’t tried it myself. Now I’ve done it twice and love it, but I’m not very good at it LOL! Thank you!

Feb 11, 22 7:25 am  · 
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omg i'm addicted.

Feb 11, 22 8:59 am  · 
Wood Guy

I'm honored to have been the catalyst in sparking new addictions! Todays was a bit tricky for me but in 20 games I haven't lost yet, averaging almost exactly 4 guesses per game.

Feb 11, 22 1:30 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

attempt 3 for me today.

Feb 11, 22 1:31 pm  · 

Used to have that game on tv here in NL for 25 years, was called Lingo. Here’s the highlight from 2006:

Feb 11, 22 2:20 pm  · 

Would be nice to have a thread to post about my family all getting COVID, thank you antivax daycare workers(!)

Feb 10, 22 7:18 am  · 
Non Sequitur

That sucks... all daycare workers are required to be fully vaxed here. No vax, no in-person teaching job.

Feb 10, 22 9:03 am  · 
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I think this is one of the first things I ever posted on Archinect, in 2004: "And I don't see design being about "controlling" nature so much as withstanding some specific aspects of it. Buildings don't *overcome* gravity, they withstand it, for a time." 

I stand by it. 

Feb 11, 22 2:21 pm  · 
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"Withstanding" Great word! Reminds me of a similar term I picked up from an old hippie I once worked with: "interfacing" e.g. The best buildings don't stand against the environment, they interface with it. I think I'll adopt this term if you don't mind.

Feb 11, 22 2:25 pm  · 
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So we have a code here in Alberta ( - National Building Code of Canada - 2018 Alberta Edition) that limits the height of roof access ladders to 4m (that's 13'-1 1/2" for 'merica). After 4m we are required to build an interior stairway, or fixed ladders with landings.  Ugh its frustrating as heck. Hoping for some empathy to my plight.

Feb 11, 22 5:52 pm  · 

Raising a shot of Malort in your honor, although I don't think I've had many top levels of stairs with 13' ceiling height? Must be a special case.

Feb 11, 22 6:07 pm  · 

Almosthip can you build a lil’ platform to get the actual ladder to be juuuuuuuuust less than 4 meters?

Feb 11, 22 9:50 pm  · 

That's a great idea.

Feb 12, 22 12:17 am  · 

I've used it to avoid a landing in a stair run once or twice. Just had to make it large enough.

Feb 12, 22 12:18 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Ahip, at least your code has some information on ladders. Ours defaults to the Canadian labour code and a long defunct design standard. No one know what they are doing so we keep recycling the same thing. For us it’s cage after 4m and platforms if higher than 6ish meters.

Feb 12, 22 10:24 am  · 
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Don't forget to double check with workplace health and safety legislation!! I'm all for health and safety standards but the bureaucracy is Kafkaesque.

Feb 12, 22 6:00 pm  · 
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“…can’t at this time “. I’m dying
Feb 12, 22 10:50 pm  · 
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And it’s gone…

Feb 13, 22 1:53 pm  · 
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Is Rick under the impression that he'll get posting privileges back at some point in the future?

Rick, I know you're reading this. You don't need to make a new thread to answer it, nor do you need to email me.

Feb 14, 22 12:15 pm  · 
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Harry, no. No, no, no.

Feb 14, 22 8:51 pm  · 
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7 year itch.

Feb 14, 22 10:00 pm  · 

That's hilarious

Feb 14, 22 10:03 pm  · 

Meant to say, thanks for sharing because that was a hilarious read. What a shameless hack! At least it put a smile on my face after a long day

Feb 14, 22 10:04 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Yes, needed the quick laugh

Feb 14, 22 10:20 pm  · 

i still stand by my original comment.

Feb 14, 22 11:26 pm  · 
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I actually like it when existing buildings are wrapped in glass

Feb 15, 22 4:06 am  · 

As a lover of Brutalism, I view this proposal as a personal affront.

Feb 15, 22 10:58 am  · 
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Wilma Buttfit

Idea isn't bad but wow that does not look good in the slightest.

Feb 15, 22 11:19 am  · 
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B- concept, D+ execution.

Feb 15, 22 2:13 pm  · 


Feb 15, 22 2:26 pm  · 
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Who did what now?

Feb 15, 22 2:29 pm  · 
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Feb 15, 22 2:43 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Good thing that got nuked early... I am in my jolly mood to play along. Unrelated, our chief of police resigned 12hrs after the Emergency Act announcement.

Feb 15, 22 4:05 pm  · 
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I assume x-jla was being his normal self.

Feb 15, 22 7:28 pm  · 
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His logic works like this.

Feb 15, 22 7:29 pm  · 
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So it gets you from a via b-z all the way back to a, all while enjoying nice scenic views and walking upside down?

Feb 16, 22 2:21 am  · 

The issue is that the track isn't finished and the cars don't have any restraints. Also you asked where to buy a funnel cake and not about the roller costar.

Feb 16, 22 12:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

and their pockets are full of bees

Feb 16, 22 12:53 pm  · 

My new favorite first sentence, ever;

"My parents are architectures."

Feb 15, 22 3:26 pm  · 
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"She's a brick... HOUSE"

Feb 15, 22 4:37 pm  · 
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They don't have to change clothes to go to the Beaux Arts Ball

Feb 16, 22 9:46 am  · 
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A thing I actually googled today “What music does Brad Pitt like”?

I’ve got a loooooooot of report writing to do today and need something to listen to. Apparently he likes Radiohead.

Feb 16, 22 10:07 am  · 

mmm, no thanks. I'm depressed naturally without thom yorke's whining.

Feb 16, 22 10:09 am  · 
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I guess this belongs on the music thread, but I also can’t bear Radiohead so I’m listening to the upbeat yet melancholy Pete Krebs, who I first knew as a drywall contractor in Portland when he played with grunge band Hazel.

Feb 16, 22 11:27 am  · 
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glad to hear it wasn't morrisey...

Feb 16, 22 11:35 am  · 
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Today, Brad Pitt googled, "Who is Donna Sink, and why is she parked outside my house?"   What a coincidence! 


Feb 16, 22 1:51 pm  · 
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How much bigotry disguised as intelligence will we be forced to endure before Archinect decides that this fucking wanker doesn't need to be here?

Feb 17, 22 1:03 pm  · 

Nobody needs to be here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Feb 17, 22 3:21 pm  · 

herp derp warm air comes from the hole!

