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post nazi is my new hero.

Dec 4, 07 12:11 pm  · 

No headaches here. Thank God. Made sure I drank enough water last night to combat it.

Interesting article. Will have to read it more thoroughly later as I've been cut off from archinect the entire day except for lunch. Damn.

Dec 4, 07 12:20 pm  · 

will i look like brad if i buy his shirt?


Dec 4, 07 12:27 pm  · 

by the way, that page answers the question about the cap.

Dec 4, 07 12:28 pm  · 

man, they're selling the cap!!!!

Dec 4, 07 12:29 pm  · 

gawd, i love brad pitt, in a totally manly way...he is sooooooooooo dreaaaamy!

Dec 4, 07 1:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, I think getting Brad to speak at GSA is a great idea. I'll get my people on it immediately. And I don't know if you - or ANY man - would look like Brad in the T-shirt, but I'm putting one on my husband ASAP.

beta, you are definitely manly enough to love Brad Pitt. In a totally manly way.

I better stop talking about Brad now or I'll be starting a thread titled "goodbye to Archinect forever :( "

Dec 4, 07 3:35 pm  · 
vado retro

i look like pitt. mr. pitt from seinfeld that is....

Dec 4, 07 3:41 pm  · 

new glasses;

Dec 4, 07 3:57 pm  · 
vado retro

looks like a really nice office you got there.

Dec 4, 07 3:58 pm  · 

hello all, I am stealing a little time whilst at the SO's place. So I'm archinect'ing from the SO place

here's an image of the new place the next time you see that image - it will be mine!! Buhahah hahah !!!

anyhow - I hope all is well, and thanks for posting some more images of Brad on archinect

Dec 4, 07 4:25 pm  · 

ah too big

Dec 4, 07 4:28 pm  · 

those are really funky glasses beta

Dec 4, 07 4:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think your first order of business will be to mow the grass, but I like it!

Dec 4, 07 4:32 pm  · 
vado retro

so is it yours? cuz i saw that image twice.

Dec 4, 07 4:33 pm  · 

i gotta shave.

Dec 4, 07 4:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

mowing the grass is for american suburbs

Dec 4, 07 4:51 pm  · 
vado retro

party at technos!!!

Dec 4, 07 4:58 pm  · 

ahhh shaving! i am a clean cut kinda guy, but due to being sick for the past 4 days i hadnt shaved - then this morning i bought a new blade and had the most delightful shave ever - theres nothing quite like it. simple pleasures.
didnt there use to be a thread about those?

Dec 4, 07 4:58 pm  · 

is that a nice studio on the left. is that true?
what's the view from the house? first one had a nice one, but this one is a lot more house and you can have people visiting. nice.
congratulations jamarch. if i ever visit the island probably i would just want to stay.
what are my chances of getting a job there as california licensed architect, who knows how to design and build houses with regular materials and methods? just saying...
talking about houses, i saw this plan in the gallery section this morn9ing.

Dec 4, 07 5:02 pm  · 
vado retro

that reminds of this place that was for rent in puerto rico when i was down there visiting the exgf/future wife while she was teaching down there at the collegio. right on the water. sweet.

Dec 4, 07 5:08 pm  · 

Sorry guy's -- but I think it become so important to get that "contest" stopped, ho one profit from it realy. Now I tried many times to ask in the tread and I am sure I made my point about what the tread degenerated into ; how can anything nice come out of that, and realy I simply can't see how the fora can keep a tread going, that turned into making fun of the wierd danish guy -- sad in a way but in my naive mind I could emagine that more than that, acturly could have evlved from it.

Now this is tread central.......

For me knowing you american guy's been a sort of a sad experience, but there I know this is none of my foult.

I put this here to explain how strange I think it is that dirty words and making fool of the wierd danish guy seem to be valued higher, seem more appriciated here, guess I am a bit disapointed then on the other hand, when I am out the class bully soon will find another wierd to collect a crowd to harass.

This is tread central, let that contest tread go the time out, it's not that many day's more, --- or get it stopped.

