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I'm not sure what this thread is for, I mean I read the initial post but it seams to have morphed into say whatever the hell you want thread so...

I like Pabst Blue Ribbon, I mean really, I do. It's not just a hipster chic thing, I actually like the beer. A cold PBR on a hot day is serious refreshment. I like PBR. There. It's out there. Shit. Thank-you Pabst, you really do get the blue ribbon.

Maybe I should post this on the confessions of an architect thread.

Aug 14, 06 7:14 pm  · 

smoke-em if you gotten,
I can sympathies – I have never felt such pain as when I was take our boat out of the water last summer and a bee landed between my front toes and the space inside my sandal needless to say I stepped on it- like you said a large part of the bee’s body was hanging from the back side of my toes- it hurts just thinking about it!!
I watch the same moving while my 6 month old was up late- gotta tell you Angelina does look pretty hot-

Very lame when you have to use this forum for personal profiting- is this your way to tell everyone you have pass the ARE- Glad to see we know how to treat this type of individuals-url=http://]I don't need this cause i know eveything now that i pass the ARE[/url

Just got done reading the novel Homeland- funniest things I ever read-url=] my obsession[/url
When out and got Mafia Cop- Louis Appelito- when a was a kid, I used to see his father “fat thegangster” around my nono’s place on Mulberry-
Being a long time y’all

Aug 14, 06 7:22 pm  · 

"I'm not sure what this thread is for, I mean I read the initial post but it seams to have morphed into say whatever the hell you want thread so..." whatever..

Aug 14, 06 7:23 pm  · 

hahah. oh man i know that feeling.

we did two small renovations recently, one with a really amazing contractor and one by a guy we knew was cheap and almost ok. the difference is cost. first costs twice as much as second, and we totally have to hold the hand of the latter

...who iam pretty sure he never looks at the dwgs we give him, especially all those careful dwgs showing him where to put switches and elctrcl outlets (like def NOT right under the towel bar), and lamps. but then you go in, and the recently TILED wall is already set with boxes in apparently arbitrary locations. we had him move one outlet, and sucked up the rest. but its stupid. the other crew? damn they were fast, and efficient, and didn't bat an eye at the complicated detailing. it really is true you get what you pay for.

Aug 14, 06 7:31 pm  · 

damn i,oo slow on the draw. that was in response to rationalist et al...

agree with abra...whatever.

Aug 14, 06 7:33 pm  · 

Yikes, jump.

On those kinds of jobs we usually get sucked into constant CA so that we can get the switches where we want... which essentially means that we make up the cost difference between the two, where each contractor actually costs the same in the end--only with the first contractor the client pays for it and with the second contractor WE pay the difference.

(did that make sense?) It's a bad habit we are slowly breaking out of.

Rationalist--yeah, do you guys use them? I'm always amazed when I see magazine photos of beautiful restorations... where unfortunately the ceiling spoils the whole thing with it's big clunky can-boxes stuck up in there. I love those Microgems. In my recollection they weren't that much more than regular cans. ...I just looked it up--they're $120 each w/ no discount (cost to client). Not too shabby! I'm on a one-woman crusade.

Aug 14, 06 7:41 pm  · 

Hey, sorry, wasn't criticizing. Didn't mean to offend your baby Abra. Touchy. I had a moment, I wanted to share - it was a random thought. I'll keep it to my damn self next time.

wimper, wimper, sob sob. [licking wounds in corner]

Aug 14, 06 8:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i just reread all 3500 posts. there is definitely a pattern here.

Aug 14, 06 8:30 pm  · 

hey spec, it takes much more than that to offend abra. stop it, no need to cry.

*ps; it would be really unfair to call this tread my baby anyway because it is a co-op. by posting here you become an owner operator. and thats the secret behind its intelligence and survival against all odds...

Aug 14, 06 8:36 pm  · 

besides i am really happy today because of this. my baby of the mounth. an officially done project.

Aug 14, 06 8:37 pm  · 

Does it look something like this?

Aug 14, 06 8:39 pm  · 

oh crap, sorry. A little late on that. No reference meant to the Abra-house-baby.