Feb 17, 22 6:00 pm  · 
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Wood Guy, todays Wordle is hurting people and I got it in three…a very lucky guess!

Feb 17, 22 1:08 pm  · 
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I got it in 6.

Feb 17, 22 1:28 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Wow, congrats! I got it in 5 but know many others who were close but couldn't quite get there.

I have a masochist friend who plays this version, using 11 letters:

Feb 17, 22 1:56 pm  · 
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There's also

Feb 17, 22 2:44 pm  · 

11 letter words one is bullshit, man.

Feb 17, 22 2:45 pm  · 
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I used a strategy I hadn't tried before, and it wouldn't be available if playing on "hard mode." On my 3rd attempt I was only missing one letter, and I could see there were too many options if I just went through available letters for actual words one by one. So I used attempts 4 and 5 to rule in or out possible letters with other words. Figured out the 1 missing letter with attempt 5, then used my last attempt to solve it in 6.

Feb 17, 22 3:38 pm  · 
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Shop State Of, which is a menopause-focused product company, posted this as an ad for their cooling spray and I chortled. The pain is real.

Feb 18, 22 7:27 am  · 

Penis itchy, moody. Break, moist woman?

Feb 18, 22 2:52 pm  · 
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Hemmingway can write a story in six words and so can I.

Feb 18, 22 2:52 pm  · 
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X-jla newest thread about 'First Principles Thinking' didn't last more than ten minutes before the BGH deleted replies and locked it.   The only reply he got was me saying "T1 - try harder".  

I wonder when x-jla will take the hint and stop trying to post this garbage.  I'm starting to worry about his emotional and mental health.  

Feb 17, 22 1:29 pm  · 
1  · 

also had a post there…genuinely interested in examples of first principles thinking in architectural education. Now I will never know(!)

Feb 17, 22 1:33 pm  · 

I think not allowing someone to post has a bigger effect on their emotional and mental health…

Feb 17, 22 1:36 pm  · 
 ·  1

There's a recurring theme on X's threads, mainly whereby some novel and/or obscure idea is lightly presented as a certainty, then pivoted to some grandiose statement reaffirming a wildly alt-right worldview through some hackneyed connection. This doesnt really appear to have any coherent backing, and mostly comes off as a performative one-ups-manship. It became tiring a long time ago.

Feb 17, 22 2:24 pm  · 
4  · 

I'd love an actual, good faith discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of various ways of thinking. That sounds like a fun discussion! But when you open with "...the cure for the current mindset that’s destroying western civilization." it really gives up the pretense that spirited discussion is the aim.

Feb 17, 22 5:21 pm  · 
6  · 

rando - not allowing someone to post shouldn't have an effect on someone's emotional and mental health. If it does then said person already has emotional and / or mental health issues.

x-jla's post in question is an incredibly transparent attempt at trolling.  That's why is was locked.  x-jla has made other posts that are genuine discussions and those haven't been locked.  

Feb 17, 22 7:11 pm  · 
2  · 

Chad, that’s why it does have an effect on their emotional and mental health.

Feb 18, 22 3:05 am  · 

Having emotional and / or metal issues doesn't necessarily allow a persons speech to be free of consequences.

 If x-jla needs to speak at someone for his emotional and mental health then he find a professional to assist him. This site and it's users doesn't have an obligation to allow x-jla to post up garbage and put up with his bullshit.

Feb 18, 22 2:38 pm  · 

That’s all in the eye of the beholder…one person’s garbage is the other one’s gold, or something. Put someone on ignore if you can’t handle them and move on with your life…it seems you have quite the obsession about x-jla, maybe talk to someone ;-)

Feb 18, 22 2:56 pm  · 

Accusing anyone else of having a fetish for xlax is a bit of a projection. You're lucky this is a forum, rando, if it requires talking you'd have to reluctantly pull your lips off of his ass.

Feb 18, 22 3:32 pm  · 
1  · 

It's emotionally abusive if someone tries to bait you into a fight and you refuse to take the bait.

Feb 18, 22 4:25 pm  · 
1  · 

I’m just surprised of all the people going through all that trouble to keep discussing a single forum member…that’s not how ignoring someone works. If I’d want to ignore someone I wouldn’t keep on engaging them and replying to their posts, but maybe that’s just me.

Feb 18, 22 5:07 pm  · 


Feb 18, 22 5:24 pm  · 

Sometimes bullshit goes away if you ignore it. Other times you have to loudly call it out.

Feb 18, 22 7:52 pm  · 

Seems like neither ignoring it, nor calling it out is working. Maybe we need to stop letting it in the house...

Feb 18, 22 8:06 pm  · 
1  · 

I have suggested to him a number of times that he should leave of his own volition for his own well being. He refuses to do so. I believe at this point allowing him to post and/or comment is enabling him.

Feb 18, 22 9:20 pm  · 
1  · 

“ and yet HERE YOU ARE TOO”

I’m mostly here discussing the ones discussing that forum member ;)

Feb 19, 22 1:53 am  · 

How convenient for you.

Feb 19, 22 2:15 am  · 

Very much so…

Feb 19, 22 6:01 am  · 

I really don't give much thought to x-jla until I see him post up lies and taunts. x-jla is a dishonest liar with no credibility. He's admitted to knowingly posting up lies and being a troll. That is why when I see him acting this way I call him out on it. 

Free speech dose not mean you're free from the consequences resulting from what you say.  

Feb 19, 22 11:01 am  · 
1  ·  2

Nowhere on this forum it is stated that one must post the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you bgh…

Feb 19, 22 2:04 pm  · 

Nowhere on this forum dose it say that we have to put up with and provide a platform for people who knowingly lie.

Feb 19, 22 4:07 pm  · 
1  ·  1

You are not the one providing the platform Chad, and you don’t have to put up with anyone here, you could simply stop visiting if you don’t want to put people on ignore. Easy as pie…

Feb 20, 22 11:25 am  · 
 ·  1

For normal inane posts and trolls I would simply ignore them. When people knowingly post lies that cause harm to others I don't stay quiet.

Feb 22, 22 1:51 pm  · 

How does anything posted on the archinect forum cause harm to anyone?

Feb 22, 22 2:57 pm  · 

Spreading lies about COVID harms people. The platform doesn't matter.

