
Thread Central


I once did a project where we had no time for a separate set of corrects either printed or by someone else, we had to build it into the estimated costs and cover ourselves substantially in the contract due to the expected but atypically high number of variations expected. In the end however we were able to recover most of that cost and still deliver what the clients wanted. We were out a few weeks though but

Feb 26, 09 3:45 pm  · 

ok, lb, with the window story, what do u tell the client? do they let it pass easily?

Feb 26, 09 3:56 pm  · 

In one of those slow down times when they where looking for things to keep busy I was assigned a project where I was to review the drawings for a 8 plex movie theatre which was to be built in a Mall. The mall was fast tracking construction. Well to make a long story short when I started reviewing the structural steel drawing against the
architectural drawings I discovered that the steel drawings did not show a slope in the floor and well it was already in place. It did cause a few heart attacks around the office. I'm sure a few people didn't sleep well that night.

Feb 26, 09 4:09 pm  · 

The biggest mistake I've made so far is not taking partition width into consideration when laying out the workstations for my last project. It was very late in the game when I noticed the mistake and pretty much had an all out panic attack when I discovered my mistake but fortunately the clients sell office furniture and were able to work with their vendors and get it sorted out. Also helps that my co-worker completely played it off that we were under the assumption that the measurements they gave us included partition width. They bought it, even though I know this is something that an interior designer should know.

Feb 26, 09 6:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

panda: The client never knew. It was clearly my mistake, so I ate the cost. This client was a bit high-strung and we all felt it better not to even bother them with it. And, the carpenter caught it the moment the windows were delivered, so we ordered a new window that day and only lost a couple days in the schedule.

Feb 26, 09 6:16 pm  · 

Liberty you are an Honorable Woman Architect!

Feb 26, 09 7:41 pm  · 

Does anyone else here keep seeing The World's Best Kitty Litter or does Big Brother just know I co-habitate with three cats?

Another question popped into my brain today while working on some stadium elevations... do you/have you ever done stuff (professionally) that you in a million years never thought you'd ever had the chance to do or fathom doing when you were in school? For instance, when I started back to school for ID, I was certain that I only ever wanted to do was residential design, but as I progressed in my program I realized I wanted work in the commercial realm. These past few months I've also worked on stuff I never would have thought I was capable of doing or was in my "job description"... draw up staircases, draw up exterior elevations for a multistory building, work on stadium drawings, revise elevator drawings. I love it, really. My wealth of knowledge has grown that much more.

Anyway, sorry for rambling, like I said before the question just popped randomly into my head and I thought I'd share. G'night.

Feb 26, 09 10:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I see the cat. It's funny because I mentally registered the cat (though not what the ad was for - just the cat's face), but did not for a moment question why I would see a cat at the top of the page of an architecture website. Is this the fault of the internet, or of advertising in general, that wildly disparate images together don't concern me?

Feb 26, 09 10:50 pm  · 
vado retro

yes and it keeps reminding me i need to change the litter box.

Feb 26, 09 11:32 pm  · 

no cats for me. maybe the google-gods know i don't like them.

but i am spec-ing a roof system this week and i get 'gp dens' - makers of dens-deck!

Feb 27, 09 7:47 am  · 

the future is coming and its all based on subversive google-tising! argh.

just wanted to say tom selleck on daily show was bloody funny (who knew!), and we are watching oldies music on japanese tv and i remember ALL of the tunes. either it is time to finally buckle down and buy furniture and admit i'm japanese, or it's time to leave...

Feb 27, 09 8:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

i am still alive

Feb 27, 09 10:45 am  · 
vado retro

right now the ad is for gay cowboy central!

Feb 27, 09 10:56 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, Tom Selleck is one of the funniest, most endearing men alive - and I don't find mustaches sexy but his is the exception! He was on David Letterman years ago and he is hilarious; he has no qualms about embarrassing himself and is utterly adorable.

Also, jump, you said something on another thread worth repeating: there is a difference between "looking" cool and "being" cool; the latter is a lot harder but can be done for a LOT less money!

