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oh, and another little efficient trick they have there that I've not seen elsewhere (yet, they've got to do them SOMEwhere I figure)... Patio Homes. A patio home is a one story home with a teeny little front and back yard and a carport, butted straight up against the other houses. So they're like row houses, but one story. My aunt lives in one, and as far as things go there her neighborhood's not that bad.

Jul 5, 07 5:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mom's place has a two car garage, and she lives near fort xuchuca, or however you spell that crazy place, in Sierra Vista. Every time I visit her, I get all riled up. And now she wants a cement log cabin when she moved back to texas. HA!

Jul 5, 07 5:41 pm  · 

ml- sounds a lot like where I grew up in MD, kinda depressing to go back to when I'd rather remember how it lived when I was 7.

Jul 5, 07 5:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

at least they are using cisterns, and looking into wind power. Thats a start.

Jul 5, 07 5:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

yeah, theyre made out of something like hardyplanking, but in log shape! Yeah, fake logs! No place in texas. No No No. I told her I would make her and her husband fill out a long questionaire about tastes, and such. Find out why they like log cabins and use the why to create what i want.

See yall tomorow!

Jul 5, 07 5:56 pm  · 

I'm lucky to have grown up in an 1930s olmsted garden suburb 1/2 block from the charles river - it was someplace with character (if neo-colonials have character) and nature. oh, 1/2 mile away was the remnants of a 1800s mill and 1 mile down stream were some 18th c. houses/mills.

Jul 5, 07 6:00 pm  · 

I've had 'the dream' too. I got it most frequently in my fifth year of undergrad. Sometimes in my dreams all the sudden I'd be giving birth and it was one of those real dumb-lady-news-story moments of "huh? How'd I not know I was pregnant?"

Jul 5, 07 6:01 pm  · 

oh what a day I've had.

I'm sure everyone has those projects we hate, but are luckily on the back-burners most days. Well my three most dreaded projects (actually 4no.) all seem to return from the abyss called hell at the same f@cking time. between 9:15 and 11:20am. It caused me great physical pain, and left much of the afternoon in a blur.

the moral of the story? Architecture Sucks more days than not.

Jul 5, 07 6:02 pm  · 


have yourself a few beers tonight (or right now)

Jul 5, 07 6:03 pm  · 

so now I'm in chilling, archinect'ing from my hammock with the sun setting in the foreground. I'd take a pic but I'd have to get up, and I'm far too relaxed to move. This truly is what [island] living is about.

Jul 5, 07 6:08 pm  · 

I was tossed among the Rocky Mountain Plains....Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota..... Always lived with a very distant view....and here I am in New England with Trees all around
me. Studied in know the adobe...but what success I
have with Old Colonials....doesn't make much sense but somehow I make it work with A Brazilian Wife...who has lived in Israel, Denmark,
and England. Go Figure.

Jul 5, 07 6:11 pm  · 

no beers - taking a dry approach to life these days. Not new wave but a sit back and appreciate nature/life approach

Jul 5, 07 6:12 pm  · 

you know I really am spoilt...cracking view of the sea and sunset 360 out 365 days of the year, secluded terrace, simple bungalow that is the perfect batchelor pad - I couldn't ask for more (asside to own not rent it)

Jul 5, 07 6:15 pm  · 

Calling all TC'ers,
The editing Wikipedia thread needs your help. We are now trying to define the "architect". Please help us flesh out the educational process (we specially need a stronger global perspective).

Jul 5, 07 7:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, there goes Day One of the Columbia summer studio... Lots of paperwork, introductions, orientation stuff, getting-to-know-you things. We already have our first assignment, and it's due on Monday... They certainly throw you into the deep end right at the get-go. Overall it looks like it will be very intense, fun time.

Tomorrow evening is another of a series of discussion/lectures by Mark Wigley and Peter Eisenman... Should be interesting. I've heard a lot about those two, and it will be nice to finally see them in the flesh. Should I wear my "Architecture Sucks" t-shirt? Maybe I'll wait until I'm better friends with my studio critic before I bust that one out.

Jul 5, 07 10:34 pm  · 
vado retro

gin you should definitely break out the preppy look complete with bowtie to get in good with that sartorialstarchitect...

Jul 5, 07 10:38 pm  · 

i second the bowtie.

Jul 5, 07 10:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

You guys are all hilarious and so smart (and I'm sure good-looking too, those of you I've not seen.)

I DID get to see Steven tonight yay! He is soooo incredibly smart (and also hilarious and good-looking).

