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Who knew entering the 3DH Competition could be so much fun?

I just submitted my entry: Wafer City 3DH at all scales.

Who else plans to enter?

Nov 28, 07 10:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

DCA, I love the waffle-wafer!!! The walk-through sculpture and the railing especially are fan-fricking-tastic - good job!

In fact I may steal that railing design - that's appropriate, right? ;-)

Nov 28, 07 11:23 pm  · 

Jump - If memory serves me correct, your daughters aren't that old right? That's just disturbing some guy is looking up her skirt.

TK - I heart that thread. You guys both rock. I'm eagerly waiting for more. I've already learned so much and it's only been two days.

Nov 28, 07 11:23 pm  · 

lb, I agree. At least on the bus, you know you either live or work on the same route, that's something in common. In a bar, all you have in common is alcohol, and that's a lousy basis for a relationship!

Nov 29, 07 12:20 am  · 
the small dog lovers
would love to get a kitty
them babes look so hot

Oh that's right - it's because the Daily Show is in reruns...still.
when i read this colbert was on and i had just finished watching a daily show rerun (45 minutes ago)...

here's a picture of my brother's cat, Haley, aka Haley-boy, Hales, kitty cat, Hay cat, etc.

and here's my niece, Jordyn, mid-air (trampoline below)...

thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by a long shot. that bourbon pecan pie sounds great...
my brother's wife also tried a non-traditional pumpkin pie from scratch. it was a successful rendition of the recipe (which included sour cream), but it failed to hit the spot, as it were.

Nov 29, 07 12:25 am  · 

I can tell you all from long experience that pumpkin pie (and even cake) recipes that are made from pumpkin au natural are NOT GOOD. Just, not good. Difficult to even do properly (pumpkin can be very unexpectedly watery), and typically bland / slightly sour / just plain not that great even when actually done "properly". Pumpkin soups, on the other hand, someone tells me can be very good.

I'm a purist in (nearly) all baking methodologies but I love me some Libby's pumpkin puree in a can. Mmm! (The other exceptions to purism are : boxed brownies (yes, they are just so delicious and quick!) and boxed-cake-w/-pillsbury-frosting-from-a-can. Yummy and most importantly speedy. Nothing beats making a cake and icing from scratch if you have the time, though.)

Ohhhh this is making me want to bake... g'night all!

Nov 29, 07 12:49 am  · 

mmmm, pumpkin soup. yummy.

dca, would your 3dh wafer city get soggy in syrup?

Nov 29, 07 7:25 am  · 
some person

liberty bell: thanks for your kind words. Yes, I grant you access to use the railing design, on the condition that you post photos of your interpretation here.

Steven: materials could be pink stucco (the real stuff), pink texturized hardiplank, or pink anodized aluminum. Perhaps your entry to the competition could show the city in syrup.

Nov 29, 07 8:12 am  · 

AP - Cute cat. Cute niece.
Mmmmm... pumpkin pie and boxed brownies. Damn I've only been at work for 5 mins and my mouth is already watering.

Nov 29, 07 8:12 am  · 
Living in Gin

As a general principle, I don't think there's a problem with striking up a conversation with a stranger in a public place (with the caveats that others have mentioned above).

The problem I have is that I'm probably the last person on earth who should be doing so. Over the years more than one person has told me that I give off some sort of creepy stalker-like vibe, which, as you can imagine, has done wonders for my self-confidence and only makes me that much more awkward in social situations. As a result, I usually just leave people alone 99.99% of the time, but I can't help but feel that I've missed out on some good opportunities.

Maybe I should only talk to architects from now on, since many of them are just as socially dysfunctional as I am, and they seem to be the only people I can carry on a normal conversation with.

In other news, I took a very long walk (50+ blocks) around Manhattan last night, before going home and hitting the sack early for a change... But not before forgetting to set my alarm clock, which is why I'm posting here instead of leaving for the office (as I wait for my roommate to get out of the shower). I just woke up with that scratchy rawness in the back of my throat that usually means I'm getting a cold, but I'm holding out a sliver of hope that this will blow over once I've had my coffee.

Nov 29, 07 8:23 am  · 
vado retro

btw now that i think about it i did meet this woman on the train once but it was after having seen her on the train and having the recognition thing. it was a beautiful relationship that lasted a month or so.

