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Okay this is the kind of news that really has to be shared with TC first.

I have recieved the okay to host the Pecha-Kucha in the Caribbean.

Jul 31, 07 7:33 pm  · 

WOWOWOW- that's so cool techno!!! have to read more about it when I get home!

Jul 31, 07 7:36 pm  · 

nice, techno!!

In regards to my work dillemna, I have tried to take a look at my guestimated schedule, and determined that I have far too many little chunks of time and too few goodsized chunks. So, if the firm I've already submitted to, who in addition to doing fab work also regularly employs people on a freelance basis, comes calling, I'll try to work something out with them for 8-10 hours/week. But if it doesn't work with them, I think I'm going to take it as a sign, and go with the non-working, competition-submitting, kicking-ass-and-taking-names plan.

Jul 31, 07 8:09 pm  · 

haha r- as usual, I think that sounds like the rational plan. It's not like you won't ever be able to take a job- just try this out now because I think the experience is more important than money at this point.

btw, with only 3 days left at work, my boss asked meto design hima pool house/guesthouse and pool. I wish he would have asked earlier because I could have seen the whole project through, but it will just have to be a quick charette that I'll finish next week (I won't have time to do the full CD set). YAY, I'm excited. His main house is a typical LA 1928 Spanish revival and THANK GOD he's not looking to build a mini doll-house looking replica. I told him we need to be respectful of the existing architecture (with is quite beautiful), but let's not try and pretend this state-of-the-art pool house was built in the 20's. It will be a nice few days work and a couple extra bucks that I wasn't counting on- woohoo!

Aug 1, 07 12:46 am  · 
vado retro

gin you may want to get a certified check next time. cash has a funny way of disappearing. when i moved to go to grad school i was f'd up from the get go. the people who were loaning me money made a mistake that ended up not giving me any caish for a semester. see i graduated with my b.a. in august and then began a march two weeks later. they totally missed the fact that i went from an undergrad to a grad status. so in their view i would have been borrowing too much money. so, i had to get a job shucking oysters during my first semester god it sucked.

Aug 1, 07 7:37 am  · 

eesh. yep, cashier's check is the way to go.

i really hope Chase actually deals with this. I have heard so, so, so many horror stories about that bank... Once my boyfriend took out $20 at an atm, but it didn't give him the money--only the receipt. So he went inside the bank and told them about it, and they not only refused to help him, but they were very rude and suspicious to boot. (And this was in a really upscale part of town--not the kind of area you'd expect employees to be wary of an honest looking regular guy.) He had to make about 14 phone calls, and at first they just kept fobbing him off. Eventually it took something like 2 weeks for them to credit his account back the $20.

They've also used unfair practices (that are being invested in Washington, no joke) to bilk poor customers out of thousands. My boyfriend paid over $1000 in fees his first year with them, because they did things like cash out large checks first to make the bank account bounce and then run through a bunch of tiny charges that each incurred an overdraft fee. Congress is hearing evidence to close off this kind of business practice.

Aug 1, 07 8:31 am  · 

Basically it's a great bank for rich people and not a good bank if you're living on the edge.

Aug 1, 07 8:32 am  · 
vado retro

chase customer service was very helpful to me as i had a charge show up on my account for a train ticket in scotland. they credited the money back and did an investigation into it and found that it was a processing mistake rather than fraud. also, although i have bounced a check or two in my day, the goal is to not write bad checks.

Aug 1, 07 8:42 am  · 

techno, keep us updated I will be interested in seeing the creative work that gets done in the islands.

Aug 1, 07 8:57 am  · 

ha... funny coincidence with our scientology talk here... the cover story on slate is about scientology seeming strange, but not being a cult... there's even a little comment at the end of the article critiquing the design sense of scientologists, calling it "a religion that screams nouveau–Star Trek–riche"

Aug 1, 07 10:07 am  · 
Living in Gin

I’ve always had bad luck with banks, it seems… Even when I leave a bank in disgust, I usually end up unwillingly being a customer again when the old bank merges with whatever new bank I went to. For example, my first account was with First National Bank of Chicago, which became First Chicago NBD, which became Bank One, which became Chase. I also used to have an account with Fleet Bank, which is now Bank of America.