By the way have I mentioned lately how much I love bourbon? See the hammered thread.

Good lord it's 1:30 am. Goodnight.

Jul 6, 07 1:37 am  · 


thanks for reminding me to take a swig from the ole' bottle of booze next to my bed before retiring tonight

Jul 6, 07 2:06 am  · 

if i'm being accused of being smart, hilarious, and good-looking i'd say lb has had a couple of them bourbons.

it was fun to see her, though, and boy did she get those kids working! A LOT of work happened since i was there on sunday and it looked great. she's in the homestretch. congrats, lb!!

Jul 6, 07 8:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning all!

I watched a cool show on electric cars last night....Oh, wait, this isn't Green TC.

Then on a different sort of green note, I had two chocolate covered doughnuts for breakfast (company provided on fridays) and I feel sick. Do they make 'get well' cards for women like me? Maybe I will start a company.

Jul 6, 07 9:57 am  · 

we also have friday doughnuts, sarah. (though we take turns bringing them in.) i'll have one in your honor.

hope you feel better - but you may not actually 'get well' for, oh, another 6-7 months?....

Jul 6, 07 10:01 am  · 

since when is procreating a disease???? maybe some of our GLBT members may see breeding as being sick...

happy to report that I didn't watch any tv last night. (oh wait this isn't GTC)

Jul 6, 07 10:05 am  · 

i half-watched an episode of CSI and some of a Law and Order last night, while doing laundry and uploading pictures of a visit to Cambridge / Boston and of NYC's May Day Demonstration to my flickr account.

Happy Friday!

Jul 6, 07 10:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't mean it as a disease. I just figure that being how crappy we women feel during this transformation, that we'd appreciate a card of understanding/sympathy. Something like an "Its ok that you scream and yell at me all the time, I know its not you, its your hormones, and I will be patient and love you anyway." sort of thing. Or a "I hope you feel less like crap tomorow. I really appreciate you continuing the species for us."

Something along those lines, but maybe less blunt. Cause I could see those either being funny or just awakening the beast inside.

Jul 6, 07 10:21 am  · 
I really appreciate you continuing the species for us.

That's really what it all boils down to, isn't it? :o)

Jul 6, 07 10:30 am  · 
liberty bell

My buddies called it M.A.N. sickness, because they felt like crap Morning, Afternoon, and Night. The acronym just coincidentally worked out.

But hang in there Sarah - I say my buddies called it that because I never had it, I felt amazingly good after week 11.

Jul 6, 07 12:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I am lucky enough not to actually get sick, but I feel sick. So it could definately be worse. Im at week 7ish, so just a few more to go till I feel great, I hope.

Jul 6, 07 12:24 pm  · 
vado retro

If I make it through this year, I think I'm gonna put this bottle down
Maybe as time goes on I'll learn to miss it less than I do now
Think I'm gonna tell her that I'm gonna go away for a while
Till I can get this demon out

You know the bottle ain't to blame and I ain't trying to
It don't make you do a thing it just lets you
When I'm six feet underground, I'll need a drink or two
And I'll sure miss you

Take me piece by piece till there ain't nothing left worth taking away from me

The highway's humming in my head and it's hard to hear
Won't you read my lips if I pull you near enough
Could you read my fortune in the bottem of this coffee cup
Tell me how to tell when I've had enough

If morning's a bitch with open arms and night's a girl who's gone to far
Whiskey is harder to keep than a woman and it's half as sweet but
Women without whiskey, Women without whiskey
Whiskey is hard to beat
Whiskey is hard to beat

Jul 6, 07 12:44 pm  · 

so I got shunted onto the crap project in the office yesterday afternoon, and it's already showing what crap it can be. Here's the kicker: I'm the last person in the office left that's worked on this project besides the team leader. Everyone else quit. Now what does that tell us, class?

Jul 6, 07 12:52 pm  · 

that you're the pinch hitter?

Jul 6, 07 12:58 pm  · 

[drunken slur] hmmm something about whiskey, wine and women...that's why the Internet stands for [hic]

Jul 6, 07 1:01 pm  · 

rationalist, it tells that you have bigger brass balls than anyone else. Now go on and make us proud!!

I'm in a team spirit building mood today.

Jul 6, 07 1:03 pm  · 

Steven, I'd say that it tells us there's something fundamentally wrong in the management of the project.

Jul 6, 07 1:03 pm  · 

oh rationalist.....always being so rational :o)

Jul 6, 07 1:07 pm  · 

Well, come one, if I was managing a whole team of people and most of them quit, and I had to drag the last one back to the project kicking and screaming, it would at least occur to me "wow, maybe I suck at this if they all want to leave."

