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Sarah Hamilton

I'm kinda glad that Valentine's Day hasn't gotten shortened any more than it has, name wise. I mean, Thanksgiving is TG, and Christmas is Xmas, and as funny as it would be to see that first card that says "Wishing you a Rosy VD!" its just not something I want to face every year.

Oh, and did you know that Syphilis is making a come-back? I always thought that was such a lovely name for something so terrible. Shame really. Everybody, find your merkin.

Feb 7, 08 7:16 pm  · 

I think you guys are totally getting trolled btw. I think pimps, futurist, and SandR are deliberately trolling because of the overwhelming liberalness of this form.

Frankly I consider myself a conservative in the Ron Paul sense, socially liberal, economically liberal, fisically conservative, governmentally (i think i just made up a word!) conservative.

Also, I think alot of you so called "liberals" on this forum are in similar straits (I'm looking at you LB!).

Feb 7, 08 7:25 pm  · 

can i ask a stupid question here? I don't linger on this thread so much , but know this is where the inner circle is..

What does it mean when somewrites "BUMP" sometimes while reviving an older thread or whatnot?".. I have been noticing this lately.

Feb 7, 08 7:32 pm  · 

It bumps the thread to the top of the forum list when someone posts.

Feb 7, 08 7:34 pm  · 

so...? its just like a protocol or something?

Feb 7, 08 7:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Means they are bumping the thread back up to the top of the page. not a stupid question, ff33! (A stupid question would be "How do you get that little circle by your name?" because I knew the answer once, but forgot it. My bad.)

Apu, I'll happily debate gay marriage with you - I'm enjoying it as it gives me a chance to practice my position, so I don't care if futurist is a troll or not. Pimpanzee clearly is, I don't bother with him (usually).

But, as I said on the hopelessly-derailed-but-wildly-enjoyable Romney thread, I'm about to put Angus to bed, so I'll be away from the computer for a couple hours.

Feb 7, 08 7:36 pm  · 

LB, i totally agree with you on gay marriage.

Didn't you read the "socially liberal" part?

Although frankly i don't think the government should give special rules to married couples.

Feb 7, 08 7:41 pm  · 

I just got here, and I am for Gay Marriage!

<sorry I had to>

ok I'll go away

Feb 7, 08 7:48 pm  · 
vado retro

im not really that convinced about straight marriage.

Feb 7, 08 7:53 pm  · 

Apu, I hope you mean you are ignoring some of the more crackpot ideas notched in Ron Paul's belt... sheesh.

Feb 7, 08 7:58 pm  · 

Whatever, fuck a bunch of mainstream politics.

If you're refering to the ghostwritten editiorials in white nationalist magazines that he really had nothing to do with then yes, if your refering to a belief in small government than no.

Feb 7, 08 8:06 pm  · 

lb, I thought Savage's puppy love column was a little freaky, too. Hrgh. One wonders what you can say to someone like that, though, you know? What would you have said?

Feb 7, 08 8:15 pm  · 
vado retro

i believe in BIG government. i believe in healthcare, education, child nutrition, paved roads, safe food, good jobs, clean water, breathable air, prenatal care, decent housing, art classes for kids, gym class for kids, drug education, corporations held accountable, national defence that is rather than imperialism etc etc etc. otherwise why have a freaking country.

Feb 7, 08 8:23 pm  · 

oh for the love of GOD! can't we start a save the UN group to keep this tool from wrecking a piece of work like the UN?

Feb 7, 08 9:23 pm  · 

Okay, please excuse my ignorance, but the man truly annoys the hell out of me. Donald Trump is a real estate developer, right?

Feb 7, 08 10:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

I believe in what vado believes.

Apu, at least if you and I were debating I know it would be spirited and intelligent!

mantaray, I have thought about what I would say to someone with that problem, and it IS sad. But I think "consent" is the key - you have to tell the guy to get counseling to try to figure out how he can enjoy a sex life with consenting partners. Which means they have to be, ya know, human. And not underage or mentally incapacitated. Counseling might not "fix" him, but can at least help him learn to live with it, one would hope. Lots of people have fantasies they will never see fulfilled, and manage just fine.

