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i had a name for my company and one time i wanted to register. i never finished the registration process and sure enough the name was no longer available to me two days later.
i split the name and put a dash between the parts. eventually i decided i should make it simple and just have 'my name, architect'.
if i didn't have the dash business i probably still keep the name even though it wasn't related to architecture work but it was about 'spinning tops' i make. i understand lb.
the dash in between the parts really bugged the shit out of me. it felt like i wasn't the original fried chicken, thus subconciously reducing my ego and web presence to a lesser variety. i am not that communal and humble..;)

Feb 27, 07 1:39 pm  · 

i am surprised zaha doesn't make much more than that. i really believe she should make more.
these people are like rock stars and their designs and projects generates billions in embodied calculation. she should at least get a cent on the dollar.

Feb 27, 07 1:41 pm  · 
vado retro

name your companay dot dash dot com. or in morse code.

Feb 27, 07 3:11 pm  · 

lb- I'd register both the .net and .biz. In fact, I'd register the .us too, or whatever other suffixes you can get, and redirect most of them to one of the others.

Another WWTCD: I've been invited to interview at UW. It is the week before I'm already taking time off to attend a wedding. I never take time off, and when I do, they always ask why. Is this the time to tell them that I've applied to grad schools? They were extremely understanding towards only other person there who left for grad school (not in architecture either), letting her work part time there and rehiring after graduation when she couldn't find other work. However, it's clear that they see me as a long-term employee. They give me a lot of responsibility arround the office, and seem to be trying to hurry along my professional development and ability to take the exams. Should I tell them because (a)they deserve as long a lead-time as possible to transition my office responsibilities to someone else, (b)they'll either figure something's up anyway or won't give me the time off otherwise, or (c)because the secret's going to come out any day now anyways? Or should I not tell them because (a)they'll feel that my ditching the profession means I'm ungrateful for their attentions and will hold it against me, (b)I should wait until I'm actually accepted?

I'm excited and scared.

Feb 27, 07 3:39 pm  · 

vado - I think those are used already

Feb 27, 07 3:41 pm  · 

Zaha better fear the tax man. They are brutal in the uk, luckily this is the first time for her salary raise...and probably covers back pay. Funny how they never give the full story.

Feb 27, 07 3:42 pm  · 
vado retro

and thats just her teaching salary!

Feb 27, 07 3:46 pm  · 

lb- we have a bunch of domain names that all point to one, like rationalist said. It's nice to be able to put the one you want, identity-wise, on your cards and such, but have something really simple (like to tell people on the phone or street. It sucks to always have to explain and spell your url on the phone. Plus I think we pay like $12/year for each of them, so it's pretty minimal.

Feb 27, 07 3:52 pm  · 

rationalista, i say tell 'em now if you have no other way to explain the needed day/s off. it's probably earlier than necessary (school's in august?), but if selective truth won't be sufficient for the time off, go ahead and be honest.

Feb 27, 07 3:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for the input, guys. I have already decided to buy up both .net and .biz, and the hyphenated version too, just in case. It seems what really matters is getting the traffic there, so we'll keep that in mind. I was hoping to hear a bunch of voices saying that yeah, we are architects and the .biz domain is really what we should be using - but obviously not everyone thinks so!

rationalist, it will be hard, but it's probably time to tell them the truth. Unless you can put it off a little bit longer by just saying you need a vacation, I mean there's nothing wrong with a vacation, right? But certainly by May you will want them to know, so they can plan during summer for the gap when you leave. They will probably feel like you are treating them fairly if they are also waiting right along with you to find out where you've been accepted!

Feb 27, 07 4:15 pm  · 

rationalist, I disagree. A wise coworker of mine once said, they don't need to know your personal business. If you take time off, you take it off, period. It's your time. They can suck it if they have a problem with it. And telling them before you're even accepted somewhere is taking a big chance, IMHO. But then again, I don't know your relationship with these people. I kind of run my own detached ship here in my office.....I'm like the Bond-gadget boat driving next to the big stagnant aircraft when I tell them, which will be much later, it will be both a big surprise, and in a way, no surprise at all.

