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vado retro

maybe im jaded but having seen springsteen in 1978 at notre dame play a four hour show, then come back, after the roadies had torn down most of the stage, to play for another 30 minutes because no one would leave the convocation center and then sign autographs in front of the tour bus for another hour and a half, no other concert can compare. rock on everyone.

Aug 4, 06 4:57 pm  · 

vado, you're right, encores are expected now, and they always stop at one. I did see one Dave Matthews concert where they hit the lights after the first, but no one left, so Dave came out and did a secone encore. But usually that stuff doesn't happen anymore.

Aug 4, 06 5:12 pm  · 

btw, thnx for the vid, it made me feel better...:-)

Aug 4, 06 5:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well yes and no, AP. Friday usually means I realize how many things I didn't manage to get done yet this week, and will I have time to work on them this weekend?

But it also means I get to actually spend some quality time with my boys (husband and son and dog), and potentially sleep in half an hour later than usual, so that's always nice.

This Sunday I fly to Myrtle Beach for a week in the sun, so don't worry if you don't see me around much next week!

I need to catch up on the endangered species thread, I've abandonded it the last few days.

Aug 4, 06 5:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oops, page 34 came up w/o me even realizing it! Steven, remember us talking about how the pods get un/loaded from the truck? Angus and I watched a pod unload across the street last weekend - it's a pretty cool system, which I was calling a "crane" until Angus said "No, Mommy, it's a boom". Which isn't really right, either, but is pretty smart for a 3yo.

Aug 4, 06 5:58 pm  · 

SBD, that's a remix compilation album. And it's on vinyl only. Don't get me all excited like that!

Aug 4, 06 6:35 pm  · 

Smart little guy.

Page 33 seemed to last about a day.

I am so bored. I wish it was quitting time. That "more to life than architecture" thread is depressing me. Because its true. As the title suggests. Ugh.

Aug 4, 06 6:37 pm  · 

children are amazingly smart.

friday was our end of term presentations for school and then a small party with prof and all the kids in the lab. they were serving a milky korean sake that tasted like coconut juice, but was def strong licker.

now its saturday morning and i have to go to the site and check that the contractor fixed everything on the snag list. i am not looking forward to it cuz i just know he hasn't and i hate it when i have to tell the contractor to do his job.

then it's off to the office to spend a day on a competition in europe. just the 2 of us, which is crazy. fun, but crazy.

all the talk of holidays is very envy making. have fun yall!

Aug 4, 06 8:26 pm  · 

wait, is an informational interview what I think it is? Have any of you ever done this? Why the hell would a working professional take the time out of their day to humor someone they have absolutely no relationship with in this way? What is it about this that I'm missing?

Aug 4, 06 10:10 pm  · 

friday. check. beer. check.

Aug 4, 06 10:39 pm  · 

Sounds like the odds are in my favor. One out of every 200 resumes (some studies put the number as high as 1,500 resumes) results in a job offer, whereas one out of every 12 informational interviews results in a job offer. Guess I've answered my own question in #2 :)

Aug 4, 06 10:41 pm  · 

a history of my life job hopping:

1995 LA Architecture: 88 resumes, 3 interviews, 3 jobs each lasted one month (first job $10/hour, other jobs $12/hour), 2 student films, 1 paying movie gig $75/day

1996 hollywood: 200+ phone calls, 64 resumes, 6 interviews, 1 movie, 1 tv, 8 commercial, 4 pilots (started getting $100/day in the spring, $200/day fall, then got union card)

1997 hollywood: 100+ phone calls, 33 resumes, 3 interviews, 2 movies, returned to tv show, 8 pilots, 6 commercial (set designer Jr-A rate)

1998 hollywood: 11 resumes, 5 interviews, 2 films, 1 tv show, a few pilots/commercials (Senior Set designer rate)

1999 hollywood: 9 resumes, 4 interviews, 1 film, 2 tv shows, 6 pilots, 3 mtv show, and some crap (Sr. Set design rate + 20% specialist)

2000 hollywood: 7 resumes, 2 interviews, 1 film, 1 tv show, 9 mtv shows, 1 concert, 1 play, and more crap (SD Rate +20%, 56 hour guarantee)