The fear being, to me, that someone could take my comment and say the same approach can also apply to "curing homosexuality". Which is different, of course, because being gay doesn't imply not having consent. IMO, any sexual activity involving all consenting, legal participants is fine. But it's a very difficult situation figuring out sexual wiring, and I know some people wrestle a lot with it.

I'm just bummed that Dan Savage has finally given advice with which I really, really don't agree.

Feb 7, 08 10:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm in Vado's camp as well. In a perfect world we wouldn't need big government (nor any government, I suppose), but I recognize that big government is a necessity of a modern society. The best we can strive for is that the government is transparent, honest, and accountable to the people it serves.

In Mitt Romney's farewell speech today, he warned about the United States becoming "the France of the 21st Century." If he means clean energy, fast trains, effective healthcare, and good wine, I say bring it on.

Feb 7, 08 10:23 pm  · 

dan's advice, not unlike howard stern's, often involves a sardonic quality, but he does make a point; how can people that eat meat, wear leather or fur condemn someone for screwing a dog? once again i will suggest people read the article from the NYT sunday magazine on morality, it's a great read...i think the one reason why we can justify one over the other has to do with intimacy. if we were forced to kill the cow for leather or food, or kill the fox and skin it for a coat no one here would do that, but given that we don't and are detached from that process, it's much more palatable...

Feb 7, 08 10:29 pm  · 

mmm, somehow I think he means France before all that good stuff came along. Except the wine of course, as that's been around for a long time.

I was reading in Good magazine the other day about some Vermontians that want to secede from the US, and it actually makes sense to me, and hits on something I've wondered about before. The states I've lived in are as big as several European countries for fuck's sake- what made anybody think that a country this gigantic could be effectively represented by a single government? I bring this up because I'm a bit like Gin in that I wish we didn't need government, or at least need so dang much of it, but see the necessity. But that makes me wonder whether our big government is only necessary because we are trying to tie a bunch of states together that don't necessarily have a whole lot in common?

Feb 7, 08 10:35 pm  · 

LiG, France has (and still does to my knowledge) pump nuclear waste into the ocean. France uses alot of nuclear energy and instead of burying it in the ground like we do, they dump it into the ocean because they don't have anywhere to put it.

Just figured I'd let you know.

I personally do NOT want to become "the Europe of the 21st Century" but frankly that's inevitable.

Feb 7, 08 10:36 pm  · 

oh, and ellebelle, I was given the inhaler for albuterol. Most people don't have any side effects, but a quick google search showed me that I'm definitely not the only one that it messes with so badly either. Lucky your little guy turned out to be ok with it.

Feb 7, 08 10:37 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

tumbleweed, I'm no drinker. (My office once had a wine tasting after work to select something for the office warming, and it was like pearls to swine for me. Plus, I had to say, "I'll just hold onto this tectum wall for a bit, you know, to keep it from moving," after.) But I wouldn't turn down a trip to wine country to sip, swish and spit, once in a while.

Hey, if you do the weekend east hollywood thing, try zankou chicken to go (don't forget utensils!), then take it up to Hollyhock, eat it in the loggia overlooking the Hollywood sign, the Observatory and the Schindler studio, plus all the tiny little gems you could pick out on the hills... It's icon O.D. Then go to Choke; it's a moped repair shop that serves latte (supposedly great). Then go to Picholine for lavender chocolates. Then, of course Cafe Tropical (I always get that name wrong, because I know it as Tropical Ice Cream). That's overkill.

Sarah Hamilton, you're funny. I like your way with words.

Feb 8, 08 2:45 am  · 

i'm a little cloudy today after dinner and drinks with my mum. My former co-worker joined up, and the drinks and laughter ensued. I have no idea what time I went to bed - but I was up at 7:15a to walk la puppy

PM leaves today, much to do

Feb 8, 08 8:20 am  · 

Dear Tumbles,

Urgent - read this. It's about bacon-wrapped hot dogs in LA.


Feb 8, 08 10:01 am  · 

Hey all..

I hope everyone is as cheerful as I am this Fri. It has been a long week.
Regarding Conservative vs conservative. There is definetly a big difference. A number of my good friends are little c (conservatives), which i am fine with. As long as you are informed and can make an arguement even if i don't agree with it. I mean who isn't for fiscal conservatism and personal rights/liberty. Government should only be worrying about the big problems. My problem is with people who get all their info from Neil Bortz and other talk radio "Conservatives"....

