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smithfield poultry market - london

Sep 27, 14 8:20 pm  · 


Sep 27, 14 10:35 pm  · 

I've been thinking that the 90s minivan generation and later is probably going to be a lot less nostalgic about cars in the way the old timers are on this thread - I'm just old enough to remember when it was socially acceptable for kids to roam around in the "way back" on long drives… but by the time I was about in junior high was when seatbelt laws starting becoming the norm… my younger relatives who didn't know the "freedom" of wandering around the car while it was hurtling down the highway tended to take much longer getting their licenses (if they got them at all) - probably because they spent their entire childhood completely restrained and immobile in these things…

Sep 29, 14 8:43 pm  · 

So, things are odd at my job.  We have a big project to change some things on campus, and we hired - in part at my request - an outside firm to do this work.  The problem is, working with them makes me totally miss practice! Ugh, it's so cool to watch them listen to us, come up with ideas, test the ideas...basically, I miss design, but even more I miss being involved in actually implementing a build design into the world. 


Sep 29, 14 8:44 pm  · 

Awe Donna…been on both sides – torn – lots more fun to watch, way less work and just think you’ll get to be the Plaintiff instead of the Defendant when it's done.

Have one of these in the morning before work – it will smooth things out.

Sep 29, 14 9:03 pm  · 

I'm trying to be an enlightened client for these guys, but I can't say the same for all my coworkers, unfortunately...

Sep 29, 14 9:11 pm  · 

Donna, the grass is always greener....
I am in my 3rd week at my new, corporate job. Some things are nice, some are totally maddening.
I continually vacillate between "oh god why didnt I take one of the small firms' offers" and "this is totally awesome and fulfilling."
Best just to focus on the task at hand and give it the ol college try.

Sep 29, 14 9:45 pm  · 

what you really need to do, of course, is tell them that you've already designed it, you just need to describe it to them so that they can draw it up for you.

Sep 30, 14 11:33 am  · 

then tell them someone on craigslist was doing that for $12/hr, so why can't they?

Sep 30, 14 12:10 pm  · 

This firm is quite good. Our ideas tend to align.  My coworkers have other priorities, though, and my voice is not the final authority, despite how significantly more experience I have with design than them.

Sep 30, 14 1:49 pm  · 

we are all going to die. / this is the start, of walking dead et al.!

i already had one two many Willet's tonight but that bloody mary (?) does looks yum...

Sep 30, 14 8:35 pm  · 

I only had ONE glass of wine tonight because I have to finish writing the talk I'm giving at the AIA IN-KY conference on Friday - I have too much to show/talk about! And am having a hard time organizing it coherently.

This is the presentation description:

The City Is A Cleaver: Urban Social Action in Practices Both Traditional and Non

My presentation will show examples of current civic engagement through non-traditional practice within the realm of architecture and urban design. I'll present projects by People for Urban Progress, Broken City Lab, DSGN AGNC, and others across the country and world. This work is all being done by architects and/or architecture school graduates who are consciously engaging in non-traditional practices to build local community and improve urban design and infrastructure. I'll also place this presentation within the context of NCARB's ongoing discussions (which I am part of in my role with AIA National's Emerging Professionals group) about how to allow non-traditional practice work be used for IDP credit. It will be an optimistic look at some very contemporary work. 

Sep 30, 14 8:40 pm  · 

Donna that sounds really interesting. wish i could be in audience!

Sep 30, 14 10:55 pm  · 
From those of you that know, what do you guys think of U of Oregon's M.Arch program?
Oct 2, 14 9:11 am  · 

well - this is interesting - central park's soil contains 2000 microbes that are completely unique to just central park.

Oct 3, 14 12:08 am  · 

Ugh, my son's goldfish, Surge, is on his last, um, fins.  Very close to just floating belly up.  Damn, I hate this.

CD.Arch I don't know anything abut UofO except that I believe it has a quite good reputation for green design. And it's located in a magical city.