Feb 22, 22 3:33 pm  · 

Whoever takes their covid advice from an architecture forum must wear their underpants on their head…

Feb 22, 22 4:04 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I get all my architecture advice from medical forums.

Feb 22, 22 7:11 pm  · 
1  · 

you wear underpants?

Feb 22, 22 7:17 pm  · 

I only wear a thong . . .

Feb 22, 22 7:50 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Following Justin T's emergency act, there is now a 3 Km2 (1.16mi2) exclusion (no go) zone in the Canadian capital.  They have also suspended all public transit  and all highway on/off ramps serving downtown... and some 100 or so police check points.  Tomorrow will be fun since they expect some 15-20cm (6-8 freedom inchies) of snow tonight.

I'll be working from home... because it's almost literally impossible to get to office plus I don't feel like walking past the deluded and disgruntled occupiers.  I'm the type to tell them where they, and their misguided P.O.V.s can go, which may not go very well given the police is finally doing it's job so tensions are getting up there.  Definitively felt different walking out tonight and seeing 50 police in front of a 100+ strong angry  crowd of occupiers with empty slogans pumping from their leader's megaphone.  

Feb 17, 22 9:16 pm  · 
4  ·  1

From one canuck to another, I'm glad you're staying home. I drive by these protesters daily and it's just not worth engaging. Be safe and have a great weekend

Feb 17, 22 10:57 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

Cheers BB.

The pics from Winnipeg don't look very pleasant.

Feb 17, 22 11:39 pm  · 

It's not great but besides the streets immediately to the north of our Legislative Building, they've not really been too noticeable. Maybe the southern border crossings were different but I hear they've been mostly cleared by now. Stay safe. I can only imagine the absurdity you're in.

Feb 18, 22 1:01 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

It's pretty absurd but since I'm the owner of a white penis, I'm safe from pretty much anything these wankers are doing. Can't say the same for my female colleagues tho who receive non-stop harassment because they wear their masks when they go get their coffee. Their rhetoric is the absurd part and they've convince far too many that they are some sort of freedom martyrs for white jesus.

I trust since Winnipeg is a little isolated, there is less week-end warrior type folks who come down just for shits and giggles and illegal shenanigans.  This is the absurd part for us.  Hoards of (likely vaccinated) folks drive down for the outside of Ottawa (many redneck hick towns) and wreck havoc in the residential areas... then they go back home and back to their weekday jobs thinking they are fighting the good fight.

Feb 18, 22 8:16 am  · 
1  ·  1

please start a Canada protest thread in Politics -- this is gonna blow up Thread Central

Feb 18, 22 12:39 pm  · 

My sister hasn't mentioned much disruption where she is at in Alberta, but that's probably because all the hoards were gathering at the Coutts border crossing (which is only an hour or so away from her, I think). It's probably also because many of her neighbors sympathize with the protestors, or have joined the protesters. So that's fun.

Feb 18, 22 12:44 pm  · 

EA - Its all quite in Alberta because we sent all our yahoos to Ottawa......Sorry NS. Well except for the Coutts boarder crossing protest.

Feb 18, 22 12:54 pm  · 
3  · 

Update: Being the polite Canadian prairie folk they are, our local protesters have agreed to move away from the government building, and will only blast their horns at two mutually-agreed upon times per day. I wish I was making that up, but I'm not. Clownshoes all around

Feb 18, 22 10:49 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

BB, they (the trucker cunts) proposed something similar like once per day at 5pm or whatever. We passed an injunction to make it a finable offence to honk for no legal reason for 60 days within downtown. Today, police on horseback re-enacted the final scene of LoTR2 where Gandalf rides through the orcs splitting the crowd in two. It's not over and I'm not a fan of tanks in our city centre or swat breaking car windows to drag occupants but if people were upset at the lost freedoms during covid... they sure as fuck won't like the lost ones in jail. Impending xJLA clueless thumbs down in 3...2...1...

Feb 18, 22 11:51 pm  · 
2  ·  1
randomised's comment has been hidden

Since Ottawa got liberated been seeing this again,  have to say the similarities are striking: 

Feb 19, 22 2:14 pm  · 
2  ·  3
Non Sequitur

yawn. old news.

Feb 19, 22 3:11 pm  · 
1  · 

I know, but still…just look at them, father and son, it’s uncanny. Early revolutionary Castro was so enigmatic and inspirational, a real hero for the oppressed all over the world, am curious what he would have thought of the Trucker Protest and how his son handles/d it…

Feb 19, 22 4:08 pm  · 

He would've seen right through the bullshit trying to pass as a "proletarian" Revolution, which this, is neither.

Feb 19, 22 4:12 pm  · 

randomised, just a tip from one person to another - posting conspiracy nonsense like this just makes all of your other arguments and points less credible.

Feb 19, 22 4:23 pm  · 
 ·  1

The others aren’t much beyond conspiracy either…so, at least we’ve got that…which is nice

Feb 19, 22 5:45 pm  · 

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s an observation…but it doesn’t matter, just thought it was funny this surfaced again. I highly respect the younger Castro sr. as he almost single-handedly ended colonial rule in Africa.

Feb 20, 22 11:15 am  · 

"I'm not trying to say anything in particular, I'm just not-so-subtly inferring this exact conspiracy theory" is such absolute bullshit and you just lost whatever respect I had for you. At least stand by what you say, you sniveling coward.

Feb 20, 22 1:04 pm  · 
 ·  2

If you can’t handle the posting of a picture…whose the coward? don’t project your own assumptions on others…you’re visually trained, just look at the pictures and you know. I personally don’t care that Castro sr. is Justin’s biological father but the fact you’re exploding about such a picture speaks volumes, at least to me. Must be your cognitive dissonance doing the damage here, or some issues after all that honking…

Feb 20, 22 1:16 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

not your brightest moment rando.

Feb 20, 22 1:28 pm  · 
1  ·  1

Don’t shoot the messenger(!) I can’t help it that Castro is Trudeau’s biological father, blame Margaret…

Feb 20, 22 2:27 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Would Ernesto not be a more appropriate character in your fantasy?

Feb 20, 22 3:08 pm  · 

It's not my fantasy, as I said it's an observation, but anyway...Che didn't look like Trudeau and was already dead for a few years so...

Feb 20, 22 4:02 pm  · 
1  · 

I think the response you're getting rando is less outrage that your conspiracy is true as much as exasperation upon realizing that you're posting it in seriousness.

