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brian buchalski

that also explains why i show up here every now and then just to prove i'm still alive.

Jan 16, 08 9:32 am  · 

yeah. would explain a lot of things actually. i don't know if its real or not (hoping not), but kinda got me thinking how many folks i used to know are still kickin. sorta sad to be getting older when friends and family are not.

hmmm...i think italian wine makes me morbid.

Jan 16, 08 9:36 am  · 

im still alive too.

anybody know the story behind the firm 'fivekiller' that's posted in the jobs? I want my name back dabnabbit!

Jan 16, 08 9:48 am  · 

oh, it's the guy's name. I do like it almost as much as killing trees. so what five things got killed to bequeath that name?

Jan 16, 08 10:05 am  · 
John Cline

me likey too.

Jan 16, 08 10:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

Imagine having to explain to your friends that you work for a guy named Fivekiller.

Back in a former life, I worked at a Circuit City store in the Chicago suburbs. Our store manager's name was Brian Butch, and our regional manager's name was Mark Rottweiller. I'm dead serious. Both guys lived up to their names in every way... God, I hated that job.

And now for something completely different: News item to be filed under the "No Fucking Shit" heading.

Jan 16, 08 12:45 pm  · 

Hey everyone, i found this really interesting! and graphically very well done.

Chicago's Full Olympic Bid

Jan 16, 08 2:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

tunamelt, I'm worried about your cat. I'm also worried about smallpotatoes. And jump's friend.

And while I'm listing worries: my checking account, as I won't get a paycheck until tomorrow. But I *think* tomorrow will be fine.

2008 is so far not my favorite year.

Jan 16, 08 2:06 pm  · 

speaking of pay cheques, I was being comically abused in the office for not having cashed mine from November - oops. My defense, I try not to obsess about money (too much) also the cheque is a supplement to my normal salary and represents about 2% of my basic (so its coins really). But because they couldn't balance the books, they got it out on me.

Jan 16, 08 2:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, it does make it tough for them.

Say, does anyone know how much it costs to get leed certified, not the building, but a person. You know, read the text book, and take the test?

Jan 16, 08 2:45 pm  · 

lletdownl - the chicago document is cool. thanks.

Jan 16, 08 3:07 pm  · 

Sarah, if your firm is a member of the USGBC, I think it costs $100-150 for the book, and $250 to take the test. If you're not a member, it costs more on both accounts. BTW, people get accredited, and buildings get certified. :o)

What's wrong with smallpotatoes? I have a self-imposed ban on the baby thread.

Jan 16, 08 3:11 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I'm sorry Techno, but people who forget to cash checks annoy me. It's pennies to you but, it's a problem for someone else if you're holding on to it forever.

Jan 16, 08 3:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Potatoes hasn't checked in to the 'baby' thread, and her delivery was immanent (ok i tried spelling that several ways before i gave up). So its possible to have another Archi-infant in our midst.

And PLTHDDDDD on the accredited vs. certified, DubK.

Jan 16, 08 3:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is that a raspberry, Sarah?!

I love Firefox, it has built in spell check! You guys can always tell when I'm posting on my husband's Mac because I use Safari on it and I spell like "liek" and whatnot.

Headed to the body shop to pick up my twice-crashed car - dang, I wish I had a paycheck right now...

Later all.

Jan 16, 08 3:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It was, I'm glad somebody got it!

Jan 16, 08 3:44 pm  · 

Tee hee, thanks for the raspberry Sarah.

Jan 16, 08 3:48 pm  · 

i've given up on correcting LEED jargon mis-use. I have bigger nits to pick. why did they choose confusing words- they could have made it the same for both people and buildings, then we could focus on the important things.

Sarah, you'll need to convince your office to join the usgbc so you can access all the stuff on the website (that will be on the test). if your run into too many road blocks on this expense, drop me a note.

LB- why do you keep on crashing your car? I was kicking the slush off and dented the quarter panels just in front of the doors - now they won't open all the way. 'nother reason to buy a new set of wheels (and what drives my passion for the fourtwo thread).