As for Valentines. I haven't had any reason to celebrate it in awhile. It seems like my relationships in the last few years have always started after or ended before this day.

Also, Sarah a agree VD would be a horrible abbreviation. Happy VD everyone! heheh.

As for coffee i love it, except for the stuff at work. It is pure poo.

Feb 8, 08 10:02 am  · 

Tumbles, DubK et al.
I wish i was having partaking in a Archinect brunchup...
Oh well that is what i get for living in the Archinect boonies..

Feb 8, 08 10:04 am  · 

i'll be alone for valentine's (with the except of puppy); i do with a fly over to be in the centre of that whiskey debauchery

Feb 8, 08 11:10 am  · 

nam, come out and see us! The only reason that we had the first meetup was because I flew out to visit my school, lol.

architechno, you know you are always welcome. You only need to email me and say "i'm on my way", and I'll be like "sure thing, cocktails are waiting".

Feb 8, 08 11:32 am  · 
vado retro

n______________ loves bacon.

Feb 8, 08 12:04 pm  · 

Between tumbles comment on the archinect crushes and now WK they have me grinning ear to ear in the office...

Feb 8, 08 12:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh wow, those bacon-wrapped hot dogs sound amazing. i might have to sneak into la one of these days to try some of those.

"And I said without thinking, 'What if maybe you go fuck yourself?' He started at me, then never came back."

great article, fascinating to hear how much difficulty can surround something as simple as grilling hot dogs. very unfortunate that working people can go to jail for such a thing. and usa is considered a free country? yikes.

Feb 8, 08 12:07 pm  · 

you'd think that grilling would be the most hygenic option versus the other ways to cook mystery meat.

Feb 8, 08 12:11 pm  · 

i believe in the doctrine of free that makes me a fiscal conservative. i also believe in the abolition of hot dogs and bacon...but that's personal and i don't wish to push that or any position of mine on my fellow man or woman.

rationalist, your point re: states within super large union is well taken. i would love it if individual states could have more independence. sure a federal government would still be useful and necessary, but the role it plays could be significantly different.

puddles, how's your refrigerator these days?

Feb 8, 08 12:29 pm  · 

i went to a dwell party last night in chinatown.
20;45 i arrived and checked in and didn't wear the name tag
20;47 scanned the crowd and assessed the situation and did not see anybody i know
20;48 made my way to tortilla snacks area
20;51 explored 10' more into an area where i found a free march issue
20;51 cont. i made a u-turn and head towards the door
20;52 i was out of there with the free magazine copy folded into my pocket
21;10 @ sam woo's chinese deli, eating roast duck and steam rice and ruining the not so great magazine with my greasy fingers (even geoff looked harmless)
21;30 done eating, paid, tipped and left the magazine with the dishes on the table

22;00 @ home
tina- "how was the party?"
me- "not enough food"

Feb 8, 08 12:46 pm  · 

i can picture that someday i'm at a party and orhan gets in and out before i ever know he's there or get to meet him. like the wind... we'll just all know after the fact: 'orhan was there. orhan was there.' will be the buzz around town.

maybe if i just carry snacks hanging out of my pocket whenever i attend parties from now on, i can keep him from leaving right away.

Feb 8, 08 12:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

refrigerator is running good...but i still need to hook up internet at the villa. goodness i've gotten lazy.

i'd also like to see more independence for states but i think i've covered that issue with my whole michiganistan rant on the balkanization of america thread.

and i should probably revive the whole crazy pills thread in honor of paris hilton's recent honor in cambridge...and this bullshit of arresting hard-working hot dogs vendors...and a us congress that seems more concerned with professional baseball & football players than actually running the country. good grief

Feb 8, 08 1:00 pm  · 
 ·'d you make it home so fast? 30 mins in LA...unbelievable

Feb 8, 08 1:09 pm  · 

villa? Hmmm where you at puddles? Did you go to carnival? What is the view like.