Feb 21, 22 2:22 pm  · 
 ·  1

mind you, it's not a conspiracy if it's true(!)..honestly don't know why people keep popping those blue pills.

Feb 21, 22 4:54 pm  · 
1  · 

I don't see the resemblance.

Feb 21, 22 5:19 pm  · 


Feb 21, 22 11:49 pm  · 
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rando...I got some swamp land for sale if your that gullible. This meme is soooo old, we have had two federal elections since this first came out. My fellow Albertans tried to warn the rest of Canada.....But nobody listens to the little brother holding all the money.

Feb 22, 22 4:35 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^you know Hip... we're not all that fond of Albertans at the moment...

Feb 22, 22 4:38 pm  · 
1  · 

Ya but the price of oil is high so I am sure you will all love the transfer payments we send with all our dirty oil monies

Feb 22, 22 4:42 pm  · 

Old memes can still be true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Feb 22, 22 4:54 pm  · 

ya but this one was debunked long ago

Feb 22, 22 4:56 pm  · 

Now this is a funny meme

Feb 22, 22 5:00 pm  · 
1  · 

Just because people call something debunked doesn't mean it is debunked(!):

Feb 23, 22 3:55 pm  · 
1  ·  1

A. Trolling is not your strong suit.

B. Neither is critical thinking.

C. Get your eyesight checked.

Feb 23, 22 4:03 pm  · 
 ·  1

A. don't care about trolling

B. relax, it's justin observation

C. will do, but that won't make castro any less the father of trudeau

(D. i'm sure the people that have the real birth certificate of barack will know who the real father of justin is.)

Feb 23, 22 5:07 pm  · 
1  · 

I was banned from commenting on the news article about the inhuman decision by the City of New York regarding the unhoused on the subway. Because I used the word prick to correctly describe the pricks who made this decision. I am glad to see Archinect protecting the City of New York from the ire of a commenter on the internet using language that might hurt their tiny prick feelings. Pricks.

Feb 22, 22 1:30 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Don't they use pricks to keep the homeless from using public locations?

Feb 22, 22 2:07 pm  · 
1  · 

Yes. Yes they do...

Feb 22, 22 2:16 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

very prickly

Feb 22, 22 2:25 pm  · 

So long as you're a giant, you could sleep on it like a bed of nails

Feb 22, 22 3:01 pm  · 

Sneaky Pete, I am really not sure why ythat comment was hidden. It seems odd, because I think it was a very good comment. Someone higher than me must have misinterpreted your use of “pricks” as applying to Archinect, not New York City. I don’t have the ability to unhide that comment, I’m sorry.

Feb 22, 22 8:22 pm  · 
2  · 

I'm ok, I have a roof over my head. The city could do with more than a nasty word or two shoved where the sun doesn't shine, though.

Feb 22, 22 11:04 pm  · 

that picture of the highway isn't new york though...

Feb 25, 22 9:12 pm  · 

Correct, it's China. I didn't mean to imply that it was, but I can see how I didn't make that clear given the context. I was taking "they" more generally rather than specific to NYC. Here's some examples from New York:

Feb 27, 22 1:28 pm  · 

Is it the old man that makes it hostile?

Feb 27, 22 3:05 pm  · 

yes, he's a registered voter

Feb 28, 22 3:46 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Free ink: can anyone use a Canon PFI-120BK ink cartridge? I needed PFI-102BK but didn't realize the mistake before unwrapping the OEM cartridge. Free, but you can reimburse me for shipping. Amazon says it works in the following devices:

Canon imagePROGRAF TM-200Canon imagePROGRAF TM-205Canon imagePROGRAF TM-200 MFP L24eiCanon imagePROGRAF TM-205 MFP L24eiCanon imagePROGRAF TM-300Canon imagePROGRAF TM-305Canon imagePROGRAF TM-300 MFP L36eiCanon imagePROGRAF TM-305 MFP L36eiCanon imagePROGRAF TM-300 MFP T36Canon imagePROGRAF TM-300 MFP T36 AiOCanon imagePROGRAF TM-305 MFP T36Canon imagePROGRAF TM-305 MFP T36 AiO

Feb 23, 22 1:18 pm  · 

What're you up to, WG?  Everybody knows that cannons use toner.

Cannon Balls – LETVENT.COM

Really.  Big.  Toner.

Feb 28, 22 5:57 pm  · 

Jesus Fucking Christ I hate crypto with a hot passion.

Feb 25, 22 8:06 pm  · 
5  · 

Better than money though, right?

Feb 25, 22 9:37 pm  · 


Feb 25, 22 11:27 pm  · 

Better invest in printer ink, one of the most expensive liquids in the world, or Chanel no. 5 :)

Feb 28, 22 8:08 am  · 
Wood Guy

Invest in printer ink? I can't even give the stuff away! That cartridge in the previous post is worth almost $80.

Feb 28, 22 9:26 am  · 

As printer ink is a pyramid scheme, you should be at least one level above consumer/end-user…

Feb 28, 22 12:22 pm  · 


Tumblr: Image

Feb 28, 22 2:20 pm  · 

I’m working on a small break off project associated with a larger project and am getting really frustrated that everything has to go through senior people who have almost zero bandwidth. I just want to coordinate directly with underlings who are doing the actual work, but now there’s a log jamb and I can’t move anything forward.

same shit during the work from home period - I just though that maybe it was poor communication due to everyone suddenly working from home but now it seems like no manager wants to delegate or give people autonomy.

On the other hand In my office there’s been a reluctance to take on more responsibility because there’s no support to back you up (or is it that the WFH people are less likely to take on more responsibility?). Maybe it’s the same issue with consultants and clients?

I also really don’t see how someone can move into a more managerial role if they’re WFH or their mentor is WFH.

Mar 1, 22 11:30 am  · 
1  · 

On the other hand In my office there’s been a reluctance to take on more responsibility because there’s no support to back you up

this is how i feel; there is little incentive to take on more responsibility at my office because when i cross a certain line, i know i'll be out on my own with no support, like you say. i won't get paid more (and if i will it will be marginal), so until there is actual management structuring this responsibility, i'm happy to remain where i am.

i think the days of taking on responsibility for responsibilities sake are dwindling..

Mar 1, 22 11:37 am  · 

^ This is just part of the hidden, less-discussed aspects of WFH that we didn't know much about until it became so widespread for so long. Place and face-to-face are critical factors for working in teams. Zoom and email can only do so much.