Nov 29, 07 8:31 am  · 

my wife makes very good pumpkin pie and bread, but pumpkins in japan are small and green on the outside. more like squash...? we often have it in curry and tempura-fied...not sure if they qualify as pumpkins though. ayone heard of this species?

tunamelt, yeah my oldest is only 7 years old. my radar for creepy people has become supersensitive since we moved to tokyo, sad to say. it hardly ever comes up but this is definitely a country where the lolita thing is going on and my daughters both stand out because they are mixed. i am not looking forward to the next, oh...40 years or so...;-) but that one guy was a supercreep. i am glad i sent him off cuz if i had known what he was really doing i woulda been arrested.

i would love to have re-runs!

we get no tv in english to speak of, but recently started watching grey's anatomy, renting from the video shop. i think they have started renting a few dvds from season 3 now, but we will be out of shows to watch next week. 2 yeas behind the times, thas what i am.  would download the shows but then my wife would miss the subtleties without the japanese translation in subtitles. some shows the writing really matters....anyway, we would LOVE to be able to watch re-runs from last year.

Nov 29, 07 8:32 am  · 

LIG, you crack me up. have a good day at work, man. ;-)

best alarm clock ever is a 3 year old child. that whole pitterpatter of wee little feetses is a crock. 3 year olds STOMP. then they jump on you just in case. every morning 6am without fail.

Nov 29, 07 8:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

Reminds me of the time when a guy started talking to me on a bus once. I wasn't interested, but I was nice and carried a minimal polite conversation with him. It got creepier and creepier as he asked lots of questions, many of which I wouldn't give a straight answer to. AFter about 15 minutes I was pretty uncomfortable and decided the next stop would have to be mine - I jumped up and leaped off the bus, only to have him follow me. It was a busy-ish road, but I darted across both lanes and sprinted down a side street. He didn't follow me, thank god, but I heard him yelling from the far side of the street, "but, but, but, I LOVE you!!"

Now THAT'S creepy stalker-like.

You want more creepy? I've also been dry humped on a super crowded bus. So some creep behind me was gyrating his hips into my bum - at first it just felt like the bus lurching us around, but it didn't stop and it got more intense, more regular, you know, like... humping. I flipped out and plowed thru the crowd to exit at the next stop. I never turned around to see who or what it was.

Nov 29, 07 8:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The saddest thing about my non-traditional homemade pumpki pie, is that I did use Libbys puree. It was just that when the flavour ingredients are only rum, sugar, pumpkin, and lemon zest, the pie tastes remarkably like lemon and squash. Go figure.

Nov 29, 07 8:47 am  · 
Ms Beary

oh, but even given the above, I still think it's fine to start up conversations with strangers. You never know. :) Tact does a long way though.

Nov 29, 07 8:50 am  · 

i met my wife by asking in a chat room who wanted to get married?

Nov 29, 07 9:03 am  · 
John Cline

Can someone please explain this name change business to me? It's starting to creep out. (not quite at creepy as getting dry humped by a stranger on a bus though)

Nov 29, 07 1:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, you havent mentioned how parenthood is going. Please tell me you're getting 8+ hours of sleep each night, and that the kid is already potty trained. Please? *fingers crossed in hope*

Nov 29, 07 1:05 pm  · 

potty trained: hahahahahahahahahaha!

Nov 29, 07 1:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, when are the identities being returned. I mean, I know who Steven is now, but thats the only one, and it is confusing.

And really, the only reason I ask about the potty training, is because I hear boys harder than girls to train, and a guy at the office has a 3 y.o. that still is in diapers. I feel like this is insane, and I personally think the guy is an idiot, but that has nothing to do with his kids lack of toilet skills.

Nov 29, 07 1:24 pm  · 

I met my wife in a bar in the east village.

steve- your impersonation of beta isn't very convincing, gotta get in touch with your inner new jersey.

Nov 29, 07 1:33 pm  · 

my understanding was that potty training generally takes 3-4 years. is that correct in the parental experiences here? just curious.

Nov 29, 07 1:57 pm  · 

wow what a waste of the top of page 164. so sorry!

i'd google-image-search "potty training 164" for a nice pic if i weren't on my lunch break looking at archinect for the only 10 mins a day i get to look at it. someone else...?

Nov 29, 07 1:58 pm  · 
Nov 29, 07 2:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

anybody else just feel that?