Last time I lived in NYC, I was with Commerce Bank, which I was actually pretty happy with: Saturday and Sunday teller hours, their branches are open late on weekdays, and their main 800 number actually gets you a live person instead of voice menu hell.

Does anybody know anything about First Republic Bank? My employer uses them for their business accounts, and I understand a number of staff also use them for their personal banking. I had to go to First Republic to cash my advance check yesterday, and they were very helpful, and made a good sales pitch for me to transfer my accounts there. They’re a fairly small bank, but they don’t charge any ATM fees, and they even rebate the ATM fees charged by other banks. They’re also offering me $200 in free money if I open a checking account there with direct deposit. I'm seriously considering it...

Aug 1, 07 10:51 am  · 

That sounds like a hell of a deal, Gin. I've never heard of either a bank giving away that type of money, OR reimbursing other bank's ATM fees. To find one that does both of those things sounds too good to be true somehow. I guess that's their way of making up for not having many/any ATMs in the city?

The day is looking up. I found out that I get to take twice the number of elective courses I thought I did, which makes grad school even better than I thought, and there's a trickle of interest in the car! Someone called me last night and asked about it, and though he was skittish about the salvage title just having a person show legitimate interest is a start, and then someone emailed me about it today. I don't even really believe in God, but I'm praying, please, just please let somebody buy this car for a reasonable price.

Aug 1, 07 2:31 pm  · 

thanks everyone for the well wishes. To be honest I'm pissing myself with gee and a worried a bit too wondering how I'm going to get it all done. People are emerging from everywhere to take part which is also quite exciting. I will update when I know further

Aug 1, 07 5:06 pm  · 

gin....I would say go deposit your money in the Bada Bing...with Tony Soprano....and it will grow and grow and grow...and you can become another one of those Star Architects....with out having a fear of loosing everything.

Aug 1, 07 5:28 pm  · 

okay off to eat home sushi - Japanese architecture students < what a blessing.

Aug 1, 07 5:59 pm  · 

damnit - that should read home-made

Aug 1, 07 6:08 pm  · 
Ms Beary

so i get back from vacation and see "Country Blueprint" font in my drawings. Thanks for helping out, but no thanks.

Aug 1, 07 6:30 pm  · 

This bridge thing is unbelievable.

Aug 1, 07 8:25 pm  · 

wk- lucky you were'nt planning on visiting Beta and me on your drive out west.

Aug 1, 07 8:33 pm  · 

[sarcastic wednesday]hey thanks for changing the font to country blueprint - it has so much character[/sarcastic wednesday]

Aug 1, 07 9:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I'm really really excited about your Pecha Kucha. Want to ask more, but I've got drawings to do tongiht and can't tear myself away from the bridge collapse.

I've been away for a long weekend and too busy today to catch up but I'm glad many have good news to share.

More later - love to all TC'ers and lurkers too.

Aug 1, 07 10:00 pm  · 

thanks LB, ask away when you get time away from the work. The more feedback the better

Aug 2, 07 12:15 am  · 
Living in Gin

Taking a short break from an all-nighter in Avery Hall as I prepare for my final review in five hours... Still tons of work to do, of course, and no hope of finishing everything I had hoped to finish on this project. This is my first all-nighter in over five years, and I don't think I have the stamina for this stuff anymore. I can feel the life force draining from my body by the minute.

Luckily the rest of my day is open after the review, so I plan to take a long shower and then sleep for many, many hours.

Wish me luck....

Aug 2, 07 6:02 am  · 

good luck Gin, take loads of pictures!!

Aug 2, 07 8:15 am  · 

ha... country blueprint... awesome...

straw, please find out who used the country blueprint and slap them across the face for all of us!!!!!!

Aug 2, 07 9:01 am  · 

[from the LA times]

reminds me of certain architects stamps...

Aug 2, 07 10:16 am  · 

Hello everyone, sorry for my absence. My mom came to London to visit for 9 days (with a 3.5 trip we made to Dublin) and work's been crazy. All is good on my end, and I should have Dublin pics up after my Barcelona trip which is next week.

How are all of you?