Mar 1, 22 2:40 pm  · 
1  · 

Update time: first, the 18 month post-op celebration hiking in Arches and Canyonlands.

And the not so great: Architecture practice sucks - so much so that I took a leave from my position to think about if I even want to continue in the profession. I do, but it is going to be on my terms from now on. This doesn't mean going out on my own, but I'm not sure it means going back to my current firm (this is nothing new so it won't come as a surprise if it gets read by them). We can all admit that things got so much worse during the pandemic with clients expecting more, more, more, and architecture's soldier mentality of "at all costs". Well, that shit doesn't fly anymore with me. If something isn't making me happy, I'm changing it or discarding it. With architecture, I aim to change it - even if it is just setting the right example for those that come after me/any firm I'm at. I was unhappy for far too long with my weight, so I'll be damned if I let anything keep me unhappy now. 

Mar 2, 22 11:56 am  · 
13  · 

That sounds healthy for your brain. No advice from me. Just wishing you happiness & clarity for whatever direction you take next.

Mar 2, 22 12:04 pm  · 
3  · 

I love this, Josh. You're a role model.

Mar 2, 22 12:09 pm  · 
3  · 

Way to go Josh! I wish you be best of luck with finding a new position. If you like the area you can always come to work for a firm in Grand Junction, CO. There are a few that are hiring . . .

Mar 2, 22 12:48 pm  · 
1  · 

Perfect example to set in the profession if you ask me. I'm all for it.

Mar 2, 22 12:57 pm  · 
3  · 

So I was late for work this morning because the cities SWAT team was serving a warrant to a house on the only road out of my neighborhood.  

Interesting morning.  

Mar 2, 22 12:43 pm  · 

Any info on what it was for or anything?

Mar 2, 22 12:59 pm  · 

Drugs being the safe bet.

Mar 2, 22 3:12 pm  · 

Unpaid medical bills?

Mar 2, 22 3:51 pm  · 
2  · 

Wearing white after Labor Day... scum!

Mar 2, 22 4:31 pm  · 
3  · 

Probably drugs. It's an extended family household so I speculate that some of the kids or their friends were into drugs.

Mar 2, 22 6:23 pm  · 

Slow day on the forums yesterday and I'm tired of seeing posts about schools and software at the top ... what are we all up to today?

I had a deadline pushed back a couple of months at the last minute and while I'm happy to have the time to do the project right, I also wonder why the PM couldn't have seen this coming with this particular client? Their indecisiveness is legendary and we were waiting for them to make multiple decisions in order to finish up this latest set. Even after getting their decisions it would have been at least a 2-3 weeks of work to implement them in the best case scenario. So why did they wait until the day before the deadline to say, "we still don't have their decisions and we're pushing this deadline back ... probably as far as the beginning of May," when it could have easily been forecast to give us all a little bit of relief earlier this week?

Mar 4, 22 12:02 pm  · 
3  · 

That's always a mixed bag when you get a welcome extension, but not until the last minute, when you've already done so much work. Yay/Boo!

Mar 4, 22 1:22 pm  · 
1  · 

Elsewhere: context is everything. When I'm teaching and (rarely) decide to extend a paper deadline, I always check the calendar. Announce the extension too early, and the worst procrastinators (about a third of the class) are rewarded in the short term-- but not for later, obviously.  Announce too late and the very well-prepared (10-15% of the class) will be really pissed, since they're essentially done. The ideal timing, usually about a week out, means that most of the laggards will have at least started something; and most of the stars won't yet be complete.

Mar 4, 22 2:31 pm  · 
1  · 
atelier nobody

"... what are we all up to today?"

About 5½ feet...::RIMSHOT::

Thanks, you've been a great audience, I'll be here all week.

Mar 4, 22 1:51 pm  · 
2  · 

I see someone else has already met today's quota for razor-sharp wit, so I'll just see myself out.

Mar 4, 22 2:07 pm  · 
1  · 

I’m re-watching Nobody. It’s really freaking good.

Mar 4, 22 8:16 pm  · 
1  · 

That movie is totally carried by Bob's performance.

Mar 4, 22 8:21 pm  · 

I've been out of it recently, meaning not so much here on TC, as I've been travelling a lot and it's been a traumatic week. My 18yo boy was attacked on the Chicago Red Line last week, 3-5 people jumped him, his phone was stolen and he was beaten up. So I went up to Chicago Wednesday unexpectedly, and I'm now so much farther behind at work than I was before this happened and just having a hard time focusing!

Angus will be fine, thank god he wasn't stabbed or shot and even though he was kicked in the head his CAT scan came back clear. So I'm embracing the good, but he was deeply shaken up and is very, very angry. Emotionally it will be a process for all of us. 

Feel free to share stories of recovering from muggings/attacks/etc! I was an attempted carjack victim decades ago, so I have a bit of understanding of the anger that comes after a random assault, but the world is a worse place now.

Mar 5, 22 11:38 am  · 
6  · 

And yeah that's why I rewatched Nobody last night. Watching a gang of thugs get their asses kicked on a bus felt good.

Mar 5, 22 11:39 am  · 
3  · 

I'm sorry Angus was assaulted. I can understand some of what he's going through, mine was a different kind of violence, and the justice system failed me. It really took a long time for me to get past the anger, I finally had to let it go, and forgive, not so much him directly, but internally. He's got a good head, great parents, he needs to talk about what happened, or could consume him.

Mar 5, 22 11:50 am  · 
3  · 

Sorry to hear that …healing thoughts for your son & your family

Mar 5, 22 1:00 pm  · 
2  · 

It really upsets me to hear about Angus and that ordeal for him and you all, Donna. It's hard to put into words, and these things seem to be becoming ordinary, which is both rage-inducing and disheartening. The re-watching of Nobody makes a lot of sense here. Would that there was a Bob O. on every street corner and every bus right now.

Mar 5, 22 2:00 pm  · 
1  · 

Fortunately, I've never been in that position. Chicago is a scary place, and if he goes to U of Chi, THAT part of town can be terrifying. If you're looking for some satisfying videos, try YouTube under "bully fails" or some such header. There

Mar 5, 22 7:13 pm  · 

is a lot of street justice footage which is satisfying. Too bad our "authorities" don't give us much legal justice these days.

