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Living in Gin

I have a decent coffee maker at home and a large stash of organic gourmet coffee, and there's also a pretty good independent coffee house not far from my apartment.

Unfortunately, my morning commute usually involves standing for long periods on crowded subway trains (including a messy transfer at Union Square, which is a rant for another day), and it becomes cumbersome trying to hold onto my bag, the subway grab bar, and a steaming-hot cup of coffee that I'm trying not to spill on my fellow commuters. I much prefer getting my coffee when I'm almost at my office and close to sitting down at my desk, but maybe I'll have to force myself to change my habits.

Or maybe Starbucks will read my customer comment form and compensate me by giving me my own franchise next to the office.

Dec 12, 07 10:45 am  · 
liberty bell

I hate Starbucks, for all the reasons LiG posted above AND because their coffee just tastes bad.

That said, I may go sit on one today with my computer so I can get some drawing done. Since they charge for internet access (unlike my regular cafe), I won't be tempted to stop drawing to go online and chat with all you wonderfully engaging people here!

Dec 12, 07 10:54 am  · 

French press at work?

Dec 12, 07 10:59 am  · 
vado retro

did you ever wonder why there are is a starbucks on what seems like every corner in every major city in the country? i remember when coffee was strained through old socks and only cost a nickel. it was good enough for us then. but it seems like most americans will tolerate standing in long lines to part with five dollars for some unpronouncable coffee concoction....

Dec 12, 07 11:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Actually, vado, the Starbucks beans you turn into coffee at your office is without a doubt the best Starbucks coffee I've ever had. You're a far better barrista than their actual employees.

Dec 12, 07 11:02 am  · 
Living in Gin

One of the few things I miss about Chicago is Caribou Coffee, which is all over the city. I don't remember if they have free wifi or not, but they have a much better coffee and atmosphere than $tarbucks. They appear to be expanding rapidly, and hopefully they'll break into the NYC market one of these days.

Dec 12, 07 11:02 am  · 
Dapper Napper

LIG continues to remind me why it's a good chance I will never call NYC home. Constant direct interaction with humanity. Can't stand it.

But I love your rants/anecdotes!

Dec 12, 07 11:08 am  · 
Dapper Napper
Dec 12, 07 11:11 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Yea, I did it!

Dec 12, 07 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

hey lb you could go to henry's coffee shop or the new library!

Dec 12, 07 11:13 am  · 
Living in Gin

I generally love New York's constant buzz of humanity, but there are times when I think it would be nice to live in a cabin next to a river out in the middle of the Oregon Cascades. I think I need a vacation.

Dec 12, 07 11:16 am  · 
The total distance between the subway station and the office is about half a block, which limits my coffee options unless I go at least a block out of my way.

Starbucks isn't going to change any time soon. Nor will the lines magically disappear in the middle of the morning rush. There's no reason to put up with that shit for 6 months. Walk the extra block(s) and support another coffee shop.

Dec 12, 07 11:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lig, could you maybe just get off the subway a stop earlier? I will admit, I know NOTHING of subway travel, and my closest knowledge is the 6"BMT at the shop down the street, but it seems like it could work, in theory. And since I hate backtracking, you know, going down a street and then having to turn and retrace your steps, getting off early would be the choice for me.

This is all assuming the distance between stops isn't greater than a block or two, and that the blocks are small.

Dec 12, 07 11:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Unfortunately, almost all the "other" coffee shops nearby are also Starbucks, unless there's some little independent place in the neighborhood that I'm unaware of.

There's a place called Europa Cafe diagonally across the street from the subway station that may have a coffee counter within the restaurant... I'll have to investigate that option.

Or I could just follow vado's advice and buy a thermos, like a 24-oz. bullet-shaped one that would easily fit in my bag. Ironic that most of my good coffee at home ends up going down the drain, while I pay $3 a day for the Starbucks swill. Bring my coffee from home, and I could probably save enough money to open my own coffee house.

Dec 12, 07 12:00 pm  · 

i've solved this by drinking all of my coffee for the day before i leave home in the a.m.

mmmmm...i miss caribou. used to love it when it was still just a local thing in mpls.

Dec 12, 07 12:03 pm  · 

reminds me of this:

Dec 12, 07 12:05 pm  · 

a coffee shop called Living in Gin - brilliant!!

Dec 12, 07 12:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Using my incredible internet sluething skills, I found this Lig. Is this the place? You can order online, so maybe by the time you get there, all will be ready, and you just pick it up.