2001 NY Architecture: 13 resumes, 1 interview, 1 job ($$)

2001 fall/winter 2002 NY architecture: 129 resumes, 10 interviews, no jobs. started to apply to grad school september 3rd, 5 applications, 1 acceptance, 2 degrees (had to wait till 2005 for those), six figures of student loans

2002 Spring Philly Architecture: 30 resumes 4 interviews 1 job + 1 freelance gig ($13/hour 'student intern')

2003 philly architecture: 7 resumes. 5 interviews 1 job ($15 hour 'student intern')

2004 philly arch/'scape: 4 resumes, 4 interviews, 4 offers, 1 job ($15 hour 'student intern')

2005 LA arch/'scape: 14 interview, 8 interviews, 2 offers, 1 job ($$)

2006: Mpls arch/'scape: 9 resumes and counting. 4 invitations for interviews... stay tuned

were any of these informational? no, just wanted to work.

(disclaimer- some of this is fiction, some of this is real)

Aug 4, 06 11:39 pm  · 

wow out-do my job jumping...thanks for sharing.

Aug 4, 06 11:49 pm  · 

I don't know treekiller... with that much wanderlust in, what has been, such a hot architecture market, perhaps the resume writing skills could use a little work.

It seems you might enjoy a design-build firm.

Are you cursed? Why such mobility?

Aug 5, 06 12:18 am  · 

My philosophy: "If you spend six months to a year at a job and learn that you truly dislike it, then it's time to move on. There is no point in being miserable". Been there, done that…

Aug 5, 06 1:00 am  · 
brian buchalski

i don't think tree killer is cursed.

my experiences actually haven't been sooo different.


is a hard busy ness that we are engaged in...but i havent' moved as much as tk aka lumberjjack...what's the diffference really? a lumberjack is pretty much a tree killer, yes? perhaps should have named self Paul bunyan...yeah.

anydoby else out there answeer threads without actually reading them? you know...kind of like showing up late to a critique at school and then obnoxious asking a bunch of obivous questions...the kind that are soooo obivous that if only you had been there the whoel time then obviously ostensibly you would know the answer and wouldn't need to ask them but because you're such as aggressive asshole you are already aware of this ans ask them intentionally to highlight the fact that you weren't there for the whole presentation and noboday else is even willing even willing to say anything to you about this nnarcissistic display of self-prommotion on your part because, truthfully speaking, the pooor student's presentation was so fundamentally lacking and the critique was soooooooooo terrible and boring that they are actually thankful that your dumbass self showed up and distracted them from having to be polite as a matter of professional courtesy to this poor sack of shit student presenting?

boy...i really dislike that

and im'm damably tired right now.

hey, here's a question for you: why did the bicycle fall over? because it was too tired. ha ha ha, get it too tired is similar, although not equal to two tired and as it turns out even the word bicycle is greek (or maybe latin) for two tires. aint't that great!!!!!????

[submit] :) [/submit]

Aug 5, 06 1:13 am  · 
liberty bell

puddles i adore you. now get some rest.

Aug 5, 06 1:16 am  · 

A late night snack for the boardies:

Aug 5, 06 2:46 am  · 

best predate EVER.

Aug 5, 06 3:25 am  · 

i had that is

Aug 5, 06 3:25 am  · 

oe: what the hell was that?

sbd: i'm dumb. what's a predate? you made a date? you had a fun evening out without it being 'official'? predate wasn't a term we used when i was dating, but if i'm understanding it right, i predated some people for as long as two years.

can't figure out why treekiller would have ANY idea how many resumes he sent out in 1995. i can't even remember how long some jobs lasted - or how much money i made at any given job.

took some time out before beginning the move this morning to read the keller easterling interview that mason did. she's both brilliant and baffling. it always takes me a while to digest her writing and i see it'll be the same about understanding a conversation with her. she's keeping a lot of stuff in her head.

"somebody's had too much to think."-captain beefheart

Aug 5, 06 7:28 am  · 


steven i had the same problem with easterling. she is way too smart for me. not as bad as wading through deleuze and the g-man, but close enough. sort a felt a bit like the discussions back in art school, actually. is why i like rem so much. i don't agree with much of his writing, but it is so clear.

never heard of a pre-interview before, though i guess i was invited to a few in london when i was looking for work (they din say pre-inteview though). i was tempted by the one from phillipe starck, but got a job so had to turn him down. sorta regret that...