Feb 27, 07 4:27 pm  · 

yeah, they don't treat time off like that... They ask you what the time off's for, and that affects whether the answer is 'yes' or 'no'. If it's something scheduled, like a friends wedding or family occasion, etc. then it's almost an automatic 'yes'. But if it's just 'I need a vacation', then they feel like they can ask you to take it another time, or take a shorter vacation, or whatever suits them.

Feb 27, 07 4:31 pm  · 
some person

liberty bell: Were you considering .ar because of its association with architecture? Or because you could make gratuitous pirate jokes? "That's Yes... lb dot ARRRR"

I'm glad you bought multiple domains, too. In my mind, I associate .biz with infomercials, for some reason...

Feb 27, 07 8:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

One can never hear too many pirate jokes. Aaarrrrr.....

Feb 27, 07 8:50 pm  · 

tasty tidbit of the day:
steven holl

Feb 27, 07 10:29 pm  · 
vado retro

who reads this crap. no wonder newspapers are goin under!

Feb 27, 07 11:24 pm  · 

Speaking of going under, rumor has it the asian markets were poised for another day of losses, and since they're about 12 hours ahead of us, all we can do is sleep on it. Hold on to your purse straps, everyone! This ride may get bumpy....

Feb 27, 07 11:54 pm  · 

Whoa Steven Holl is only 51. Shit this profession ages people and he's done well to reach such accomplishment at such a relative young age.

Feb 27, 07 11:55 pm  · 
Feb 28, 07 12:07 am  · 

do you suppose they're REALLY separated or he just lives at the office? what a weird story for the paper.

now that all the breuer charrette flurry of activity is over, i can focus back on life things again: camping out in a 12k sf house, managing construction at our house, oh, and by the way, we're having a baby today.

Feb 28, 07 6:02 am  · 

steven, congrats to you and the wife - and by extension the baby. have a great labor! well, you're not the one having the labor, but smoke a cuban for us.

how is the house coming?

oh, and can we get a report on the GP meeting?

Feb 28, 07 7:10 am  · 

congratulations, steven + wife!!!

lb, I *strongly* associate .biz with lame minor dot-com companies who couldn't actually get the .com. That's all I've ever seen it used for. Plus, it has a strongly commercial, marketplace sort of vibe to it--like "sales" or whatever. I do not think it would be fitting for an arch. firm.

I, too, would find some way to make your name work for the .com.

Feb 28, 07 8:18 am  · 

but i like that .biz is something that is not ubiquitous, dotcom is so 99, so pre-burst bubble. why not .tv, and you could put videos up of you and vado drinking coffee or liberty lecturing clients and contractors on finishes...that would totally rock!

Feb 28, 07 8:23 am  · 

Steven, whoa! Are you getting a caesarian or what? How do you schedule that?! That's weird.

Also, after reviewing that list of domain names, there are a few things I want to point out:

-apparently the .pro domain is limited to "licensed doctors, attorneys, and certified public accountants only. A professional seeking to register a .pro domain must provide their registrar with the appropriate credentials."

I think you should go for pro and then protest if they reject you. You are, after all, a professional with a license. It's just another way that The Man is keeping us down.....

-You could also be a .org, although presumably you are looking to have a profit and people associate .org with non-profits....

-I like .us. Have they restricted that yet? If not you could do something really clever with that. ""

Feb 28, 07 8:32 am  · 
liberty bell

It just might be worth the energy to fight for a .pro as an architect. I mean, who decided to exclude licensed architects and engineers from that category? Of course perhaps licensed cosmetologists and tattoo artists have an argument, too.

It's an interesting discussion - I also see .com being both "so '99" and simultaneously the only acceptable name for a legitimate business. Not that every .com is legitimate, of course. And doesn't every porn site use .com?

Feb 28, 07 9:00 am  · 

dubk, good ideas!

Feb 28, 07 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

You guys, I honestly think vind-per has developed a sense of humor.

Feb 28, 07 9:27 am  · 

congrats steven!

Feb 28, 07 9:50 am  · 

they have .law (i think), and .travel (i know)...

we need .design



Feb 28, 07 9:50 am  · 

so what do we call Baby Ward?

