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Ms Beary

Nobody is here again today. So quiet. I think we are completely falling apart.

One of the senior associates came back from lunch today and came right back to my desk. He starts out by telling me how he can't stand this profession and doesn't know what to do. We chatted for almost an hour about tons of shit - how disappointing our office is, even though we have a lot of potential and are a pretty talented driven group, we asked each other why we can't get our shit together, and why we can't get good work. Didn't come to any conclusions except a little bit of delusion and false optimism on the principal's part. We barely have any work right now! And then he told me that our consultant that we were giving $85 an hour to got busted turning in false time sheets! (I had to tell someone! Don't tell, please!) He is still here... That's the guy that wears flip-flops by the way.

Jul 23, 07 4:17 pm  · 

wait a minute here...i wear i in trouble?!?

Jul 23, 07 4:37 pm  · 

you may be, ML, you may be...

Everyone snags the professional photos of work projects for their portfolios, right? I figure this should just be an understood thing, because we all need portfolios, but I'm looking for a little confirmation here.

Jul 23, 07 4:42 pm  · 

the last firm i worked at basically told me to take whatever i wanted off of the file server for my own portfolio purposes.


Jul 23, 07 4:46 pm  · 

i definitely have taken the jpegs from most of the offices i've worked
in...or i just go and take my own. some offices require you to give
a list of what you're taking..but it's really hard to track what you
download onto a cd.

Jul 23, 07 4:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary

r - I asked first, but they didn't care what I took.

Jul 23, 07 4:51 pm  · 
Ms Beary

ml - yes you are in trouble. quit turning in false timesheets and get some real shoes.

Jul 23, 07 4:52 pm  · 

ok, cool. So even if they get fussy about knowing what I took, it's no problem, because I haven't taken anything that is not unquestionably my work. Anything that I collaborated on I only took photos of, and I only took vector art where I was the sole creator.

Jul 23, 07 4:52 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Strawbeary, I thought you took the job with the slightly boring design, but lots of responsibility firm? Are these the same people?

Jul 23, 07 4:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary

hys, yes.

Jul 23, 07 6:05 pm  · 

That's what I suspected, but just wanted to double check that I wasn't doing anything underhanded!

Got to get my work samples ready tonight to send off to a really great job opening. I mentioned it in the ECC thread, but expect that most of you don't check that since it's such a high-stress, grad-school-centric environment. A couple of friends emailed me a job opening for a young company in Seattle that does really nice work. Nothing completely earth-shattering, but still stuff that I'd be extremely proud to have in my portfolio. And they need an environmental graphics person! The partners started at architecture firms, and my contact there is trained in architecture, so it seems like it could be an extremely good fit.

Plus, their office is located right next to Seattle's downtown BikeStation, which is a nice perk.

Jul 23, 07 6:10 pm  · 

rationalist - congrats on the blog. Looking forward to seeing more from it; and of course I will include it on my list of "must see" sites

Jul 23, 07 6:55 pm  · 

i'm gonna have to set up a calendar for my 'must see' sites. like one a day and no looking at others on that day. hell, if i'm not careful, i could spend my whole day looking at interesting things and not ever do the uninteresting stuff i'm supposed to be doing!

Jul 24, 07 7:53 am  · 
Jul 24, 07 10:49 am  · 


today was nice day, and a bad day. 2 projects on site, phd is goin coolio and a 3rd was lined up...badness crept in with the cancellation of project number three at last minute...

ah well...something else will def come up...

and all was made well with beers at okinawa style restaurant in yebisu with very good company. fellow next to me was the engineer who did yokohama ferry terminal and he is about my age so we chatted about kids and the tokyo forum (he also did engineering on that one)...then charming lady beside me showed me the ring shigeru ban's wife made and gave her...feeling out of my league slightly but was nice anyway. sometimes getting older in this biz is cool cuz your friends and colleagues are starting to make good and have interesting things to show off and talk about. something to aim for...

Jul 24, 07 12:13 pm  · 

My boyfriend would be in heaven if he could have a replica of the Trailer Queen, LB. He would seriously think that was the most awesome thing ever.

