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i wouldn't have said germans are stoic vado (since i'm stereotyping and all). since i'm irish/german/cherokee (a popular mix in the part of virginia where i was born, by the way) i figure i've got the scotch/irish taciturnity mixed with a little bit of hot-bloodedednes from the cherokee and a weepy sloppy german romanticism. i'm practically congenitally schizophrenic!

Jul 28, 07 7:37 am  · 
vado retro

you're daring me to post cher's halfbreed aren't you. well, i'm not going to do it.

Jul 28, 07 7:50 am  · 

Orhan it's creepy that that footage is being filmed by another news helicopter.

Jul 28, 07 10:57 am  · 

aka horsetail tends to be aggressive/invasive if not constrained by a planter/edging- so don't try placing a small clump in your yard and expect it to behave.

Jul 28, 07 10:57 am  · 

treekiller if I ever get rich enough, I am hiring you to do the landscaping at my dream house.

Jul 28, 07 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

i really wish the skycoptor would just go away goddammit. those fuckers are always buzzin overhead. note to commuters. traffic sucks you can expect delays. you can expect some idiot to cause an accident and make you late for your job as the senior assistant to the assistant of the vice president for denying healthcare claims. we really don't need skycoptor coverage everyday of the same thing. dumbasses.

on a brighter note i petted a very cute french bulldog named coco chanelle this morning and thought of tumbles.

Jul 28, 07 11:42 am  · 

coco chanelle & mies - could be a the new IT couple - mies- chanelle

Jul 28, 07 2:58 pm  · 

Well, it's official, I am now a Connecticut Licensed Architect. Now the $150 annual fee, and the purchase of stamp/seal. The only difficult part will be what embossing holder to purchase.

Jul 28, 07 3:42 pm  · 

Congrats beta!

Jul 28, 07 3:57 pm  · 

congrats betabetabeta! You going with the red ink with dimpled impression? I always thought that was the coolest - until I saw the purple ink...

Jul 28, 07 6:07 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats beta. i thought you lived in minnesota?

Jul 28, 07 6:29 pm  · 

sweet, congratulations!!!

also, coco chanel is a wonderful, perfect name for a french bulldog. i am jalouse.

Jul 28, 07 7:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, beta on becoming officially certified! (or is it certifiable?)

Congrats to WonderK for quitting your job... Do me a favor and grab me some binder clips and push-pins on your way out.

And congrats to rationalist for being around to see Crystal Light get sacked. There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing your enemies being driven before you... Especially when your enemies happen to be obnoxious idiots.

Sorry I've been neglecting TC lately; I haven't even had time to catch up on the past couple pages I missed. Columbia is keeping me busy as hell, and we're now in full-on crush mode as we finish up our final projects over the next few days. From now through Thursday I'll pretty much be coming out of Avery Hall only for occasional food and air. It's been a great few weeks, but I'll be happy when I have the time to sleep and enjoy the city again. (And getting a full-time paycheck again won't suck, either.)

New job is going well... Nothing major to report there, except that there's word about moving the office into new digs at some point in the future. During my interview they seemed particularly interested in the fact that I designed the new space for my old firm in Chicago, and now I'm apparently one of only two people at the new firm that has substantial experience in corporate interiors... This could get interesting.

I finally sold my car on Thursday... Not nearly for as much as I was originally hoping to get for it, but hopefully enough to arrange some sort of post-Columbia housing situation until I can get myself a real apartment. Stay tuned.

Okay, back over to Avery....

Jul 28, 07 7:47 pm  · 

mightylittle™ - where can i purchase equisetum? I am going to get some for my parents place as they have the perfect planter set-up for it.

Jul 28, 07 9:20 pm  · 

thanks all. long story short, direct registration when in Jersey is the reason for the CT Registration, now it's time for "comity" in MN - 22 page application, 5 references, 1 CT confirmation, 1 college transcript....ugh!

Jul 28, 07 10:21 pm  · 

Gin, congrats on the sale of the car - I know that was weighing hard on you especially after the previous weekend. At least that's one thing you can report on the ECC and cross off your list.

Jul 28, 07 11:28 pm  · 

Unless I am mistaken, I believe Per got his name back? no more vindpust?

Jul 29, 07 1:39 am  · 

i think he removed a space in the name...boy he's crafty, and on the ball too!

Jul 29, 07 6:29 am  · 

myriam- for friends I may not be that expensive. It will help if we live in the same region though. Otherwise, I can point your towards other LAs that I highly respect and do better gardens then me. remember I like big things like planning.

