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steven holl

on charlie rose was much more interesting than i expected he would be. his reading is so tortuously archispeaksual that i expected lots of gobbledygook, but he spoke nice, and the projects are of course brilliant. my respect for him has def gone up.

it is cool to see all the blogs getting started round here and i am on the verge of actually starting one to talk about building as foreign architecture-ists in japan and such...but am still too short of time to get past the first blush...

but the wee house we are doing is going forward and foundations are in and my partner and i are quite i post the messy little picture here....somehow seems the right place...

Jul 27, 07 6:07 am  · 

i thought mightylittle was female?! i'm so confused.

whattodo, if it IS a fire escape, you have to tell us the first time you sit in the sill and sing 'moon river'. it's bound to happen. how could you resist?

great picture, jump. a lot of intensity in a small space - and for a small project! you could also post over at 'job site pic of the day' which has been kind of sleepy lately.

Jul 27, 07 7:01 am  · 

maybe ml is a female "young jewish ewan mcgregor and a savvy bob dylan" ;)

wow, SW...though I can't play guitar, I'm terribly impressed by the Breakfast at Tiffany's reference at this hour.

jump- a weeHouse, wee house or a wee (tiny) house? Judging by the pic, I'm assuming its the latter, but I heart the weeHouse. Can't wait to see the progression...

why am I up, you ask? ok, you didn't, but I am still writing my last damn essay for my prereq. class :( AND I have to work at 8am. I'm tired. One week of work left- woohoo!

Jul 27, 07 7:29 am  · 

i've always got a breakfast at tiffany's reference to spare. for years george peppard was a hero (despite hannibal!) primarily because he got to do that movie with audrey. my wife, luckily, shares my love of that movie. and her resemblance to audrey was a plus when we started dating...

... and i don't think audrey could play guitar either.

Jul 27, 07 7:33 am  · 

I'm releived to hear of a man that loves breakfast at tiffany's! There's got to be more of your type out there...maybe there is hope...

Jul 27, 07 7:49 am  · 
Jul 27, 07 7:51 am  · 
vado retro

i like the movie too. and i'm a straight man! george peppard was great in the blue max and as doctor sam shepard in that tv movie. my exgirlfriends/future wife looks just like Audrey Hepburn. isn't the peppard character gay in the book?

Jul 27, 07 8:24 am  · 

I've never seen that movie. Before you yell at me, I know this is a great injustice and I am working on catching up on these films that I know I need to see. Patience.

WhatToDo, I hope you got a little sleep!

I am doomed if every eligible man wants a woman who looks like Audrey Hepburn!

Jul 27, 07 8:49 am  · 

PS. Last day of work. Any suggestions on writing my "farewell" email?

Jul 27, 07 8:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was disapointed with the movie. Maybe I saw it too late, or wasn't in the right frame of mind, or maybe my expectations were too high, but nonetheless, I felt like "that was it?" when the credits rolled. I do like the music from it though.

I caught a strange audrey hepburn movie the other day, and she was married to an architect. Since it was about love and struggling through marriage after having a child, all themes I'm pondering, it was a bit scary for me, but it all worked in the end, sort of. Anyone know the name?

Jul 27, 07 8:52 am  · 

two things. Steven, Audrey is perhaps the most beautiful woman to ever touch the earth, aside from my wife. She was even beautiful when I saw her in an interview on Phil Donahue, and she was in her later years. All other actresses are pretenders to the throne. She was fantastic in Charade. I love Tiffany's...great little film, sweet, makes you believe in love.

dubK, a big middle finger to the office would work.

Jul 27, 07 10:07 am  · 

sarah. if it was the road movie with albert finney, it was 'two for the road'. i didn't remember finney's character as an architect but....wait.....sure enough

Jul 27, 07 10:18 am  · 

i think i know all of audrey's movies. ; )

Jul 27, 07 10:18 am  · 

I love BAT (Breakfast At Tiffanys) too; but Wonder K don't fret whilst Audrey is beautiful she's far what I would consider an ideal beauty.

Jul 27, 07 11:49 am  · 
liberty bell
"...aside from my wife."

beta, you sweettalker you!

DubK, tell the office they are the most beautiful architecture studio ever to touch the earth...aside from the studios at USC, of course.

Jul 27, 07 11:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Jul 27, 07 12:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

just caught the holly golightly photo at the top of the thread...not i'd say it's my favorite movie, but it was definitely a life changer, i actually think that i decided to become an architect because of that movie.

anyhow, i read the book several years after i had seen the filme many times and i actually had to read it twice before i caught all of the subtext of the gay character. it was pretty obvious, but movie are so powerful in their ability to place an image within our heads. even so, it's a great book and i highly recommend...can probably read it in only one or two sittings too.

also dearly recommend the henry mancini soundtrack. it's been on my ipod for years now...and my cd player for years before that...

Jul 27, 07 12:10 pm  · 

see the top right hand corner!

Jul 27, 07 12:14 pm  · 



Jul 27, 07 12:16 pm  · 

ah. 133.

Jul 27, 07 12:16 pm  · 

wow look at all the architects w/ a passion for BAT & all things Audry....there is hope! Steve, you've impressed me again. I still want to be Audry when I grow up.
I wonder when i should give that hope up. I'm 26 and look nothing like her...

dubK- I only slept 1.5 hours...I'm hurting now. On that note, I wish it was appropriate to make the rule that no one should talk to me within the first hour of my arrival at work.

Jul 27, 07 12:25 pm  · 

oh yeah- YAY for DubK's last DAY!!!

Take your most [un]favorite piece of office equipment to the nearest field...

damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Jul 27, 07 12:32 pm  · 
vado retro

my fave audrey MoViE

Jul 27, 07 12:46 pm  · 

Office Space - that movie rocked. WK make sure and start packing up all the supplies you are owed...don't be afraid to walk out of there wheeling the plotter to your ... bike? car? bus?

