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Thoreau - Walking

Jan 31, 14 9:16 pm  · 
Sarah that's a hilarious comment.
Jan 31, 14 9:30 pm  · 
Toaster, seriously. Electricity and gasoline have made us soft.
Feb 1, 14 1:42 pm  · 


Ya we pay big money to NFL football players to do all our  heavy lifting, so we can sit on the couch and drink beer, laugh at commercials and pass gas.

Feb 1, 14 5:48 pm  · 

pretty sure its a light saber.

so im off to thailand in a few weeks. just in time for the civil war

Feb 1, 14 6:02 pm  · 

Oh my god, Phillip Seymour Hoffman reported dead?! So, so sad.

I'm hoping it's a hoax.  SIncerely.

Feb 2, 14 2:00 pm  · 

seems true, Donna.

Such a pity. Too many good people die for dumb reasons.

Life is fkuced up sometimes.

Feb 2, 14 6:12 pm  · 
He'll yeah Seattle!
Feb 2, 14 11:54 pm  · 

Got the world by the balls and he ODs on smack. Maybe success isn't all it's cracked up to be. 

Feb 3, 14 12:16 am  · 

You guys, go read this, it's hilarious and on-point criticism as is all of Orhan's writing!

Feb 3, 14 9:51 am  · 

Architect trivia: Henry Fonda's character in 12 Angry Men is an architect.

Feb 3, 14 12:04 pm  · 

posted this on orhan's thing about trailblazing clean lines, but thought you all might be interested:


The New Generation Gap (1992)

Feb 3, 14 11:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, it's official.  The have cancelled ALL my animation classes for incoming AND currently enrolled students.  I tried to fight it.  I asked for guidance about how hard I SHOULD fight it.  I was told to be happy with the classes I was given, and cheerlead those.  If I can't grow my program, I won't have a job.

Feb 4, 14 10:05 am  · 

Every time I  receive one of  the "Ron Blank Phamplets"   I think about  Bob Dobbs and wonder if they are not related:  www.

Feb 4, 14 11:19 am  · 

I'm kinda hating the world today: two people in my life making me stressed out - one super whiny and demanding, the other so dumb it's a wonder they can get dressed in the morning - and 9 inches more of snow bearing down on us, and Sarah's job treating her like dirt, and my ear still blocked up to the point that I sit in meetings knowing I'm missing 1/3 of the conversation due to the tinnitus - plink plink plink plink every time someone makes a "K" sound in a high tone.

If I didn't have to drive home in the weather I'd sincererly break into my secret flask this afternoon haha! I think all architects need a secret flask at their desk, yes?  Or just an outright exposed bottle and glasses.

Feb 4, 14 12:32 pm  · 

Also I had another one of those meetings in which three carpenters - actually only two of them, the other one respects me - stand in front of me and discuss all the ways they can potentially solve my problem without once consulting the drawings on which I have the solution that I know will work because I've already gone through and rejected all of their suggestions. If they would let me do my job it would save us all time!

Feb 4, 14 12:34 pm  · 

But hey on a happier note my husband just purchased a really wonderful piece of art for us - he'll pick it up next week.  From this guy, A. Bitterman, his Scout photograph.

Feb 4, 14 12:41 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Secret flask? my bottle is displayed proudly on my desk!

Feb 4, 14 12:41 pm  · 

whenever I get stressed I break out the flugelhorn and rock out to some led zeppelin.  I have a double flugelhorn/euphonium for stairway to heaven.

Feb 4, 14 1:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Donna, Angus will grow out of it. I'm sure of it.

Ref: flasks: being in public education, I can't have alcohol on me at all. But I bring my homemade sweet tea in an old glass salad dressing bottle. Someone does a double-take at least once a week, and then asks if it's beer/liquor. Oh if only.

And Donna, you must've met with the same people Orhan or Beta met with last week.
Feb 4, 14 1:36 pm  · 

Ha! Sarah, Angus is neither the whiny nor the stupid person in my life.  In fact he just gets better and better - 10 years old is fun.

Feb 4, 14 2:11 pm  · 


Don't Imagine you ever hung out at "Bob Dobbs Bar" in the Sam Hughs neighborhood.  There was a great market just next door.   It is named after "Bob Dobbs"

We are kinda like a wacka mole this week as far as storms go. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.  Trying to stay close to home since Monday, when I went to a project site and did the old slip and slide for about 30 miles on back roads.  I was summoned by the client, who passed me off to one of his underlings.  The story even gets better but not at liberty to speak about it at this time. Anyhow after driving by a couple cars in the ditch in a bad way I was glad to be home.

New Art Purchases are always good.

Shitty News Sarah....Hopefully you will ride the Texas Bronco...and come out on top in the long run.  Be sure to tell them your no  Dallas Cheerleader.....but you are a leader!

Feb 4, 14 7:59 pm  · 

your no  Dallas Cheerleader.....but you are a leader!

That's awesome advice. It still sucks hind teat though. It would be nice to hear better news from Texas education one day.

donna, sounds like you need a holiday. tokyo has less snow if you don't mind half a day on a plane to get here ;-)

totally unrelated to anything at all, if you wanna get picture of my office its in the feature article by my friend sasa radulovic of 5468796 architects. We crammed a table for twelve around the columns just barely. Had a lot of fun though and will do it again sometime soon, if we can come up with a different name for the event that sounds cool...

Feb 5, 14 3:23 am  · 
Snook that was Time Market, yes? I know my sister talked about Bobdobbs (one word) when she went to UA but I feel like four years later it maybe wasn't there any more? I went to Someplace Else a lot.