Mar 5, 22 7:24 pm  · 
2  · 

geezertect, there was a police report filed, and he did speak to a detective, after which the police department released CTA images of three of the suspects. I’m trying to be hopeful that something will come of it, but we’ll see.

Mar 5, 22 9:33 pm  · 

Donna, I immediately imagined you in a Death Wish scenario, seeking vengeance and kicking ass. In all seriousness, that sucks but I'm glad he's okay. I've been the intended victim of a couple muggings, but the idiots approached me from the front both times. Once with a knife. When I smiled and told them to "bring it," they all ran away. Don't get the wrong impression, I'm only 5'-6" but training in a bunch of martial arts / MMA has given me the confidence to not back down just long enough for one of us to run away. If your son hasn't ever tried training in combat sports, maybe now is a good time to start. It may help with the trauma.

Mar 6, 22 2:03 pm  · 
2  · 

Donna, I am sorry this happened to Angus. We all came to love and appreciate him and what's around him. I am glad it isn't anything more.

Mar 6, 22 6:18 pm  · 
1  · 

I am sorry that happened to Angus. What cowards. 5 to 1 is a high p**** ratio. They must be dissed by ev
eryone on the street.

Mar 7, 22 10:47 am  · 
1  · 

Rather than a thorough dissing, poor babies, I vote for the following in quick succession: vigorous prosecution; rapid incarceration; humiliating penetration.

Mar 7, 22 3:37 pm  · 
 ·  1

These loser, lowlife thugs undoubtedly will have a future of drug addiction, petty crime, and repeat incarnation as

Mar 7, 22 4:05 pm  · 
1  · 


Mar 7, 22 4:06 pm  · 

Citizen, I didn't mean that dissing should or
be their punishment.

Mar 7, 22 4:15 pm  · 
1  · 

Prison rape isn't a punch line.

Mar 7, 22 4:36 pm  · 
5  · 

I was shot during an attempted car jacking. The bullet grazed across the inside of my left palm and clipped my left thigh. I was attempting to deflect the muzzle of the pistol but had just put on sunscreen so my hands were slippery. I managed to disarm my attacker and recovered fully from the injuries both physically and mentally.

I'm glad your son is doing OK Donna.  Be sure to let him know that it's OK to get therapy for this.  PTSD is no joke.  

Mar 7, 22 4:51 pm  · 
8  · 


Mar 7, 22 5:15 pm  · 

Damn Donna, feel so bad for your family. My bro-in law and wife were mugged in oakland ca several years ago. The bad guys were caught a couple months later. I don't remember the exact details, but they were over 18 and did go to jail for multiple muggings with a deadly weapon.

Mar 8, 22 2:45 pm  · 
1  · 

I usually agree with BB, but I'd recommend running to most. The average criminal is going to be way better at violence that the average architect, or architect's children!  

Sounds like their goal was to hurt someone, i'm sure their life sucks on many levels.

Mar 8, 22 2:47 pm  · 
1  · 

Sorry for your son Donna. I was robbed at gun point in Chicago many years ago. The attacker was caught - I ID'd him in a lineup. Spending time at the district police department viewing suspects behind a mirror was actually scarier than the event itself, which happened so quickly. I wish your son luck in seeing it as the random act it was and finding ways to learn without self blaming.

Mar 8, 22 5:11 pm  · 
1  · 

If you happen to see this, Donna, I was wondering how Angus is doing. Well, I hope.

Mar 21, 22 8:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Must be that time of year... oh, it's difficult to hold back the gratuitous snark at all the "help me make adult decisions about my future" posts.  

Mar 7, 22 8:40 am  · 
1  · 

To be fair NS - they are children with brains that are still developing and we're asking them to make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. We have the benefit of hindsight and for most of us, mental maturity. (Not me mind you). Some of the questions here are asinine and show a complete lack of self awareness or ability to take personal responsibility. Most though are questions born of ignorance.

Mar 7, 22 10:42 am  · 
5  · 
Non Sequitur

Hey, I take great offence at you calling me mature.

Mar 7, 22 11:43 am  · 

No way am I calling you mature. I would NEVER insult you like that.

Mar 7, 22 12:16 pm  · 
1  · 

What are you all doing for document notation: All caps? Sentence case?

I've always done all caps, but I'm leaning towards sentence case since it takes up less space & legibility is seemingly improved. 

Mar 8, 22 6:36 pm  · 
atelier nobody


Mar 8, 22 6:48 pm  · 

I use all caps. It's easier to read on the jobsite.

Mar 8, 22 6:57 pm  · 
atelier nobody

I'm not necessarily sure it's still easier to read all caps now that fuzzy pencil lines reproduced by diazo are no longer the norm (I'm also not sure they're NOT, I really haven't thought about it much), but for anyone who has spent their career thus far, even if that's only a couple years, looking at drawings with notes in all caps, seeing notes in sentence case just looks wrong to most of us.

Mar 8, 22 7:07 pm  · 

On my smaller, personal projects, I prefer the legibility of sentence case.

Mar 8, 22 7:16 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It’s cute that you think your notes are read.

Mar 8, 22 7:25 pm  · 
6  · 


Mar 8, 22 7:27 pm  · 

NS wins the internet today

Mar 8, 22 7:39 pm  · 
1  · 

I Capitalize Every Word Just To Make The Contractor Go Insane

Mar 8, 22 10:20 pm  · 
3  · 

Vitruvius Grind ... is that you?

Mar 9, 22 7:21 pm  · 
2  · 

We just switched over to sentence case. I convinced our Spec/Standards guy by just showing him a little section detail done up both ways. It's too early to tell if it makes any difference but I can't imagine it'll hurt.

Mar 9, 22 8:04 pm  · 

I subscribe to the Brown M&M Theory, in my notes. Read, or don't read, at your own risk.

Mar 9, 22 8:24 pm  · 

i draw everything for 30x42 sheets but then carry 11x17 for my desk or site visits, so the slightly larger all caps text is nice.

Mar 9, 22 2:32 pm  · 

I roll with 3'x4' sheets like a real pro.

Mar 9, 22 4:54 pm  · 

I squeeze everything onto a 24x36 sheet and force the client to adjust their expectations to maintain a minimum 1/8" per foot scale with no match lines.

Mar 9, 22 5:22 pm  · 

I strictly design for the Bluebeam Professional.

Mar 9, 22 5:26 pm  · 
1  · 

Can I just say, I still love the movie Singles.