Only referring to Vado post.

wimper, wimper [more wound licking in corner]


Aug 14, 06 8:41 pm  · 
some person

urbanspec: Next time, show a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T before you diss people with more than 1,000 posts :)

Aug 14, 06 8:51 pm  · 

Truth. Aretha in a purple jumpsuit - priceless.

I gave props to Abra over in the Confessions of an architect thread
, I mean, I know better than to come down on someone who has a thread they started, named after themselves that talks about themsleves and actually has posts by more than just herself - I mean that's ballsy (if a little egocentric).

And hey, once again, nice job Abra, congratulations on finishing a project that always feels really good.

Ummm...I just want to mention this is my 100th post. Yeah me.

Aug 14, 06 9:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm mostly liking urbanspec's contributions here. Easy, guys, if I may make a request.

What I'm not liking is the constant youtube posts. I - honeslty, and I mean I'm not exagerating - truly do not have time in my life to watch youtube. Let alone search youtube for appropriate content to post here!

I'm sorry everyone, I'm in a really bad mood today for a whole lot of reasons. myriam your empathy did cheer me up, briefly, as did your jump.

But you know what always cheers me up at elast momentarily when I'm down? Rereading threads like the fast help please thread, in which every single post is an absurdly comical non sequiter. Are there any similar threads running currently?

OK, now I have to work, late into the night....

Aug 14, 06 9:18 pm  · 

well urbanspec, that got you in fav archinecter list. use it 100, tomorrow 200.

Aug 14, 06 9:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, sorry dear abra ear: congrats on finishing the hosue! Is that the first or second one? I want to see a shot of the space between the two...or maybe that's a different project? In any case, wonderful work as always. If my firm tanks I want to become your marketing rep, then I'd be working for a cause I could really believe in.

Aug 14, 06 9:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Make that dear abra dear, not ear. Though I'm sure your ears are nice.

If I keep making stupid posting mistakes and then correcting them I'll be stomping my way to 3K in no time!!

Aug 14, 06 9:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

myriam's jump? Oh good lord someone take my keyboard away...

Make that a big thank you for the empathy here, both yours, myriam, and yours, jump.

I'm hopeless. ;-)

Aug 14, 06 9:24 pm  · 

why all of the who is your favorite architect threads lately? is it time to go back to school already?

kill em all.

i think spending 5 years of an education trying to be like mike is a waste of time, i know, i did it and peter never called to thank me.

Aug 14, 06 9:30 pm  · 

i agree with lb about the tube without wanting to offend DCA ;).
i was going out of control myself after i discovered 'the tube'. but there is a thread by an archinect great 'marlin' which is a good address for tube and other moving picture posts which are somewhat related to architecture, (well that was the case until some music videos also got into the act) appropriately called channel archinect.

Aug 14, 06 9:34 pm  · 

jump- yeah. We had a contractor frame an entire wall upside down- so the window was muuuuuch closer to the floor than to the ceiling, and nowhere near eye level. Obviously, those interior elevations were just too time consuming to bother looking at.

myriam- no, but I sympathize with your plight. I've had that problem before with the various grass-as-driveway/firelane products, which while they are all the same concept, each have their strong and weak points. Sub-contractors constantly think that they are interchangeable, and the fact it that on a functional level, sometimes they're just not.

Yay for abra!

I'm undecided on urbanspec. We got off to a bad start. It'll take a bit for me to get a proper feel for him.

Aug 14, 06 9:38 pm  · 

oh, and on YouTube: I have not watched a single one of those videos that everyone posts. I just skip it.

Aug 14, 06 9:39 pm  · 
vado retro

lb if you make a comment everytime i post a video from youtube, you will be to 3000 in no time!!!

Aug 14, 06 9:40 pm  · 

thanks lb. i really think your firm will do well because of your talent and spirit.

we'll start the twin sister of the house in few mounths. i'll keep it posted either here or in Jobsite Pic of The Day.

how come sporadic supernova not posting?
well we know puddles is still walking to the wedding he is already missed. (supernovas?)

Aug 14, 06 9:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Agreed, abra: my comment re: youtube was not directed at you, DCA, please don't take offense just because you happened to post the most recent youtube link! And the Channel Architect thread is brilliant, if I ever get free time I'll look at it more.

Mainly I'm just jealous of my friend vado's "relaxation personified" schedule that allows him to watch so much tube! But you know I love ya vado!