Will I'm so excited that's you in the Table for Twelve event!!! I've been following that series and love it. Haven't red this installment yet but I will have time today: another snow day, and my turn to stay home with the kid. Just spent an hour shoveling sidewalks and now doing done email work from home.
Feb 5, 14 9:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Will, who's the guy with the crazy hair?  He looks like a certain Philadelphia based archinector I know.


As for Texas education, they are trying desperately hard to do away with public education all together.  I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years they succeed through the use of vouchers and the like.


I sold the crap out of my Graphics Design program last night for incoming freshman and their parents.  I even told a few students that want to go into Architecture and Interior Design that taking my Graphic Design course would help them more than taking the drafting classes we offer because MY classes are first and foremost DESIGN classes, and color and presentation is an invaluable skill when moving into either career field.

Feb 5, 14 9:36 am  · 

Good Going Sarah....So True!

Feb 5, 14 10:43 am  · 

damn straight, sarah.  drafting classes might get you in the door, but design classes help get your name ON the door.

Feb 5, 14 10:58 am  · 

Right on, toast and Sarah.

Sorry about that last post you guys - on my phone, terrible spelling and mistakes.

I have a twitter account now.  Imagine I will just use it to follow, not tweet.  Mainly re: #FolkMOMA stuff and some art world commentators. But we'll see. Who else should I follow? Will, do you tweet?

Feb 5, 14 11:42 am  · 

sooooo, what's your handle? 

Feb 5, 14 11:47 am  · 

DonnaSinkArch  Yours?

Feb 5, 14 11:53 am  · 

Donna,  Nope not Time Market....Rincon Market on 6th and North Tucson Blvd.

Feb 5, 14 11:55 am  · 

Also, I partly joined because I was so giddily and goofily excited that M Speaks replied "donna is the best" to someone else tweeting to him about meeting me at the Emerging Professionals Summit. #braglikeatruearchidork

Feb 5, 14 11:55 am  · 

12"+ of snow here this it looks like the sleet is moving city usa

Feb 5, 14 11:56 am  · 

Oh, oops, right snook.  Sam Hughes was to east of campus, Time Market is west. I did go to Rincon frequently, but never to Bobdobbs.  I think it was a big frat bar by the time I got there?

Feb 5, 14 11:57 am  · 

3" wet snow on top of previous 6" of crystal snow, followed by light rain today then freezing temps for at least a week. 

Feb 5, 14 12:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, I skim-read that hashtag as "brag like a truck"  Don't know why, but it made me smile.

Feb 5, 14 1:14 pm  · 
"Brag like a dually" would be appropriate. Or is it duelly? No idea how that word is spelled, which is fine by me.
Feb 5, 14 1:27 pm  · 

I was hoping for @everythingbutthedonna ... not that you've ever heard that line of bad taste joke before...

Feb 5, 14 1:43 pm  · 

Sneaky, is that a reference to everything but the kitchen SINK?

Feb 5, 14 2:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel that since the term comes from its dual wheels, it MUST be dually, but I really don't know.  It's pronounced dooley.  Some Texas ambassador I turn out to be.

Feb 5, 14 3:25 pm  · 



Original I am not...

Feb 5, 14 3:31 pm  · 

No, I like it!

Sarah, it is funny that it's pronounced doooooley. Not dual - lee, at all.

I'm spending my snow day tying bamboo strips for the upcoming installation at the Museum.  Lending a helping hand, basically, for a very labor-intensive project.

Feb 5, 14 4:11 pm  · 

hi tc!

Feb 5, 14 4:30 pm  · 

Just listened and sorta watched the discourse on MOMA.  Scratching my Head and maybe should be scratching my Ass like MOMA staff.  What a couple of Monkeys with their Architect on a tight leash.

Feb 5, 14 4:53 pm  · 

i thought the lecture and discussion showed them to be less cartoonish than otherwise portrayed. Still disagree that they could and should try harder to make it work.

@sarah, crazy hair guy is sasa radulovic, head of the office with the number instead of letters in their name.

@donna, i do tweet, but less so lately and mostly just about green technology and sustainability things, with a bit of disaster news and commentary thrown in. Im @E_innovator_eng.  I find it a lot of work to keep it up and only use it when i have free time. For sure I am not using it to its potential.  My friends have been using it for networking like mad, and we have benefited from their work, but I never seem able to do the same. They seem to treat it like a part time job ;-)

Feb 5, 14 7:33 pm  · 

@Donna, the below quote from a review of the recently published ‘Why I Read,’ by Wendy Lesser 

"she practices a criticism of appreciation...Lesser’s voice is so congenial, measured, authoritative and sane, it seems downright impervious to quarrel"

reminded me of the Op-Ed you wrought previously...

Feb 5, 14 9:08 pm  · 


Feb 5, 14 10:06 pm  · 

Good on ya Will!

Feb 5, 14 10:08 pm  · 

my twitter handle is @opticalrefine


I never use it, though.

Feb 6, 14 9:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't have a twitter handle.  I am not on twitter.  Facebook is hard enough.

So it's snowing here, again.  I have a love hate relationship with snow.  I'm glad I live in a place where snow is still rare enough to be viewed with a childlike sense of magic and wonder.  It's like fairy dust from heaven when it falls, but when it stays, it's a soggy evil trap from Jotunheim that slowly creeps up your pants, soaking in through your shoes, and covering everything in a  grey, dirty, and damp mess.


Feb 6, 14 9:50 am  · 

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