Dec 12, 07 12:09 pm  · 

well that doesn't look terribly 'independent' either, does it?

what's more impt, lig, the coffee or all the other stuff you think you need to be carrying?

Dec 12, 07 12:12 pm  · 

Ahhhhhh. Caribou Coffee!!! I heart Caribou Coffee. Spent many an evening studying at one when I was at OSU. Their coffee rocks IMO. So much better than Starbucks. Unfortunately I know of only one that I know of in this city is like a half hour north of here.

Dec 12, 07 12:20 pm  · 

Ahhhhhh. Caribou Coffee!!! I heart Caribou Coffee. Spent many an evening studying at one when I was at OSU. Their coffee rocks IMO. So much better than Starbucks. Unfortunately I know of only one that I know of in this city is like a half hour north of here.

Dec 12, 07 12:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, Europa is part of a chain. I'd prefer an independent place just on general principle, but I honestly don't care as long as the coffee is good and the service is tolerable. If it happens to be a franchise, so be it.

The nice thing about a small thermos is that it could fit in the bag that I usually carry to work. I wouldn't be able to drink from it while riding the subway, but the coffee inside should still be hot by the time I get to the office. (We already have creamer, sweetener, and mugs here.) I just need to make sure it won't leak.

Dec 12, 07 12:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so heres a WWTCD, and I would put it on 'my' thread, but I don't want it to get back to certain people....

SIL, who is EVIL, decided it would be a great idea to give a family photo of everybody for Christmas to my in-laws. This sounds like a great idea until you remember that I am 7 months pregnant, and not exactly looking picture perfect. It sounds crazy, and catty of me to think so, but I'm SURE she planned this so that I would look bad in the photo. She is a manipulative person, picture a 280 pound Media. So my solution is to find a way to really look amazing, so her plan backfires. This is where I need your help. Should I get some makeup and wear that to give me the 'pregnancy glow' that I don't have? I don't wear makeup, and have only worn it maye a total of 4 times in my entire life, so thats 1st prom, wedding, bridal portraits, ... ok so thats only three. Any other tips for looking better than anyone else in the photo?

I am also thinking of talking to the woman who will be acting as photographer ahead of time, and asking if we can sit the parents in front, and then stand behind them, just to hide the ever expanding hips.


Dec 12, 07 2:19 pm  · 

@ Sarah,

I say rock the healthy, glow of a beautiful pregnant women.....

But that is just my two cents

Dec 12, 07 2:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

unfortunately, that glow isn't universal. I got stuck with splotchy, broken skin. It was probably part of the SIL's evil plot.

Dec 12, 07 2:32 pm  · 

sarah- get a blusher with a little shimmer in it. Don't use too much, or get something that's too red, or it'll be obvious. But something with a little subtle shimmer can help with that 'glow'-y look.

Dec 12, 07 3:01 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Go ahead and show the tummy, hips, etc. That way future viewers will know you're pregnant and you'll get the beautful mommy points.

On a similar note, at my grandparents 50th anniversary party, the B-side of the family ran a slideshow of all the kids and their spouses, etc. Apparently "only"picture they had of my mom was the fresh as a rose, post-birth pic, sticky newborn and all.

Dec 12, 07 3:19 pm  · 

Coffee and babies today, eh? So that's what we're talking about today....

I got nothing on babies but one thing on coffee.....I'm at work and someone decided to dump a K-cup of coffee grounds into the water tank of our "one-cup-at-a-time" coffee maker. The thing is all sealed up with wires and stuff around it (to heat the water) and we can't clean out the tank, so I've been having to make lots of cups of hot water to try and flush the grounds out. If you ever come across one of these coffee makers, please think before you dump.....

Dec 12, 07 3:50 pm  · 
John Cline

mmm coffee and babies..

Dec 12, 07 4:55 pm  · 
John Cline

mine slept through the night so i didn't need a cup this morning.. yippee!

Dec 12, 07 4:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah! Thats promissing, its only been two months or less? I'm obviously not keeping track.

Dec 12, 07 5:28 pm  · 
John Cline

5 weeks tomorrow!

When are you due Sarah?

(i'm bored at work)

Dec 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

End of February. 10-9 weeks, officially. I'm stuffed, and getting more so everyday.

Dec 12, 07 5:59 pm  · 

@ Sarah - I agree with rationalist

Okay now for a tangent. Yoga, last night, officially kicked my ass. I woke up this morning with the usual upper back and shoulder ached. By this afternoon my hips, hamstrings and glutes(?) all felt like they were made of a really tight wound elastic band. I was going to do some cardio this evening, but seeing as how I can barely walk with a normal stride (think old hobbling Asian woman with bound feet), I think I'll sit on my couch instead. Woo hoo, can't wait until tomorrow.

