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vado retro

if jackson pollock can do it . you can do it. actually i don't think his work was ever put on stretchers.

May 6, 13 1:01 pm  · 
vado retro

in other news i am going to nebraska.

May 6, 13 1:02 pm  · 

Vado you becoming a Husker?

May 6, 13 1:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

For vacation?

May 6, 13 1:42 pm  · 
vado retro

for a high school graduation for a person who will probably never set foot again in nebraska. she's going to school in amherst and her parents are moving to phoenix.

May 6, 13 1:44 pm  · 

wow, exotic location.

you can make it into an experiment sarah.  at least you didn't paint on masonite.


good article nam, thanks.  much clearer.  its a pity they will have to pander to students to convince them to join just like any other uni from now on.  another step down in the education of our future leaders. amazing salaries for the president too.  who knew there was money in academics.

May 6, 13 5:41 pm  · 

i'm from nebraksa!  it's not that bad.  low unemployment.  can't buy that with a fancy degree.  if you get out to the country watch a sunset and look at the stars.  that's what the world looked like before architects screwed it up.

May 6, 13 7:35 pm  · 

curtkram....ya I'm a west river south dakota boy so I know just what your talking about....just google "Mud Butte" gazing is always better with a young philly at your side..

May 6, 13 9:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
You two just made me realize that I spent many nights lying in the bed of a truck staring at the stars, and talking. It's how I connected and fell in love. It was quiet and safe. So innocent. My students will not experience that, and it makes me sad.
May 6, 13 9:28 pm  · 

I'm working (meeting minutes for my AIA work) and my husband is watching Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer across the room.  I seriously looked up at the TV and expected to see Daniel Day Lewis.

May 6, 13 9:44 pm  · 
vado retro

i like the sticks but having grown up in a town of twenty thousand where you could drive out and see the stars boy howdy. we got out of there as fast as we could.

May 6, 13 10:32 pm  · 

I need an inexpensive and cool hotel in Seattle, near the library and Olympic Sculpture Park.  Are any of our old Seattle 'necters still reading?

May 6, 13 10:34 pm  · 

vado, hit the Doorly Zoo in Omaha, the best damn zoo in the middle, best.

May 6, 13 10:56 pm  · 

donna, don't forget St. Ignatius!!!

May 6, 13 10:57 pm  · 
My kids haven't seen stars in sky, not really. Light pollution from Tokyo is insane. It's like daylight all night long.

When I was kid could see the Milky Way like nobodies biznez. And sometimes northern lights too. Luckily we have a planetarium a few blocks away so were good.
May 7, 13 4:13 am  · 

isn't going to a planetarium akin to seeing pictures of the louvre instead of going to the louvre? you can replace 'louvre' with 'ocean' too.  or whatever floats your boat.

i think it would actually be a little depressing to tell your kid 'this is what the sky used to look like.'

May 7, 13 8:50 am  · 

Most people only see art as pictures in a book. Sad when that is translated to the natural world.

May 7, 13 9:40 am  · 
It's a trade off. Live in big bathtub of light but get to be in Tokyo. Fair enough. Wouldn't be fair if we had it all.
May 7, 13 11:24 am  · 

this could get interesting.

May 7, 13 11:43 am  · 
vado retro

zoos depress me. only going to the southern part. would rather stop in hot springs or fayettville. but we're pressed for time and someone gets to grade finals anyway.

May 7, 13 11:52 am  · 

Today i ventured to a house where I did some earlier design.  Owners wife wanted to kick it up so went with the NYC guys.  Problem on the site today, contractor was concerned about a cut big ass electrical wire.  So I was called in...Good Contractor working his way thru the project.  Think I made his day when I said "Ya it is  the underground wire which fed the  pump house which was abandoned when the put in a new well.  No one ever took it out because the basement was a field stone foundation commonly found here in New England.  Common practice is to abandon in place cause you don't want to disturb  the  plug on the exterior face of the wall .  Looked around the place and thought...damn these dudes raped the client..  I guess people are willing to pay big bucks  for nothing more that ,"the Wow Factor"   not a care about  scale of room, sense of space....just give me more screaming more gypsum board and WHITE and toss in some engineer thought out steel details which don't do shit for a  second, but we will leave them bare to express that we understand structure and what it is to live with, when it is like 150 percent over designed.  Come on you skyscraper guys can't you leave us county bumpkin folk alone and let us do design which makes sense, and at the same time i good design.

skyscraper guys...please stay in the city..

May 7, 13 11:17 pm  · 

@snooker +1 this quote "skyscraper guys...please stay in the city.." 

morning all!

May 8, 13 8:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wish you had posted pictures.