Jul 27, 07 1:47 pm  · 

ahahhahahahahhhaaaaaahhah techno!!!!!!!

I just picture dubK (in her superhero costume- cause thats what I think she wears) walking out the office whistling...pushing a plotter w/ one hand and waving bye with the other...

Jul 27, 07 1:54 pm  · 

congratulations on your last day dub! if you haven't written the farewell email yet, i concur with lb's sentiment...but go way way way over the top with it (in a humorous, clearly sarcastic yet sincere-ish way)...

Jul 27, 07 2:11 pm  · 

LOL, I DO wear a superhero costume, ha ha. Well, sometimes.

And yes, W2D, I did see your post, you inspired me to go find that clip! Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Such a weird feeling....

The girls gave me a really nice gift. It included a bike bell painted like a lady bug. Soooo cute!

I think everyone should watch this clip on this thread too:

What should be done to our printer

Jul 27, 07 2:51 pm  · 

Office Space is one of the best movies, ever. Having two engineers for parents, and having spent time in Silicon Valley, there's something altogether too real about it.

Jul 27, 07 3:00 pm  · 

mightylittle™ ain't no girl.

i can attest to that personally. not that he doesn't like girls...quite the contrary actually. just that he himself, being of sound mind and body, happens NOT to be female.

don't worry SW - i won't take offense. but is my internet persona really, like, that valley girl or something?

hmmm..gender issues HERE I COME!

and that mcgregor/dylan alien offspring is coming...when you least expect it.

Jul 27, 07 3:12 pm  · 

haha WK, I thought it was a koinkydink you found that clip. and yes, r...anyone that has done substantial time in the corporate world has an intimate relationship w/ office space.

damn ML, though I thought you were a sir, i was hoping we would get to see a female "mcgregor/dylan alien offspring".

Jul 27, 07 3:29 pm  · 

well, Crystal Light is officially out of my life! She's been out sick for the past four days, despite not having been here long enough to accrue anywhere near that sort of sick time, and wasn't doing a very convincing job of calling in sick. They called her to fire her before lunch today.

Jul 27, 07 4:49 pm  · 

oooh....didn't make the connect for who left. So they gave her the ax, eh?


Jul 27, 07 6:37 pm  · 

connection, i meant.

good night all.

Jul 27, 07 6:37 pm  · 

good night?!?

good night?!?

w2d - i thought you were on the left coast?

like i said in the open letter to consultants thread...this guy works friday afternoons, much to my displeasure today.

good for you for getting's gorgeous up here in the Oakland hills today.

Jul 27, 07 6:42 pm  · 

haha...i am on the left coast and am using a fedex dropoff and the unbearable heat to bow out early. It's gotta be 127 degrees in the valley and our office A/C blows...not in a good way.

I say good night at 3pm as randomly as I say good morning at noon. Makes the days feel shorter, nights longer.

Jul 27, 07 6:50 pm  · 


the boss is sipping wine at a site visit up in wine country and i'm trying (however unproductively) to pump out some details...

take 'er easy, dude.

Jul 27, 07 6:53 pm  · 

vado that trailer is godawful--perhaps one of the worst trailers I've ever watched! Movie editing has come a long way, baby.

Jul 27, 07 7:08 pm  · 

damn liberty, i feel like i got biyatch slapped!

Jul 27, 07 7:19 pm  · 
vado retro

i can only post what they got myriam!

Jul 27, 07 7:30 pm  · 

yep, I sympathize. But isn't it interesting to see how much trailer technology/style has changed? Intriguing. That thing was not only way too long, not only confusing, not only cheesy--but worst of all, it was edited in such a way that it actually managed to make the actors' lines and emotions appear completely contrived and without justification! Ugh.

I'd love to hear anyone else's opinion on that thing.

Jul 27, 07 7:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, please don't feel like I was harassing you! I'm just jealous because my husband never says sweet things like that about me. Wanna give him lessons?

Angus and I are off to Myrtle Beach to see grandma/pa and cousins tomorrow, so I won't be back around until Wednesday. Happy safe weekend everyone !

vado, lunch next week for sure!
DubK, be safe celebrating your LAST DAY tonight!
mightylittle I knew you are a guy!

Later all, lb

Jul 27, 07 7:45 pm  · 

i have a random plant question which isn't worthy of a new thread.

What are the reed-like plants that frequent most trendy modern houses? Slender, green, vertical, have dark knukle like rings around them a couple inches apart, and usually trimmed to create an even surface at the top. Anyone know?

Jul 27, 07 7:46 pm  · 


Jul 27, 07 7:53 pm  · 

i kid lb.

here's one for ya, why is it all these mother fuckers out there think just because they by some piece of shit GE appliance with stainless skin, they are purchasing ss appliances? i mean come on! i can go to any local shitware store and get the same 3 piece package for 1500!


Jul 27, 07 8:37 pm  · 

your husband is a scotsman, lb! he's thinking it, i assure you - he's just not going to tip his hand.

Jul 27, 07 9:51 pm  · 

chasing story about a police chase for a weird society.
news helicopters collide in arizona.

chilling sounds from an eye witness and, the story

Jul 27, 07 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah and germans are so supposed to be stoic. i have it on good authority though that this kraut is very emotional, sensitive and romantic. and a sweet talker when cornered.

Jul 27, 07 10:32 pm  · 

the good thing about stereotypes is prooving how wrong they are.

Jul 27, 07 11:53 pm  · 

rationalist - no, not bamboo. it may be horsetail reed but I am not completely sure.

Jul 28, 07 2:16 am  · 

grid - you're describing equisetum and i love it.



Jul 28, 07 2:17 am  · 

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