Jul 24, 07 2:03 pm  · 

I'm still dumb-founded by Orhan's image - I'm not sure what it is but I keep staring at it

Jul 24, 07 7:03 pm  · 

dumb question: can anyone post in the news section, or do you have to be "special"?

I want to post this article.

my mom told me I'm special

Jul 25, 07 1:25 am  · 

anyone can post as far as i know. i have, but you may want to check that link. it brought me to a login page for the LA Times...and i don't have me no membership.

Jul 25, 07 1:31 am  · 

hmm, I can click it w/out logging in...

well, here's the story.

Jul 25, 07 1:37 am  · 

do you have a login code for the latimes? i don't want it...but i have one for the NYTimes, and i'm always logged in as a result. so i often send articles form the Times Select section to friends not realizing that they can't actually see it...

it's a cool story though. i have nothing intelligent to comment...other than that yes, there are many tiny apartments in New York, San Fran and Boston.

But in only one of those cities does a truly great sporting franchise make its home. (yes...the new york yankees.)

Jul 25, 07 1:46 am  · 

hmm...that's probably it. I must have registered at some point. Thanks...

Jul 25, 07 1:54 am  · 

follow this link and post it.
make the news brief and link to the article(s)

Jul 25, 07 2:41 am  · 

ok, cool, thanks orhan! I'll trust your authority! Will do it tomorrow, right now I'm too tired to think straight.

btw, I loved your Mayne interview- you have a wonderful writing style.

Jul 25, 07 2:46 am  · 

Since W2D brought up the article here, I am going to talk about it here.....

I have to agree with the guy that said downtown LA "is not downtown New York and not downtown San Francisco". The spaces in those cities have developed over time out of increasing density because the cities are bound geographically to very small areas. The evolution to the small spaces was organic and based on both history and an attitude that you have to have when living there. Downtown LA is not bound by anything (save maybe the freeways), and forcing tiny apartments into the urban fabric when there is still so much space to be had is not natural....people are not suddenly going to think this is a great idea.

Ah....grad school is going to be fun :o)

Jul 25, 07 8:54 am  · 
Ms Beary

the meltdown has begun, someone quit today.

Jul 25, 07 10:49 am  · 

ml. don't you mean the new york yankee$$$$ and you're talking
about their storied history right...not the current assemblage of
players surely...

not going to brag about a 7-1/2 game lead yet...but it'll be nice when
the yanks aren't playing tampa bay and kansas city anymore.

Jul 25, 07 11:10 am  · 

of course i am lars...a TRULY great franchise is the sum of its parts, clearly, and not merely the snapshot in time that is the '07 squad.

likewise on the bo-$ox - the franchise there can not be judged simply on the basis of big papi and manny.

7 1/2 games? still july? that's what we call a pennant race.

Jul 25, 07 12:31 pm  · 

seven more weeks

Jul 25, 07 2:02 pm  · 

I guess I can't escape the inevitable.

Post #

I think I set a new record for myself these past few months. GTC helped. I need to settle down.

OK, on with the show.....


Strawbeary, what are you going to do? Have you started looking yet? PS. I know I owe you more emails...


Sorry, but the Yankees suck. :-D

Jul 25, 07 2:08 pm  · 

you and your reds. you sound like joe morgan!

can you guys hear that?

it's the sound of junior tossing my salad.

but congrats to you dubK on 4000. a real inspiration around here!

Jul 25, 07 2:40 pm  · 

what's nice about the sox is that they're doing it with a bunch of
rookies and young players...papelbon, okajima, youklis, pedroia,
matsuzaka, gabbard, lester, delcarmen...all youngish and most
coming out of the farm the yanks used to do.

Jul 25, 07 2:56 pm  · 

and congrats dubk on 4000

Jul 25, 07 2:56 pm  · 

Bill Buckner.

Jul 25, 07 2:58 pm  · 

so you enjoyed 1986? twenty years ago...and it doesn't
hurt anymore cause 2004 of the best parts
of living in new york was going out to a bunch of completely
empty bars after game 7 of the alc series that year.

beta...mets fan or yankees fan?

Jul 25, 07 3:41 pm  · 

mets, that's why i believe the curse has not fully lifted. that's one demon that bosox need to exorcise.

yeah 2004 was a win win for me. i got to see some team's fans jump off a famous bridge that year. only thing is, you can't beat the yankees in the World Series...