Mar 9, 22 5:34 pm  · 
1  · 

go right ahead

Mar 9, 22 7:16 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


Mar 9, 22 8:37 pm  · 
2  · 

It's Friday!  I made it another week without having to punch someone in the crotch!  

Mar 11, 22 11:57 am  · 
1  ·  1
Wilma Buttfit

Faces are punched. Crotches are kicked.

Mar 11, 22 12:25 pm  · 
2  · 

Only if you don't know how to fight . . .

Mar 11, 22 12:31 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Crotch punch is the juice they serve at frat parties.

Mar 11, 22 12:44 pm  · 
1  · 

You've been to some weird frat parties then. :)

Mar 11, 22 12:48 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

crotch punching is an odd strategy

Mar 11, 22 1:12 pm  · 
1  · 

buddy boeheim to the courtesy phone

Mar 11, 22 2:17 pm  · 
1  · 

Lee Marvin in "Point Blank". In the TV show M squad he once used hand cuffs as brass knuckles. A street fighter from way back. Also was supposed to be the nicest person you would ever meet.

Mar 11, 22 3:10 pm  · 
1  · 

Wouldn't that be the dis-courtesy phone?

Mar 11, 22 3:35 pm  · 

Chad is right.

Mar 11, 22 3:45 pm  · 

Bonus points for cleaning up the gene pool.

Mar 11, 22 4:02 pm  · 

Odd comment - given that Van Damme's opponent in this film is Asian ...

Mar 12, 22 11:44 am  · 

Chong Li was such a badass

Mar 12, 22 12:27 pm  · 
2  · 

Wow, good eye, Marc. I can't tell the racial or ethnic lineage of anyone in that photo, so I'm impressed.   I did presume that the punchee was a bad guy, and that we want fewer bad guys.

Mar 12, 22 4:22 pm  · 

So yeah, I officially resigned from my job yesterday. Exciting things are coming in the near future.

Mar 15, 22 2:27 pm  · 
11  · 

Congrats Josh. I did the same. Getting out of Chicago for a while.

Mar 15, 22 2:33 pm  · 
4  · 

Cool Josh!

Mar 15, 22 2:49 pm  · 

new vibes are good vibes

Mar 15, 22 4:53 pm  · 
2  · 

In the US the Senate just passed a bill to end the time change by staying on Daylight Savings permanently starting Jan 2023.  

Mar 15, 22 5:28 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Are there not more important issues?

Mar 15, 22 5:33 pm  · 

Pelosi better not mess this up.

Mar 15, 22 5:33 pm  · 
2  · 

Non, I expect my government to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Also small quality of life changes are important, too. Getting to spend more daylight in the evening with my kid is good.

Mar 15, 22 5:39 pm  · 
2  · 

NS - we're getting rid of time change so we have more evening light to shoot stuff - 'Murica!

Mar 15, 22 5:44 pm  · 
3  · 


Mar 15, 22 7:20 pm  · 

Really not looking forward to darkness at 8:45am

Mar 15, 22 8:27 pm  · 
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Wood Guy

Same here, Maine sticks out into the Atlantic zone but we’re on eastern time. I’d prefer keeping standard time all year, which would also be simple and logical.

Mar 16, 22 7:40 am  · 
1  · 

I’m good w/ DST all year. At my latitude, there isn’t a good compromise for dark at beginning or end of day. I def don’t need the sun up at 4a in June, so if daylight starts close to 9a in Dec, I’ll deal with that. Nothing wrong with shifting the work day if necessary.

Mar 16, 22 10:39 am  · 

I could get onboard with shifting the work day. Just come in at 9:30 for 3-4 months out of the year. Daylight Saving Tim.

Mar 16, 22 12:11 pm  · 

There's a simple solution which is to simply allow the current system to stay in place, but for Congress to amend the law to allow for states to change clocks twice a year (the status quo), stay on Standard Time year-round (currently allowed ... see AZ), or stay on Daylight Saving Time year-round (currently not allowed without special permission).

Last time this came up in my newsfeed I think it was from UT passing a law (last year maybe) to stay on DST if allowed. I think CA, OR, WA, ID, MT, and WY have already passed bills to stay on DST if allowed by Congress. I think AK was looking at doing something similar and CO was looking at eliminating DST, but I don't think it went anywhere with either state. I haven't heard much about anything on the east coast, but I think parts of Indiana go back and forth on whether they want to stay in Eastern or change to Central. I'm sure there are other states I haven't been paying attention to that would welcome an option too. I could be wrong on those details, but I'm all for letting states just figure it out. It would probably be pretty messy, but I'm kind of ok with that for a bit. I think it would get sorted out pretty well in the end.

Mar 16, 22 1:42 pm  · 

When you have young children you want to go the fuck to sleep you want darkness to come earlier. When they are in college you love these long sunlit evenings!

Mar 15, 22 10:45 pm  · 
3  · 

Perhaps this will change, but for the moment I'm loving the extra daylight with the kiddo and the blackout curtains work a treat.

Mar 16, 22 1:44 am  · 

i find the early darkness doesn't help my children get to sleep any sooner, but the early sunrise definitely has them waking me up an hour or two too early.

Mar 16, 22 9:59 am  · 
Wood Guy


Mar 16, 22 10:32 am  · 

Its light till midnight where I live in the summer time, only really get dusk before the suns back up again by 4am, and 18 hours of darkness in the winter time. The time change does not help me at all

Mar 16, 22 10:49 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Scheduled a furnace/AC replacement today. I walked the HVAC sales guy through the house a few weeks ago for quote and pointed out some obvious concerns I had that should impact his prices. The main item being a left over duct from 1960 wrapped in canvas which could be asbestos.  Don't know for sure since it's a small run (4') and not in any danger of being touched/moved.  Odds of it being danger cotton candy are probably 50/50, but likely not since all other duct insulation was removed 25y ago.

Service techs came in today as scheduled but without their inspection guy so the whole thing was put on hold because the sales rep never disclosed the info to his trades. So lots of planning and scheduling for a 5-figrue job is on hold. Argh, I don't have time for this.

Mar 16, 22 10:52 am  · 
1  · 

Are you saying you're told old for this shit?

Mar 16, 22 11:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I ain't that old, but yes.

Mar 16, 22 12:15 pm  · 
Wood Guy

No Time GIF - No Time For GIFs.

