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WonderK, I found a spot that needs to be placed on the LA-Brunch list. It's called Clementine's! I haven't actually been, we were going to go today for lunch, but there was no parking (and I resisted the temptation to lecture my coworkers on that being yet another reason why they should be riding bikes instead).

Jul 9, 07 9:53 pm  · 

just for the record, as i sit here listening to that fucking twit, I HATE FUCKING CHRIS "MUTHA FUCKING WITTY NAMED" BERMAN! I HATE HIS FACE, I HATE HIS VOICE, I HATE HIS CLOTHING STYLE - FROM THE 19EFFING80'S!!!!!! he looks like his mom lays out his clothes, his tagging of names with 1970's song lyrics is funny to two people, him and his mother. he reminds me of "it puts the lotion in the basket."

die martha focker, die.

on another note, a house i visited for sale had a room in the basement that freaked me so bad that i actually had to announce entry in case someone actually lived there. i found out later that the woman that owned the home died recently, at the young age of 100, and her sister died earlier last year at 102. spooky shit. the interior of the home had been left as is, that is, as if someone lived's and all.

Jul 9, 07 10:22 pm  · 


what happened to mdler- RIP 7.09.07?

Jul 9, 07 10:30 pm  · 

[beta]- did you kill him?

Jul 9, 07 10:30 pm  · 

...i made a skin suit, and put Chris Berman lotion on it.

Jul 9, 07 10:34 pm  · 

HA ahahahahha....."put the lotion in the basket.....put the lotion in the basket!!!"

I'm sorry. Also beta cracks me up, because I'm watching the same thing. Why is he nicknamed "Boomer"? For a while I thought that Boomer Esiason worked at ESPN.

Jul 9, 07 10:51 pm  · 

i am convinced of three things or maybe two; first, that chris berman owns part of espn, b. that no one knows that chris berman works for espn, and 3z. chris berman is one racist comment from Howard Cosell and immediate irrelevance...

back, back, back, back, back, oooooooo my back!

Jul 9, 07 10:59 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm with you [beta]davidcarra-dine SUTURES!

Jul 9, 07 10:59 pm  · 

i missed that part. anybody knows what mdler posted at verb discussion?

Jul 9, 07 11:25 pm  · 

*raises hand*

mdler said, "is that Moby?"

(I'm not going to get deleted for repeating that, am I?)

Jul 9, 07 11:27 pm  · 

i missed it too. Now lost forever to folks memories


Jul 9, 07 11:30 pm  · 

This was the first public comment after the thread had opened up, and it was a reference to Verb editor Albert Ferre's haircut.

It's ironic that the last archinect featured thread on Postopolis sputtered and died after Stephen Lauf drove Geoff from BLDGBLOG to call him out and Lauf ended up voluntarily banning himself for a few weeks. This was all sparked by talk of 'idiots' and their relative worth on online forums.

The Verb thread, like the Postopolis thread and the Volume thread before it, has as a subtext the open question of whether or not forums and blogs will eventually replace or supplant more traditional Architecture journalism. Maybe this all means we're not ready to play with the big kids after all, huh?

Jul 9, 07 11:46 pm  · 
vado retro

He's Gone (Mdler R.I.P.) to be sung to the melody of She's Gone by the blue eyed soul-alicious duo Hall And Oates.

Everybody's high on elephant trunk now
Everybody's trying to tell him what's right to post
He never bored us with a sermon
but it's plain to see, mdler is r.i.p.

Sorry Tumbles for the inquisition
but i know with a little scoth you can carry on
i need a burrito and a little derision
Now it's up to me, but mdler is r.i.p
He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
better learn how to face it
He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
pay the devil to reinstate him
He's Gone - what went wrong

Up in the morning he's using the mirror
And other commands found in Autocad
He needs to pick up some redlines
he hates his job you see, mdler is r.i.p.

He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
better learn how to face it
He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
pay the devil to reinstate him
He's Gone - what went wrong

Think I'll spend eternity in Pasadena
let the carbon and monoxide take his breath away
and now all archinect's got is the memories
but they can never be, Mdler R.I.P

He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
better learn how to face it
He's Gone Oh I, Oh I'd
pay the devil to reinstate him
He's Gone - what went wrong....