Aug 5, 06 10:17 am  · 

predate is an outing with someone that by all standards would be classified as a date, but wasn't specified previously. These outings tend to usualy not lead anywhere, until one of the persons specifies the next outing as a date. They especially don't lead anywhere when the persons are coworks (which in this case they are). doh!

Aug 5, 06 12:51 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

So it was the best predate that didn't lead anywhere?

Aug 5, 06 1:25 pm  · 

OK, OK- to answer the charges:

I have copies of all those resumes on my computer back to 1995 when I first moved to LA- was way easy to count.

I was cursed in 1995 and post 9/11.

Those recent job searches have been very targeted and produced quick results. My resume and interview skills have been too good once or twice where I talked myself into situations way over my head.

Hollyweird is a freelance world- you work one day, one week, one month, one year on a project, then you're back out on the street. My shortest job was typically with a commercial- all they needed was a day of drafting with the hammers swinging as quickly as I finished each detail. the longest lasting job was two seasons on the same tv show, from this art department team, we also worked on 6 to 12 pilots each season, and often had another tv show going at the same time- yes, you get to double bill for each show. After a few years, you're repeatedly working for the same people over and over again- that's why less and less resumes/interviews were required to keep working. I typically had 8 to 10 months of work each year - but never really got to enjoy the downtime because of not knowing when the next project would start. I missed a few projects by not being able to start immediately and this hurt the wallet.

The past 5 years of job jumping have been academically inspired. Part-time internship through grad school meant I got what I could from each firm, then sought out new experience.

My year in LA has been great, would have stayed in the same job for much longer (it was recently really slow, but has picked up again) without the need to move to mpls for my wife's career.

Did design-build in Columbus OH prior to my LA move- it was lots of fun. Now, I rather work on huge projects that contribute to our urban world. Not many of these projects are design-build.

I fled h-wood for lots of reasons: 1) not big movie fan- huge architecture fan. 2) Got bored- I didn't want to deal with stupid MTV staffers anymore, or dumb sitcom scripts. 3) wanted to have a lasting contribution to the world and to get back to my environmentalist roots. 4) wanted to live in NY for a while - my family is from there. 5) there was nothing happening in H-wood at that moment due to possible strike by writers and actors. 6) no personal relations were keeping me in LA at that moment - I met my wife in NYC through a cousin but that is another story. 7) I missed the intellect of figuring out how to build things and creating good spaces - h-wood is all about surface decoration and the composition in the viewfinder - buildings and landscapes are much more complex. 8) was being typecast into working on certain projects (mtv crap). 9) do I need more reasons?

That post was inspired by the statement of 200 resumes per job- wanted to show the flip side of the situation.

puddles- love the musing about paul bunyon. I go by TK to remind myself that you can't build with out destroying something first.

Aug 5, 06 5:55 pm  · 
vado retro
Aug 5, 06 6:09 pm  · 
Aug 5, 06 6:26 pm  · 

I just got an email that my roommate sent last night. She was on her way up to Peoria to visit her dad on Friday night and she flipped her car on the highway. She was going 75 miles an hour, swerved to avoid something that came at her in the road, flew up in the air and landed on her roof. She got out and walked away. She said the cops and EMTs were all staring at her like they couldn't believe she was alive, let alone fine.

Please everyone wear your seatbelts, helmets, etc. I want you all to be fine too!

Aug 6, 06 11:56 am  · 
vado retro

ayeee thats scary stuff dubk.

Aug 6, 06 12:32 pm  · 

i wear a helmet when i drive my car, but not seabelts...don't believe in them.

Aug 6, 06 7:20 pm  · 

just about everything we have is packed tightly in a white box on the side of the street. rush hour started 18 minutes ago. drive carefully everybody!

(glad to hear your friend's ok, wk.)

Aug 7, 06 7:18 am  · 

yes, glad your friend is well, dub...

hope everyone had a great weekend.