Feb 8, 08 1:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Feb 8, 08 1:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

um...i thought i posted a picture of my view a couple of days ago with the boats...maybe that was different thread

Feb 8, 08 1:32 pm  · 

you did - my bad

Feb 8, 08 1:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Arrgh... So much for my relaxing Friday that's supposed to lead into a relaxing weekend.

Apparently my boss and I were supposed to be at a big client meeting down in the Village this morning, except that neither of us knew the meeting had been scheduled.

Boss is out of the office today for a dentist appointment, and I get a call from a very angry client at 10:30, asking where the hell we are for the 10:00 meeting. Apparently he left a message about the meeting for my boss, but that is news to me (and news to her as well, apparently).

I apologize profusely, go into a panic, print all my drawings, and make a bee line down to their office to run the project meeting solo. They ask me a few questions I don't know the answers to, so now I need to get in touch with the boss and get those answers by the end of the day today.

The client requested a second scheme for the building, as we're trying to explore how to cram all the building's program elements onto a cramped site and within the city's zoning envelope. The second scheme is due at the next meeting on Tuesday, but my boss will be away on vacation all next week.

I don't mind working the occasional late night or weekend to meet a deadline, but I hate being put on the spot because my boss forgot to check her voice mail or write down a meeting date. But I guess sometimes you just have to bend over and take one for the team.

Feb 8, 08 1:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, we had strong state governments once upon a time, but after the civil war, many of those states rights were taken away to prevent further Civil Wars.

Feb 8, 08 2:11 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Miss Manners said there's three things one shouldn't discuss at work: politics, religion, and sex.

If Us-Them is sooo last century, then this must be the We-We Century. Hmmm. We-We Century. Gotta work on that name.

Brunch in Eagle Rock? I'd love to!

Feb 8, 08 4:05 pm  · 
vado retro

i guess miss manners was never president of a sex church.

Feb 8, 08 4:35 pm  · 

At my first job out of college (it was 2002 so I was desperate, and the job was crap), they discussed religion and politics with me in the first week. And I was a captive audience - I was trying to eat lunch too. In the second week, I quit. Ah, I was so young and inexperienced then.

I love how tumbles invites strangers from the internet out to brunch with us! No, really!

Feb 8, 08 4:36 pm  · 

@ Sarah - I was going to bring that up too. Thanks for pointing that out. States rights v. central rights was the #1 reason the Civil War was fought. Typically though, aren't Republicans bigger proponents for letting the states make their own decisions, hence the whole making government smaller? My memory is alluding me right now.

Anyway, the project got a little better today and I finally feel the mojo coming back. Yay! Our PM liked some of my ideas and wants me to develop them further. That made me feel really good. Looks like there could feasibly be a marriage of our designs after all as I seriously thought my layout was doomed.

The funniest thing though is that they have an outdoor area which they want to make into a courtyard and b/c I opened my big mouth and said I know a little about green things, they are looking to me to find some cool trees and such. While I'm flattered, a part of me thinks they really should get a landscape to this. In case I thought I'd at least throw out some suggestions. We shall see. I still find it a hoot. TK or any other LA out there, mind if I email you and pick your brain?

Feb 8, 08 6:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Good news: I got my IRS refund today, and I no longer owe any more back taxes.

Bad news: Apparently I owed the IRS more back taxes than I thought, because I was expecting about a $1200 refund and only got $91 instead. I haven't yet received the letter explaining why my refund is so much less.

*sigh*... Nice cap to an already shitty day. I guess my new 24" iMac will need to wait a few more months. I think I'll take my $91 and do some heavy drinking this weekend.

Feb 8, 08 6:50 pm  · 

tuna- Conservatives (in the traditional sense, not the republican sense) are typically for states rights, and individual rights for that matter, over federal government. This has gotten a bit lost lately, the republican party has in general turned aside from several of the traditionally conservative views.

Feb 8, 08 7:23 pm  · 

mum and I went for chinese at the dodgy (only) chinese restaurant on island. We damn nearly ordered anything and everything that isn't meat. So now are home with our feet up, drinking water because we are so full. She's reading the trash newspaper (no its not trash as in waste but actual poorly written trash) and I'm watching 20/20 cricket Montserrat versus Nevis.

We have to get an early night we are gardening early in the morning, with potting soil, etc

Feb 8, 08 8:11 pm  · 

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