Jul 9, 07 11:49 pm  · 

...are you serious? Is mdler really gone? noooo..!!! you're joking, right?

vado, sorry to hear about your glasses. That really sucks.

Jul 9, 07 11:53 pm  · 

I think he's voluntarily gone though, just got tired of his posts getting deleted, people talking about banning him, bringing that thread up every time they got a little annoyed with him... at least that's the impression I got.

Jul 10, 07 12:00 am  · 

Well, for real though, look - I like him, I think he's funny, he's obviously smart, and he's obviously burned out, I have a lot of respect for that. I'm sure he's lots of fun at parties ... but ... is he six years old? I mean really, is he? Because then it would all make sense.

He was asked to cut it out, he couldn't do that, people still let it go because he mostly keeps the clowning to a few threads, but ... he can't seem to even manage that, right? He's gotta bust out.

I mean really, should this not be called out? Do you think anyone's going to take this place seriously if the first thing that comes up is some joker ragging on their haircut for a cheap laugh from the peanut gallery?

Jul 10, 07 12:22 am  · 

(PS - I don't think he should leave)

Jul 10, 07 12:24 am  · 

765, I hear you. I basically agree with you. I mean, I've been friends with the guy for a while now, but I'm also responsible for the deletion of at least 4 topics or comments that he has posted, mainly because they have violated my privacy, or another's. I feel bad for Paul. The last time I emailed Paul, I actually told him that I look forward to having a real conversation with him that doesn't start out "could you please delete the following..."

But, he is a good person and does add a lot to the site, which people fail to notice sometimes. Just in different ways....

(mdler if you're reading this, I will still feed you and give you beer if you help me move)

Jul 10, 07 1:03 am  · 

PS. Besides, he's my lower half. He can't go anywhere.

(cue garpike's rendition of "Baby come back")

Jul 10, 07 1:05 am  · 

And mdler, you must still come drink whiskey with me again before I leave! That is an absolute requirement which cannot be weasled out of.

Jul 10, 07 1:18 am  · 

hm. haven't found any evidence of mdler being gone except here. saw that his post on the verb thread was deleted - but that happens on moderated discussions. are you guys spreading nasty rumors?

Jul 10, 07 7:59 am  · 

I think he's like Jesus. He'll come back.

Jul 10, 07 8:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Maybe he's having some fun times with the dinosaurs?

(I drove by the Creation Museum exit on the way home Sunday. Couldn't resist driving by to look at the building, which is not attractive but clearly also not inexpensive. Same goes for the site design, although it was more pleasant to look at than the building. But the place creeped me out. I didn't even get out of my car. The parking lot was JAM-PACKED full. I snapped this pic as I careened out of the gates, I could not wait to get off the grounds. Bizarre.)

Jul 10, 07 8:43 am  · 

lb, that's pretty funny. My friends and I talked about going just to look at all the stupid people. But I don't know if I could, either.

So.....I have a WWTCD?. Long long story, but work is trying to get me to travel one last time next week. I've basically already said that I could not, as I am taking a motorcycle safety course that will cost me over $200 more if I wait to take it in California. But I fear that I've not heard the last from them....they seem convinced that I am the only person that can do this. I, on the other hand, think that it is poor planning and lack of training of my fellow employees on their part that has resulted in this predicament.

I'm actually also feeling sick today due to sinus issues, which is doing a lot to calm my mood. This is a bonus because if I was at full strength I may have already had a shouting argument with my superiors and walked out, which I am trying to avoid.

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for avoiding this trip gracefully and still getting to work my last two weeks here (next week and the following). I am seriously worried that I will have to tell them that I will not be back on Monday if they cannot respect my personal boundaries.