May 8, 13 9:20 am  · 

toaster, i don't think the prostitution thread is gaining any momentum.

May 8, 13 10:48 am  · 

On the East End the majority of projects are now done by NYC firms. Nothing good to say about any of them, except maybe that their clients deserve them.

May 8, 13 5:45 pm  · 
Hey, those Cooper Students are really taking it to the President of Cooper. Occupying his office for two days now.
May 9, 13 7:16 pm  · 

This is kinda silly, but can anyone give me the code for posting pictures?  I have a good one I promise you!

May 11, 13 7:43 pm  · 
Have I said this before?: I really love the velvety black entry screen of the Archinect iphone app. It makes me happy when I open it.
May 11, 13 8:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Snook, I don't know how to do it from a phone, but on the Internet it's a button now.
May 11, 13 10:21 pm  · 

I took this photo  a few years ago and just came across it yesterday and recall my first impression when I saw this interaction of nature and architecture....jaw dropped to the floor....Oscar knew how to get it done.

May 12, 13 6:50 pm  · 

Thanks Sarah...Hope you had a grand Mothers Day with your guys!   Same goes for all of the rest of the Archinect  Ladies!

May 12, 13 6:51 pm  · 

I took this photo  a few years ago and just came across it yesterday and recall my first impression when I saw this interaction of nature and architecture....jaw dropped to the floor....Oscar knew how to get it done.

Thank you, s-d-d.  So, you've been to "a cidade maravilhosa" ... and you've been to Niteroi, where this famous work is located.  Niteroi is derisively called "the city of smiles" because, after being asked where a person in greater Rio is from, those from Niteroi "fess up," look down at the ground, and manage a sickly smile.  Yes, I love "Trivial Pursuit."

Looks like Sugarloaf across Guanabara Bay.  Damn, Rio is dangerous, or feels so.  It just sort of "lingers" in the air.  The longer one stays, the higher the probability of falling victim to petty crime, or more, aimed at tourists.  In 4 days, I was able to avoid a mugging, and I'm not a small guy.  I could read the vibes and got myself out of the situation.  In broad daylight, too.  I recommend that everyone go to Rio de Janeiro, and its greater area, at least once in their life.  It is breathtaking.

When you're there, you hear this in your head:

At any rate, Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on here ... and to the mothers in your family, or extended family, you love.  I swear, I'm in a post buffet funk right now, and need a snooze.

May 12, 13 7:00 pm  · 


Mrs snooker doodle dandy is from I always feel in safe company.  Last time I went there I felt more unsafe waiting for our shuttle to  JFK here in America.  You know we had lots of luggage cause you can't return home without gifts for everyone your going to see.  I have never had a problem there and find in general Brazilian people go out of their way to make you comfortable.  Ya my babe  is street smart but a lot of it is go with the flow.  You know there is going to be a guy you toss a few coins to to watch your car when you park it on the street so no one will bother it.  My mother in law often has them park it for her because  if you go back to the same place people know you and watch out for you.  Like Observant says you have to go at least once...I will go many times.

May 12, 13 7:12 pm  · 


Mrs Snooker Doodle Dandy, actually grew up around the corner from  Veloso  Bar Cafe, in Ipanema.  Where Jobin and Moreas would pass the day and  wrote the song and lyrics.  I had a shope there and could see how it would have been such a natural thing for them to see this young maiden with that Brazilian walk (it is distinctive), with purpose and find reason to write this song of beauty.

May 12, 13 7:28 pm  · 


Interesting.  I've been to Portugal numerous times that I was able to get around easily in Brazil.  The mugging attempt occurred at the bus queuing area at the base of Cristo Redentor in Cosmo Velho, which is a nice area, and because of using the city buses.  The Metro is safer.  From Ipanema, I took the Metro into the center, and got off at Cinelandia to see the sights in the center ... downtown also felt dicey.  Favela tours, anyone?  No thanks.

I stayed in Ipanema, where it ends and Leblon begins.  The dividing feature between the neighborhoods, the Jardim de Alah, is another mugging spot at night, and the hotel told me that ... on the 3rd day.  I did not use the beach at Ipanema.  There is a constant police presence on the major beaches such as Ipanema and Copacabana.  I went to more remote suburban Barra de Tijuca's beaches instead.

The physical setting and splendor of the city is indescribable. However, it is nutty - "fio dental" not only means dental floss, but a string bikini ... and only Cariocas would name their international airport after Antonio Carlos Jobim, the guy who penned the song "The Girl from Ipanema."  The whole vibe in Rio is very libertine.

