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oh, and did anyone else catch the "Recommend a hotel in LA" thread that was posted by mdler, and removed five minutes later?

Apr 20, 07 2:53 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I saw the thread title but never got a chance to read it. Did I miss anything?

Apr 20, 07 2:55 pm  · 

Nope, it was deleted before it got a response. I was all set to recommend the Viceroy in Santa Monica, but when I went to post it, *poof!* it was gone.

Apr 20, 07 2:59 pm  · 


We are now on receptionist/office manager #3 since I've been here... I'm not thrilled with this one. She wants to talk to people all the time, like when I'm reading at lunch, or we're trying to get work done. She expects peppy happy answers to questions. She just has a level of energy that's hard to match, and she gets upset when you don't. Apparently, she already asked someone if I hate her! I don't know her well enough to hate her, but I wish she'd talk less about food/weight, etc. I think about that stuff way too much without someone else contributing to it.

Apr 20, 07 8:31 pm  · 

rationalist always avoid folks like that - they can never be helpful. I dunno, hate just seems like a strong word especially with all the madness doing on in the world. But as you said "you don't know her that well." There is no easy way out of that one except for her to keep thinking that. Heh heh enjoy your weekend

Apr 20, 07 8:45 pm  · 

anyhow gone to dinner with the interior designer (oops the interior architect as she reminded me she was)

Apr 20, 07 8:46 pm  · 

i am sooo happy the local trader joe restock some turkish pistachios (the best) and i got 4 packages and kept eating them in the car on the way home. life is beautiful again.

Apr 20, 07 9:56 pm  · 
vado retro

hey i'm eaten pistachio ice cream right now! rationalists you got a case of the mondays?

Apr 20, 07 9:59 pm  · 

ben n jerry pistachio is the best.

Apr 20, 07 10:01 pm  · 
vado retro

thats what it is!!!

Apr 20, 07 10:14 pm  · 

Great. Looks like I'll be stopping at Ralphs AND Trader Joes.

Apr 20, 07 10:15 pm  · 

mmmmm, ice cream. nah, no mondays, just new-secretaries.

Apr 20, 07 10:35 pm  · 

an old artist friend of mine left town about ten years ago for ny, moved to la after 9/11, but i haven't really seen him since he left town. so tonight he was back in town with a whole trunk full of his work for a 'salon'-type showing/talk. we bought one. (not one of those below; these are just examples.)

fun night out.

Apr 20, 07 10:40 pm  · 

Steven tell us about the one you bought

Apr 21, 07 1:21 am  · 

ratio, i'd look out for that receptionist, she'd be the one to go off and bring in a gun to the office or pee in your coffee.

Apr 21, 07 5:10 am  · 

i have two of his pieces now.

the old one is a study for a commission he did - a series of 'kites'. i bought the study because i'm always interested in people who mess with media. in that one, he laid out the piece on red canson paper by doing a big gesture drawing first with bleach, discoloring the red canson to a rich yellow. then he did the india ink drawing over the yellow. it's part of the 'titans' series from the early nineties that centered around guys in ties taken from his pictures of people along wall street and madison ave.

the new one is a serigraph. (couldn't afford to drop the money on one of last night's originals.) the subject is a crowd of feet, calf down, crossing a street, and the print was laid over an old school map of the u.s. it grabbed both my wife and me as soon as we walked in last night.

there was much consternation about our having bought it so quickly/early. others of the invitees had their eyes on it as well.

Apr 21, 07 7:27 am  · 
liberty bell

God I miss that feeling of walking in to a gallery, seeing a piece that says "I'm the one" to me, and buying it. Don't get me wrong, I generally hate shopping, but buying art is just an entirely diffrent experience.

Steven those pieces are beautiful and I can't wait to see the one you did get. Did you buy it with a location in your newly-renovated house in mind?

I've been on an art buying fast since moving to the midwest. (The last piece I bought was online from our brilliant Susan.) But on Tuesday I'll have some news for TC that might signal a resurgence of the role of art in my life.

I hope the Purple Thread thing continues, not only this one but others as well, even though there is a bit of "fishbowl" feeling to it.

