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killa, would it be possible to set the golf course up so that the "water hazards" could function as huge bioswales to cleanse the fertilizer-laden watershed?

Aug 8, 07 9:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

And just for fun, here's an embarassing fact about me:

Stevie Nick's "Landslide" - love it.

Anyone else want to share?

Aug 8, 07 9:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

And another one: no matter how many times I measure the size of a receptacle cover plate, I can't remember how big they are.

Aug 8, 07 9:45 pm  · 
vado retro

For LiBeRtYbElL

Aug 8, 07 10:14 pm  · 
vado retro

cuz she makes private practice sound so sexy!

Aug 8, 07 10:15 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I scored some beers for the evening, all troubles are a distant memory. Happy Hump Day!

Aug 8, 07 10:43 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Oh, and reading the pro-bono thread reminded me to tell you the 1.5% fee job is affordable housing, so it's cool now.

Aug 8, 07 10:45 pm  · 

One of the few roads I did not travel on this week...

Aug 9, 07 2:55 am  · 
vado retro

it's 6:40 and thursday is starting hot for my neighbors as i can squeals of pleasure coming through the wall.

Aug 9, 07 6:38 am  · 

well its official. I signed my release allowing me to work at the development corporation. It will pure chaos for the first couple weeks I'm sure but at least it will be task oriented. Any thoughts on anyone would like to add for a new masterplan for new town?? Come on add your two cents...what do/don't you want to see there.

Aug 9, 07 8:24 am  · 
vado retro

i hope you didnt take georgia 136 wk! that's a roundabout way to get to l.a. are you there now? i don't think i wished you bon voyage. so i will bid you welcome to the left coast!

techno you need to start a thread "New City Wishlist" that could be fun!

Aug 9, 07 8:31 am  · 

definitely start a new city wishlist thread! it would be fun, and probably helpful for both 'techno and 'killer...

i'll start...

sustainable golf course designed by treekiller...

free bikeshare program like they have in copenhagen...

mass transit system of some sort (not sure what would work on the islands)...

green power grid (wind farm, solar, tidal, etc)...

good mix of market rate, attainable, and affordable housing (without segregation)...

good public spaces...

and for LB... grocery stores within walking distance of all neighborhoods...

Aug 9, 07 8:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Sidewalks!!! Lots of sidewalks!!!! And traffic calming! Bike lanes integrated into the car patterns! Stop signs at every intersection! And street trees!

And all of this wrapping around modern, climate-appropriate, low-impact well-designed architecture.

Good luck techno! Get it right and all of TC will relocate to live in your new town vision! You can name it "Architechnotopia."

Aug 9, 07 8:54 am  · 

complete streets with wildlife crossings, pervious paving, mandatory greenroofs, rainwater capture.

you don't need no stinkin' golf course...

Aug 9, 07 10:08 am  · 
Ms Beary

mmm pervious paving. yummy.

Aug 9, 07 10:12 am  · 

and pinkberry or a cupcake bakery on every corner... oh, then everybody would be fat - yuck.

Aug 9, 07 10:15 am  · 

i third the new city wishlist thread request... i'll be teaching an urban design workshop next fall and it would be great to send my students to that thread... you wouldn't believe how kids here are completely resistant to the idea that gated communities are not the coolest thing on earth [oops- hi tc, long time no post]

Aug 9, 07 10:17 am  · 
Ms Beary

killa, not if there are plenty of sidewalks!

Aug 9, 07 10:20 am  · 

in fact, does anyone mind if i start this as a new thread?

Aug 9, 07 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

hi aml :) go for it!

Aug 9, 07 10:27 am  · 

hi vado! cool, here it is.

Aug 9, 07 10:29 am  · 

okay - you are going to see two of them. I left to go start the thread, come back to TC and see aml and taken my thunder - bah.

Its all good - the more the merrier eh?

Aug 9, 07 1:19 pm  · 

oh, architechnophilia, i'm very sorry! i got so excited with the idea i sort of rushed it and then had to leave [got to work].

Aug 9, 07 4:03 pm  · 

'techno... i googled some architecture firm last night... i can't remember which one... it may have been UNI... and your blog was the first response to my search...

Aug 9, 07 4:09 pm  · 

hi TC.

miss me?

i was back east re-fueling both my hatred for heat+humidity and my love for the NY Yankees.

i did NOT keep up with TC, shame, but i checked in on the Twin Cities Shout Out.

that is all.

Aug 9, 07 4:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

We did miss you, mightytiny, but you didn't miss much here on TC - we've all been somewhat quiet lately. In my case, I have too much work to do to spend much time here lately.

Hope you had a fun trip despite the heat.

Aug 9, 07 5:50 pm  · 

how cool is that archiphil!! Its happened a few times doing searches myself - and each time i sit in amazement that my little blog from the darkness regions of the Caribbean shows up on google/yahoo

Aug 9, 07 5:52 pm  · 

WonderK update: I have now recieved photos of WonderKitty curled up in travel basket, something hard to make out labeled "Eames pattern, mcdonald's", and of the Hoover Dam. Moving and whisky party occurs on friday.

Aug 9, 07 6:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

I got a photo of what looked like two tile-surrounded mirrors in a women's room?!?!?

Happy travels, DubK!

Aug 9, 07 8:36 pm  · 

as i was checking in i just noticed the following on page one - you know the famous one about dubk's flowers? - so i thought i'd share:

OK I know that post isn't really Thread Central appropriate...

as if anything would be inappropriate on t.c.! it made me laugh. we were so young then.