Jan 16, 08 4:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

well, no one in our office is 'accredited' and there are rumors going about that CA may require LEED something or other to pull permits. we do lots of work in CA, so this would be a problem, and I figured, if it wasn't too costly, and you didn't have to be a registered architect to do so, I could handle the testing and get a raise?! Or, at least, become a little bit more beneficial to the company.

Jan 16, 08 4:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

correct spelling is "imminent"...not to be confused with "eminent" as in eminent domain.

Jan 16, 08 4:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How come that didn't look right when I typed it.

Jan 16, 08 5:02 pm  · 

sarah, that's funny! on similar lines I'm pulling together all the CA oddities in code for my boss who is going in front of the CAB next week for his california license. So it has been an afternoon of title 24, CEQA, CA historical buildings Act, CA Coastal Commission, and other things that make the golden state unique and more expensive.

Jan 16, 08 5:17 pm  · 

Just got back from the first day o' site surveying for my new project. Wasn't too bad if you kept moving. I'm guessing we'll be there the rest of the week. Oh well.

My kitty still hasn't come home, so I'm off to make some signs to put up around the 'hood. I know, it's kinda corny but it may help. I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't stuck in someone's garage or something :o/ More later.

Jan 16, 08 5:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't like cats, but I feel for you Tuna. It would suck if a constant companion of mine went missing.

Jan 16, 08 5:43 pm  · 
John Cline

tuna, I'm so sorry to hear yoru cat is missing! I hope you find her. Can I offer a few suggestions on making signs for missing pets? Use colored paper.. preferably something bright. It's always good to put a picture on the flyer as well. I've heard it is a good idea to put on there your cat needs regular medicine, (ie has a terminal illness) in case someone out there has her and wasn't planning on looking for the parent(s) or returning her at all. I know it sounds a little dishonest but in order to get our loved ones back, sometimes we need to take more drastic measures. Oh, and don't put your cat's name on the flyer.

Jan 16, 08 5:49 pm  · 

not that anyone cares, but today is 'take tumbles' dog to work day'

Jan 16, 08 5:50 pm  · 

I was wondering if Gin Skipped out on work today to go check out the new wafer thin mac? I kind of wish I had an excuse to have skipped out of my tasks at hand today. I have this project on the board which when it started....was a gem....well now it is nothing more than
a pain in the bum. I was hoping to intergrate 16x16 Slate tile with
a metal building system....but nope the owner went and saw Hardie Board clap board siding so this is were the battle started.....I'm still pushing for slate....but to no avail. I hate days like today cause sometimes it is just to dangerous to live and work in New England where everyone seems to want to Colonialize every building....

Jan 16, 08 6:26 pm  · 

there are actually THREE similar words:
imminent - likely to occur at any moment; impending
immanent - remaining within; indwelling; inherent
eminent - high in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished

there was once a show of architectural work in the 80s (schwartz silver participated, i remember) called 'immanent domain'.

Jan 16, 08 6:32 pm  · 

Thanks for the suggestions John. I do have a photo that I've put on and took her name off too, although I don't think she actually knows it. Am off to try to make a few copies as I don't have any bright colored paper at my house. Oh the things we do for our pets.

@mdler... is Mies having a fun day at work?

Jan 16, 08 6:34 pm  · 

i hope gray kitty returns. once i lost a cat only to find five days later about six blocks away hiding in the bushes. i have just kept looking for her.

'immanent domain' sounds like 'shrimp scampi'

Jan 16, 08 6:43 pm  · 

while i'm not especially intrigued (well, ok, mildly interested) by this topic, i've been haunted since monday by the phrase "sameness of bananas".

what do you think that's about?

wouldn't it make a good band name?

or maybe it sounds like the title of the next booker prize winner.

Jan 16, 08 6:45 pm  · 


mies got to go to the dog park at lunch and gets to go play soccer with a bunch of other French Bulldogs after work. I, on the other hand, wore my new pink perferated leather Vans and stepped in a big pile of dog with holes in them and dog shit dont mix ;P

Jan 16, 08 6:46 pm  · 

re; sameness of bananas.
great, so it worked. i actually came up with it in a haunting moment after i have read the news about bananas, i thought it deserved an orwell-esque title.

