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this should be your holiday present to her:

Dec 17, 07 11:02 am  · 

Ha! I don't know how many times that's nearly happened to me and my wife. Good story n_.

According to my facebook, today is Quilian's birthday. Happy Birthday Q!

Dec 17, 07 11:07 am  · 

thanks rfuller!!

Dec 17, 07 11:24 am  · 

I am celebrating by printing boards and making perspectives for the review on Wednesday, I will update the school blog about the project soon, this has been a VERY different studio, at least to me.

Dec 17, 07 11:25 am  · 

happy birthday Q!!! my wife is two days older!

good luck Myriam- looking forward to the big reveal.

vado, to keep from having an n_ experience, don't let your fw/xgf drive for the first few months she's on this shore, till she gets the drive on the right concept down. oh, don't let her cross any streets on foot either.

Dec 17, 07 11:27 am  · 
vado retro

ah, she's american...

Dec 17, 07 11:38 am  · 

Feliz Cumpleanos, Q.

Good call Vads. Do you want to be my lawyer when I take her to court? I'll cut you 30% when we win.

Dec 17, 07 11:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

FYI to anyone interested...

The firm I work for is thinking of Hiring help, architectural experience, and proficiency in ACAD is a must, but liscencing is optional. We are in Dallas, Texas, so if you are interested, email me and I will send you their website so you can see our exciting projects.

And so no one thinks I'm just posting this here cause its free, I have sent the higher-ups a link to the ACTUAL job posting area of the Forum.

Dec 17, 07 11:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Q.

Dec 17, 07 11:39 am  · 

dont knock the D&D - the reason their donuts is dry is to dunk them in the coffe. Dont Krispy Kreme make you feel sick? Yes they taste good but so rich and sugary I get queazy even thinking about them.

Dec 17, 07 11:58 am  · 

happy birthday Quilian

n_ I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall for that, sounds like you can move through that all.

Dec 17, 07 12:00 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Kripsy Kremes make my teetch hurt. I can only eat 1/2 of one.

I saw 'I am Legend' this weekend. I really liked it, much deeper than advertised. But, my fellow theater attendees were upset at the lack of raw violence apparently.

Dec 17, 07 12:02 pm  · 
John Cline

sweet, just won 4 ozzy tickets for tomorrow night..

Dec 17, 07 12:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hilarious story, n_, I was laughing out loud, all by myself.

Happy birthday Quilian, you handsome devil you! Getting better all the time, yes?

Dec 17, 07 1:16 pm  · 

Happy Birthday, Q!

n_, great story and I'm glad you were both OK. That is pretty funny.

Damn it is cold here. It's rather difficult to deal with the wind as well. Whoops I forgot to eat. Should go take care of that now....

Dec 17, 07 1:37 pm  · 

hahaha n_ that is a great story.
Q, i dont know you personally but i also wish you a happy birthday.

As for the cold...

my room mate works as a waiter, thursday night when he got home from work at about 2am, he decided he was hungry, and was going to fry up some bacon. Apparently he had had a few drinks, so didnt think to turn on the stove exhaust fan, OR watch to make sure the bacon didnt burn. So, bacon frying away on the stove, and the house closed up tight cause its so cold, the stench of bacon starts creeping through the apartment, eventually becoming so strong it awakes me from sleep. The smell is so unbearable, and i cant figure out what it is (i was too tired to walk around and find out). Im unable to fall back asleep because of it, so i turn on my ceiling fan and open my window in hopes of flushing the stench out. I finally fall asleep, and wake up the next morning as cold as ive ever been in my life, with every article of clothing in my room wreaking of bacon.
the end

Dec 17, 07 1:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

God, I hate having a roommate. I had a similar incident last night.

This is becoming a weekly occurrence. It's 11:00 on a Sunday night, I've shut down my computer, the TV is off, I'm sleepy as hell, and I'm just about to turn the rest of the lights off and head to bed. At that moment, my roommate comes on, turns on all the lights, turns the living room TV on to ESPN, and begins banging pots and pans around in the kitchen while making some horrible-smelling dinner. Unfortunately the apartment is pretty much an open loft arrangement, so I can forget about getting to bed anytime soon. Thoughts of homicide dance in my mind for the next two hours while I drink some scotch and wait for him to finally finish his dinner and turn off the TV and the lights.

Now I'm barely able to keep myself awake at my desk because I didn't get to sleep until after 1 AM last night.

The part that really bugs me is that if he happens to be the first one to go to bed and I'm watching the Daily Show or Colbert, he insists that the volume be turned down to almost near-silence and that all the lights be off so as not to disturb his precious sleep. Unfortunately it's his home and his rules, so there isn't much I can say or do, other than move out.