Aug 2, 07 10:21 am  · 

I'm not looking forward to the potential for all nighters in grad school, either. Though when I interviewed, after the formal interview they showed me to the grad studio so that I could ask questions of the students, and one question I made sure to ask was, "Do you guys sleep?" The answer, ironically (the students there didn't know my background) was, "This isn't architorture. Of course we sleep." So I figure, if I revert to architecture-type work habits, then I can get twice as much work done, right?

Anyway, I'm home today. I've had a summer cold coming on all week, but I finished a stack of stuff for a bulliten set yesterday, so now I finally feel free to stay home and let my coworkers avoid my snuffliness.

Aug 2, 07 10:44 am  · 

rationalist - your logic is very architectural because that's exactly what I thought. Twice as good, twice as efficient, twice as dead sexy! So you've just nominated yourself as the guinea pig to see if that hold true. Excited?

Aug 2, 07 1:47 pm  · 

mmm, or I can try to use my efficiency to free up some time for proper exercise, healthy cooking, and hygiene, which were sorely lacking during architecture school.

Aug 2, 07 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

hey somebody got on the roof of the office and stole the copper tubing. thank god for oscillating desk fans.

Aug 2, 07 2:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Does anybody else find that "get organised" add at the top annoying? Am I the only one seeing it?

Aug 2, 07 2:40 pm  · 
vado retro

so im trying to find out some commercial parking requirements for the development we're researching in anytown usa. well i went online to view their zoning and since zoning ordinances tend to have definitions of sex shops, sexual devices and strip clubs et al. the company firewall won't let me get into the zoning info. wtf?

Aug 2, 07 3:16 pm  · 

you are killing me here vado - I've had that problem myself; and luckily we were able to turn back the firewall settings (view all, download limited).

Aug 2, 07 3:50 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah our it guy turned off the keywords so i could download it. here's an example definition--

Sexual Device- Any three dimensional object designed and marketed for stimualtion of the male or female genital organ or anus, or for sadomasochistic use or abuse of oneself or others, and shall include devices such as dildos, vibrators and penis pumps, and shall also include other devices with non-sex related utility, such as leather whips, straps and ligarutes, when such devices are marketed in a context suggesting sexual or sadomasochistic purposes. Nothing in this definition shall be construed to inclued devices primarily intended for protection against sexually transmitted diseases or for preventing pregnancy.

Aug 2, 07 3:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, it's almost over... We had our final pin-up and review today, and tomorrow we have a party, exhibition of student work, and photo sessions for our models. I'll be sure to post pics when I get them. My review went pretty well... Most of the critiques of my project were about things I've already identified as my weaknesses. Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me whenever I start grad school.

With that, my five weeks at Columbia will be over, and I'll once again be a full-time working stiff. The paycheck will certainly be nice, and my new job is going well so far, but part of me will miss the creativity and the whole studio culture.

I'll post more later, but for now I just need some sleep.

Aug 2, 07 9:39 pm  · 

oh yea lawyer speak turns me on - wtf?

So more good news. Turns out the job I applied for... well they can't fill the position in the short term and want me to fill the position on a near immediate basis (a week from Monday). Comes with a 5% increase. Secondment they call it. Where I continue my duties but assist contributing my "know-how" to the new urban development

I've told them in principle that I'm interested, but would like to consider the renumeration considering.

Aug 2, 07 9:42 pm  · 

ok, if you say that's good news, then I'm happy for you. But frankly, I don't really understand. What happens if you go to that 'temp' job, quitting your current job, and then they decide to hire someone else permanently and you're out on your ass? Is that the "secondment" thing I'm not getting?

Trying to find housing from out of state sucks. I send probably 2-3 emails PER DAY to people in response to their housing ads. I recieve a response from one or two per week, usually saying "call me when you get here". And the latest one flat out said, "we will not have any out of state people", even though I make it perfectly clear that a)it is set in stone: quit my job, booked the van, deposit down at UW, and b) I have a trip scheduled to do the housing search, so they can meet me in person, and c) I'd be happy to put down a deposit while I'm up there (indeed, I won't feel comfortable unless I've got something nailed down). But I'm still having absolutely zero luck.