Jul 6, 07 1:11 pm  · 

you don't read enough 'dilbert'. it's never the fault of management. ever.

Jul 6, 07 1:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

nah, they must be leaving for personal reasons, like grad school. It can't be my management skills.

Jul 6, 07 1:14 pm  · 

r- how bad is it? last year in LA there was a project for an urban shopping center in tarzana that was a major cluster f***. the firm's management was afraid of getting sued for some mistakes that were made due to people leaving the practice, so were bending over backwards to an ass**** screamer of an unethical client that was trying to duck around many zoning requirements as he could. it had a piss poor construction budget and the client wouldn't make a decision to save the project. we worked for over 6 months without getting paid till we could wash our hands of the project and hand it over to a sucker of firm that agreed to do phase II.

so tell me if it is that bad...

vado- will the songs still flow when the whiskey runs dry?

Jul 6, 07 1:17 pm  · 

tk- it's more internal badness than an inheritly bad situation like that. Like being told you need to do something, and 90% of the time a crucial piece of info was left out (and is sitting in the email box of the PM, and nowhere else, so you have no chance to access it by due diligence), or being told "please do x, y, and z" and then when you come back to him with the work he's like "What's this? I never told you to do this, I asked for a, b, and c." Which happens everywhere, I know. It's just that this guy does it on such a consistant basis that one feels useless ever doing anything he says, because you just know in your soul that you're doing the wrong thing, but he won't tell you that it's the wrong thing until you're done. He's obviously too busy to ever explain anything properly, but it doesn't bother him that he's wasting more than half of the hours put into the project by anyone working under him. If he'd just take the extra five minutes to explain properly, I'd be able to help him twice as much because I could do what he wanted the first time around.

And if you dare tell him, "I did this because that's what you told me to do." he starts yelling. Not an acceptable way to spend the day.

Jul 6, 07 1:26 pm  · 

r- the only way to deal with bosses like that is to write everything down and read it back to him to get his approval of what you're going to do. then when he says 'a. b. c.' and you have x y z written down, you just point to the pad and cut his legs off. Also go to the principal and explain the difficulties and pattern of abusive behavior - you can always give an ultimatum, either he goes or you go.

Jul 6, 07 1:38 pm  · 

an ultimatum is unrealistic at this point. Him: been there 20 years, boss threw him a birthday party, they're tight. Me: been here two years, they know I'm leaving in ten weeks. So I lack leverage, and only stand to lose financially from such a thing. So I've got to stick it out, gently prodding the man to try and get it through to him that what he says isn't what he means most of the time, and just remember that sticking this job out til the end will make my move and grad school adventure comfortable. Unfortunately for you guys, yes, we'll probably experience a few more outbursts like today before they end.

Jul 6, 07 2:07 pm  · 

what time are you going to start drinking today....

Jul 6, 07 2:41 pm  · 

drinking poll

Jul 6, 07 2:55 pm  · 


-If by least, you mean, the one I dislike the most, probably Eisenmann. But I don't really dislike any of them that thoroughly.

-Car, soon to be bike.

-I am thinking 7 ish.

tumbles, why don't you come up with a question that has those 4 answers as choices? There's a challenge.

PS. Are you telling work today?!?

Jul 6, 07 2:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok all, I'm out for the week end. Have a good one!

Jul 6, 07 2:58 pm  · 
vado retro

hmmm i was thanked twice today. and not for making coffee either.

Jul 6, 07 3:13 pm  · 

for buying gas?

Jul 6, 07 3:26 pm  · 
vado retro

no, for being a team player!

Jul 6, 07 3:28 pm  · 

great job Vado! everytime someone thanks me for being a team player, i take the opportunity to ask to go home early that day. i can't help it. i haven't been thanked in a while.


here's a thought...i'm always curious to see what other people are drawing on any given day. would it make a worthwhile "random cad/sketch pic/screenshot pic of the day" thread? or would y'all just post one here?

i want to see developing details, crappy space plans that are on their fifth revision, partial renderings, unfinished schedules, non-annotated elevations, etc etc.

no title blocks, nothing completed and absolutely nothing that's client-ready.

nuts and bolts stuff, if you will.

not for bragging rights, obviously, just for perspective. insight.

i'm more interested in the stuff that gets done on any given moment than in seeing the completed thing. though that could be another thread at some point.

Jul 6, 07 3:41 pm  · 

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