I was planning to finally buy a Mac with my holiday bonus, but now I'm thinking I'll put it into savings so that I can finally get my own apartment one of these days.

Dec 17, 07 2:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oh, and happy birthday Q.

Dec 17, 07 2:17 pm  · 

What is it with roommates and cooking?

I had an old roommate who would always come home drunk. For some reason he always decided he needed to eat some eggs to help him sober up before he would go to bed. Without fail, he would turn the stove on, crack some eggs into the pan, and then pass out on the kitchen floor. The eggs would burn, and me and my other roommate would be pissed.

It tended to happen every two or three weeks. Typically right after the smell from the last time would finally go away.

Then when we moved out that asshat used blue toothpaste to fill the nail holes in the wall. I've still got a picture of all the blue dots somewhere. It was at least good for a chuckle. Me and my other roommate when down to the office and made sure we got our security deposits back and he didn't.

Dec 17, 07 2:23 pm  · 

oh lord... blue toothpaste.... the toothpaste trick works well, but generally its best to use toothpast thats similar in color to your walls... he must have missed that memo...

Dec 17, 07 3:31 pm  · 

hey gin, tell that fucking asshate-fucktard, you pay rent too and in order for said asshat get his precious motherfucking rent on time, you need sleep too.


take the blue toothpaste and when that loser falls asleep from one night of binge drinking, squirt the whole tube up his nose. when he complains, tell him you told that night he was drunk that it was toothpaste and NOT nasal spray he was trying to use.

Dec 17, 07 3:50 pm  · 

that's asshat or asphole. your choice.

Dec 17, 07 3:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

wow...sin filters at work...i usually spend my late afternoons checking out the swinging party scene over here...otherwise i'd probably fall asleep from the post-lunch drowsiness & boredom

Dec 17, 07 4:05 pm  · 

thanks everyone!

Dec 17, 07 4:27 pm  · 

puddles. warn us before you do that crap!

Dec 17, 07 5:29 pm  · 

haha. Red Tube cracks me up. Yeah, SW, let me advise strongly against visiting anything at RedTube while at work. Ultra NSFW.

Dec 17, 07 5:33 pm  · 

Where the hell have I been? Can't believe it's been almost a full 24 hours since my last post.

Happy Birthday Q!

LIG - Might I suggest earplugs? I had some upstairs neighbors that liked to scream at each other in the middle of the night...when they moved out I got another set whose friends used to binge drink every night. Due to the shitty noise isolation I used to wake up to one of their boyfriend's puking their brains out in the bathroom oh... I'd say at least a couple nights a week at 3am. Really nice sound to wake up to. I got so sick of it, I finally bought earplugs. After that I slept like a baby.

Puddles - I agree with SW. Please do warn us the next time. I would have never heard the end of it from the guys who sit around me had I not closed the site fast enough.

Ughh! Christmas shopping is on the agenda tonight. Yippee skippy. It's just for the niece and nephews so I'm hoping it won't take long.

Dec 17, 07 5:51 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Once again, I only click on links posted by SW or LB.

Dec 17, 07 6:06 pm  · 
vado retro

Happy Birthday Mr. Riano have yourself a chile rellano!

Dec 17, 07 6:26 pm  · 


What a great way to spend a long dull afternoon :)

And you did say "swinging party scene".
But better off to warn everyone....


You know i got your back..(when it eventually goes)

Dec 17, 07 6:55 pm  · 

I'm a supporter of people biking. Come summer I'm actually planning to get the bike tuned up and reduce my carbon emissions. I am usually pretty courteous, I get over into the other lane so I don't crowd them out, I don't ride up on their ass, etc., etc. But what irks me more than anything is those bikers that do not obey the traffic laws, esp. on busy streets. This evening while driving back from Xmas shopping I ran nto one of said bikers. This guy not only pretty much rode through a red light, but also made a left hand turn onto a street that has a clearly visible No Left Had Turn sign, right in front of me. Even worse, he was wearing black or some other really dark dolor from head to toe, even dark gloves. Now granted he did have his rear light flashing, but the black gloves made his hand almost invisible in the dark. Had he not turned immediately, I probably would have hit him b/c I couldn't see really him. WTF?

Dec 17, 07 8:56 pm  · 

myriam - I HEART the article. I'm glad to know that there are many other females, like myself, who hate Ira's wife.

Dec 17, 07 9:11 pm  · 

^PS. I too find it funny that my work filter classified that article as inappropriate.

Dec 17, 07 9:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

OMG! I went to the mall. Do you you guys believe a soda from the food court was almost $3!!!

Another OMG! I did some volunteer work with the homeless today. Since when do the homeless have cell phones?!?