Aug 2, 07 11:27 pm  · 

I think I'm confused like r, techno...but it's great if you say it is! Is it stable?....or temporary?

r- I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. Are you planning on living near UW? It's a big school with a lot of out of state/ international students so it shocks me it's this difficult. Then again, I know it was really hard to find somewhere in Philly, which is why I just decided to get my own studio- hoping that I can get a roommate in the subsequent year (but I think studios in Philly are cheaper than UW). I'm assuming you've checked with UW's off campus housing department? Don't they have a 'roommate matching' board? Ugg, I wish I knew someone up there that could help- I know it's really hard to get settled if you don't know where you are settling!

Aug 3, 07 2:26 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, Chase Bank has apparently found my missing $2000 and credited my account. Now they just need to refund all the overdraft fees they charged while that deposit was in limbo.

Aug 3, 07 7:23 am  · 

ratio, i'm surprised the UW has not been helpful in this area, not everyone that goes there is from in state...

btw, i need you to contact me about help designing and fabricating my business card, if you're interested that is...

Aug 3, 07 7:58 am  · 
liberty bell

Glad Chase is coming around, LiG. I just had a credit card number pinched and used to order computer supplies online, as well as set up a FedEx account. This is what I don't understand: why set up a Fed Ex account and then have the mail regarding that account sent to the name and address on the credit card, namely me, so that I immediately knew about the card fraud and called to cancel it?

Also, LiG, congrats on finishing the program! Next step: doing some competitions to keep you fresh and curious even though you're back into full-time employment again?

techno, I hope the job opportunity turns into something good for you. Bakc to Pecha Kucha: I looked at your link, but not sure which location you are? Is there anything specific to your event on the website?

I have a little summer cold - headachey and tired out. Don't worry Steven, I'm not contagious any more, so you can bring the kids to visit!

Aug 3, 07 8:45 am  · 
brian buchalski

i just saw puddles...he says he's is still alive...or something like that

Aug 3, 07 9:08 am  · 

I think the reason that UWs resources haven't been helpful for me is that I really really really don't want to live with a bunch of undergrads. And that's mainly what their resources cater to.

Will def. shoot you an email, beta. That word 'fabricating' brings up so many possibilities...

Are summer colds contagious via TC? I'm still sidelined. I already am a generally stuffy person, so this basically makes me unable to breathe. Then when I take something to clear me up, it makes me sleepy and feel like my brain is full of fog. I've never taken two sick days in a row before, but I'm trying to rationalize it by telling myself that I'm minimizing contagion.

Aug 3, 07 11:00 am  · 

stay home if you're sick...nothing worse than a coworker that comes
in obvously sick and me it's just disrespectful.
and i'm sure your bosses would appreciate that you're not
taking out the rest of the office.

how much can you get done with a cold anyway?

Aug 3, 07 11:14 am  · 

yep, I'm home. What's convenient is that all the coughing has made my voice really hoarse, so at least my boss won't be questioning whether I'm really sick or not.

Aug 3, 07 11:21 am  · 

whenever i have a cold i try to call right when i wake up without
clearing my throat first...makes for some awesome sick sounding

summer colds are the worst...seems so wrong.

Aug 3, 07 11:33 am  · 

clarifications to everyone.

JOB: I am under contract and retain my duties; I will however be taking on other duties for this new development corporation. This is the written description of the "secondment"

PECHA KUCHA: it is not on the website yet. I got the email confirming use of the copyright and in my excitement shared it with Thread Central (as you do!). As to the location of the first one, I am still undecided. There is a conference in Aruba 7 weeks from now and i might try it then...we'll see <- the time is too soon, but it depends on confirming the participants. Javier - contact me, I need you there!!

Aug 3, 07 12:52 pm  · 

oh and the job stuff is just a supplement to my contract which expires in March

Aug 3, 07 12:54 pm  · 

i just dropped of my cd swap discs for aml at the post office while talking to liberty bell on the phone about how i get to see her tomorrow. oh, and i get to see wonderk for brunch on sunday - the first stop in her cross-country trek!

it's an archinect-centric weekend! anyone want to come to louisville for drinks tonight? i'll buy.

Aug 3, 07 1:10 pm  · 

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