Aug 9, 07 8:41 pm  · 

anybody ever play with a .rar file before? seems like a new compression scheme that I've never encountered before. the mac version of the extraction software is command line only which scares me but I seem to be stuck with trying that or attempt this at the office ...

Aug 9, 07 9:34 pm  · 
vado retro

well we had our united way charity auction tonite and it was quite fun indeed. in addition to getting to hit a principal in the face with a cream pie, many fun and high quality items were up for auction. i bought a studio italia lamp for three hundred bucks, retails for about 1100 ducats. also bought a woodcut print, a painting by a local artist and another canvas transfer as well as a simple side chair. also got a book. also drank about a hunnert beeers and don't feel a thing cuz all that just sweats right out of a guy.

pic of lamp...

Aug 9, 07 9:58 pm  · 

nice lamp. Seems like you had a good evening mr Vado - is the print monochrome? I do like those things

Aug 9, 07 10:53 pm  · 
vado retro

the print is called the belly of the beast and is done in black white and red.

Aug 9, 07 10:57 pm  · 

my office is taking a break and heading to a local amusement park for the day and I'M NOT GOING!!! I have no interest in getting sunburned, nauseated, whiplashed, or bored with the same people I spend all week with. this means that I get the day off!!! ok, I'm a glutton for punishment and am spending the morning in the office (to download those .rar files) and catch up with my global communication responsibilities. really this is just an excuse to surf archinect in air conditioning and procrastinate from writing a policy about roads and highways.

Vado- nice score!

Who's wK's official LA greeter? keep us informed how a cinci driver reacts to LA's freeways driving a rental truck. (hope ms. wk isn't traumatized).

Aug 10, 07 10:57 am  · 
liberty bell

I just started to complete a survey by Archiect magazine that was emailed to me. I say "started" because it consisted of about fifty ads from the most recent issue, asking do you remember this ad and if not please look closely at it now and tell us what you think the vendor's message is.

Well I dutifully reviewed about 7 of the ads before I realized how freakin' long the survey was. So I skipped to the bottom and wrote in the comments section "This survey is too long!" I mean seriously: I enjoy Architect, and I actually enjoy filling out surveys, and I'm happy to be helpful..but filling out this survey well would have taken me over an hour to do! Get real, survey writers! Send me two or three ads and I'll give realistic feedback... but 50?!?

Aug 10, 07 11:03 am  · 

i am going to interview neil denari for archinect, in couple of hours. i just got up. still need to shower, shave, and take the puppies for a walk.
good thing they are just down the street...

Aug 10, 07 11:23 am  · 

tk, I think that Garpike and I are official WonderGreeters. We're heading over to her new place tonight to help with unpacking and general setup.

I think I've found roomates/somewhere to live. On a whim two days ago I re-posted my 'housing wanted' ad on craigslist, and another archi-intern responded. Since the architecture world borders on miniscule, she of course turned out to be a friend of a friend. Anyway, she and a friend have a cute house near campus, and I think we've found a match. They've been super-picky about roomates and like the idea of having another archi around, and since my friend's already given the thumbs up on them I trust them a hundred times more than anyone else I've found on craigslist. The only hitch is that the landlord runs the full-on background check/credit check/calls your job. So I sent that stuff in last night and have my fingers crossed that I pass.

Aug 10, 07 11:40 am  · 

sounds like a good fit rationalist... good luck...

Aug 10, 07 11:51 am  · 
liberty bell

Good luck rationalist. Sounds like it will be great, hope it works out.

I'm off to get lunch. Not getting much work done today, hopefully if I eat something my mind be become more focused!

Aug 10, 07 11:57 am  · 

wonderk arrives tonight?! yay for you! hope the trip was smooth and fun and only as hot as purgatory.

Aug 10, 07 12:22 pm  · 

welcome to los angeles wonder k... see you soon.

Aug 10, 07 1:14 pm  · 

hmm, apparently she arrived yesterday. She's pretty much the only person who text messages me, so I don't check enough.

Aug 10, 07 1:17 pm  · 

rationalist - give me your number, I'll text you!

Aug 10, 07 2:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in... Sorry I've been AWOL for a while.

I have to be out of my dorm room at Columbia by noon tomorrow, and I still haven't lined up a new place to live... Starting to panic now.

I'm looking at a couple places up in Harlem this evening... Here's hoping they aren't too shitty (I've seen some incredible rat holes over the past week), although at this point I'm not in a position to be very picky.

In other news, our grades from the Columbia summer studio have been posted... Yours truly is the recipient of an "A".

Aug 10, 07 2:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay on the A, LiG!!

And jeepers......good luck finding a place to sleep tomorrow night...I'm worried for you...any NYC 'necters have a couch LiG can crash on for a few days?!?

Aug 10, 07 3:25 pm  · 

i'm guessing that either AP or myself could put him up for a
couple of days...

Aug 10, 07 3:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I appreciate the offer... I'm not sure if you're aware, but I have a cat.

I sent you an email.

Aug 10, 07 4:00 pm  · 
vado retro

i admire a person who takes the cat along for the long haul.

Aug 10, 07 4:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for stepping up, lars! That's awesome and so archinected!

WonderK and LiG have met, right? In case you need a reference, I'm thinking DubK could give you one.

Aug 10, 07 4:46 pm  · 

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