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some person

I'm really tempted to create an Archinect account using my real name. Mainly, I want to meet more architectural peers in DC but also don't want to attract any stalkers, do you know what I mean?

Dec 2, 07 9:53 pm  · 

psst. is that products link on the left menu new or has it been there for a while and i'm just distracted?

Dec 2, 07 10:00 pm  · 

looks new, paul is slipping more features in all the time! but what's up with using as our product list source. we need to make our own (and keep it from being flooded by used furniture salesment)..

Dec 2, 07 10:24 pm  · 

thanks for pointing those products aml.
i am gonna get me a nice xzucitive chair.
i saw it in archinect.;.)

DCA i don't think you will be stalked. nothing happened to me.
look at all the telephone numbers and addresses in internet that you can connect to real people. archinect is not that kind of a place. you probably will be contacted by other architects on occasions which is not a bad thing.

Dec 2, 07 10:32 pm  · 

no archinect stalkers for me either, but has anybody seen surfaces recently? but it is my boss that worries me. so i don't use this screen name when I'm at my desk ;-)

Dec 2, 07 10:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My bosses are my biggest concern too. Although I have a policy of never mentioning my employer by name, they'd probably recognize themselves if they read enough of my posts. It's less of a concern now that I work for people I usually have good things to say about, but it was a real worry back in Chicago when I was ranting about my job left and right.

That said, my real name shouldn't be that hard to figure out to anybody on MySpace or Facebook.

Dec 2, 07 11:02 pm  · 

Emily K...

Took me till tonight to realize that you did guest editor picks...
And i had already read them twice today!

Dec 2, 07 11:09 pm  · 

tk, surfaces and I may try to meet up over Christmas break when she's out in my neck of the woods, but I haven't seen her on the 'nect since school started.

Dec 3, 07 1:17 am  · 

For the first time in a while i weighed myself....
It is the first time ever (including when i used to powerlift) that i am unhappy with my weight.

Apparently i am almost 195. Ekkkk..

I guess my new desk job, combined with all the drinking i do on my downtime is ruining my figure...

I will have to start this week doing some excercise...

No i just have to decide...Running or Lifting?


Dec 3, 07 8:49 am  · 

I should add i am almost 6'2 so it is not horrible. But since i plan at being at this current job for the next year-2 years...
I will have to get a excercise program started. Besides all the riding my bike to work and everywhere else that i do.

Dec 3, 07 9:02 am  · 

Because it's a pissy monday:

Dec 3, 07 10:22 am  · 

Yeah, I am not feeling this whole Monday thing today.

Gah! I have to go to work now :o(

nam, I'm surprised that your bike riding isn't helping you out. I'm in my best shape in years because of my bike riding! I always forget that guys like to do toning and all that too.

Dec 3, 07 11:12 am  · 

nam, to make that choice I'd assess how many miles/day you are biking. When I started, I found several resouces online that stated that if it was your sole form of exercise, you need to bike 10 miles/day to maintain a relatively healthy fitness level, or would need to bike 15/day for weightloss. So if you're under those, one solution would be to push your biking more by discovering more scenic (read: lengthy) routes to the places you need to go. Or if you're under that and you don't feel like pushing it up, I'd go with running. If you're already in the 10-15 mile/day range, then I'd go with lifting because you've already taken care of your cardio requirements.

Dec 3, 07 11:13 am  · 

oh, and I'm incredibly jealous that WonderK still gets to ride... my bike has been sitting in the garage for weeks, while it rains and snows. This would only be a problem some days theoretically, but when I actually tried to ride in the winter weather I was developing a cold nearly every week. Eventually I figured this was my body's way of telling me to give it up and start again in the spring.

Dec 3, 07 11:14 am  · 

@ WonderK

As rationalist pointed out, i think the problem is the length of my ride..

I am fortunate that i can ride to work, but the ride is pretty short.
After reading rationalists advice i used Googlemaps and did the math roundtrip i am only biking 5-6 miles a day...

So..Since i don't want to get a gym membership right now, and because i already do yoga 1-2 a week, i think i will add running.

I feel like i am in great shape..that is why it was such a suprise when i weighed myself..
Anywho begining this week i will start running 1-2 times a week.

Although i am not looking forward to it.

Dec 3, 07 11:43 am  · 

That was a problem I hit when I biked to work too, which is why my mind immediately jumped there. My roundtrip only took me 7 miles/day, and I was stopping at grocery stores and running all my errands en route. So when I realized I wasn't losing any weight, I found that info, then started either taking a longer (and much more beautiful!) way home, or doing any errands I needed to do at places further away. This got me up to 11 miles/day, and I started losing weight, albeit slowly by most people's definitions.

Gah, I need to get to the gym over christmas break. I hope it's open (university gym= free!= yay!).

Dec 3, 07 11:57 am  · 

Rationalist - It's sad to hear you've put your bike away for the season. When I was at Ohio State I rode everyday in every weather condition and never got sick. Hopefully you'll be able to start again soon.

