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I am going to enter my guacamole into the avacado festival contest

Jun 28, 07 2:25 am  · 

you should...nothing like intentionally putting yourself in an awkward position for something that has NOTHING to do with work.

i think it's a good analog pasttime.

where is it, LA? if it were closer to me we'd have one helluva' contest.

Jun 28, 07 2:47 am  · 

basta! enough! what do i look like, a freaking baker?!?


i can tell you already that i'm at a distinct disadvantage, not being to take off of work in the morning. i'm betting that most of the other people doing this thing are baking the morning of the tasting, rather than the night before.

oh well...i know what i'm having for breakfast in the AM.

Jun 28, 07 3:47 am  · 

lig.....I thought you were planning on doing a gross pointe swing to pick up the Calder Sculpture, and bring it east along with Eames Chair for Careful Storage at my place.

Jun 28, 07 7:02 am  · 

mightylittle, if I send you a postcard, will you send me ALL of that food?!? :o)

Jun 28, 07 7:37 am  · 

some things taste better after a little time, ml. scones for instance. those look like they'd taste good if you mailed them to me.

good luck!

Jun 28, 07 7:41 am  · 
vado retro

project i have been working on and am almost finished with got put on hold today. so i came home as i feel like shit.

Jun 28, 07 12:06 pm  · 


buy the url www.soandso(her name)

when someone googles her...

Jun 28, 07 12:31 pm  · 

If I were the landlord, I would've evicted her a while back.... that is blatant ricockulousness. My lease states that I can be evicted if I'm *hours* late with the rent even once. Fortunately that's not enforced, as I'm usually a couple of hours late, because I'm not home by 5pm, and never remember rent is due that day before I leave for work. But anyways, more than a day or two makes the landlord stupid for keeping her.

Jun 28, 07 12:46 pm  · 

...T...just be prepared for a fight to gain occupancy of the loft. seems that the person getting evicted may put up a fight, so have an alternate place to crash till the sheriff arrives. Also expect the place to be trashed since she probably is loosing her security deposit, she has no incentive to clean up when she leaves. Hope the landlord has a good cleaning crew that will make things spiffy for you.

Jun 28, 07 1:05 pm  · 

last time i hijack this thread with my confectionary prowess...

completed entries, en route to marin:

thanks for indulging and supporting.

tumbles: sorry to hear about the crappy roomie situation...hopefully it'll work itself out quickly!

Jun 28, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Actually, I would talk to the landlord about applying her security deposit towards part of your first month's rent. You can literally make the arguement that the place was not made available as agreed upon for you to show potential roomates, thereby killing your ability to find a roomate. It may not work, but I'd say it's worth a try.

Oh yeah, speaking of renting, my fucking rent went up another $115. Just got the notice last night. Bloody hell, I'm glad to be getting out of this place. This is what makes me wonder how inflation can only be 4%.... My rent just inflated itself 10%, gas has gone up more than 10% over the past year, groceries probably 5% or so. How the heck does that add up to a 4% inflation rate??? Hmm, maybe this belongs in the WTF? thread.

Jun 28, 07 1:11 pm  · 

Oh the day when i don't have to pay rent. I'm so looking forward to that. I spoke with the guys at the electrical company to see how far the boom goes on their auger goes. This will help as i'm keep to build something up in the hills admist the trees

Jun 28, 07 1:11 pm  · 

I was just about to ask, who actually owns the place, and now it all makes sense.....

Honestly it sounds to me as if eviction IS a reasonable option. I'm sorry to say but it sounds as if you may have to involve the courts. You are the owner and she won't let you in? Clearly that's illegal.

tumbles, at this point, I would be calling a lawyer to get some advice. Actually Katie told me about a place in LA that's a coffee shop/legal counsel service, I think it's on the West side. Maybe go there. I'm sorry this is such a pain in the ass but if you even have the slightest inclination to believe that she is actually engaging in illegal activity on your property (drugs, or vandalism or any of that), then you may be culpable, and you need to be proactive.

Incidentally, as long as you are asking....*I* have a lawyer on speed-dial, for personal issues. She's one of my best friends, but she knows what to do if I ever call her up and say "well my lawyer says this". She's handy like that. :o)

Jun 28, 07 1:39 pm  · 

i want a mightylittle™ scone and a double espresso, please.

and this is TC, unhijackable since February 2006...

damn tumbleweed, that's some bullshit. sorry you have to deal with crap like that. makes me greatful a)that i have the GF as roommate, and b)that the only bullshit we had to deal with to get our nyc place was a recockified broker fee.

on inflation being 4%
at my last job, the standard yearly raise was 4%, and if they wanted to say, "hey, you're doing great" and give you more, it would be 5%. how, i asked, is a 4% raise actually a raise at all, and not just a cost of living adjustment?

Jun 28, 07 1:41 pm  · 

maybe architects need to open a coffee shop / design counsel service. we can make it a chain...coast to coast...

Jun 28, 07 1:44 pm  · 

i just found out that this place is in my hood...

Jun 28, 07 1:57 pm  · 

archinect cafe...brilliant!!

btw I have 3 lawyers (but only keep one number in my mobile) - in case of emergencies. BUt like WK these are people close to me, family friends (I also have 2 doctors and about a dozen architects) - you never know what might happen.

in case of emergency call architect/REM/Jacques

Jun 28, 07 2:04 pm  · 


keep us updated on the contest!!!!

...T... so if ya'll own the pad, then paying the rent isn't the as big a deal or is it? you gotta make the mortgage somehow- good luck with the roomie search. finding a spot in a cool pad with a hot cat like you shouldn't be a problem once you set it up... it's also easier if you've decorated to your hearts content, then you can show exactly where their space is and what the common areas are.

