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sorry myriam, saints are actually 3rd...but still doing better than anyone expected.

on quarterbacks - Rex Grossman (Bear's qb, went to UF) is a total douche-bag, but he's got a good arm. I wouldn't hang out with him, but I'm glad he's on my team (da bears!)...

Oct 17, 06 2:24 pm  · 
Chili Davis
Oct 17, 06 2:27 pm  · 

AP, I was under the impression that having played more games made you higher in the rankings, thus Saints would be second, ahead of Colts who have only played 5. Does it not work that way?

Oct 17, 06 2:40 pm  · 

Yeah, nobody really appreciated the whole Paris Hilton thing, but I'll argue with anyone who says the guy doesn't work hard. He does not have some of the natural gifts that many think are pre-requisite for an NFL QB, and he was managed to develop what he does have tremendously. Look at those 25, 30 yard passes last night- he flat out couldn't do that in college, so it looks to me like he's been working his ass off with the Cardinals.

Nobody's saying that LSU didn't win in '03. They're saying it's a split championship. Nobody ever says that USC is the BCS champion for that year- they were the AP champion.

I'm sorry, I AM a big football fan, I bleed Cardinal & Gold, so if this is getting too arguementative for you, we'll just have to change the subject, cause I don't back down when it's about my team.

Oct 17, 06 2:46 pm  · 

Chili- great image!!!! congrats on hitting the half millenium!

Oct 17, 06 2:48 pm  · 

If the Saints were 6-1 to the Colts' 5-0, then the Saints would be ahead. But a team with a loss is always ranked below an undefeated team with the same number of wins.

Oct 17, 06 2:49 pm  · 

lol rationalist. hardcore.

myriam, i've never heard that one before...standings are determined by winning percentage - colts @ 100%, saints @ 83.3%

(congratulations Chili. I, for one, have enjoyed your 'company' since your [recent] arrival)...

Oct 17, 06 2:56 pm  · 
NFL standings


Oct 17, 06 2:59 pm  · 

crazy that denver has only scored 62 points and they're 4-1. that's
the second fewest points in the league.

as far as the nfl goes. go pats. nice beginning to the season...i
think they've already clinched the afc east...or at least they're
almost in the playoffs.

Oct 17, 06 3:04 pm  · 

I know. I'm that crazy fan that goes to the games even when I'm sick, that is hoarse throughout the first few days of every week because I've been screaming my head off at the games, who checks espn every single day during the season.

AP- myriam's rule is correct though when comparing two teams with the same winning percentage. That is why the Bears are ahead of the Colts, though they are both at 100%.

Oct 17, 06 3:11 pm  · 

Ahh, I get the ranking system now.

Also, good to hear the Matt Leinart is working hard. I will watch for that and revise my opinion accordingly. Partying with Hollywood stars I do not consider working hard. However learning new skills in the NFL is definitely working hard.

And my problem with the misconception of 2003 is in the fact that--and this came out A LOT during last year's USC-Texas game--everyone says UCS was "national champion". In fact, the TV coverage even had credits made that said "2003, 2004, 2005??" and shit like that. It ISN'T three-peat. USC did not win the BCS in 2003. They do not have the crystal football. And as lame as the BCS is, it's the top berth in college ball, and that's that. I saw a billboard with 2003 on it, for heaven's sakes. It's just wrong, and that fucking annoys me.

Oct 17, 06 4:46 pm  · 

Total Entries: 6
Total Comments: 1200

10/17/06 13:46

hey there, nice ratio...

Oct 17, 06 5:09 pm  · 

yeah myriam!!!

talkin' bout ratios:

Total Entries: 28
Total Comments: 700

10/16/06 7:04

a clean ratio of .04

but then I went on a posting spree. (what was I thinking???)

Oct 17, 06 5:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

matt leinert is a prick because he beat notre dame with that girly-boy endzone dive as regulation expired and he managed to break america's heart because we were all rooting for the fighting irish.

anyhow, leinert's lucky lil' fucker considering that the detroit lions didn't draft him & unwittingly place him on the joey harrington express.

ok...that's all the football i know

Oct 17, 06 5:17 pm  · 

ANYbody's lucky not to be drafted by the Lions.... I feel bad for Mike Williams up there (although he could definitely stand to lay off the cookie dough). Rumor is he's just being kept on to be made a verbal punching bag out of by the OC. Even Harrington's been pushing for BMW to get some time in there because he feels like they connect, but nothing doing.

I'm not going to respond to the gang-up-on-the-Trojans posts. Myriam and I will always disagree on this issue, and puddles knows how I feel about that game already.

Oct 17, 06 5:25 pm  · 

:) that's the entire extent of my knowledge and interest in football. so rationalist wins anyway. :)

Oct 17, 06 5:34 pm  · 


if you think it's frustratin re: lsu and 2003...imagine when they
used to actually have consensus number 1s and penn state who
went 12 or 13-0 destroying much of its competition was ranked 2 to
tom osborne's cornhuskers instead of a joint national champion.
pre-bcs so penn state and nebraska never faced each other.
i believe joe pa has had two undefeated seasons where he was not
given the national championship.

this bsc is a bunch of horse crap..there needs to be a playoff system
like every other sport. at least that way the top four or six teams would
only have themselves to blame cause they'd all have a shot.

