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donna, did you get to see much of the inside of the Federal Building by Morphosis/Thom Mayne. Maybe that interior spatial experience was the reason it won you over?

Barry don't know whether to laugh or cry....

morning all.


Oct 9, 11 10:48 am  · 

Happy Canadian thanksgiving motherfuckers!

We slaughtered all our injuns a full month before you guys did.

Oct 10, 11 2:15 am  · 

dude that 's so not right.

Oct 10, 11 2:41 am  · 

Nam I wouldn't say Fed Building had to win me over at all, as I tend to like Morphosis' work - I like the burly brashness of it, the use of materials, the reduced palette, and interesting spaces.  The upper floor Skydeck is wonderful - so amazing to be partially enclosed but outdoors up that high, and the way the screens fold up to it is nice.  Everything's BIG.

What won me over, a little, was Libeskind's Jewish Museum.  The interior space is silly (kinda McMansion two-story foyer, honestly), and the ramming of a cubish shape through an old building is still, to me, so first-year-studio in sophistication.  BUT!  The urban space of the plaza and the tension between the cube, the adjacent office buildings, and the church at this knuckle of urban space is really, really nice.  Don't know if Libeskind did the plaza design or not...

...oops, just looked it up and guess what?  Libeskind di NOT do the plaza, someone called Handel Architects did.  So my softening on Libeskind just crisped back up a bit....the stainless steel cladding is really lovely, though.

Oct 10, 11 8:55 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Are you guys really anti-capitalist?

Oct 10, 11 9:43 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

sorry, wrong thread.

Oct 10, 11 10:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, what is this Canadian Thanksgiving?  Is it really the same idea as ours, Indians, Planting corn with fish bones, turkeys and cornucopias, or is it something different?

Oct 10, 11 11:00 am  · 

They give thanks that they're not United States-ians.  "Thank you for the 49th Parallel" goes the song.

Oct 10, 11 11:08 am  · 

haha Donna! That was awesome. Yes, Canadians have always been super smug about not being Americans. Hating on Yankees is right behind hockey and moose humping. But at the end of the day every Kanukistani's secret wish is to go down on a yank.

Slurp splash yum! 

Oct 10, 11 12:44 pm  · 

I'm still alive.

Last week was crazy busy with site verifications in Texas and Colorado, only to find out during my layover in DFW on my way home that my house was broken into AGAIN.  My poor friend was the one that discovered when she came to feed the furry kids. This time they broke the back door window and took the TV.  The dectective believes they were also casing for copper.  Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!  WIll be getting a new basement door installed, sans window pane (currently what is in place) and glass block windows so the motherf***er has a hard time getting my copper..  Spent the entire weekend running around trying to fix borken glass, prep door for painting and replacing old lock with one they cannot open without a key.  Criminals suck.

On the flip side of the coin, I have recently gotten in touch with an old friend from high school and am delighted by what seems to be amazing compatibility.  I am cautiously optimistic that this friendship will bloom into a long lasting one.

Carry on folks... at some point jump I intend to look at your work.  Just haven't had the time.  Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all the Canucks.

Oct 10, 11 3:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, did you pose for this painting?

Oct 10, 11 6:25 pm  · 

Holy shit! I want a Donna painting!

I'd hang it right next to the bear I killed and stuffed with my bare hands this weekend. 

Oct 10, 11 7:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rusty, being that it was Thanksgiving, did you use cornbread, or some other form of stuffing. I always wonder what non-southerners eat instead. I was shocked when I learned that some have MASHED POTATOES with their turkey dinner. Craziness!!

Oct 10, 11 9:00 pm  · 



b)         Architectural Competitions


1)         Participants in architectural competitions in Illinois shall comply with the Act.  All services, such as preliminary design and design development, are to be prepared by or under the direct supervision and control of an Illinois licensed architect.


2)         If an architectural competition is conducted in an academic setting or the project is fictitious and will not be constructed, a person/professional design firm is not required to be licensed in Illinois.

Oct 10, 11 9:09 pm  · 

holy non sequitur page?


mashed potatoes sounds good to me for thanksgiving.  better than cod for christmas.

to be honest i didn't know it was anything  close to the holiday american or canuck version.  there ain't a turkey to be had out where i live anyway so doesn't really matter. 

do take a look someday melt am curious what you think.  better yet check back in a year or two.  we got some nice stuff cooking now.  and only took 5 years to get here.

Oct 11, 11 4:41 am  · 

Donna I didn't get to go to the skydeck although I can see how that would be a wonderful spatial experience...

And as for mashed potatoes Sarah, maybe it is a midwest/southern thing but everyone on my father's side of family in Missouri eats mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving and I now down here in FL we do too.

morning all

Oct 11, 11 8:31 am  · 

yeah, i think we always have mashed potato with EVERY big family meal. that doesn't take the place of the stuffing or other sides. it's just one of the staple dishes when a bunch of people get together. it's yet another thing to spoon the gravy over! 