Feb 27, 09 12:41 pm  · 
vado retro

tom selleck was quite good as eisenhower in that movie about the run up to d-day.

Feb 27, 09 3:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've had a good day. Had coffee with a highly respected and successful local architect and he is being incredibly generous in offering me advice on my little bus stop project. Then had a conference call with two non-local architects who are generously involving me in a workshop for Ball State students that will happen in April (we hope). THEN had the local cable/internet company come and finally fix my recently squirrely internet access - at no charge!

Now if I can just get some billable work done...

Feb 27, 09 3:12 pm  · 

i had done many mistakes. it is much easier to make mistakes when you are working on someone else's design. like all them geniuses who know everything but tell you very little!

i am getting ready to take the puppies for a walk and after that i am on way to the office. for the next 8-9 hours.

next couple of weeks will be adventurous. glen small is coming from nicaragua and while he is here we are going to do the los angeles transportation competition to gether. we have been working on it back and forth. he is doing all the design and drawings and i am the in house critic hand holder.we will have three days to put two 24x36 boards together. it will be interesting to work with somebody like glen. so far i have been very supportive of his ideas and he'll draw everything by hand and pencil. he said he already started one in managua. i just tell him in words what would be good to put into the drawing and talk about the quality of the environment and living standarts...
i am doing no graphic contribution to the boards and in no way involved in any gluing etc. i am so bad about those aspects. plain weak link when it comes to drawings.
lb, you would make a great professor in school. so would jump. but wait he already is...
it is good to see some new people in tc like fays.panda.
this is the coolest thread. and it is funny we all forgot february 12 was 3 rd. anniversary of thread central.

happy belated birthday TC!

Feb 27, 09 3:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'd suggest getting some "billable fun" done instead...then you don't even have to bother with the work

Feb 27, 09 3:33 pm  · 

this gives me an idea to start a thread. "what do you consider work?"

Feb 27, 09 3:44 pm  · 
vado retro

if lb was a professor i'd go back to college!

Feb 27, 09 3:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Coffee chat WAS billable fun, puddles! Billable to "marketing", that is, which really is not billable...

Orhan, so awesome you are working with Glen!

And you are right, it is great to see new faces on TC. Three years we've been crying on each others' shoulders and buying each other (virtual) beers.

Feb 27, 09 3:45 pm  · 

It is a I'm going to go grab a beer. I didn't get much billable time in myself today. Spent most of the morning finalizing an A101 Contract along with the A201 using the AIA downloadable documents. It was my first time using them but figured I would give it a try. There were a few bumps but all in all it is a heck of alot bettter than the old way. Yesterday I spent some time on the phone with a Town Lawyer and he told me he was real pleased
with the quality of the contract with the edits I had made because govenment money is involved and he has just come thru a project that was really messed up. So I did some patting on the back.

Went to visit my Structural Engineer this afternoon cause I was going stir crazy. His office is in an old Axe Factory overlooking a river. The building is filled with a bunch of artsy businesses and is on the funky side in general. Today I ran into a couple with and Irish Wolf Hound in the hallway. The hall are like 8 feet wide.

I think we are entering the Mud Season here....58 degrees and lots of snow melt and water running.

Feb 27, 09 4:30 pm  · 

i just got my temporary faculty contract from cal poly pomona teaching this spring. california state was an unlikely place to get a job this year with all the budget and economic crises. i am really grateful to people giving me this op in such a tough economy.
greatest friday in a long time!

Feb 27, 09 6:00 pm  · 

Orhan! Congrats on the job. I am participating in that transit competition as well....sort of :o) It's a long story. But maybe we'll cross paths at the finish line.....

Day's barely half over and I'm exhausted. I think I'm still burning calories from last night. I'm just moving so fast today. I have a lot on my plate but if I get it all done it's going to rock! Now if only someone would magically come up to me and say, "hey you do great work, want a job in a couple of months?" :o/

Feb 27, 09 6:09 pm  · 

that's awesome orhan. on both counts. good luck with competition.

lb, about me you are always too generous, but thanks.

always thought tom selleck was cool, but dint know he was hilarious . john just sat back and laughed really. the story about how big the bin is for ashes of a cremated cow set me on the floor. waaay too funny.