Dec 4, 07 5:29 pm  · 

Please see the above mail as a statement, not a source for discussion.

Dec 4, 07 5:34 pm  · 

sorry, seeing that name, this long, on this thread, annoys the piss out of me.

Dec 4, 07 9:23 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Reading Per's drivel makes me want to shoot myself in the face.

Dec 4, 07 10:40 pm  · 

hey per click this link:

Dec 4, 07 11:04 pm  · 

as an outsider who doesn't really care too much, per does have a point. sure he's weird, but why bait the poor fellow when it is much easier to just ignore him....?

completely changing the subject mr. friedman wrote a very nice op-ed in ny-times today. makes a fine replacement for the daily show, in case any of you are missing your political satire fix.

Dec 5, 07 4:39 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, I appreciate your effort, but honestly, that just depressed me. I'm in a terrible state of mind about our country; I just wrote my final 2006 tax payment checke Monday and it nearly made me cry.

When I see things like the Daily Show and the TED conference, and the amazing work that so many people here and in academia do, I feel so hopeful for the human race.

But: none of those people are involved politically. The people who ARE involved politically - meaning elected representatives and their support staff - are such self-involved tools that I'm frankly scared.

My BIL sent me a link recently to this World Clock showing counts for birth rates, death rates, etc. AND military expenditures. It is interesting to see, and terrifying. I wish it also had statistics for things like people going on vacation or helping a neighbor or getting a new job or finishing writing a book or graduating or getting laid - positive statistics, to remind us how much good is going on in th world.

So that's my downward world view for Wednesday morning. Good morning TC! Sorry to be a bummer but thanks for listening!

Dec 5, 07 6:37 am  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, sorry again for being bleak this morning. In other news, we have 1-2" of snow on the ground! It looks beautiful AND will get me out of a way-up-north meeting I didn't want to go to today, so my partner can handle it tomorrow when he gets back to town, yay!

Dec 5, 07 6:52 am  · 

@ LB...
Wow, I thought I was the only one who had these feelings lately. I agree, I really would like to hear about the good things that are happening around the world. Perhaps it would put me in a better mood.

Dec 5, 07 6:52 am  · 

i alternate between periods of bleak outlook and periods of ignoring everything, switching from news radio to music, and paying attention only to what's around me. that, by the way, is much more hopeful.

except for crappy development making the world uglier, my daily life of moving around, working in, and talking to people in the city and the country is wonderful. people are basically wonderful, despite the things we do when we're not paying enough attention to what we're doing.

there are downsides to living local in this way. i already have a tendency to forget people i can't see on a regular basis. my family doesn't hear from me much, not being here in my city. i lose track of old friends.

but the upside is that i can shut out a lot of the news and non-news which is thrown at us constantly when we're plugged in. when you go without it for a while, you realize how much you don't miss it, how much it didn't affect you.

i used to be a believer in the news - that somehow knowing what was going on in the world would give me a bigger context for knowing how to negotiate my way and know what might be coming for me in the future. i no longer think that. the news has become so irrelevant to daily life, whether because it's speculative, fake, spun, or meant-for-entertainment-purposes-only, that the news i use now is the news that i specifically search out.

Dec 5, 07 7:08 am  · 
liberty bell

I totally agree with you, Steven, and typically that is much more of my outlook.

As for today: I'm happy to report that my mood has shifted dramatically upward. I just walked outside to start my car and let me tell you, we didn't just get snow, it's a lovely dry snow that is sticking to every tree branch and twig. It is just breathtakingly beautiful out there today and that reminds me that the world is big and yes, there are so many wonderful people in it.

tunamelt, did you get snow today? I feel like Calvin and Hobbes setting off on a sled adventure...later all!

Dec 5, 07 7:22 am  · 

Yes LB we got snow. Only about a 1/2" and some schools have already closed. As they like to say around here "THE WHITE DEATH IS UPON US!" I on, the other hand am moving it.

Dec 5, 07 8:08 am  · 

more here

Dec 5, 07 8:47 am  · 

bill watterson made the world a better place. we need more like him. or he could un-retire, either one. or both.