Oct 5, 14 10:31 am  · 

Well this is interesting:  Bear Spotting by the Mrs Snooker,  10:30 am on a Sunday.  Guess it was on its way to Sunday Church.  We live in a small urbanite area, small lots single family houses boarded by a Local Business Zone with a lot of Car traffic.  I guess it is going to be one long ass winter.

Oct 5, 14 11:04 am  · 

Oh my snook.  Black bear? Brown? Grizzly?

Oct 5, 14 11:08 am  · 

Bears – my cousin visited last night from Connecticut – very active in a big Boy Scout Camp – talked about bears and he said they have a classic cannon that they fire-off “BOOM!!” at wake-up call for the scouts – he said the kids think it’s cool but he said what they don’t know is that it is done to scare the bears away before breakfast.  

Oct 5, 14 11:26 am  · 

Surge - great name for a fish. Going to be hard to top that.

Here's a pretty cool mountain biking video.

Oct 5, 14 11:34 am  · 

I agree on Surge, Miles, it's kinda cool.  Angus is good at naming pets.  He had a toy shark named Ouch.

Surge has sadly now had his/her burial at sea (via flushing). Angus is on the road home in several hours - he doesn't know yet that he's coming home to a gone goldfish. <sigh>

Oct 5, 14 4:21 pm  · 
That's disappointing Donna, I remember losing my neon tetra when I was kid. His name was Sunny, I was devastated. Thanks for your insight of U of O, I had heard similar things. Miles, we had time to kill in chemistry so our chemistry teacher showed us that one. Very cool. The calfs on that guy...
Oct 5, 14 5:34 pm  · 
Brain fart, calves, excuse me.
Oct 5, 14 5:55 pm  · 

Donna,  It was a Black Bear....and Adult with no ear must have come in for one of our neighbors  bird feeders or the Black Walnuts falling from the tree in our yard.  She was scarred and excited at the same time...You can only imagine the tale told to the friends in Brazil...

Oct 5, 14 7:38 pm  · 

You guys, I still don't really understand how Twitter works.  I responded to a Mark Lamster tweet and used <sarcasm>; now suddenly Grumpy Cat is following me? I'm old, this newfangled technology is confusing.

Oct 6, 14 8:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
How'd Angus take the news? Abe was pretty sad when we lost his goldfish, until we got to the toilet and curiosity took over. He asked "can I touch it?" I said sure. Then he said "can I squeeze it?!!"

Oct 6, 14 11:47 am  · 

^ Hey!

I resemble that remark.

Oct 6, 14 11:49 am  · 

Gone Goldfish? Is that a new Ben Affleck vehicle?

Oct 6, 14 1:09 pm  · 

Angus said "Oh well".  Surge was flushed before Angus arrived home, so there was no funeral.

I think Gone Goldfish would be an Oscar contender, for sure.  And it reminds me of this, which WARNING! goes to a very, very dark place but is hilarious: How A Fish Almost Destroyed My Childhood

Oct 6, 14 3:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

F... that was an intense cartoon.

Oct 6, 14 3:23 pm  · 

Non Sequitur, all of Allie's cartoons are intense! Her second-to-last one, on depression and fighting your way out of it, is wonderful.  Wrenching and awful, but great. Her comic on The Alot is brilliant.

Oct 6, 14 7:25 pm  · 

hi TC!

Donna sounds like he took it well... I remember pulling down my fishtank from a shelf and killing my fish.

In retrospect not sure how, unless we were really slow getting it back into a cup of water?

Oct 6, 14 7:33 pm  · 
Fish go into shock, and die if jostled too much. We moved from one house to a bigger house next door (sounds easy, actually the hardest move ever!) with a bunch of fish we had and moved the fish tank. The fish never left the tank, yet one died anyways. So I think something that catastrophic to your fish's little life probably made it's little heart go out... Poor guy.
Oct 6, 14 8:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Man, why are fish so wimpy? Seems that instead of calling pansies pussycats, we should call them goldfish.
Oct 6, 14 8:42 pm  · 
I feel like that's a Shakespearean insult Sarah.