Feb 27, 09 6:56 pm  · 

jump the Daily Show has been especially hilarious this week. The first 10 minutes of that show - re: Baconnaise - were amazing. I recommend it!

Feb 27, 09 7:56 pm  · 

totally agree WK. i had to turn away when he actually put that awful stuff in his mouth. but the line " i think my tongue just took a sh*t in my mouth" made it worth while. I am still wondering if that is real product. common sense says it couldn't be, but since when does common sense ever dictate reality...;-)

Feb 28, 09 7:13 am  · 
brian buchalski

umm...i think i did mention thread central's birthday on feb fact, i think i even did a little analysis of number of pages per year.

at least i think i did...maybe i just imagined that part instead...i could go back and look it up (holy shit thread central is like a time machine!) except i'm too laxy for is holiday after all. i spoke to my sister recently and we agreed that being too lazy to trim fingernails is very lazy...but toe nails are a completely different matter

Feb 28, 09 9:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, I know you did. I remember. Your dedication and efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Feb 28, 09 10:15 am  · 

glad to hear you've gotten a line of income and face time with impressionable young 'tects at cal poly. I'm sure you'll use it wisely! Looking forward to your inside scoops and political analysis of your semester at cal poly.

how can Baconnaise be kosher and vegitarian? where's the Bacon????

hey you do great work, want a job in a couple of months?
(you'll have to find clients to get paid, but you'd be in control!)
okay, maybe I won't launch 'plan C' - that's what happens if the missus gets a job and I don't find a new firm in the new city.

Feb 28, 09 10:21 am  · 

so just on a whim and because i am avoiding working (hey its a weekend and 1 in the morning to boot, so i figger is ok ), i checked out the layoff thread...and all i can say is woh. if i read that every day i think i would be is obama going to create atmosphere to overcome that sinking feeling?

Feb 28, 09 11:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Have you not been keeping up with that thread, jump? It IS terrifying, but it's keeping me working my ass off to make my clients happy/network.

The current ridiculous thread is the unlicensed one - I don't know why I get caught up in those, perhaps because it's one of the few topics in our profession that are pretty much black and white, though when we start discussing Architecture vs. architecture the grays are enjoyable.

Off to the Summer Day Camp Fair to figure out if I can afford to keep my kid occupied out of the home office all summer!

Feb 28, 09 11:22 am  · 

I would agree with Liberty on this one Jump. I'm sure most people will hang until unemployment runs out then there will be alot of new
practices starting up out of the basement or garage of homes. So in the long haul it is going to be a bugger for small practioners. So we be keeping our clients as happy as we can and keep the networking on the up and up.

Feb 28, 09 2:56 pm  · 
vado retro

anyone getting letters from credit card companies about increasing purchase rates? WTF! These fucks are getting bailed out and now they are hitting their customers with increased rates as well. And of course if you say fuck you and cancel your card so you can pay off your balance at your present rate, your credit rating takes a hit. and yes i know you are supposed to pay off your balance monthyly, but i live in the real world and not suzie orman pantsuit world.

Feb 28, 09 5:11 pm  · 

Great news!

Puddles i totally agree about finger vs toe nail clipping.

Even though i went camping last night i am finally getting caught up with stuff this weekend.

Feb 28, 09 6:18 pm  · 


I just pulled one card out of my wallet because of rising % rates. Don't want to cancel it and risk lowing my credit score - so its getting parked for good.

Feb 28, 09 7:19 pm  · 

didn't know i lived in suzie orman pantsuit world, but...ok. am i supposed to be wearing a pantsuit?!

Feb 28, 09 8:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've been informed that I have a certified letter awaiting me at my post office... They were already closed by the time I got there today, so I guess I'll have to wait until Monday. Has anybody ever gotten a certified letter that hasn't been bad news of some sort?

Feb 28, 09 11:19 pm  · 

I just noticed the cat as well. Felines and I have a "you will be ignored" policy so no surprise that I didn't even see it.