Oct 11, 11 8:34 am  · 

What else would you eat with your turkey except for mashed potatoes?  I mean you need something delicious to pour your grazy over.

Oct 11, 11 8:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We have sweet potatoes, stuffing/dressing, green beans with bacon, turkey, and if we're down south with my Polish relatives, there's always a pickle and olive tray.  And of course, there's always the pumpkin, and pecan pies.  Don't get me wrong, I love mashed potatoes, is there anyone that doesn't?  But, I don't know that we ever have them at celebratory meals.  Maybe Texas is just different, or maybe it's just my family.


Oct 11, 11 10:25 am  · 

Sorry SH, I was just teasing.  We do stuffing as well, and green beans (no bacon, sister-in-law is a vegetarian) salad, homemade rolls and a bing cherry, almond and green olive jello mold.  It sounds gross but the sweet and salty balance each other perfectly. 

I've only just recently discovered the deliciousness of sweet potatoes.  Not sure why my mom never made them.  They rock, especially with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon.  Yummmmmm!!!!

Oct 11, 11 11:11 am  · 

My recent Thanksgiving menus have included turkey, stuffing, green beans (usually in casserole form), rolls, cranberry sauce, and au gratin potatos with both regular and sweet potatoes. Making Thanksgiving dinner is one of my very favorite things. I'm always a little disappointed whenever we spend Thanksgiving with my wife's family because I don't get to cook. Plus, her family's stuffing sucks!

Oct 11, 11 11:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Not sure why youre sorry, melt. No need to be. My sweet potatoes are awesome, if not awesome for you. I chunk two large S.P.s, then add one and a half sticks of butter cubed. Toss with a cup of sugar, lots of cinamin, and a bit of nutmeg. Then bake it all for an hour or so. I don't put the marshmallows on because it's sweet enough as it is. I love stuffing, but not when they put boiled eggs in it. I'm a bit of a yank when it comes to my stuffing/dressing.

Oct 11, 11 12:48 pm  · 

sarah - I'd take cornbread stuffing over mashed potatoes any day... although the only time I ever really have mashed potatoes is with thanksgiving dinner...


I don't think I've been to a thanksgiving where there wasn't the gelatinous mass of cranberry goo in the shape of the can.   where I live you can get fresh cranberries, so, IMO, there isn't any excuse not to make fresh sauce aside from it taking more space on the stove.

Oct 11, 11 1:12 pm  · 

I should also mention that I use white/yellow sweet potatoes in the 2 potato au gratin. They are firmer (and supposedly more nutritious, not that that matters on turkey day) than the orange ones, which we call yams where I'm from.

Also, I love the cranberry goo! And, the boiled eggs are one of the reasons that I hate my wife's family's stuffing.
Oct 11, 11 1:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We had fresh cranberry sauce one time. It had seeds, and I remember not liking it. I love the canned stuff. The lines from the can make it oh so easy to slice evenly, but I never serve it. I bet that if I had the real stuff, withthe seeds strained out, I'd love it too.

Oct 11, 11 1:55 pm  · 

People put boiled eggs in their stuffing?!?!  That just seems blasphemous if you ask me.  My mom makes a great cranberry relish with orange rind, sugar and fresh(ish) cranberries.  It's better than crack.  My dad likes the stuff outta the can but we kids never really acquired a taste, but we practically fight over the homemade stuff my mom makes.  For the record, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday the older I get. 

Phillip - I've only ever seen the orange sweet potatoes.  You've now got me completely intrigued. 

Oct 11, 11 2:57 pm  · 

canadian thanksgiving is suspiciously close to the start of hockey season, eh?

Oct 11, 11 4:00 pm  · 

I usually love thanksgiving. This year I'm a tad nervous because it's the designated time to meet the manfriend's parents. Eek.


And Manta, I would totally vote for you doing the project. Just know that it may not be the most profitable project you've ever done as you'll need to spend time getting reacquainted with things you've forgotten and getting up to speed on the NYC codes. But don't look at that as a barrier to entry, it's your opportunity to get back in the swing of things.

Oct 11, 11 5:43 pm  · 

sarah i can't get over the idea of marshmallows on sweet potatoes.  is that a normal texan thing? 

we have sweet potatoes a few times a week.  and wee pumpkins as well.  they are both normal parts of japanese diet.  i find all that the starch a bit much but my kids love it.

Oct 11, 11 6:01 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

myriam, can you just do design drawings? Otherwise, it doesn't sound like a job for an out of town architect.

Oct 11, 11 6:52 pm  · 

Stuffing with boiled eggs sounds weird.  But I'll try anything twice.