Dec 17, 07 10:27 pm  · 

there've been a few programs to give cell phones to homeless folks. it's so potential employers can reach them. no home = no phone.

Dec 17, 07 10:44 pm  · 

@ n_ and Myriam - Although I've never had a crush on Ira Glass, I could totally relate to the article. I've had a crush on Kai Ryssdal from Martketplace for the longest time and was utterly crushed when I heard he was married with kids.
Meeting Bob Edwards was an experience I'll never forget. I listened to him on Morning Edition since I was knee high to a grasshopper and had always had this picture of what I thought he looked like. I finally got the chance to actually meet him when he spoke at a local bookstore to discuss his biography of Edward R Morrow and couldn't wait to finally "meet him". When he stood up in front of everyone I remember thinking to myself "So when's Bob Edwards going to speak?" He's nothing at all like I imagined him to look like. Very funny though and very nice.

Dec 17, 07 11:09 pm  · 

There's a homeless guy who begs outside of the Starbucks by our work WHILE WEARING AN iPOD. No joke.

I really, really hate to admit it, but I'm kind of getting sick and tired of some of the 'homeless' people around here lately. It shames my bleeding liberal heart to admit it but damn, I'm fucking tired of being harrassed constantly. :( argh... I'm ashamed of myself for feeling that way.

tk, thanks for the props :) I won't be able to reveal this one, sorry. But I appreciate all the positive karma, it worked!

glad you liked the article, n_!

Dec 17, 07 11:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Funny how, when you're mad at yourself, it's easy to take it out on the rest of the world.

I hope tomorrow is better.

Dec 18, 07 12:10 am  · 

Happy B. Mr. Q...

sorry you missed our holiday party... it was a doozy.

Dec 18, 07 12:14 am  · 

fyi. Finoki, Javier and the inhabitat ladies (Emily and Jill)

Dec 18, 07 12:15 am  · 

there are "professional" homeless, they panhandle as a way of earning a living, and he/she probably earns well. it's not a big deal get over it.

cameron, that photo looks an ad for a party i'm not cool enough to attend...<sigh>. you all look like you're having a good time though.

is it sarcastic wednesday yet?

Dec 18, 07 5:16 am  · 

I have heard stories that there are people who panhandle on their days off from work to get more money. A friend of mine saw some supposed "homeless" guy finish walk to his car, get in and drive off after a day of panhandling. After that story I now think twice when giving money to them.

Dec 18, 07 8:11 am  · 

hey guys once again thanks to all those that had wishes for me... it made a birthday in studio feel that much better.

The good news, and birthday gift to me, we were done with the design early and I had a little rest yesterday. To see more:

Dec 18, 07 8:32 am  · 

happy b-day QR.

Dec 18, 07 8:56 am  · 
vado retro

i panhandle everyday from 8-30 to 5-30...people ask you can always say no or is that time of year after all. i must have given this guy in cambridge about ten bucks because i wasn't that familiar with the money. if someone has the balls to ask for money as a full time job and can make a living at it, more power to them.

Dec 18, 07 8:59 am  · 
vado retro

as an aside,,,i was watching a show about the international violin competiition of 2006 that is held here in indianapolis. one of the participants, stella hristova, played in front of western hotels in sofia at the age of five to support her widowed mother.

Dec 18, 07 9:09 am  · 

here's a WWTCD to end all WWTCD; i have asked to have information sent to me to become a "living donor" and i am seriously considering donating 1 kidney to a listed recipient. would any of you do this? am i crazy?

Dec 18, 07 10:14 am  · 
brian buchalski

sorry...i tried an implied warning because i thought that a more explicit WARNING might not make it past the filters ;)

i agree too with panhandling...if you ask for money and they give it to you, then you've earned it. and that also reminds me of something else that i've pondered: if you went into a bank and asked for all of their money and they gave it to you, would that be a robbery? or do you have to literally say that "this is a robbery, give me all of your money" before it actually constitutes an official robbery? provided that you don't have a gun and do not actually threaten anybody, if you ask for the money and they give it to you, then i would think you'd be free & clear.

Dec 18, 07 10:21 am  · 

beta- just read an article about being a recipient (nytimes or new yorker?) and I'd say go for it! something I've thought about, but since the red cross doesn't want my blood 'cause I lived in london and have a tat, I may not be able to give a kidney. I do like the idea of giving to somebody you know versus a stranger, but that makes it more complicated from an emotional side. I've been signed up as a organ donor since my first license, so a kidney isn't that far removed. but beta, are you sure that you need any more body mods? just as long as the recipient isn't hoffa.

Dec 18, 07 10:36 am  · 
liberty bell

beta has "body mods"? I want to see....

Dec 18, 07 10:40 am  · 

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