Jul 10, 07 9:12 am  · 

OA: I need to get a pair of those glasses, for meetings with design committees. You know the kind where you go to the meeting fully expecting to get roasted because their little community project is way over budget. I like the look of where no one can actually have eye contact with you due to the total wrap around look and extra dark tinting. You can just sit quitely and listen to all their crap about how it is all your fault that everything cost so much, and then there is that labor. Why the hell do those guys make so much money, they should be working for minimum wages along with the Architect cause you can't even design a building to come in on budget. Going on to explain how the building committee should have been stopped in their track before things got out of hand and it is the ARCHITECT'S

Jul 10, 07 9:13 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, can they change the travel dates to work with the motorcycle course? Or give you the $200 difference?

Jul 10, 07 9:41 am  · 

stand your ground dub. continue to say: sorry, i have a prior commitment that will not allow me to travel for the n,000th time this month/quarter/whatever. sorry for any inconvenience. best, dub. until they find someone else to do it.

Jul 10, 07 10:11 am  · 

Thanks. I would like to do what AP this point it's the principle of the thing, and it's frustrating to me that they continue to think that I don't have a personal life....we literally have 5 people a day in this office that have nothing to do....why aren't those people being trained on this activity?

liberty, if it comes down to it and they still want me to go, I will say that I want the $200 difference. However, it would be another miserable 65-hour week for me. This client thinks it's perfectly normal to work until 2 am and not sleep more than 3 hours a night when she's on the road. That's just not stress that I need right now.

Jul 10, 07 10:17 am  · 

Remind them what planning a move out of town takes: packing, planning, rearrangement of accounts, tying up of various loose ends, sometimes even the repainting of one's apartment or helping find a new roomate to take over your lease. Point out that if you had known you would be sent out of town then, you would have needed to leave earlier to get all of that stuff done.

Jul 10, 07 10:31 am  · 

ask for kash. won't hurt.

that creation museum looks disturbing LB. i sorta pity the kids that grow up believing it to be true, but then again i am pretty sure i am teaching my own kids some things lots of folks wouldn't like either, so who am i to talk...;-)

this week was both good and bad for us in tokyo. financing for new apt building is stalling, but have a few projects going on site soon, and last thursday we started official construction for new build house with blessing of shinto priest.

foundations and cetera get going proper tommorow. the building itself is going to look more or less like this

a typical narrow tokyo plot, which is kool and challenging.

inspired by wonderK and atelier bow-wow we are plannning to show construction process on blog-type website as it goes up. will link to site here once/if that ever gets off of ground. might be cool for construction picture geeks ;-) now gotta learn all about blogifying software.

Jul 10, 07 11:30 am  · 
vado retro

at my last job i worked with a guy who absolutely believed that the earth was six thousand years old. this is why i never talk politics, religion or architecture while at work. wk either get the extra money or tell them that, as rationalist suggested, that moving to kalifornia and going to grad school is a time consuming endeavor and you really can't be jetting around right now. they have had plenty of time to get someone else to take over your duties.

Jul 10, 07 11:35 am  · 

Nothing has been mentioned since this morning. Feeling better but not totally out of the woods yet. Will keep you posted.

jump that's really lovely! I'm tickled that I may have "inspired" you to blog's really just another way for us to connect to one another in this increasingly connected world.

If you have your own website, there are some reasonably easy blogging platforms that are free for downloading, from what I understand. If you don't have a web site, or seem to both have a large user base and the interface on Blogger is super easy (also Blogger is in the Google family of products so it's easy to get one if you have a Gmail address).

Jul 10, 07 11:42 am  · 

Crystal Light still MIA.... firm now considering calling police and reporting her as 'missing person'.

Looks beautious, jump!

My father always said that it should be made a crime to teach children religion before they were old enough to understand science. But then again, he also said that every crime should be penalized by death as a method of population control, so take that view with a grain of salt.

Jul 10, 07 11:48 am  · 

OMG, hilarity. Well, partial, rather dark hilarity.

Crystal Light left the name of a family member as her emergency contact, but no phone number. We looked up the phone number in the White Pages, and my boss called it. A child answered the phone, and he left a message. He didn't want to tell the child why he was calling, but child was very insistant that he wouldn't pass the phone onto his parents without knowing who was calling at why. So he told him he was looking for Crystal's sister to confirm that Crystal was ok. Kid gives boss mom's cell phone number, boss calls and leaves message. A bit later, we get a call from a very irate man who's family has been thrown into turmoil by child calling mom and declaring "mom, Aunt Cassie's* missing!!!"