I made delicious homemade cranberry relish one year, with orange zest and I think a little wine?  My inlaws didn't touch it.  Since then I just get a can.  I also made a fresh version of the ubiquitous traditional green bean casserole, with sauteed mushrooms and cream...did not go over well with husband or his family.  So now it's two cans French cut green beans, one can French's fried onions, and two cans of Thomas Pynchon's Universal Binding Ingredient, cream of mushroom soup. 


Gosh is anyone else hungry now?!?



Oct 11, 11 7:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Never seen this, huh?

Oct 11, 11 7:07 pm  · 



Whoo. That scared me.  I like yams savory, not sweet.  But I do love toasted marshmallows.

Oct 11, 11 7:54 pm  · 

amazing!  no never seen that before sarah.  don't  think i could bring myself to eat it ;-)




Oct 11, 11 10:46 pm  · 

 boiled eggs in stuffing eek! but i do occasionally eat marshmallows and sweet-potatoes so there is that.

and i love cranberry relish.

nite all.

Oct 11, 11 10:58 pm  · 

So what's the difference between a yam and a sweet potato?  Or are they the same?

Oct 12, 11 10:06 am  · 

Sarah, my dad makes that in the microwave every year (sometimes a couple times a year).  My sister has a bourbon sweet potato thing she makes, too.  Good stuff.

Oct 12, 11 10:19 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, I remember posting my cranberry relish with orange zest recipe a few years ago in the recipe thread, did you get it from there? I make that stuff all the time.


Yams and sweet potatoes are similar, but different. Yams grow in tropical regions and are sweeter and bigger. (Brought to you by the elementary school teacher side of me.)

Oct 12, 11 11:44 am  · 

yams are orange. true sweet potatoes are white.

Oct 13, 11 1:49 pm  · 

Barry - I just found this link.  Looks like sweet potatoes can be both white AND orange.  Who knew?  Well, not me.

Oct 13, 11 5:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Seems like Melt proved you all wrong on the great sweet potato debate, but just in time for us to share our new found knowledge at the Thanks Giving table.

Oct 13, 11 5:57 pm  · 

Barry thought of you when I was visiting one of my favorite blogs

Hope you enjoy!  damn you might even know the blogger for all I know!


Oct 13, 11 6:50 pm  · 

I have been racking my mind today, running the numbers on  the "International Existing Building Code,"  Chapter 12 Compliance Alternates.  The numbers will work but I think it is less expensive to put in a sprinkler system. However once you put in the system you wil always have the Water Bill refecting your potential demand for water usage. It is funny how private water companies figured this out. They have to size their pipes to provide adequate water pressure to put out a fire...ya all of the town is going to burn down at once. numbers are good  if  the client is willing to bite a bullet on a few items. I'm still  going to push them in the direction of a fire sprinker system as it is an assembly occupancy.

Company coming from Denmark, in a couple of hours....YaHoo...and more company from Brazil on Sunday...we are entertaining party animals.  Come on by if your in the Neighborhood!

Oct 13, 11 6:56 pm  · 

We eat alot of sweet potatoes at our house....just baked or made into baked french fries with some olive oil on them along with mystery spices.  sweet tatter sticks...

Oct 13, 11 7:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was just thinking how I wish I had more parties.  I wish my family could partner up with at least two other families, and each would host a game/get together and drink night on Friday evenings.  I think it would be fun to see the same group of friends every week, and that it would be good for our kids to have those life-long family friends.  Of course, mine wouldn't be as international as yours, Snook.  But I bet it'd be fun just the same.

Oct 13, 11 7:11 pm  · 

you should start that up sarah.  sounds fun.

bloody hell but it's busy outside.  am really looking forward to taking a holiday someday.



Oct 13, 11 7:21 pm  · 
snook_dude has been " Balls to the Wall" all week trying to get all those Honey Due projects done....then I had a few persons things I need to take care of like take the car in for an oil change and a car wash.....and wouldn't you know it cause it was misting no car washes....that is until the owner walked in and I told him I was really hoping to get my car washed cause we were going to be touring around looking at the leaves.  He had the guys pull back the cones and run me thru the wash at no charge...Yahoo.... Former Clients can be the best....and there was no charge!  We are in the holding pattern right now as our friends have landed in NYC and are headed north...dinner should be in about 45 minutes.

Oct 13, 11 7:38 pm  · 

Well hell.  I really wish I could just put on architectural blinders and not get so worked up about the unjust and idiotic crap this world seems to spew more and more of lately.

Oct 14, 11 12:08 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Hi TC!

Oct 14, 11 12:39 am  · 

Hi Fapper Crapper! I have a feeling you are not new around here.

All this food talk is making me Hungary.

Oct 14, 11 1:38 am  · 

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