Feb 28, 07 9:54 am  · 

Three letter file extensions/website designation is sooooo stuck in the 1980's DOS world. this is the aughts- you'd think that .com is thing of the past! LB, what about just a simple numerical ip address?

very futuristic!

Feb 28, 07 9:56 am  · 

con grats steven!!!!! remember to breath.

Feb 28, 07 9:57 am  · 

i was gonna say the same thing lb... it's weird... he disappeared for a few months and has returned and is now making somewhat coherent posts (at least a few)...

he must be under new medication or something...

or was abducted by aliens, and its is the alien parasite talking...

Feb 28, 07 9:57 am  · 
vado retro

congrats steven! welcome to the world baby dotcom ward!

Feb 28, 07 10:02 am  · 

yay Steven! That totally trumps me being nervous about revealing my grad school plans to my bosses today. Now every time my stomach gets fluttery, I'll think to myself, "yeah, but Steven's having a baby" and hopefully that will calm me down.

Feb 28, 07 10:48 am  · 

Rationalis.....I saw (to quote DubK) if they dont like it tell them to suck it! haha But really, how are they to tell you you cant time off because you are burnt out? I mean that's ridiculous!!

basically, if they are going to play games like that with you, then lie! Lie your little heart off as they don't care about your personal life, thus, you should not care about them! That's my thoughts!

They get what they put into it! plain and simple.

So did Steven have his kid yet???
Im I late?

Feb 28, 07 11:02 am  · 

congrats Steven....architecture is the stuff we do between living

Feb 28, 07 12:58 pm  · 

Boss #1 has been informed of my intentions of ditching the profession. He took it hard, and I feel badly. He still has hope that I won't go.

Feb 28, 07 1:23 pm  · 
Ms Beary

but he's giving you the day for your interview, right?

Feb 28, 07 1:32 pm  · 
vado retro

just tell em i died and theyll give a month off.

Feb 28, 07 1:44 pm  · 

wait rationalist - I thought you were just ditching your job. Its now the entire profession? Gah>

Feb 28, 07 1:44 pm  · 

architechnophilia- yeah, my grad school plans are in graphic design, not architecture. I hate shop drawings, landscape consultants, contractors, fire departments, planning departments..... you know, most of the things the profession of architecture actually has to deal with on a daily basis.

Straw- he's given his theoretical consent. I still need to inform the other boss and collect the necessary signatures for my time off.

Feb 28, 07 2:16 pm  · 
Ms Beary

so i'm working on a project with my boss, a new one that came up in a panic yesterday where we've got to be full schematic design by like right now. it's a small warehouse, a metal building, pretty cool design. he tells me he will do all the site plan stuff and I should do everything else. No problem, I say. Well, he had margarita lunches yesterday and today, and did his usual internet surfing and goofing off yesterday afternoon and this morning, then took off for the weekend at about 1 today.

I paced myself yesterday and today, just finished up my stuff now, was ready to package it off to give to the anxious client, when I open up the site plan.... nothing. WTF? If he doesn't care, why should I? Who treats people like this? end rant, at least on archinect.

Feb 28, 07 5:40 pm  · 

yea Strawbeary you need to either take over the practice or kick him in the nards. Either one should give you some relief

Feb 28, 07 6:02 pm  · 

How about both?

Feb 28, 07 6:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I just ranted to a co-worker, she said he was supposed to do something for her too before he left and blew it off.

Feb 28, 07 6:11 pm  · 

straw, remind the fuck just who the architect is in the relationship.

Feb 28, 07 6:21 pm  · 

that sucks strawbeary.

is he in the middle-management position, or boss of whole shebang? if the latter sounds like your company is facing some difficult prospects...

Feb 28, 07 7:01 pm  · 
Ms Beary

he's the top dog, single top dog.

Feb 28, 07 7:07 pm  · 

5:42pm est, little girl, 7lbs6.4oz, 20-3/4" long. beautiful!

(no name yet: audrey, isadora, or vivian.)

Feb 28, 07 8:16 pm  · 

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