May 12, 13 7:31 pm  · 
vado retro

spent mother's day in Kansas City with gf's mother. step mom, sister, niece and father. cool city. visited holl's nelson atkins bloch addition. enjoyed the building. and its contents. one horrible design element that we're all taught not to do is in that building. the one stair step. i looked at it and couldn't believe my  eyes. i told my gf that this is bad. that we call it a hip jammer and with in a minute after saying it some guy missed the step and stumbled. 

May 13, 13 12:22 pm  · 
So I have pneumonia. It's really miserable. Feeling slightly more human today but still tired out just by simple things like making myself lunch. I've now watched four straight hours of the science show with the hot enthusiastic British physicist. Very soothing.
May 13, 13 1:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, you have to post a link for that!


And feel better.

May 13, 13 1:35 pm  · 
vado retro

sorry you have pneumonia. be careful that sheet is dangerous!

May 13, 13 2:58 pm  · 

hello TC!

hope you feel better Donna.

May 13, 13 3:14 pm  · 
Sarah I'm too drained to link but his name is Brian Cox and People voted him one if the 50 Sexiest people recently. He's actually really goofy-looking but so enthusiastic you can't resist. And he talks about physics in the most gorgeous and extreme locations on the planet. Beautiful viewing.

Also Paul I too, like Steven, love that velvety black startup screen.
May 14, 13 9:45 am  · 

HI TC!!! 

Feel better Donna.  

Been lurking these past few days with not much to say.  Sad about Cooper Union.  It really irks me that the mission of the school seems to have been either forgotten or ignored.  

Back into the mist I go.

May 14, 13 4:30 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I knew exactly who you were talking about when you said the hot enthusiastic British physicist. One of my clients calls him her "other boyfriend". I can't believe he made People's most 50 sexy though. Has to be those cheeks! But those cheeks are um, enthusiastic, not sexy.

May 14, 13 5:48 pm  · 

he's very good host.  wouldna thought sexy was the right word.  clearly i need to work on my hot guy spotting skill set.


black start up screen is indeed coolio.  navigation is still a bit wonky for me.  wheres that suggestion box gone to?

May 14, 13 8:45 pm  · 

he's very good host.  wouldna thought sexy was the right word.  clearly i need to work on my hot guy spotting skill set.

100% of the female population has a hot chick spotting skill and 100% of the male population has a hot guy spotting skill.


Female, a mother, straight, at work:  goes to the floor to ceiling windows of the office to see a Daryl Hannah-alike girl who made a delivery get into her car and keeps on raving "OMG, what a beautiful girl," and on and on. 

Females, straight, constantly talk about a feature, or features, they admire in another woman - her hair, her eyes, her breasts, her legs

Males, straight, how do you think they hire people in financial services and commercial real estate?  It's like a clone patrol, so it's a case of "straight eye for the straight guy."

Males, straight, in southern Europe, say in Spain and Italy, it is not at all uncommon for a male to acknowledge that another male is handsome, and it means nothing.  It just goes along with the culture of being aesthetes and being more open with what they are thinking.

Anglo-Germanic-Nordic values and sensibilities dominate the social code in the U.S., Canada, and other countries upon which they have a significant impact.  Far from the case in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Brazil and Argentina, where one can exhale.

Oh, yeah, Brian Cox, had to look him up.  He looks like a pretty boy, so I'm not surprised women who tend toward the alpha would find him attractive.

May 15, 13 4:53 pm  · 

will must be the exception to the 100%.  also me. perhaps a lot of us are exceptions to the 100%.

architects aren't very good at math.

May 15, 13 5:01 pm  · 

Very typical "American" answer, curt.  I'm not faulting you for it.  It's to be expected, though.

Very good at math.  You should have seen my GRE math score.  But, oh shit, UVa wasn't in the cards.  LOL.

May 15, 13 5:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I watched the Wonders of Life episode, and while I find the guy fascinating, I don't find him attractive. He has this funny mouth thing, not unlike that actor who played in the Pillars of the Earth series. I don't understand why people find THAT guy attractive at all!

Maybe that's what Will is seeing?
May 15, 13 6:04 pm  · 

As political correctness rises, so does the sentiment against "stereotyping."

One didn't even need to read the article.  Basically, the headline said "80 year old amputee living in South Carolina mauled to death by dogs."

It was reported they were 4 pit bulls.  I was just "waiting" for that tidbit of information in the article.

Very sad.  This reminds me of the petite lady who lived in exclusive Pacific Heights in San Francisco who was mauled to death by a Presa Canario dog (typically large and aggressive) in the hallway of her apartment building.   A media circus followed that event and the owners of the dog who lived on that floor came across as cavalier about the whole thing.

I love dogs, but certain breeds are, by and large, to be avoided.  Most of the dogs housed in animal shelters tend to be pit bulls.

May 15, 13 7:58 pm  · 

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