Good morning everyone. I need coffee now...

Apr 21, 07 9:04 am  · 


lb- don't leave us hanging!

Apr 21, 07 11:38 am  · 
liberty bell

No big deal, tk, it has to do with Brian's career not mine, but I'm not allowed to say what it is yet. Tuesday is the public announcement. And while it's a big deal in our lives, it's not THAT big a deal in the scheme of things, know what I mean?

Apr 21, 07 12:09 pm  · 

now you have me curious as well lb, looking forward to the news

heading on another date, this time coffee and a building tour, with the interior designer. For a woman who said she isn't interested she's taking alot of interest

Apr 21, 07 12:19 pm  · 

let's guess;

brian got that public art comission
he got a better job than the one he has in chicago
brian got a new computer but it is not apple
brian's hot rodded bbq's are going to be bought by moma
he will be the new director at the art school
brian is buying out lb's firm
angus has got an public art commission and hiring his parents to make it happen, (mainly his dad)

oh, the art world..

Apr 21, 07 12:29 pm  · 

yea I must protest Liberty you haven't showcased any of Angus' artistic talents - I am curious as to his artistic pedigree

Apr 21, 07 1:00 pm  · 

lb will appreciate this more than others, possibly, because she's heard my woes in the past: the show wasn't in a gallery but in my own office!

we cleaned up and hosted a salon/trunk show of mario's work. filled the whole lobby, both conference rooms, etc with his work, had an open bar and catered food. about 50-70 people showed up over the course of the evening and mario gave three verbal presentations, one of which turned into a pretty lively discussion. gave me hope, though i know it's an isolated event.

hm. i think i know lb's news, but don't remember how i know it. once the announcement's made, though, i think lb needs to come to louisville to celebrate!

Apr 22, 07 7:39 am  · 
vado retro

hell, steven he should have given you a piece after all of that. my life needs a big deal :(

Apr 22, 07 8:15 am  · 

renovate your place, vado. you'll wish you could return to a life of less activity/big deals after about the first week.

Apr 22, 07 8:18 am  · 
vado retro

as the kids say, word.

Apr 22, 07 8:22 am  · 

happy sunday TC.

Steven, i like that work quite a bit. your description of the piece that overlays a map is intriguing...maybe you can post an image in the next installment of exurban interim. the moment, i am gainfully unemployed, but after a successful "moving sale" yesterday, i'm considering a career change. Professional Yard Sailor. saler?...not sure. anyway, we made $267.50 in 5 or so hours. considering it was our first such sale (experience preferred but not mandatory), that's not too shabby. the items that didn't sell (bunch of coffee mugs, a set of tea cups and saucers, a dozen placemats and napkins, some clothes etc) will be going to goodwill tomorrow. we made an extra $10 delivering a couch that a woman bought but couldn't transport 'cause her husband was out of town with the truck...

money aside, this was a unique cultural experience. we definitely witnessed some:

pro bargain shoppers (in and out in 3 minutes with a small purchase, bargained down a buck or more from asking price),

early birds (pre 8 am!),

drive-byers (at least a dozen cars drove by slowly, checking out the goods without stopping...a few rolled down windows to ask what we had, one guy bought a duvet cover without leaving his vehicle),

low-ballers (how 'bout a buck a piece? as she held a few skirts and dresses marked from $5-10 each),

a thief (a woman driving a new Cadillac Escalade took off without paying for salt and pepper shakers),

a 'homeless' woman (she's asked me for spare change before up by our area's main street, but yesterday morning dropped $10 on a bath mat, a wine glass, a picture frame, 2 black leather portfolios, and a coffee mug),

and a smattering of other interesting people.

I also have a mild sunburn. all in all an enriching experience.

Apr 22, 07 11:42 am  · 

that is a rather interesting mix of people AP...were you doing character sketches whilst you were at it? It seems almost like the beginning sequence of the Usual Suspects.

Apr 22, 07 1:14 pm  · 

i noticed paul went wide screen on us. 19" wide screen is the way to go? i have been long pondering a flat screen monitor and now i see 19w are as low as 150$. i think it might happen on a credit card purchase.