Nam - What kind of yoga are you doing? If you aren't taking it already, I strongly recommend Ashtanga or Bikram as they supposedly burn more calories than the others, as does Pilates.

Let's not that forget muscle weighs more than fat.

Dec 3, 07 12:19 pm  · 

@ Tunamelt...

I wish i could say it is muscle weight :)

I have tried Ashtanga and Bikram but currently just do it at my house.
Which is great from a meditational/relaxational-stretching point of view but doesn't really burn to many calories....

The real culprit however is my new job..Too much sitting, an dmore importantly they have chocolate everywhere...
So i need to stop eating chocolate and start running...
If i can't get into that i will start biking more....Which is what i use to do. I would bike in the evenings...
However, i have gotten out of that habit recently...

Dec 3, 07 1:13 pm  · 


you fucker! that's so fucking annoying, thanks for seriously pissing me off, you idiot! do not do something like that without warning people, it is FUCKING ANNOYING and i would have expected better of an archinecteur. salopry de merde!! fucking IDIOT

jeez. i never check archinect while at work, and the one fucking time i decide to stroll on during my lunch break, and my fucking computer explodes and i lose all the shit i was working on in my other internet windows. Thanks a lot, motherfucker.

Dec 3, 07 1:40 pm  · 

sheesh. sorry guys for the outburst. :( seriously though please for the love of god don't click on that link.

obviously i, too, need to get to the gym today...

nam, yoga is fantastic but it doesn't really help you slim down at all. i can understand not wanting to pay for gym membership but really nothing works for the physique like lifting, especially followed up by 15-20 mins of intervals on the treadmill.

if you do take up running, running intervals is by far the best way to burn fat in cardio--don't get seduced by distance, pick a good intervals plan, grab a stopwatch, and start with that.

puddles started a running thread at some point that was fantastic, i would search for it if i were you.

i wish there were a lifting thread, i'd love to have a community of architect lifters!

Dec 3, 07 1:45 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh boy...myriam is losing it

Dec 3, 07 1:46 pm  · 

6'2 and 195lbs, so you are thin?

On another note - real women have curves!

Hi all, I am alive, honestly. I think this new gf is going to wear out my liver, this was the 4th weekend of 3 days drinking. It's Monday and much of the weekend was a blur.

Also my right eye is killing me and I am having a hard time focussing, it is actually a little blurred. I have always had perfect eyesight and am wondering if this might be when I have to go get my eyes checked. I do like the thought of wearing glasses

More...I hope I don't sound like a archi-stalker or anything but the last few days that I haven't been able to get my archinect-cum-thread central fix I've really been missing you guys (especially Abracadabra/Orhan, Beta, Liberty Bell, Myriam, Rationalist, Steven Ward, Treekiller, Tumbleweed, Tunamelt, Vado Retro and Wonder K)

Dec 3, 07 1:48 pm  · 

I rode my bike every day while at ohio state too, until I had to go to a hobby store out in worthington during a sleet storm. Never ridden in rain/snow since...

Dec 3, 07 1:53 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the running thread was the nike+ipod...although in hindsight i really wish i had called it "the running thread"...maybe we could start afresh...

i need to get back in the habit of running more consistently myself.

Dec 3, 07 1:55 pm  · 

I am missed? Techno, you miss ME?!!

I've never been missed!

Thanks, that makes my day, it really does!

[no it's not wednesday]

Dec 3, 07 1:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

for putting up a feature which supplies the opportunity to see a photo of Brad Pitt every time I go to the home page........

Jeeeeepers I love this place!!

(Hi a-techno - I've been quiet lately, too busy, but I miss everyone too.)

Dec 3, 07 2:24 pm  · 

Liberty, I really, really enjoyed your response to Mr. Knox. You made your point quite well.

Dec 3, 07 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, n_! I did get just a bit pissy. It's been one of those Mondays.

I'll be sure to steer clear of manamana's link!

Dec 3, 07 2:32 pm  · 

@ A-techno..

I thought i was thin and in shape, but i have kind of freaked out since i weighed myself over the weekend.

@ Liberty Bell and others.....

Do you think Mr. Pitt checks in/lurks on our little community??

The new feature seems interesting definetly like the pink shells of old residents..

Also, the Pink Project makes me think of another performance/installation project that i read about in the Sunday NYT..

Link to story below

Artist/activist Paul Chan as part of a multi-facted project that he worked on for the last few months in New Orleans...

the most interesting part of which was (IMHO) staging performances of Waiting for Godot, but using old/wrecked/abandoned houses and blocks in the Ninth Ward as the stage/setting...

Dec 3, 07 3:06 pm  · 

This one's not at all like the first...seriously...I promise. Google xkcd if you don't believe me.

Honestly though, I'm sorry if the first one caused anything more than mere annoyance. I laughed when someone did it to me. It's also a good lesson about having too-liberal javascript permissions.

my apologies again.

Dec 3, 07 3:32 pm  · 
vado retro

old wrecked abandoned houses seems a bit over the top for a beckett play.

Dec 3, 07 3:39 pm  · 

It makes me giggle so much when myriam rants. Hope your computer is better now, dear.