Oct 17, 06 6:06 pm  · 

i was wrong...five undefeated seasons, two national championships
(one championship with a loss).

Oct 17, 06 6:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i know quite a lot about football and have a college football playoff tournament already worked out...

Oct 17, 06 7:05 pm  · 

so, like i'm canadian and only know about hockey, eh...

but what i really wanna know is what the HELL is wrong with this planet that the US govt had to make an announcement about fish cuz ithey want you to know its healthy but the mercury levels make it too much for kids and pregnant women to eat more then 2 servings a friggin week! wtf.

so, like, eat fish ok, dude, cuz it's totally good for you and stuff, know, not TOO much cuz you might end up developmentally challenged, okaaay?...ok.

Oct 17, 06 8:05 pm  · 


Oct 17, 06 8:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

You guys are talking about football? I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this discussion as the last time I watched football it was only to see John Elway's cute butt. That would be about 20 years ago, yes?

Did I tell you guys how I ran screaming from an alligator, abandoning my child to face the beast on his own? Well, not exactly: Saturday's birthday party at which we were guests featured "Safari Steve" and while I joined Angus is petting the skunk, the snake, and even the rat, when that 4' long alligator came out of the cooler I bolted for safety of the kitchen. Angus was safely on his father's lap, so it's not like I *totally* abandoned him, but nonetheless I've been battling worries over my fitness as a mother ever since. Also, I had to leave the room when the Madagascar cockroaches made the rounds. Ugh.

Oct 17, 06 9:26 pm  · 

Who brings cockroaches to a kids' birthday party? Honestly?

I like football a lot but extreme fanaticism (sp?) in anything I find truly bizarre. I mean, just weird. Case in point, I have several friends who are Ohio State fans. These are good people, smart people, I'm talking architects, a lawyer, even a doctor. But you bring up Ohio State Football and they get this weird light in their eyes....20 minutes later, you're trying to extract yourself from a non-debate in which they keep repeating the words "100,000 people" and "script Ohio", and you're backing away when they tell you how you "just have to be there". They are kinda crazy. I guess we all have something.....

Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions re: my personal statement! I worked 12 hours today so I have to go to bed now. It's hard to think about important things when you work 12 hours in a day :o/

Oct 18, 06 12:16 am  · 
brian buchalski

initially i was rejected to grad school and after pestering them for some feedback it seemed that they were looking for three basic points. i think two of those points were "curiosity" and a "passion for architecture." sorry, i don't remember the third, it's been years now. but i think that the real thing to keep in mind with graduate school is that they are looking to create an environment of dialogue & debate amongst people with experiences & ideas (hopefully some new ideas too). anyhow, my suggestion would be to present yourself in a fashion that portrays your ability to contribute to such an environment. avoid saying anything cliche or trite and make it clear that you're there to participate and not just sit on the sidelines. this might be an odd analogy, but i would actually compare applying to school to be similar for auditioning for a role. they might have an idea of who they want...but a good actor can grasp that and take it even further than casting ever expected. of course, you're not an actor, but you do have some personality. the trick is to present yourself such that they know who you are...and then they can choose whether or not you're invited to the party.

speaking of sidelines, back to football. personally, the biggest reason that i like college football is because it does not have a playoff. everything else settles on a clear champion, decided on the field. but in division 1-a football there's over 100 teams most and most don't play each other. it's irrational to have a single champion, just as it's irrational to pick a best architect each year. if a team wins all of its games, that's a good year regardless of how anybody else does.

Oct 18, 06 11:11 am  · 

puddles- good thing that grad school doesn't have casting couches (sorry no pg-rated images could be found)

Oct 18, 06 11:24 am  · 

puddles, I'd never thought about that before. Everyone (esp. around here) is so obsessed w/ getting to the championship game, winning, etc. that that's a whole new view of the thing to me.

There are 119 Div. 1-A teams, BTW.

Oh, and if the Trojans make the "championship" game, I'm going to try my damndest to get tickets so I can go see it in that crazy stadium, in my hometown.

Oct 18, 06 12:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski

a casting couch would have definitely helped me get into school on the first try since i'm from the philip johnson school of "architect as whore"

anyhow, i guess i'm old fashioned when it comes to football. this compulsion to have a national champion in college football is, i believe, a relatively new concept. before the era of espn & chat rooms, pretty much nobody cared about the "mythical" national champion. instead, an undefeated conference run and a rose bowl, orange bowl, etc victory was considered a damn good season. maybe it's the increased mobility of our society today that people care more about whether ohio state is better than texas is better than southern cal is better than florida, etc...and the big money interests are doing everything they can to take advantage of this mentality.

personally i miss the old bowl season. it used to be that you could spend all new year's day watching football while recovering from the previous evenings celebration...happily switching channels. if rose bowl sucked, try the orange, or the sugar bowl. that was it, one day get it all out of the system & then head back to real life the next day. now with the bcs playing the games on different days it takes nearly a week's worth of watching...and half the games still suck. what a waste of time.

boy, i'm getting old

Oct 18, 06 4:32 pm  · 

as an undergrad-, went to a big 10 school where the arch studios were across the street from the holy football stadium. In those 4 years, never went to a game. didn't even have the smarts to buy tickets just to resell for $$$ always got annoyed by the drunk tailgaters stumbling through the building looking for a bathroom...