*notice name change

The child's father was ANGRY. A coworker explained to him what had happened, and how the child must have gotten the names crossed, and we were looking for Crystal, not Cassie, so sorry for the confusion, apologizing profusely.

Moral of the story..... some coworkers are more trouble than they're worth?

Jul 10, 07 1:05 pm  · 

you came by your rational-ness honestly!

Jul 10, 07 1:05 pm  · 

that was for your previous post: your father.

Jul 10, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Wow. What a crazy situation! I take it this lady is not picking up her cell phone, emails are not being responded to, etc? That's nuts.

On a side note, I meant to bring this up earlier, but forgot. Did anyone notice this thread? I don't know what to make of it. Is it a joke, dripping in sarcasm? Or are they for real? And if so, who is s/he? Kinda funny.

Jul 10, 07 1:08 pm  · 

WK, I think she's serious, and she actually did get some help: link

... not like that other poor kid with the dance school.

Jul 10, 07 1:16 pm  · 

I figured Steven, we got cross-posted.

DubK- nope, no response. Boss will try to get stay-at-home-wifey to swing by her place today to see if she's alive.

Jul 10, 07 1:17 pm  · 

on a lighter note- tomorrow, my project team is conducting 'research', playing a round of golf. Since I don't play, yet am designing a 72 hole resort, its time to find my inner tiger woods.

Jul 10, 07 1:29 pm  · 

i used to drive the 'beer' cart for my office golf outings, tk. it's a pretty good gig. i was also pretty good at spotting the balls that disappeared into the trees.

Jul 10, 07 1:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, as much as I love you guys, I am tired or my inbox filling up so quickly from TC posts. I know that you would never stop posting on my account, and I wouldn't ask you to, so what I will ask is .....

How do I get Archinect to STOP emailing me about TC posts?

Jul 10, 07 1:37 pm  · 

Post on TC again, this time check below the "Submit" button, make sure the box that says "Notify me when someone replies to this post?" is NOT checked.

Update: the saga is over. Crystal Light was found at her apartment sleeping, claiming to be sick (again. this woman is sick a lot). She has not bothered to call the office, this is the word from the boss's wife who drove out there.

Jul 10, 07 1:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

AAAAHHHHH, I have had the box unchecked for a while, but it hadnt made a difference. I didnt notice there was a unsubscribe option in the emails since I've just been deleting them.

And glad Crystal is ok-ish. At least it made for some office excitment.

Jul 10, 07 1:56 pm  · 

sarah- that ''Notify me when someone replies to this post?" link may be the least useful of archinect's features. I learned very quickly how annoying it was, even on unpopular threads...

an alternate approach is to set up a rule in your email software to move all 'archinect' emails to the trash or another mailbox....

Jul 10, 07 1:57 pm  · 

She fucking should. And not just for this, though this makes a good concrete excuse. She probably won't, though I guess it's still an option once boss #2 gets back in the office and they have a chance to talk about it. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Jul 10, 07 2:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

I only allow TC notification emails into my inbox, unless I am heavily involved in another discussion, then I will temporarily allow them in.

treekiller, get some of these for your golf outing!

(I'm hotlinking which I swore I would never do again - hope the image above is a dorky plaid outfit not porn!)

Jul 10, 07 2:03 pm  · 
liberty bell
Jul 10, 07 2:04 pm  · 

todays excuse = feeling badly last night, took drugs, didn't wake up until Mrs. Boss banged on my door.

yesterdays excuse = "What, you mean Sunday?"

Jul 10, 07 2:15 pm  · 

LMAO....damn rationalist, I wish I would have thought of that one! It's so ridiculous, it just might work!

At least twice a month one or two of my guys don't show up because they are in jail. My boss goes down to bail them out.

Jul 10, 07 2:35 pm  · 

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