"You are but a yellow bellied goldfish! I bite my thumb at you sir!"
Oct 6, 14 9:32 pm  · 

CD.Arch- I wished you had 1% of that empathy for for the Palestinian children.

Oct 6, 14 9:44 pm  · 

Donna, you will find this cute – My little son years ago had a Goldfish and one night when we went up to check on him we saw a dresser drawer open and we looked inside – saw his Goldfish under some underwear and the Goldfish was underneath – he was up so we asked “what the hell?” and he said he was just putting-it-to-bed, “he was cold”, dead Goldfish.

Oct 6, 14 9:46 pm  · 

Drafting and listening to music, my husband just put on Kings of Convenience Riot on an Empty Street.  Good lord, this takes me back to pre-recession Archinect, when it was all - all! - fun and games.  I miss aspects of that riotous time when the economy was going so strong that architecture jobs were there for the taking.

Oct 6, 14 10:23 pm  · 

Yep.  My co-worker's son gave his goldfish a ride on his little motorized Thomas the Train all around the room.  Fish loved it right up until death.

Oct 6, 14 10:24 pm  · 

Surge *is* a good name, reminding me of another good fish name that got the fish somewhat immortalized: the band Slint was named after the drummer's boyhood goldfish. 

Hope your talk was fabulous, Donna! Sorry I missed it. 

Folks, things ARE busy again. I'm seeing hiring all over. Strangely enough - like you hear on the radio - there don't seem to be all that many qualified people to hire!  At least not out here in flyover land. Maybe they're all going to NY/LA? 

Oct 7, 14 7:09 am  · 

I remember getting a blank check from a client with "we don't care how much it's going to cost, get it done."  when do i get another one of those?

Oct 7, 14 10:45 am  · 

I think my talk was pretty fabulous, lots of smiling, nodding-in-agreement heads in the audience and several people told me after they thought it was great.

Oct 7, 14 10:57 am  · 

I am sure it was Donna. Did/will you posting the slides/notes?

speaking of bears, everyone hear about the dead Bear Found in Central Park that Was Killed by a Car?

Oct 8, 14 6:32 pm  · 


Oct 8, 14 6:55 pm  · 
OMG you guys the Non-Payment For Model thread is turning out to be pretty epic. I just read the entire thing while sitting in a staff meeting and it was quite entertaining!
Oct 9, 14 11:03 am  · 

Sounds like a really important and engaging meeting.

Oct 9, 14 11:30 am  · 

I just wasted a perfectly good lunch break reading that thing.  Now back to exterior details!  getting excited over this EIFS to Fypon transition thing I'm conjuring up... specifying strips of copper at irregular intervals so there will be some streaking action - next I need to figure out how to encourage some efflorescence in a bare CMU wall.  oh -  will you guys remind me to randomly delete files in other people's project folders at the end of the day?  thanks!


busy busy day.

Oct 9, 14 1:41 pm  · 

Oops, sorry, toast.  Did I mention you have to skip over all of Richard's posts on that thread? Not that they're not valuable, they're just too long.  You missed a lot of file deleting time reading them all, didn't you? Sorry.

Nice AIA meeting tonight, I spent some time talking to a lovely 74yo architect, and saw the briefest, most teasing of flashes of the conceptual sketches by TWBTA, SHoP, and Deborah Berke for the Naptown Cummins site.

Oct 9, 14 8:13 pm  · 

In Richard’s defense – and I too couldn’t read everything – but he is principally correct. I know preaching to a choir is problematic but I hope some small fries were listening. Talked to Richard, I think it’s over now. 

Oct 9, 14 8:27 pm  · 

Toast- that sounds like our file management system. Very effective.

Steven - things seem to be really hopping in NYC and SF/LA, but even Chicago seems a bit slow.
I am probably part if the problem as I left Denver for Chicago, and left behind three job offers that probably would have been just as good as the one I accepted here.

Donna, you practice in Indiana, right?

Taking my first ARE on the 28th of this month. Structures. Yee haw.

Oct 9, 14 9:18 pm  · 

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