Congratulations Orhan, welcome to the world of part-time teaching. Although I'm sure you'll be an ace at it. Also looking forward to your running commentary about the competition with Glen. Similarly I'm not motivated when it comes to the drawings for comps, rather I just want to be the inspiration and critic

Gin, rebates and cash backs come as certified mail as well. Keep the faith

oh and I'm back in from the cold

Mar 1, 09 12:49 am  · 

i didn't look at the layoff thread after first page. not sure why. things aren't as bad in japan as in the states, though it looks like the pattern is starting to follow suit.

japan is interesting for being a cash and carry sort of country. credit card companies here give you the option of paying in one go, or in two. which is to say, pay right away, or split payment over two months. there are no other options. makes sense to me.

Mar 1, 09 8:35 am  · 

Wow, jump that's actually a really good way to keep debt down. Unfortunately I think the banks (at least up until now), like the idea of keeping people in debt. That way they can getting their finance charges.

Orhan - that's so awesome about both things. I also think you'd make a great professor.

Mar 1, 09 11:09 am  · 
brian buchalski

ooh, if i had know orhan was going to teach then i would have delayed school for about fifteen years and enrolled at cal poly pomona now. those kids don't know how fortunate they are.

also, i'd suggest a different approach with credit cards. might as well charge up a storm. the banks are going to end up be on the public dole soon anyhow and in five years with the united states ceases to exist as we know it, nobody will care. thankfully none of us owe anything to michiganistan yet.

Mar 1, 09 1:23 pm  · 

I haven't carried credit card debt since I was paid up at a job that owed me back wages some years ago. It feels pretty good I gotta say. On the other hand I try to completely avoid looking at my student loan statements... some of them have the same interest rate as a credit card anyway! yeesh.

vado, can't you call your bank and get them to drop your rate? mine will do that sometimes, if you have a good record with them.

Mar 1, 09 3:02 pm  · 

I hear you manta on the student loan thing. I try not even to think about how much I owe, as it will just depress me. I just keep paying on them. One of these millenia they'll be paid off...maybe. Actually I'll be done paying one by November. YIPPEE!!!!!

Mar 1, 09 3:21 pm  · 
Mar 1, 09 3:58 pm  · 

LIG, Batten down the hatches as March is coming in like a Lion from the sounds of things. We are on target for up to 18 inches and strong winds. So I will be hanging close to the office tomorrow and I hope with Power.

Mar 1, 09 4:27 pm  · 
vado retro

its not my bank its a capital one card which decided in these tough economic times to up my rate. i think rather than paying online i will start mailing a check and in the comment line write something like "suck it vultures" or "fuck you Capitalist leechmongers" or somehting like that. it is freaking freezing in my place theres a stiff north wind blowing right into my windows brrrrrrrrr layin under the covers with the cat listening to an audio book of cormac mccarthy's "the road."

in other news there has been a run on assault rifles here in indianastan as there is fear that the guns will be outlawed and accordinlgly in the spirit of supply and demand the gun shops have quadrupled their prices. give me my folding stock fifty clip muzzle flash muting bayonet wielding assault rifle or give me death.

Mar 1, 09 5:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

We're expecting 8-12" of snow over the next 24 hours here in NYC... Tomorrow's commute is going to suck.

I actually just accepted an offer for a Capitol One card... I don't like the idea of carrying around a bunch of credit cards, but right now I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck while trying to pay down a mountain of debt. I'll be able to sleep a little easier if I have something on hand to pay for any emergency expenses that might come up, assuming I can resist the temptation to use it to buy a bunch of crap I don't need.

Mar 1, 09 6:29 pm  · 

Why dont you send your bill to Obama? He seems like a nice guy. It's not your fault your in debt.

Mar 1, 09 6:44 pm  · 
vado retro

ep what is up??? i'm not complaining about being in debt. i stating a fact that credit card companies and banks that are receiving bailout money are raising purchase rates on credit cards. maybe i'll charge a copy of the biography of rick santelli.

Mar 1, 09 7:04 pm  · 

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