I am very excited about the new feature. What a remarkable work of art. The pink houses aren't bad either, lol.

....Kidding, Brad! Great job by the way. Thanks for always supporting us architects. ;o)

Dec 3, 07 4:01 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Ok Nam, are you male or female? The conversation is seriously confusing me as to which. 6'2", 195lb guy seems ok. 6'2", 195lb lady is fantastic. I wish I had both those stats.

I can't run for the life of me. I did 8 minutes continuous and felt like an olympic athlete so I'm in awe of true runners.

Dec 3, 07 4:58 pm  · 

It was a good rant, WK... Hint: I bet someone could really set her off by by correcting her French. I'm afraid to.

Dec 3, 07 5:12 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Oooh, somebody do it.

Dec 3, 07 5:17 pm  · 

I'm feeling all verklempt now... Atechno missed me. Awww, shucks. I've missed you too.

@ Liberty Bell...
As soon as I saw Mr. Pitt looking at me from the Homepage, I immediately thought of you.

Are you nuts? From campus? Biking up to Worthington in GOOD weather is a feat in and of itself, let alone in a sleet/snow storm. Kudos to you. That is something I've never done, nor ever want to do.

Dec 3, 07 6:26 pm  · 

Holy Crap Kids!
Two glasses of wine later and I'm for the most part, drunk.... WTF? Man, and to think, I used to have a tolerance. How sad. :-(

Dec 3, 07 9:21 pm  · 

I am male...

For some reason that seems hilarious on the screen.

I got it together and ran a half hour today. It was the first time in forever but loved it. I felt like a ninja...

It wasn't so much the weight that i was bothered by/noticed. Just the fact that i had put on ten pounds and a bit in less than 2 months...It was a big jump after years of staying relatively the same (within five pounds of the same weight)

@ Vado....

Sure a bit over the top for a piece of theatre but,
As a piece of protest/performance?
Which is how i read it..

Dec 3, 07 9:25 pm  · 
vado retro

i meant in relationship to the original staging and later beckett directed versions.

Dec 3, 07 9:52 pm  · 


Don't let the numbers bother you if you feel good. I'm 34 and I think I've been about the same weight/height forever, but this year the break between bike racing season and snowboarding season left me feeling low energy, soft, weak, and slug like. I figure my metabolism is slowing down so I'm eating less and taking 2+ hour lunch breaks for snowboarding. Right now I feel great! 5-10/175 is lean for a German/Scottish/Welsh ex stonemason......

on myriam rants-

they always remind me that she 'did time' at the same university as me, 'cause it brought a lot of that outta me!!

I think I just hit one of those happy entry/comment ratios so I'm gonna stop working, follow tunamelt's lead and get to drinking!

Dec 3, 07 10:35 pm  · 


Wow you get 2+ lunch hour breaks for snowboarding where is your office?
On the slopes.....

Must be nice..
I haven't skied in ages.

Dec 3, 07 11:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hope your head is OK tomorrow, tunamelt!

nam, I sincerely doubt that Brad Pitt even knows archinect exists. If he does, though, I sincerely doubt that he reads the forums, and IF he ever glances at them I sincerely doubt that he has ever read TC, and IF he did, he is probably laughing his ass off at all of us adorable whiners here! But honestly I doubt he has time or interest in our collective bitching and jokes.

Nice to see his beautiful face on the front page, of course...I've been leaving that page open on my screen while I work today...sigh.

Dec 3, 07 11:34 pm  · 
vado retro

get a room!

Dec 3, 07 11:36 pm  · 

my numbers


are cool like this. 6s and 3s!

Dec 4, 07 8:03 am  · 

ha ha, thanks, FRO, makes me feel somewhat ashamed but also understood. ;)

sorry again for the angry outburst guys... manamana, thanks for the apology. Anyway I know you and respect you so I hope you know I don't hold it against you (and hope vice versa?). Next time everyone let's warn people before posting links that may be inappropriate to view at work. think before you link! (har har)

and I, personally, will go back to not looking at archinect between 8am and 6pm. (and yes, I can correct my French myself, thank you. Rapid angry key-hitting does not lend itself to rational spelling ability.)

Dec 4, 07 9:13 am  · 
liberty bell

I just had an awesome conversation and coffee with Wes Janz, of One Small Project, as profiled here on Archinect by our own Bryan Finoki.

The world is so, wonderfully, small.

Dec 4, 07 9:59 am  · 

lb, i can't help but share this guilty pleasure of mine- here. particularly relevant with the new archinect feature!

Dec 4, 07 10:49 am  · 

awwww....only a mini rant. drat.

I guess I just didn't think that Rick Astley was inappropriate for work....annoying, yes, but not inappropriate.

Dec 4, 07 10:58 am  · 
liberty bell

That's a totally valid (and fun) guilty pleasure, aml.....and BTW I'm not crazy about the hat, either. I prefer just-got-out-of-bed hair.

Dec 4, 07 11:00 am  · 
vado retro

is he trying to be tom joad or what?

Dec 4, 07 11:02 am  · 

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