Apr 22, 07 2:16 pm  · 

no sketches techno. just observation...i was too busy slangin my wares! fascinating for sure, i considered starting a thread about Yard Sale Culture.

Apr 22, 07 2:22 pm  · 

its funny I always feel so odd at those things, always being the buyer never the seller. Similarly with pawn shops...its like what are you doing there, but for some reason rummaging through peoples [old] stuff is fun!

Apr 22, 07 2:39 pm  · 

the new "word" is \m/ vado :)

Apr 22, 07 3:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

My favorite ever professional garage sale shopper anecdote:

My brother in law had a guy show up pre-dawn to their garage sale, and his first comment was "Wow, you guys have way better light in your garage than most people do!"

Apr 22, 07 4:23 pm  · 

my earth day mission is to spread the word via green spam

keep sustainability and green practice on the forefront of your mind today, and hopefully everyday.

-the green gnome

Apr 22, 07 5:02 pm  · 

heh heh [1977] the year of my birth & my number of posts of archinect

Apr 22, 07 5:18 pm  · 

congrats architechnophilia- guess that makes both of us old fogies on archinect (though I have launched into the future of Rush with this post 2012)!

thanks for the green spam today.

Apr 22, 07 5:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i am still alive...just figured out how to use this blackberry thing to access the's cumbersome...but I think i am in love with malliouhana...still waiting on internet at my house, but otherwise enjoying the the melange of circumstances in my first class/third world (somewhat) life...cheers to all

Apr 22, 07 7:24 pm  · 

welcome home (to archinect), puddles! good to hear you're well.

Apr 22, 07 8:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good to hear from you puddles.

Now if only WonderK would pop her head in, I miss her lately too.

Apr 22, 07 10:14 pm  · 

puddles where you at?

Apr 22, 07 11:42 pm  · 

i was looking for a gold nugget in second page and i found this instead.

Apr 23, 07 2:23 pm  · 

Wow, did it make it to the second page? I'm around, I just haven't had anything to say lately.

I miss you too lb!

*pops head back out*

Apr 23, 07 2:27 pm  · 

I see I'm not the only one doing that...

Apr 23, 07 2:28 pm  · 

I've been quiet, lately, too. Lots of stuff going on, and I suppose I'm beginning to see the benefit of having an anonymous screenname. I'd sure love some advice on some professional stuff.

As for the retardo threads lately--honestly I think we're all just suffering from spring break syndrome. woohoo! it's finally warm! let's empty our heads and enjoy a break from drudgery! ...or at least that's how I feel. I kind of want a break from seriousness for a couple weeks. But I just haven't been posting at all, rather than posting random comments.

Also, I kind of got scared away by mdler and tumbleweed antics, which I found supremely aggravating. There, I said it. Sorry, mdler! Don't hold it against me.

Apr 23, 07 7:32 pm  · 

Just in from a whole day of design crits - these were just 1st year but I was really liking the sincerity of their research that came out in the designs.

Tomorrow i'm off to cricket...semi finals no WIndies :(

Apr 23, 07 7:37 pm  · 

shameless plug - bordering on spam

if you live in seattle or vancouver, go see Ed Mazria talk! more info here.

Wk glad that you're still alive (and puddles too- you had us worried for a bit!)

Apr 23, 07 10:57 pm  · 
vado retro

hi myriam! hi wonderK! you two cool ladeez deserve a SoNg!!! so hear it is....

Apr 23, 07 11:11 pm  · 

I'm not interested in the mdler/tumbleweed nonsense either.

Related to cultural misappropriation - I hate it when I see non-hindus wearing the hindu dikala or a bindi as a fashion statement.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the lack of architectural threads is due to the fact that theres not alot going on really.

I would be really interested in someone who has built their own dwelling, or about to build a dwelling, to start a thread about their experiences....

That would be good. Maybe I might have the chance soon...

Apr 23, 07 11:20 pm  · 

ps: I know Steven is doing something similar. More would be good.

Apr 23, 07 11:20 pm  · 

YAY! I killed that terrible virgina tech thread! You know, the one that was like beating a dead horse.

Apr 24, 07 12:16 pm  · 

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