My cat is demanding my attention (ever tried typing with a 16lb cat sitting on your wrists?), so I'm off.

Commence the coffee and baby discussion.

Dec 12, 07 7:27 pm  · 

@ Sarah - I agree with rationalist

Okay now for a tangent. Yoga, last night, officially kicked my ass. I woke up this morning with the usual upper back and shoulder ached. By this afternoon my hips, hamstrings and glutes(?) all felt like they were made of a really tight wound elastic band. I was going to do some cardio this evening, but seeing as how I can barely walk with a normal stride (think old hobbling Asian woman with bound feet), I think I'll sit on my couch instead. Woo hoo, can't wait until tomorrow.

My cat is demanding my attention (ever tried typing with a 16lb cat sitting on your wrists?), so I'm off.

Commence the coffee and baby discussion.

Dec 12, 07 7:27 pm  · 

sorry for the double post. I don't know what's going on today.

Dec 12, 07 7:31 pm  · 

lbelle and Steven, could I email you two for advice on something? It's something you both have direct experience in, and I would really, really, really appreciate your thoughts. Pretty please, with ice cream on top?

Dec 12, 07 7:50 pm  · 

I like coffee with a baby...
Usually iced.

Dec 12, 07 8:11 pm  · 

im a 3xshot large french roast depth charge at the following; Caribou, Dunn Bros., and Nina's in St. Paul.


Dec 12, 07 9:12 pm  · 

Hey guys I'm back at sketch that is not catsup...I'm actively looking for someone who is bad ass with the program. I do believe there is someone out there but I have yet to find them. So what gives, you hiding in closets..? I have a project due like immediately and I'm fricking in way over my head. So if your there lets talk.

Dec 12, 07 9:22 pm  · 

We buy coffee beans on a regular basis. This past couple of weeks
on grocery store is $2.25 cheaper than the you guessed it.
I go by the NYTime on sunday and 3 bags of Coffee which go directly into the freezer and are returned to room temp before grinding.
Damn it is amazing to be married to a Brazilian. So hopefully the competitor store will slash their prices in the next couple of weeks before we run out.

Coffee is our fuel source.

Dec 12, 07 9:29 pm  · 

sure, myriam. but i'm not around much today, so any response may be tonight/tomorrow.

today it's cold and rainy and i get to spend a good part of the day on a 30yr old insulated foam roof that's failing, talking to roofers and reps about strategies for fixing it. better yet, it's an hour+ drive each way. woo hoo!

Dec 13, 07 7:31 am  · 

I'm just stopping by to say hello, and I'm awake. Still. Anybody for pizza?

Dec 13, 07 7:59 am  · 

WK - I thought your project was due yesterday (wednesday)? Hope you are able to get some sleep soon.

Dec 13, 07 8:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just an update...

I went to target and bought 'bare minerals' makeup. Dang if that stuff isn't expensive, and by stuff, I mean ALL makeup. I did a test last night, and I think I have it figured out. We will see if Husband can tell when he gets in from Michigan tonight. Seriously, who goes to Michigan in Mid-December? I figured painting my face wouldn't be much different from painting on canvas, and I was right, just a little more blending was involved. I'm so glad I dont have to do that everyday.

Dec 13, 07 8:38 am  · 

Actually that's exactly how Kevin Aucoin describes it! As painting, but on a face. You probably did fine. If you need any specific techniques feel free to ask. I looooove makeup.

Dec 13, 07 9:48 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy Thursday. My sources inform me that Friday will arrive within 24 hours.

Something else will be arriving in the meantime, though: our first major winter storm of the season. Looks like it will be a so-called "wintry mix" of rain, sleet, snow, and God-knows-what else. Sort of like trail mix, except that it sucks. Today would have been a good day to sleep in.

Dec 13, 07 9:50 am  · 

kay, so i almost never post video links, but this commercial was sent by a friend and is really brilliant. kinda uplifting in odd way. check it out if you feeling down.

of course, it may be this is one you all see cuz you have tvs with english and all that. in which case i beg forgiveness. but here in japan, at just after midnight a bit of a gorilla drumming made my evening...

Dec 13, 07 10:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We had frozen fog this morning. Sounds like a crazy phenomenon to me, but thats what the weather man said.

Dec 13, 07 10:42 am  · 
Living in Gin

Frozen fog? Are you even able to move around in that?

Dec 13, 07 10:44 am  · 

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