OK now I'm really getting to work - really.

Aug 14, 06 9:47 pm  · 
some person

Thanks abra. I agree, Channel Archinect is a great thread.

Which, urbanspec, brings us back to the original purpose of this thread - to highlight the best and worst activity on Archinect as well as to provide a space to discuss matters that don't fit into nice thread categories.

Aug 14, 06 9:47 pm  · 

thanks rationalista. i think urbanspec will live upto expectations (i know i am little patronizing here, but @ 50, you can't help it).

most people at my age are already grandparents and a little bored/ing. being 'slightly' childish and ability to laugh at yourself is something you younger people should retain for years to come, if you want to keep yourself little youthful and little happy.
hmmm, it feels only a couple years ago that i was cool and twentyfive y.o. going cross country road trips with my girlfriend and her 16 mm bolex.

Aug 14, 06 10:02 pm  · 
Ms Beary

fun update on the interior designer problem I've been having, had a little VE talk with the contractor today... the I.D. has $77,000 worth of ceramic tile on a $1.8 million job.

Aug 14, 06 10:14 pm  · 

Well, that's under 4.3% of the budget... Who cares if the tile only covers 1% of the surface area? Huzzah for imported Italian terrazzo!

Aug 14, 06 10:52 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty, i know how hard it is running your own business, having a spouse and a toddler and a dog. errr wait, i have no idea abou those this one's for you, cuz i know you loooooooooooove

this tune

Aug 14, 06 10:55 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Oh sweet jesus ... Billy Squier finally makes it to archinect.

Everybody wants youuuuuu ... na na, na na na, na na na na na na na

Aug 14, 06 10:57 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Any one remember this song?

Aug 14, 06 11:01 pm  · 
vado retro

no but i rememberthis!

Aug 14, 06 11:05 pm  · 

I'm going to download some Billy Squire immediately, well right after this

Aug 14, 06 11:13 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Watch as they dance in front of some constructivist drawings.

Aug 14, 06 11:17 pm  · 

Germans are funny and scary.

Aug 14, 06 11:20 pm  · 
vado retro

a different squire get out yer sequined capes. one of my favorite songs ever!!!!!

Aug 14, 06 11:23 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I'm surprised noone has posted this little gem

Aug 14, 06 11:28 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Man, TC is going prog rock.

Aug 14, 06 11:29 pm  · 
vado retro

well, if you are gonna go getting all art school an sheet.

Aug 14, 06 11:32 pm  · 
Aug 14, 06 11:43 pm  · 
back to food and health
Aug 15, 06 7:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Well see, there you go, the benefits of being an educated consumer: my kid eats a ton of hotdogs, but they are organic beef or turkey and most important: nitrite-free. So not cancer causing. Thank god because it's about the only thing he'll eat.

So at 2am I decided the electrical plan was not getting done and went to bed. I'll bring an 8.5x11 of what's done to the meeting thid morning and finish it in the afternoon. Ces la vie!

Aug 15, 06 7:32 am  · 

i miss you guys. hope to be back soon and contributing more than two sentence posts.

Aug 15, 06 7:38 am  · 
liberty bell

We miss you terribly, Steven, but I know you'll be back when you can - good luck getting out of your temporary homeless state!

Aug 15, 06 7:40 am  · 

actually posting from the coffee shop is kinda fun. i love free wireless!

i think i've diagnosed the flooding of our new basement.

floor refinisher will not finish on time. mother comes in thursday. guess we'll get her a hotel since we're already using my brother's floors.

Aug 15, 06 7:48 am  · 

on youtube - although I enjoy the links (but admit only watching the first 30 seconds of some clips), my office I.T. blocks all streaming no youtube from 8-5...

My favorite vado youtube link to date would have to be Uptown Girl.

good luck with everything Steven.

abra, nice work, that's exactly why you made my list of Starchitects.

Aug 15, 06 8:54 am  · 

oh, and a gem by Steven in the how important is an architecture education? thread:

i learned how to practice architecture at work. i learned how to be an architect in school.

Aug 15, 06 8:55 am  · 

in the jobs section:

Cranbrook is looking for a director for the Academy of Art and Art Museum.

Aug 15, 06 11:07 am  · 

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