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Ohh and call the litter box "scratch and sniff"

ok I'm done

Jul 10, 07 11:17 pm  · 

archi....You forget...I'm...marrried to a Braizilian......she would poke my eyes out.....and then kill me....then we would talk about making no money on the Project...going to give this one the fluff drift.....
to damn busy for want a beees.

Jul 10, 07 11:28 pm  · 

dubk...your Darcy is pretty hot!! I love the silver...

excuse my lack-o-bike knowledge...but your bike folds up? That's pretty sweet!!!

I'm partial to beach cruisers myself.

Jul 11, 07 12:01 am  · 

I made salade nicoise for dinner tonight and sent the boyfriend off to do the graveyard shift with a full belly. It came out very tasty, to my surprise! I'm excited. I am REALLY bad at cooking (but usually very good at baking, so I don't feel defiicient in the kitchen luckily!) Mmm, that salade was perfect for a hot summer's night!

Time to settle into bed with the AC on and read myself to sleep. So nice.

Jul 11, 07 12:02 am  · 

router box rudy

Jul 11, 07 12:30 am  · 

loufa lou

litter box larry

tony the toilet brush

Jul 11, 07 12:31 am  · 

I tell you what. There are too many Bill's in my apartment. Know what I'm sayin'?

Jul 11, 07 12:32 am  · 

??? you ok garpike?

Jul 11, 07 12:42 am  · 

I'm fine. Totally teetotaling, too. See vado's post above for clarification.

Jul 11, 07 12:43 am  · 

ah, that's where you are coming from...thought you went off the deep end. its all good.

Jul 11, 07 12:46 am  · 

no, no, no vado! Only name things that are super special important. Actually, come to think of it, the bike's the only possession that has a name. To me it's like naming a car, which plenty of people do (although mine remains nameless at the moment).

Jul 11, 07 12:52 am  · 

my car doesn't have enough personality to have earned a name. in fact, i'm not sure anything i have could live up to a name.

Jul 11, 07 7:11 am  · 

My car's name is Speedy Petey.

Darcy and I did well on the way to work today. The storm clouds overhead did not open up, and it's supposed to be sunny again by my ride home. I am still not confident enough to ride the entire way in traffic, and frankly when I see wide expanses of sidewalk with no one on them, I think that's a better option anyway.

Jul 11, 07 9:08 am  · 

TK hand written e-mail address no hearts...

Jul 11, 07 9:15 am  · 

if i could play guitar like BB i might name mine lucille.

those bike are very coolio. i walk everywhere, most days, but sometimes use my wife's bike, which is nameless but really quite cool in that it has a basket on front and basket on back and is designed with front tire smaller than rear to accomodate child size company in same. it looks dorky as hell but with daughter one in back and daughter two in front is a great way to get new videos (15 min walk away) and spend time with the girls.

bikes here in tokyo are workhorses, ugly and convenient. exercise is a side effect of daily life. i sorta like it that way. It is fun to come home and see a gaggle of mum-bikes crowded round in the front porch of our apt building, sure sign that the ladies are visiting for tea or whatever...some of the kids ride bikes too and they sit beside the mums', dead serious things but proud as well. There has to be something good about a city when it encourages all the adults to do all their chores by bicycle. nary a car in site...

all sounds very cool LIG. hope you do well in columbia summer school and can get in next year.

Jul 11, 07 9:42 am  · 

s- interesting... was there chemistry or just looks?

Jul 11, 07 9:48 am  · 

this mail chute saw WhatToDo's check and thank you note off to the other coast yesterday...

Jul 11, 07 12:16 pm  · 

awww...I love mail chutes! Is that weird? When I worked in Downtown LA (ya know where there are actually old buildings and stuff) I was so excited to use it...

it's the little things.

thanks AP!

Jul 11, 07 12:22 pm  · 

the only chutes i've seen here in nyc have usually been clogged
and put out of use...i guess yours still works ap. i've always been
nervous that my mail would only make it as far as two or three
floors below.

Jul 11, 07 1:35 pm  · 

thats why the chutes have glass fronts - to see any stuck pieces o' mail.

Jul 11, 07 1:38 pm  · 
vado retro

speaking of terrrifying i just got back from the license bureau. good times.

Jul 11, 07 1:50 pm  · 

but tk...the sandwich between floors can be about 4 feet or so right?

Jul 11, 07 2:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lars, did you know your name is the same as a radio talk host on am1080 out of Dallas?

Jul 11, 07 2:15 pm  · 

mmmm ... sandwich between floors ...