Mar 16, 22 12:28 pm  · 
3  · 

I recently had vermiculite abated from my attic. The first contractor insisted that everything on my upper floor be immediately thrown in the garbage "because it's contaminated," and they could help me with that for the low cost of 6 weeks of my salary. I didn't trust this person so I got another quote. I told this to the second contractor, who said "I have no idea what that person is talking about. Even if it gets contaminated, you can just clean those things with soap and water and move on with your life." Long story short, I don't trust anybody so whoever gives me the info I agree with most, is getting my money. I feel your frustration

Mar 16, 22 12:55 pm  · 
4  · 

30-minute time-out for the sales guy, sealed inside a plastic garment bag with the old duct section.

Mar 16, 22 1:14 pm  · 
3  · 

I've lost count at this point, but I think I'm at my 6th or 7th extra day for a window installation that should have been done in 5-6 days back in October. So many screw ups in this job; product backordered, window ordered wrong, a lot of the glass was scratched (some from the factory, some from their handling), windows installed in the wrong openings, caulking not installed correctly, code-required flashing missing, etc.). So at this point I think the installers have probably lost any profit they would have made on my job and probably more. Their installation manager was fired a month or two ago and I'm pretty sure my job might have had something to do with it. They've also changed their main glass supplier because of the issues with the glass.

I'm trying to be chill about it, but if they don't finish it on this next visit I'm probably going to scream. Then I'm going to itemize everything they haven't done, get a quote from someone else to fix it, and deduct that from the amount I owe them. I don't have time for this.

Mar 16, 22 1:27 pm  · 
2  · 

Well, I screamed (into the void).

They are coming back on next week to cut out and reinstall the sealant they never addressed and switch the glass around that they installed the wrong way this week (surface #1 should face the exterior, not the interior you incompetent ...).

Before I sent them photos and a strongly worded email ... they, unsolicited, offered me a $500 credit for all the trouble. I'll take it, but it's not enough to compensate me for all the time I've wasted on this.

Look for an addition of a few photos to the Show us your caulk! thread.

Mar 17, 22 7:16 pm  · 
3  · 

I quit yet another social/media site today. My tolerance for stupidity has always been really low, but I just can't handle talking with the willfully ignorant any more. I've got better things to do like sleep and interact with the real world. 

Just in case anybody else is thinking of doing the same, I highly recommend it.

Mar 17, 22 8:02 pm  · 
4  · 

I've been off of all of them but this one for years. Don't miss it one bit.

Mar 17, 22 8:04 pm  · 
3  · 

I just do my best to get banned.

Mar 17, 22 8:06 pm  · 
1  · 

Just to cement my ancient fossil status here, I recall starting the process to join Facebook in 2008.   ("Find old friends and classmates!"  "Make new friends and communicate with them!" "Isn't Mark Zuckerberg awesome?")   As I was prompted to enter my email address, I paused and thought for a minute. Hmmmmm.... nah.  Probably the best decision I made that year. 

I think of Archinect as my toe in the social media waters, and it's plenty.  bowling_ball's excellent cost-benefit summary is a great reminder.

Mar 17, 22 10:35 pm  · 
3  · 

I'm on FB a couple times a week for five minutes total. The last election cycle and COVID made me nearly quit FB all together. It wasn't healthy to see how incredibly stupid and selfish people are. Other than that my only social media is here. Wait - do emails count? If so then I'm on social media all dang day.

Mar 18, 22 10:40 am  · 
1  · 

Facebook is like a blighted neighborhood. Sad shadows of wasted potential lit by trash barrel fires of misplaced outrage. I mostly waste time on twitter these days.

Mar 18, 22 11:53 am  · 
1  · 

I have a Twitter account I haven't logged into for a decade. I would delete it but I don't care. I'll get around to it someday. That one always seemed like the worst one for my personality - screaming into the void of the internet with no actual conversation happening, partly due to the format. No thanks.

Mar 18, 22 12:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I’ve had FB since 2006 and only use it because the record shops in my area post new vinyl videos every other day. C19 and politics du jours forced me to to purge all the dumbs fucks from my FB friends list.

Mar 18, 22 12:11 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

A certain beer app is really the only social I’m married too. Ya’ll should get back in it. You know who I’m pointing the finger at.

Mar 18, 22 12:13 pm  · 
2  · 

I only joined FB back in 2012 ish because a local rock climbing group moved their forum / site there.

Mar 18, 22 12:30 pm  · 

I stopped checking FB in 2020 and I haven't missed it at all. I replaced that time with getting more into twitter because I was able to curate the bullshit better there. I'd delete my FB account, but I do use their messenger service to keep in touch with some people pretty regularly. I also use IG enough that I keep it, but not enough that it sucks up my time or energy. That's what Archinect is for.

Mar 18, 22 1:29 pm  · 
1  · 

I doubt I'll ever be on IG, Snap, ect. It's just too much a time waste. The only reason I go onto FB is because of a few news / reporting pages I follow from around the world. They each do a weekly recap of what's been going on with links to their reporting / sources.

Mar 18, 22 1:32 pm  · 

The problem for me is when I joined many of these social networks it was early on and they served a specific purpose for me. Now they've grown to be something different and I don't have any need for their new purposes ... but I still do get something out of them although it is very minimal.

Give me back the FB from when you had to have a .edu email address to sign up and I'd probably be a lot happier (I probably wouldn't be on it, but that's probably a good thing). Give me back IG before it tried to be some type of snapchat and tiktok and I'd be a lot happier. Remarkably, twitter is about the only one (at least in my mind) that still primarily performs what I think it was set up to do (or at least the function I liked it for originally). It's also the only one I still spend a significant amount of time on too.

Mar 18, 22 2:39 pm  · 
2  · 

I would pay a memebership fee to use a ~2008 version of facebook.

Mar 18, 22 2:53 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

SSTduds, I'm taggin you in untappd later today. come back to the malty side.

Mar 18, 22 3:15 pm  · 
1  · 

Ah I forgot about untappd.

Mar 18, 22 3:39 pm  · 

Will probably delete as I haven't been on there for years. Which is a shame because I'm somewhat of an expert 8-)

Mar 18, 22 3:39 pm  · 
 ·  1
Non Sequitur

^boo urns

Mar 18, 22 5:02 pm  · 

I've been drinking a lot less beer since January, but what that means is I've been seeking out more unique beers to drink. So perahps I should get back on Untappd.

Mar 21, 22 12:51 pm  · 
1  · 

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