Dec 5, 07 8:50 am  · 

Orhan, if you come to visit I'd find you work! Granted it may involve cutting the lawn at this moment. The house isn't mine yet - we are signing the agreement, and make the deposit. Then off to the bank - sigh!

Dec 5, 07 8:55 am  · 
vado retro

it is really pretty out which will end with the rush hour and melt off. its very packable though where i live lb. as i threw several dartlike snowballs packed with my barehands.

Dec 5, 07 8:58 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, vado has raised my ignorance of snow terminology - I grew up in Phoenix, give me a break please!

When I pulled the car cover off the Miata the snow just dusted gently down to the ground. I call that "dry". But if it is "packable", does that mean it is "wet"? I didn't try a snowball, personally.

Dec 5, 07 9:26 am  · 

Okay so yesterday I was home do to an eye infection. I turned into a complete vampire as the sunlight was far too harsh, leaving me unfocussed and with an awful headache. It took me an hour of waiting at the hospital but the drugs they gave me worked like a charm, my eye is still a little red and my vision is tad cloudy but no pain, and the sunlight looks good.

Dec 5, 07 9:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Also, on the question of whether or not to listen to news: I'm currently listening to NPR - yesterday I heard Mitt Romney avoid a question in a way that made my blood boil. What a tool. So I'm off to listen to the weekly Savage Lovecast instead - NSFW, but oh so much fun!

Dec 5, 07 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

savage lovecast would be a good screenname.

Dec 5, 07 9:35 am  · 

I heart Dan Savage.

Dec 5, 07 9:51 am  · 

snow yesterday, snow tomorrow and snow this weekend. since I'm flying to newark sunday, hope it doesn't cause any delays...

Dec 5, 07 9:57 am  · 
savage lovecast

love me hate just don't ignore me.

Dec 5, 07 9:58 am  · 

i have a question for you thread centralers...

why do people keep changing their names, and why do i keep seeing people with the trademark symbol there a special club i dont know about?

if so, why am i not invited?
is it cause i had a rat tail in 3rd grade?
cause i swear... my mom said the kids at school would think it was really cool...

Dec 5, 07 10:38 am  · 
savage lovecast

rattail? that's child abuse.

Dec 5, 07 10:47 am  · 
Living in Gin

Another board I frequent used to allow name changes, but eliminated that function when people began to abuse it. I worry that we might be headed toward a similar fate... Not that I've ever had much desire to change my name.

I love Dan Savage, too, if only for the fact I don't feel so bad about my own issues after reading some of the the letters he puts in his column.

In other news, I'm in a shitty mood this morning. Stay away from me.

Dec 5, 07 10:50 am  · 

LB- I'd tell you something positive but I feel like that's all I do around here lately and I don't wanna gloat about my general high level of happiness.

here's a snow term for you- "cold smoke." picture knee deep snow you can shovel with a small broom. mmmmmm. But don't forget corn snow, rime, graupel, depth hoar, surface hoar, and sastrugi fro the more technical types. Snow tonight, snow tomorrow we'll see...

techno- tell me more about this working vacation, can we build or repair something????

Dec 5, 07 11:05 am  · 

lletdownl had a rat tail. That's awesome. It's ok. I used to crimp my hair.

I love listening to Savage Love at work on my iPod. Everyone is hustling and bustling around me while I sit quietly working on section details listening Dan praise somebody's sexual desire for doctor-nurse role playing. The man is hilarious.

Dec 5, 07 11:07 am  · 

Poop! The snow has pretty much melted away. So much for the "Snow Advisory" we had. The yoga class I go to on Tuesday nights is usually packed, but b/c of the threat of snow only about 1/2 the people showed up. OK by me because I didn't have to worry about knocking into people when I did my vinyasas. Loved the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, esp. the one with the snowman crossing.

@ Atechno - so just When will you be moving? Hope your eye completely clears up soon.

@ lletdownl - It's alright if you had a rat tail in the 3rd grade... as long as you don't have one now.

Dec 5, 07 12:18 pm  · 

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