Steven - PODS corporation was established in Clearwater, Florida (I randomly saw an article this weekend about the founder etc. Immed. thought of you and lb's Angus, "no - its a boom!")

Aug 7, 06 8:36 am  · 

guys I have a question.

Why is it that when you go around the office, smiling, singing, and kind of doing a little walk/jig/dance people look at you like you've lost your mind. And then they ask "what the hell is wrong with you" and you go "I'm just in a good mood" they just snarl.

stupid people who suck at life.

Aug 7, 06 12:17 pm  · 

SBD, You should start in with the random pranks and then see if they are so grumpy. Get on the speakerphone and page yourself....grab a cart with some office supplies and start breakdancing like the Staples (or was it Office Max?) guy....better yet, go pay a visit to your "predate" friend and offer her an afternoon chocolate. Girls love chocolate.

Aug 7, 06 1:06 pm  · 

WonderK that is hilarious. SBD, go for it!

Aug 7, 06 1:41 pm  · 

Ah man, I just made a thread entitled "War on ----- by Stupid Topic Posters" with ----- standing for a certain forum that we all love to post on, and it was deleted in no more than 30 seconds.

Oh well, but my point was I'm sick of all these War on threads. They are getting obnoxious.

Aug 7, 06 2:28 pm  · 

What's going on, gang? anything?

Really I'm just bumping TC because it was getting close to the bottom.

Where is lb, is she on vacation? When does she come back?

Aug 8, 06 8:41 am  · 
Chili Davis

SBD, I saw that too! I thought I was seeing things!!!

Aug 8, 06 8:47 am  · 

i thought it was bloody hilarious.

Aug 8, 06 9:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

So times got really deperate and I tried to quit, but the boss talked me out of it and gave me a day off for mental health reasons. Now he is working the insane hours I was. He looked like he hadn't slept all weekend, probably hadn't. Meanwhile, I am down to 10 hour days on the weekdays, and 6 hour days on the weekends, which is manageable, and I get a company paid retreat with a coworker the day after the project is due!

We still aren't going to get done.

Aug 8, 06 9:49 am  · 

well at least now if you don't get it done you can say to your boss "why didn't you work harder?"

Aug 8, 06 10:07 am  · 

Yikes, Strawbeary. I feel like a broken record saying this but it seems like another example of time management issues/elevated client expectations/under appreciating the value of a design professional. Hang in there. Was this for a specific project or is it always like this? Can't you hire an intern?

Aug 8, 06 11:55 am  · 
...I am down to...6 hour days on the weekends...


Aug 8, 06 12:06 pm  · 

Someone asked me today "why is it you're the intern and you're leaving at 5 and not coming in on the weekends?"

I replied "I'm trying to not start bad habits..."

Aug 8, 06 12:25 pm  · 

i just got out to walk the dogs. the whole neighborhod is invaded by dragonflies. i better get to work before police dept blocks the streets. you know those dragonflies, they look like helicopters. hmmm. i wonder if they are armed. we have a right to exist. damn the flies. torpedo the dragon save the tomatoes. do not get me wrong i am with the dracopters. bizzzzzzz.

Aug 8, 06 12:42 pm  · 

All of you aren't posting often enough, and none of the threads are that interesting to me...and I'm bored out of my mind!!!

This is a problem.

Aug 8, 06 2:02 pm  · 

Super Bug - what WILL titilate your synapses? Not war, practice management, Vado singing, 'mo money in dubai, road trips... hmmm.

how about resurrecting some long forgotten thread?

or just play hooky - leave the office and go to the beach.

Aug 8, 06 2:25 pm  · 

Chew on this. I think people are getting dumber. As in, regressing. I just have this nagging feeling that a vast majority of people don't really use their brains on a regular basis, and it shines through in semi-regular contact. Case in point, I've gotten this same stupid forward about some cubicle song about 3 times today. Everyone who sent it seems to think it's the funniest thing they've ever seen. It's actually the dumbest damn thing I've seen in a long time.

SBD, ponder that for a while.

Aug 8, 06 3:32 pm  · 

WonderK I think your theory is proven by this thread

Aug 8, 06 3:59 pm  · 

On another topic to bitch about, people really need to have 5 comments before they can make their first post

Aug 8, 06 4:12 pm  · 

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