Beta*beta*beta = that rocks! are you getting a butt plug style stamp or just the rabbit shaped embosser?

grid- many garden centers in socal will have horsetails. just don't go looking at lowes, home depot or their ilk. is your parent's house also in LA? there are clusters of garden centers in West LA, the valley, monrovia and more - they tend to be located under high tension power lines. Just remember to use a planter or keep it contained...

Jul 29, 07 12:47 pm  · 

My goal is to end up with my own largish plot of land somewhere in the norcal boonies (as close to the bay as my meager means will allow...meaning i'll probably end up around sactown I guess, ugh) and have a good orchard, veggie gardening, and flower bed scheme. with native plants and grasses--with a large exception for the fruits and veggies... don't want to get stuck with only squash and figs, sorry!

failing northern california i will hopefully be somewhere in the northwest, and failing that, 3rd realistic choice (giving the man-friend's proclivities) i'll end up around new orleans. i hope not though because while i like the city i SUCK in humid environments. (constant headaches.)

too many options... i still dream of heading back to france and/or taking up a peace corps position and working for some kind of refugee housing in africa... ugh. how do y'all decide from the plethora of life options available?!

Jul 29, 07 1:44 pm  · 

myriam- I've just gone with the flow till life gets too routine or unfulfilling- then a make a massive change (like move to a new city/change careers). You're young so just enjoy what ever happens for a bit. If you want to be more proactive, start listing your values and what's important. then visualize what it will take to achieve those goals and then act.

an orchard would be fun, keep me posted as this dream develops.

Jul 29, 07 2:11 pm  · 
vado retro

this is where my exgirlfriend/future wife LiVeS she rents part of the manor house. unfortunately, the manor cat "tintack" had be put to sleep last week. and no she isn't in any of the pictures.

Jul 29, 07 2:23 pm  · 

I don't really have much to say today. My brain's still a little fuzzy from the whiskey last night. So I really just popped in to say Congratulations to beta!

Jul 29, 07 3:19 pm  · 

i am plea-ing to archinect bosses to let john devlin, the original thread community guy and author of many good threads except one that, (i didn't see) but got him banned (some kind of sex-sadism image).
he is known to many here and we have been corresponding on and off since he got banned. he reads archinect daily and probably corresponds with others.
my plea is to extend an amnesty to 'johnd' (as named by vado), after two years of ban.
if anybody here values john's comeback, please speak up. and write your views. thanks.

Jul 29, 07 3:59 pm  · 

killa, i want the butt plug type, if anyone can direct me, preferably non sex related...

thanks rationalista!

yeah, bring johndevlin back, i mean if per can stay....

Jul 29, 07 4:03 pm  · 

haha beta, TC quote of the day...


Total Entries: 77
Total Comments: 2670

07/29/07 13:03

i want the butt plug type

Jul 29, 07 4:25 pm  · 
vado retro

yes bring back john devlin. liberty and i were just talkin about this on friday. oh and beta you know that s just for stampin drawings right?

Jul 29, 07 4:31 pm  · 

well, one never knows...double d00ty?

Jul 29, 07 5:05 pm  · 

congrats Beta, you join the rank of a proud few here in Connecticut.
I just renewed my license for the $150.00 annual pop...and I received my forms for renewal in Arizona which is for $125.00 for registration from 2007 thru 2010. WTF! I laugh cause I hear from the Arizona Board at least twice a year in regards to what the heck they are up to and who knows what goes on in Connecticut. I think it must be a slush fund for our in jail Politicals...Ex- Governors, ex-mayors, ex- tax collectors.

Jul 29, 07 5:07 pm  · 

thanks snooker! i got to send in my 150 tomorrow, along with my request to send info to MN...oh the fun.

Jul 29, 07 5:10 pm  · 
vado retro

the goodyear blimp just flew by. also, i did something i never thought'd i do today. bought a scale. and the news is i have lost 16 pounds in two months. not too shabby.

Jul 29, 07 6:43 pm  · 

I think its time to plug "the day John Devlin got banned"

Gosh has it really been two years?

Its a 100% humidity day, I'm sweating like a pig and drinking water faster than a fish. To make matters worse I'm doing the unthinkable - watching lifetime. However to make up for it, it's a show I ME WED which features a guy who graduated from Harvard with a Master's Degree in architecture (with Honours he claims)

Jul 29, 07 6:51 pm  · 

vado, you need a new belt.

Jul 29, 07 6:52 pm  · 

actually the guy looks like Steven Ward:: I wonder if SW is doubling as a small screen actor?

Jul 29, 07 7:02 pm  · 
vado retro

actually orhan i bought the new belt before i lost the weight. now i can fit back into my other stuff.

Jul 29, 07 7:19 pm  · 

but of course...