Oct 18, 06 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

well division one a does have a playoff i believe...

wonder k it;s THE Ohio State whatever the hell thazz supposed to mean.

vado's playoff enables a clear champion and the survival of all those bowl games that take place all over the country.

a championship is needed cuz dammit there's a lot of money bet on these amateur footballers.

Oct 18, 06 4:57 pm  · 

as an undergrad-, went to an SEC school. In those 4 years, never went to a game. didn't even have the smarts to buy tickets just to resell for $$$ always got annoyed by the drunk tailgaters stumbling through the building looking for a bathroom...

Oct 18, 06 4:58 pm  · 

vado- do you mean div. 2? Or div. 1-AA? Because div. 1-A def. does not have a playoff. Even a +1 system would be nice.

Oct 18, 06 5:14 pm  · 
vado retro

i meant the smaller schools...

Oct 18, 06 5:18 pm  · 
Ms Beary

In college, I often visted a friend in a dorm that housed many of the football players. I learned real fast to not get in an elevator with a football player, and if one got in, I got off. You can imagine why. Sorry if that offends anyone.
Anyways that was as close as I got to football in college and I'm not even that close to it now, except I play catch sometimes with a nerf ball.

Oct 18, 06 5:34 pm  · 

I have no imagination when it comes to football. Why did you have to get off the elevator (most are rated for 2000 lbs or more)?

Oct 18, 06 5:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeepers Creepers Almighty I've actually pulled ahead of Javier in the "most comments" rankings...I'm directly under vado....I've gotta stop posting my every cogent (and not-so) thought....

Oct 18, 06 8:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski sounds like strawbeary only dates football players but won't go down in an elevator with one...and i'm sure you alway took the stairs up too, right ms. strawbeary?

and liberty bell, go away already...we're tired of you and you've certainly got better things to do than checking in to see if puddles is still alive

Oct 18, 06 8:58 pm  · 
vado retro

goin down in an elevator aint that a airosmith tune???

Oct 18, 06 9:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

oh, I should explain. the football players liked to charm the ladies that rode in the elevators with them. (Wha's YOUR name?)

Oct 18, 06 10:04 pm  · 
Ms Beary

oh, and I take the stairs down, elevator up like a normal person, always and forever, nothing but.

Oct 18, 06 10:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles I can note the fact that you are alive without actually commenting on if you don't hear a "Yay puddles is alive!" this Friday rest assured it's not because I don't care, I do, very much.

Oct 18, 06 10:28 pm  · 

will something bad happen if we go to page 50?

let's see....

Oct 19, 06 7:13 am  · 

at tulane we only went to games if the half-time show featured a band we wanted to see for free.

the superdome was usually about 1/8 full, but it had been designed with seats of all different colors so that a quick pan of the camera past the empty seats to where we were sitting almost made it seem that there were more people there.

Oct 19, 06 7:42 am  · 


now, I have been in the stadium (The Swamp). my intermittent fitness routine included, on a handful of occassions, running "stadiums," up and down the 90 or so rows of seats. my quads hurt just thinking about it...

i also went to the Orange & Blue game once (the pre-season inter-squad scrimmage) during my last year there, and returned (as an alumni) for a game last season.

Oct 19, 06 9:17 am  · 

i went to penn state..and there was nothin better on a saturday
afternoon then to go do some tailgating and watch football.
i went to games my first three years...and can't remember if i
got tix for the fourth...definitely stopped going by fifth year...
but the experience of being in a stadium with 100,000 people
is pretty awesome, in the true sense of the word.

Oct 19, 06 9:49 am  · 


Oct 19, 06 10:15 am  · 
Chili Davis

No football team at LTU, but we do have ice hockey and curling.

Oct 19, 06 10:21 am  · 

Any roller-derby on skates (aka short track)?

hows the beer supply at LTU?

Oct 19, 06 10:25 am  · 

before this thread gets erased for breaking the tabu against making any archinect directed comments:

archinect: sign of the beast?


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10/19/06 7:50

Does being a member of archinect put you in peril concerning the end times?

EVIDENCE: I just searched for "archinect" on google and it said there were "666,000" results.


Oct 19, 06 11:00 am  · 
Chili Davis

No short track, but there's plenty of beer to go around!

Oct 19, 06 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

i never went to any college games while in college but when i lived in rogers park we took in a few northwestern games.

Oct 19, 06 4:29 pm  · 

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