Nov 29, 07 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Whoa - I take it you're still alive, puddles. Be careful.

Nov 29, 07 2:40 pm  · 

wait beta is married? You know I really wish I knew the people behind some of these archinect avatars. That could of been potentially embarassing.

So I've just witnessed our CEO behaving like a pechalent child over the date for our exhibition. It is really quite ridiculous at times when these things happen and you loose alot of energy on delivering anything. Seems like the wrong battles are being fought.

In another note, I made the mistake of having a double expresso last night, during my house offer usually this doesn't affect me, but I was tossing and turning way past 3am. Unfortunately, I felt tired and couldn't even was like being stuck in a bit of the twilight zone.

Nov 29, 07 3:10 pm  · 


Which earthquake was it?
When i click on the link th eonly one recen tone i can find was the 7.4 in Martinique, Windward Islands.

Is that the one?

Or was there another i just can't read properly


Nov 29, 07 3:12 pm  · 

hey how the hell did you feel that puddles? I'm in Montserrat, we were shaking for over 3 minutes...eerie. Where are you??

Nov 29, 07 3:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yes, the 7.4 is what i was referring too. i'm not in either montserrat or martinique...but i was close enough to feel a tremor and was surprised to see a big red spot on the screen.

Nov 29, 07 3:40 pm  · 

felt nothing here in the bay area...though 7.4's are scary anywhere.

Nov 29, 07 3:56 pm  · 

tech-no: everything alright in montserrat? 3 minutes is a long time...

Nov 29, 07 3:56 pm  · 

at least it was a ways south of you. Any idea what the magnitude was in Montserrat?

Nov 29, 07 4:19 pm  · 

Mdler is lost...
Hopefully he will be found?

I didn't even know the Caribbean was active minus a Volcano or two...
Were those the epicenter?

3 Minutes...!

Nov 29, 07 6:42 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Anyone else get music when clicking on the Mdler name thread?

Appropriate though.

Nov 29, 07 7:19 pm  · 

That could feasibly change trhough tumbles... I think that's the third one he's had today.

Nov 29, 07 7:20 pm  · 

Atechno - How's everything in Montserrat? Three minutes sounds forever for an earthquake.

Nov 29, 07 7:23 pm  · 

where's my mdler? that's not my mdler. that's foul ol run. he goes "bugrit, millenium hand and shrimp.". where's my mdler?...

sarah, girls learn everything faster than boys. they just do. my oldest was out of diapers before she was 2 cuz she went to daycare around that age and they required it. my youngest just finished with the diapers thing, shortly after 3 years old. no daycare, and we didn't push her.

no worries. potty training is the easy part.

Nov 29, 07 7:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

7.4 is pretty strong but it was somewhat deep at 90 miles below the surface. i am curious if it will lead to any new volcanic actvity in the region

Nov 29, 07 7:50 pm  · 

7.4 is very strong... we had a 6.8 a couple of weeks ago, also sort of long.

Nov 29, 07 9:27 pm  · 
vado retro

hi aml :)

Nov 29, 07 9:41 pm  · 

hi vado! : )

Nov 29, 07 10:46 pm  · 

I am going to bed. Night all you who offer up hope!

Nov 29, 07 11:33 pm  · 
vado retro

just looked at my credit card activity online and i can tell that i won't be goin to europe again until the almighty dollar makes a rebound. when you see these bills in dollars and say hey didnt we just have two sandwiches and a couple of lattes and the bill is 30 bucks and theres like ten or so like that on your statement. or the train tickets that are fifty bucks a pop jeesh. think i'll visit cleveland instead.

Nov 30, 07 7:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

it's friday and i'm still alive. maybe i'll go to cleveland this weekend myself.

Nov 30, 07 8:05 am  · 

Go Cleveland!

Nov 30, 07 8:15 am  · 
vado retro

oh yeah but i forgot gas is 3.20 a gallon. no cleveland.

Nov 30, 07 8:24 am  · 
John Cline

YES! It's cheese pie day!! woohoo!

(the office buy cheese pies... it's like the second coming once they arrive)

Nov 30, 07 9:14 am  · 

Hey Living in Gin and everyone else who was giving him advice on whether or not to try and chat up girls on the subway...

Just read this NYPress article in which the author witnesses just such a scenario, and to his amazement it works....

If your interested...

Nov 30, 07 9:27 am  · 

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