Jul 29, 07 7:29 pm  · 

I've been struggling for the past 2 years to keep it below 200 lbs. It looks like I'll never weigh less than 200 in the summer or during the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday. I have quite a collection of belts now, though.

Jul 29, 07 7:52 pm  · 

the last 2 months I've lost quite a bit of weight myself. None of my clothes really fit me anymore, my belt is my only saviour granted I'm on my last notch. I'm sure I'll have to bite the bullet and get a new wardrobe - I'm just afraid of when to make the move 'les I loose even more.

Jul 29, 07 8:41 pm  · 
vado retro

well i was checkin out some hugo boss at nordstroms yesterday. maybe a present if i hit my weight. now i m gonna watch "lonesome jim" a little film that was shot up in northern indianastan when i was livin up there. i know a few people who crewed for this steve buscemi directed flick. i met steve once and we were wearing the same shoes.

Jul 29, 07 9:09 pm  · 

snooker, I'd say that's the result of the strong libertarian and old-school republican vibe in Arizona. They are pretty serious there about trying to get more done with less beurocracy.

Jul 29, 07 9:46 pm  · 

Rationalist....and here both parties seem to like the comfort of a padded cell and a big fat pension check from the tax payers.

Jul 29, 07 10:02 pm  · 

But in AZ, they genuinely believe that a good portion of government is wasting our time and money, and so there are some suprizing ways that a very minimalistic management tendency crops up.

Jul 29, 07 10:24 pm  · 

True, AZ can be good that way... on the other hand apparently the school system is terrible. would you agree rationalist? i've only heard secondhand hearsay from family in the state.

Jul 29, 07 11:57 pm  · 

Hey everyone! I'm just saying hello. I don't have internet access at home and rarely am on the computer in studio right now... but I'm having a good time and eating too much falafel!

Jul 30, 07 12:07 am  · 

no one could possibly eat too much falafel.

yay, namby! have fun! post projects!

Jul 30, 07 12:20 am  · 

on another note, that "millwork/interiors details" thread is making me queasy. architects can be so damned cynical! everyone's so ready to pick apart the tiniest bit of someone else's project... without ever even having seen it themselves. it's a lovely little project that's been posted, and the first 10 or so posters do nothing but bitch about it. big bummer to me.

Jul 30, 07 12:30 am  · 

myriam, do you mean the K-12 system or the university system? I think the university system is doing the absolute best job that it possibly can at the mission of educating Arizonans. It's not the UC system with all that international glamour, but I still think it's pretty damn good. On the other hand, if you're talking about the K-12 system, yes, it absolutely blows. My class was the test class for the recently implemented statewide standardized test which now determines whether kids get to graduate high school, and apparently I was one of like 10% to pass every section of the exam. It was a really, really easy test. So the fact that only 10% managed to pass made me pretty disappointed with the world. I happen to think that this is partially the result of the lack of windows in the classroms (seriously, none, just CMU), partly the extremely lenient ESL policy, and partly the fact that the PSAT was not required by the schools, but the ASVAB was.

I've missed you, namby! And thank you again for the heads up on that job.

Jul 30, 07 12:40 am  · 

I did mean K-12, actually. My cousins transferred from their California schools and were actually put ahead in grades in AZ--and they were not at the top of the class in CA (in fact one was considered somewhat developmentally challenged). They all complain about how bored they are in school now and how easy it is, and they are not the scholarly type. Also I've heard great things about the universities, and considered ASU myself (until deciding to move further from home).

We don't have windows in many schools in CA either. I had a window in my 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th and 6th grade classes; junior high was aging "portables" long since devolved into a permanent, moldy "solution", and my high school was all CMU with interior classrooms with no windows at all, and my mother has been teaching in one of those rooms every single workday for over 15 years now. I wish she could sue. A lady she knew actually got some kind of disease from the uncleaned, moldy ducts in her school as there wasn't proper fresh air ventilation and successfully sued. Basically she got disability but the school was allowed to continue without making any changes beyond "cleaning" the ducts (which of course quickly filled up with gunk again).

Not only can you not learn in a classroom like that, but it is worst of all for the teachers who get stuck there.

Jul 30, 07 12:46 am  · 

**lawsuit, sick lady happened in another school from the one my mom teaches in (same district)

Jul 30, 07 12:48 am  · 

yeah, there were some years in there where I wasn't sure that I learned anything at all, the whole year. The honors classes were mostly boring, with the occasional challenge because of a great teacher. The summer school classes I took probably sucked brain cells right out my ears. I'm pretty sure that teaching to the lowest common denominator was the policy over there.

Jul 30, 07 12:59 am  · 

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