Jul 25, 07 3:50 pm  · 

what curse...never was one. most of those 86 years you can attribute to
there not being a wild card and playing in a division with one of the
most consistently better teams in baseball that can outspend you and
every other team by double...(even though i know the sox spend a lot
of money..mainly because they have to to compete with the yanks.)

so in order to lift 'the curse' they have to beat the mets in the world
series? not sure i understand why...does that mean they should have
to beat the reds as well? as far as i'm concerned there's no rivalry
between the sox and mets..we just happened to lose to them in 86..
buckner's error didn't lose the series..they still had another game to
play...and didn't that run only tie the game? my memory is hazy.

Jul 25, 07 3:55 pm  · 

no that ended the game. that play was indicative of the bosox magic for the past 80something years....

Jul 25, 07 3:58 pm  · 

You guys can all take your turns beating the Reds this year. They suck, and when they suck, they suck very well.

I think you should all have a look at the Wikipedia thread and help. Quilian is breathing down my neck to get things done....just kidding. :o)

Jul 25, 07 4:02 pm  · 

go braves. bosox and cards ain't bad either. houston on the other hand can eat the corn out of my poop.

Jul 25, 07 4:03 pm  · 

WK - :) not breathing down your neck... Just thought that we all said it was a good idea and even now the 'others' in wikipedia are behind the project. It would be a shame to not complete it.

Jul 25, 07 4:12 pm  · 
liberty bell


(I'll bet you've never heard a question like this before.)

The tomato plants have done middling well so far this summer, we had one red tomato on one plant so far, and ate it, yum. Other green tomatoes promise to come in red soon. As of this morning there was one more beautiful big red tomato ready to be picked for dinner tonight.

As I pulled into the driveway, I watched a squirrel stagger across the driveway burdened under the weight of my one beautiful big red tomato grasped in his teeth...

Well I scared the damn rodent off and he dropped the tomato, but it has a big squirrel mouth-tooth puncture in it. The question now is: would you eat it?

Jul 25, 07 4:23 pm  · 

Quilian, I know, I'm just teasing. We seriously do need more input though. Thoughtful, useful input. I think if everyone took 5 minutes out of their posting time and converted it to "Wikipedia Architecture Editing Time" we might have ourselves an entry.

rfuller> ditto on Houston!

2 days of work left! Gah!

Jul 25, 07 4:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes, I would just cut off the rodent side. Cut enough away in case there was saliva seapage. (how do you spell that?)

Or, if you're really in doubt, cook it.

Jul 25, 07 4:27 pm  · 

i like that WK, it is like the closest we can come to the 1% Solution in archinect.

we need to come up with a catchy slogan, the cheesy one: '5-4 wiki'

Jul 25, 07 5:02 pm  · 
Yes, I would just cut off the rodent side. Cut enough away in case there was saliva seapage. (how do you spell that?)

eh, i don't know about that!

can't squirrels carry rabies?

Jul 25, 07 5:16 pm  · 

via this

3. Q: What is the risk of rabies from squirrels, mice, rats, and other rodents?

A: Small rodents (such as squirrels, rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, and chipmunks, ) and lagomorphs (such as rabbits and hares) are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to cause rabies among humans in the United States.

nevermind! munch away!

Jul 25, 07 5:19 pm  · 

WK, Q: As you wish.

Jul 25, 07 5:21 pm  · 

I would eat the whole thing. as soon as possible. it can't be as bad as tap water on the 'good for you' scale. when I was a kid I would eat the fuzzy black and orange caterpillars and I'm not dead yet!

Jul 25, 07 5:23 pm  · 

lb - i would highly recommend NOT eating the tomato. pleased as you must be to have grown such delectable food, i would not do it.

did you know that the largest source of bubonic plague bacteria on the planet lives in the intestinal tract of squirrels, rats and prairie dogs?

or how about that the botulism outbreaks in california after the 1904 quake were later attributed to the fact that people ate squirrels for lack of other foodstuffs?

wild things are delicious and dangerous. don't fuck with the plague.

ring around a rosey, a pocketfull of posey...ashes, ashes...

Jul 25, 07 6:49 pm  · 

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