
Thread Central

vado retro

you can't find a beach and you live on an island. that's not right. that is just not right.

Jul 8, 07 8:38 am  · 
liberty bell

I was greeted at the door of my dorm room this morning by my totally amazing genius of a co-teacher, and he had a cup of coffee in his hand for me, because I had mentioned last night that I was out of coffee myself.

Steven, thank you so much for introducing us. I can't wait for us all to get together in Lovely Louisville!

Now I must pack and go home. Back to my regularly scheduled archinect activities this week, I hope (mightylittle, I loved your comment above about finally becoming productive on archinect, that is after all your east coast friends went home from work for the day. Hilarious!)

Jul 8, 07 11:48 am  · 

I just got up. I suspect I won't have any trouble getting acclimated to LA as I think I've lived my whole life in Pacific Time.

Jul 8, 07 11:56 am  · 

vado - the beach I found, but I was searching for coffee. Still haven't found any worth drinking so I've had to settle for some Sierra not the same

Jul 8, 07 1:06 pm  · 

did anyone notice that per corell got his name back?

Jul 8, 07 1:07 pm  · 

yeah, I guess he finally realized that he can change it himself...

Jul 8, 07 1:09 pm  · 

per corell i think he might be what you would call archinect legend.....sorta like urban legend...I still don't see his name anywhere...

Jul 8, 07 1:21 pm  · 

6th from the top... he used vindpust later too...

Jul 8, 07 1:28 pm  · 

never mind just noticed that is a post from '04 - 'duh!

Jul 8, 07 1:32 pm  · 

welcome home, liberty bell!

... and louisville can't wait to roll out the red carpet for you.

wonderk, i just realized that your comment explains a lot about some people i know.

Jul 8, 07 2:40 pm  · 

ahh its such a sleepy Sunday - not how I intended my last day of my long weekend. But good nonetheless.

The streets were so empty though so it made it great for taking pictures of the cathedral, I've added some new pictures on flickr

Jul 8, 07 4:29 pm  · 

New Haven is FULL of mosquitos. >:(

Jul 8, 07 7:11 pm  · 
vado retro

Liberty, Thread Central and I have missed you terribly! Welcome back.

Jul 8, 07 7:13 pm  · 

namby....they the blood sucking two legged kind?

Jul 8, 07 7:43 pm  · 

They are pure evil.

Jul 8, 07 7:44 pm  · 

i wonder how many mosquitos it would take to really fill up a city...

Jul 8, 07 10:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh by the way LiG I also cracked up at your elevator story above.

Thanks vado it is good to be back. Halfway unpacked, and the lawn looks thirsty.

Jul 8, 07 10:41 pm  · 
vado retro

don't worry it's not don't stop believin'

Jul 8, 07 11:03 pm  · 

I don't mean to pimp my blog but I had a kind of funny experience this afternoon, and rather than repeat myself I'll just send you to today's entry.

Some people chase skirts....I chase kilts :o)

Jul 8, 07 11:12 pm  · 

Ps. Yes, I used the word "pimp". I don't intend to stop using it anytime soon.

Jul 8, 07 11:13 pm  · 

pimp away dubK

I love the rating system on brunch. Would love to test those out with you one of these days

Jul 8, 07 11:25 pm  · 

I love your blog spot WK!! Great job...and I LOVE the guys in the kilts :)

Jul 8, 07 11:32 pm  · 

thanks gang. architechno, I'll do brunch, anytime, anywhere! Katze you get a gold star for being the first non-me comment on my blog, ha.

FYI, it's still under construction, I'm currently trying to devise a way to get better graphics in my header. Patience.

Jul 8, 07 11:36 pm  · 

why didn't your, my, and Appleseed's brunch make it into either blog? Is it because you can't remember the name of the place?.... cause I can't either.

Jul 8, 07 11:38 pm  · 

...I think the header looks great. and I love the color scheme. and the tall guy in the kilt :)

Jul 8, 07 11:40 pm  · 

hey emKem i didn't know you've started a blog. how modest of you to keep it semi secret. looks and reads great. thanks to architechno to announce it in his.

Jul 9, 07 12:01 am  · 


The brunch reviews are migrating over from MySpace slowly but surely. I stopped writing them on MySpace because frankly MySpace was starting to aggravate me. At the rate that I am going, Jinky's Cafe will make an appearance on my blog mid-next week.

Orhan, thank you. I didn't even know techno put it in his! <blushing>

Jul 9, 07 12:23 am  · 

JINKY. THAT was it. I couldn't remember that name for the life of me!

Jul 9, 07 1:27 am  · 

i left a comment, too, wonderk. please, oh, please approve my comment.

(that's a weird feature, by the way: the note that says 'your comment has been received. it will appear after blog owner approval' or something like that.)

Jul 9, 07 7:40 am  · 

Thanks Steven! I must have hit a button in my preferences that turned on comment approval or something. I'll email you about brunch :o)

Jul 9, 07 8:47 am  · 

welcome home LB

my 5 yr old G4 got fried last night in a thunderstorm. not sure if the hard drives are salvagable- only thing that may be lost is my work in progress CV & all my recent contacts, but those can be recreated. my big writing assignment has been emailed around, so I can always recover it from those recipients. I have a7pm appointment with the apple genius to hear if it's DOA or if there is hope for the parts being shifted to a new box.