Jan 16, 08 6:51 pm  · 

does anybody know what happened to katze? is there a name change?

Jan 16, 08 6:56 pm  · 
snook_dude be true to colonial when designing with metal building components....shit happens!

Jan 16, 08 7:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski

of course, how could i forget about immanent with a phrase like "kafkan immanence" burned in my head.

sorry, orhan, but i have no idea what happened to katze. perhaps we should put up a poster for her too.

Jan 16, 08 7:08 pm  · 

I think Katze is just busy. I see her on MySpace every now and again, although I'm not on there much anymore either.

tuna....keep us posted on the kitty update. I feel for you.


On a side note, I'm a ridiculous person, and I don't know how to say "no". I just get so excited about darn near everything, I don't know when to draw the line. Case in point, in the past 7 days, I've been accepted onto a student advisory board, elected President of our graduate student association, and offered a part-time job that I don't think I can pass up. This in addition to my research assistantship, another committee position, my on-campus part-time job, that AIA position I signed up for....oh, and a little thing called graduate school that's currently sending me into the poor house. I'm ridiculous, right? I mean, I think I need my own personal traffic cop. "It's Wednesday at 4:30, go here"

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go breathe, then eat dinner, then work on my schedule from hell.

Jan 16, 08 7:33 pm  · 

wonderk, seriously, that does sound like too much.

reconsider, renege.

one of the luxuries of going back to school SHOULD BE that you get a 'time out' to just think about what you think about things and recharge yourself for future over-busy-ness in the professional world.

don't cheat yourself out of that opportunity. you gotta have time to think.

Jan 16, 08 7:37 pm  · 


wanna clean my apartment?

Jan 16, 08 7:52 pm  · 

Sarah Hamilton - LEED exam is now $300 for members and $400 for nonmembers.

Jan 16, 08 8:05 pm  · 

wait--why should you not put the cat's name on the poster?

Jan 16, 08 8:37 pm  · 
Jan 16, 08 8:51 pm  · 

Thanks mdler, but I'll pass.

SW you're right. But one of the reasons that I came out here was to open myself up to opportunities....and all of my activities, even my on-campus part-time job, were carefully chosen with some objective in mind. I honestly love all of it, and the people I'm working with are all very supportive, and realize my craziness. And despite what it sounds like, I think I can make it work.....with a little help from Google's color-coded calendars and text message reminders.

Jan 16, 08 9:16 pm  · 

The idea behind not putting the pet's name on the flyer is more for dogs (or animals that recognize their name). Let's say someone finds a dog on the street, they like them, decide to keep the dog and take it home only to see a flyer with the dogs name on it a few days later.. well, it can just make things messy.

Jan 16, 08 9:17 pm  · 

half of our office is taking friday afternoon off to go see the cloverfield opening day matinee. i haven't caught the bug like these guys, but maybe i'll go. what the heck.

Jan 16, 08 10:07 pm  · 

wow, that movie looks phenomenally bad.

Jan 16, 08 11:40 pm  · 

Please no one say anything about Project Runway here. Since our free cable went away I have to watch it on YouTube, the day after.

Jan 17, 08 2:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm not saying anything...but here's picture of runway project:

Jan 17, 08 6:30 am  · 

mantaray, it's been so long since i've actually seen a movie that ANY movie looks good to me.

the fact that it's a jj abrams pic gives it a couple of points, too, but really it's just that it would be a chance to see something other than 'cinderella' or 'princess stories: gifts from the heart'. (which i think i've got memorized, by the way.)

Jan 17, 08 7:56 am  · 

ha! well then in that case, by all means! i'm sure it will be very enjoyable.

I'm still pissed I missed "I Am Legend" -- came and went while I was too busy over the holidays to see it.

Jan 17, 08 9:10 am  · 

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