Jul 11, 07 2:38 pm  · 


so it's not really my name... i have a unique-ish first name...
larson is my real last name. but at one point my mom told me
that she had considered naming me lars. having the first name
that i have has sort of been interesting as it is (i have a hyphenated
first middle name) and has always required some sort
of explanation at the beginning of every class of every school year..
which at the time was traumatic..

so i've wondered how/if my life would've been different had my name
been 'lars'...cause i think it'd be alot less fun and i'm glad my mom
didn't name me that.

it wasn't until i started playing poker online that i discovered that
'lars larson' is a radio talk show host out of portland (and apparently
now out of dallas) and that he's kind of a right wing nut.

so simply stated the name is very much not an homage to him..but
instead something i've used since around 93 or so instead of my
real name.

Jul 11, 07 2:44 pm  · 

i saw this van with bunch of multi directional video cameras driving down my neighborhood, first thing i saw this morning. it said on the van "teleatlas, we map your world"
i don't know first thing came to my mind to map them in return and i grabbed my always ready camera. by then they were gassing away...

Jul 11, 07 2:50 pm  · 

so that's how they do it...

I hope it was an electric car?

Jul 11, 07 2:52 pm  · 
nine weeks left!!!

That's exciting and scary at the same time. I am going to need some more glossy photos and official communication from UW before this whole thing feels really really real.

Jul 11, 07 2:58 pm  · 

2 1/2 weeks left for me!

I'm actually getting some work done today.....on the flip side, I'm pushing so much CAD that my pinky finger is starting to cramp up. Yeesh.

Jul 11, 07 3:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mom was going to name me Tiger Leigh. I think I would have turned into something between Tumbles on screen personality and barroom brawler. Probably would be a stripper or something instead of an Architect - uralintern.

Jul 11, 07 3:09 pm  · 

I was almost called 'Amber Dawn', but my dad vetoed it because he thought it would doom me to a life of pole dancing. I think he probably had a point.

Jul 11, 07 3:36 pm  · 

You talk about pole dancing like it's a bad thing. ;o)

Jul 11, 07 3:41 pm  · 

i think it's the job of every father to do what he can to keep his daughter off the pole. naming them things like Tiger Leigh and Amber Dawn doesn't fit in that modus operandi.


incidentally, and on a side is 7/11 which of course means it's also FREE SLURPEE DAY.

each 7-11 across north america is allowed to give out 1000 free 7.11oz slurpees. get one while you can.

Check this obsessively Slurpee addicted blog.

Jul 11, 07 3:42 pm  · 



Total Entries: 7
Total Comments: 1830

07/10/07 8:30

nice project jump, congratulations. keep us posted. i find it totally beautiful a japanese priest blessing the site before a house build. what a great layer before the foundation. i usually throw some rice into the concrete mix of my projects.

Jul 11, 07 3:47 pm  · 

damnit... I didn't know about the free slurpees...and I just went to 7-11 on my break...humph

Jul 11, 07 3:51 pm  · 

this was supposed to go with my last post:

also, 7-11 is now beginning their promotion of the simpsons movie, and with it, they're converting a bunch of stores into Kwik-E-Marts and are selling a slew of simpsons related schlock.

collectors better get 'yer game on.

Jul 11, 07 4:07 pm  · 
KEG're a little behind with that news.


Jul 11, 07 4:10 pm  · 


what can i say...there's too much pot smoke wafting around the bay area.

is that fog rolling in?

Jul 11, 07 4:14 pm  · 

Hi Pole Kitten! I was at a Dodger game w/ your roomie the other week, and was going to have her say 'hi' for me, but when I turned towards where she was sitting, I found that she'd skipped out early.

Jul 11, 07 4:26 pm  · 

I just have to mention that it makes me feel like I've learned so much whenever e agrees with anything I've said, as I really respect his work.

Jul 11, 07 4:35 pm  · 

I know a William Williams. He writes architectural critiques for The City Paper here in town.

His parents doomed him for life.

Jul 11, 07 4:38 pm  · 

is that mighty and tumbles I see down there?

Jul 11, 07 4:41 pm  · 

my best friend growing up last name is waldo...his parents almost
named him 'wally'...

and today is his birthday...happy bday michael.

Jul 11, 07 4:42 pm  · 

minor trivia: anyone know the official color name for the golden gate bridge?

(maybe this is more common knowledge than i thought, but i love it...)

Jul 11, 07 4:51 pm  · 

and i'm way more likely to be seen here:

Jul 11, 07 4:52 pm  · 

I prefer the bay bridge too...

color= international orange, right?

Jul 11, 07 5:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

like the tractor?

Jul 11, 07 5:01 pm  · 

international orange=correct

Wiki Entry on Int'l Orange

it's also a spa in the Fillmore district in SF:

much cooler on the bridge than as the spa name.

Jul 11, 07 5:05 pm  · 

lol that spa should called ten!

Jul 11, 07 5:25 pm  · 
Jul 11, 07 5:26 pm  · 

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