Moral of this saga is remember to back up!!!!!

Jul 9, 07 11:24 am  · 

tumbles, I have so much shredded paper coming your way. If you are still serious about using it in your walls, it has your name on it!

Sorry about your hard drive, TK. That's why I have an external HD, that backs up all my stuff but I also unplug it in storms.

Quiet here today....figures, as I am bored as hell.

Jul 9, 07 12:28 pm  · 

Good luck tumbles! Report back!

Jul 9, 07 12:28 pm  · 

I shut down the power strip and that action may have been the dirty deed. got the external HD, but stopped using much after grad school.

Jul 9, 07 12:36 pm  · 

tumbles, I'm glad your experience was good! I have to be brave and tell my boss also and I'm scerrrrred! You just gave me a little hope...what's the worst that could happen- they can't eat me and kill me! You're right- a 3 week vacation, if they make me go early, sounds kinda nice!

Jul 9, 07 1:12 pm  · 

wow, YAY tumbles!!! Hey, so far no 'nectors have gotten a really bad reaction to their grad school announcements, huh?

Jul 9, 07 1:13 pm  · 

Congradulation if they offer to take you our for drinks you will know that it was coming from their hearts!

Jul 9, 07 1:15 pm  · 

Yay tumbles! Good job! I bet you're glad that's over with.

W2D, I think that, across the board, the reaction from employers when you tell them you are quitting to return to grad school is's like breaking up with someone and saying "but it's not you, it's me" even though deep down we all know....yeah, it's partly you too.

Jul 9, 07 1:17 pm  · 

you're right rationalist- I'm a chicken. btw, how do you feel this morning? ;)

hey anyone, why can't I post anything on GTC? It keeps timing out with "400 Bad Request". Anyone having the same trouble- or does it just not like my story?

i wanna talk about that $400 million fiasco known as "Vista Hermosa" High School...formerly called as Belmont High School. Anyone following this story?

Jul 9, 07 1:18 pm  · 
vado retro

I am going freaking nuts. When i got up to go to lunch today I noticed that my sunglasses which are in a case and my driver's license and bank card which were in the case. were not on my desk. i looked all over the office twice, looked in my car twice, looked in my apartment and am going fucking nuts cuz i know i was wearing those sunglasses when i came into the office this morning. Or was I? Damnit!!!

Jul 9, 07 1:22 pm  · 
KEG it WK! It's not you, it's me...I don't like you! lolololol

yeah, I know tumbles, it's a big band aid I've been tugging at for 5 months....I just need to rip it off and soon. I've been planning what to say forever... it's not getting easier.

I've given myself a deadline of Friday to tell them, but I'd love to do it today. Is it wrong that i kinda hope the make me go early so that I can have a vacation? They probably wont tho...they are nice people. They'll wait till I leave to talk shit, lol.

Jul 9, 07 1:22 pm  · 

wtd- I knew that wwcot took over the design of the belmont site, last I saw, it was almost complete to poison school kids or blow up if the methane venting/oilwell capping fails.

good luck ...t... 7 wtd with giving notice- its easier to do then to anticipate. so just do it!

Jul 9, 07 1:35 pm  · 

wwcot's doing it? god, I'm gonna get the scoop from a couple of my friends there then. It's just sad...

Jul 9, 07 2:23 pm  · 

also, thanks for the encouragement. Reality is that I'm not that important and anyone w/ CAD skills can replace me w/ absolutely no training required by my present company. Literally, no training. My jobs are short- couple day to couple week projects- so there I wouldn't even have to "catch up" my replacement on anything. That's why I took this job. It's boring, but I don't worry and I don't work 70+ hours a week like my old jobs.

anyway, I just feel bad...but my leaving really won't affect them...

Jul 9, 07 2:28 pm  · 

Hi mdler!

I think that was a jackass comment that you left on the Verb discussion! I'm glad the admins deleted it, along with my response.

Seriously, if you're all about leaving the profession, dude, just go. No need to act a clown on your way out the door. What was the point of that?

(Sorry to bust in on TC like this, guys, I know you're all friends with him, but it's not the first time it's come up, here and elsewhere)

Jul 9, 07 4:14 pm  · 

Well, it is called Thread Central. So bringing up an issue about another thread is hardly "busting in" on anyone!

Jul 9, 07 4:22 pm  · 

Thx WonderK, even though there are like ten things being talked about at once on here, it always feels like changing the subject to post a non sequitur, esp. since I'm not a TC regular.

Jul 9, 07 4:24 pm  · 

Oh no, we love changing the topic. Especially to call somebody a jackass, LOL.

In truth, I like to see the seriousness of those threads preserved as well, especially if it's just starting out. What I have trouble with is actually catching up when they "release" the thread to's daunting, but hopefully I can contribute to this one. The "Volume" one escaped me almost immediately.

Jul 9, 07 4:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

765, please feel welcome here under any circumstances.

Actually that goes for everyone.

I'm still utterly exhausted from my teaching gig. Take a nap, or go to the gym?

Jul 9, 07 4:30 pm  · 

damn, i missed the drama and it has been deleted. I feel bad that ...tumbleweed...'s name is in the thread title cause she was behaving herself (I think)...

I love archinect- it never ceases to be both informative and entertaining.

Jul 9, 07 4:30 pm  · 

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