Jun 28, 07 2:08 pm  · 

well then can't *you* choose to keep the full amount of deposit for the breach of contract on her part?

Jun 28, 07 2:18 pm  · 

i think rationalist has a point...she is so smart. If you can convince a judge that your finacial hardship was in direct response to them breaching the contract you should be good. Also, if you parents have proof that their checks were late on a number of occasions and you have records of the complaints by the neighbors, you should be able to very easily prove to the judge that they are nut upstanding citizens like yourself

Jun 28, 07 2:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And if you were able to find them on Google so easily, they should be easy to track down to collect for damages on the apartment if needed.

Sorry to hear you're dealing with that.... Roommates suck.

Jun 28, 07 2:27 pm  · 

let me know when the archinect cafe opens.

i happen to know a baker.

Jun 28, 07 2:42 pm  · 

tumbles - I actually had to pull a similar "You can NOT come into my apartment" move with the people who are moving in to my current place... I'm sure they think I am a banshee. BUT. I work from home, and for the past year the owners of my building have taken to marching large groups of contractors/workers through my apartment several times a week even though I have repeatedly complained and started off trying to be polite/professional about it. With my night job, I usually try to sleep pretty late into the mornings - so it really messes with me if I am awakened 3 times a week by a group of 5 men in heavy boots marching through measuring things for half an hour at 8 am (imagine if your building manager were sending workers at 3-4 am several times a week for a year... 8am is my 3am!!) Sometimes they don't knock, or knock and then immediately let themselves in without giving me time to answer, so I have been caught in my room naked or in pajmas. Once a contractor came without a building representative who is known to me, and i was afraid of letting him in - I was alone, I am female, and I am not really inclined to let random men I don't know, am not expecting, and have never seen before come in to my apartment. So I didn't let him in, and then the building manager called to scream at me!

Then there was the time that I had surgery and when I couldn't answer the door or shout loudly because of the abdominal wound, they kept pounding on the door for a really long time until i finally dragged my ass out of bed (literally - i could not stand up) and to open the door, and then passed out... now had I been "sane" at the time I would have just let them knock but I was on pain meds so it seemed to make sense at the time to try to get up.

Now the new tenant has started showing up at random times of day to measure it (not sure if the landlord told her this was ok or not). And for some reason there has been a broker coming in to show this apartment to multiple people even though my current roommate has taken over the lease. I told her that my roommate has taken it over and she should not bring people by anymore. A few days ago my roomie sneaked upstairs (they told her not to bother) to look at the apartment above ours because it is being gut-renovated and they offered it to her. The old management company (the building changed hands a month ago - the new company seems to be more up front and respectful) told her the layout was identical to our apartment but with nicer finishings: granite kitchen/bathroom etc. But they have actually rearranged it to a much worse and more claustrophobic layout and it costs $300 more a month! So they lied outright and left it to the new management to deal with. And now this broker is apparently showing my apartment to prospective tenants for the other apartment and telling them it's the same, when the layout is totally different!! So the last time the broker came I threw a screaming fit at her, told the apartment-hunter that they can expect their apartment to be treated like a showroom and that we've seen the actual apartment for rent and the layout is nothing like mine, and told the broker not to come anymore, because I'm tired of the endless parade of people marching in, measuring my stuff, and interrupting whatever I'm doing. Ugh.

Jun 28, 07 2:44 pm  · 

<<Now the new tenant has started showing up at random times of day to measure it (not sure if the landlord told her this was ok or not).>>

Refers to someone who apparently already lives in the building but is renting one of the apartments above or below mine, who has been told that their new place is going to be "just like" my apartment. But apparently they are NOT the same people who are someday going to get the apartment immediately above mine, which definitely is not "just like" mine. Confusing. But anyway. Endless parade!!!

Jun 28, 07 2:50 pm  · 

Tumbles, If the police come I hope you get lucky and have a female officer as part of the responder team. I my case it was
a female officer who saved my ass from a Crazy Landlord who
called the police on me because I wanted to retrive my belongings
from what I thought was her property. Long Story short: Rented
a guest house and she lived in the main house. I was house sitting for some friends across town, and we have this wicked Summer Rain Storm. The built up roof membrane was ripped off of the guest house, so I went over and salvaged what belonging which weren't lost to rain damage and stored them in her enclosed deck, waiting for the roof to be fixed. I had a place to stay because of the house sitting, so I figured she would get the roof repaired. Well a month comes and goes and no roof repairs. I have to move somewhere the following week cause school starts and the owners of the place where I have been house sitting are returning from Europe. I was on a month to month lease, so no big deal I gave her notice and ask to get my things back from her enclosed porch and she said no way was she going to give me anything stored in her house.....So my Irish went wild screamed at he a little, she called the cops...they came...
I showed them my problem with the roof and told them my stuff was in her house and she wouldn't allow me to get it......cops, said she had to allow me to get my stuff. I did and moved out that day, and told her to keep the security deposit. Later I found out she actually didn't own the property and was leasing me the guest house with out the owner knowing it......So I was really paying her rent. There are scumbags in this world. and there are reall scumbags in this world.

Jun 28, 07 2:53 pm  · 

Nooo that sounds strange - and obviously if you gave them a week's notice that you were going to bring people by, it shouldn't be a problem!

My issue is more like - I know the building manager is going around warning people that I'm "insane," and she said something to my current roommate about "aren't you glad to be rid of your crazy roommate." Clearly, It's SO CRAZY to not want to let random large groups of people into my home at inconvenient times of day, and then to get angry when it keeps happening repeatedly. (oh, wait, Sarcastic Wednesday has come and gone...!!) I do make a point to only scream at the actual building employees who should know better, not the prospective tenants, contractors, etc. who have all been told that it's perfectly all right to barge in any old time.

Jun 28, 07 3:09 pm  · 
mightylittle™'s okay to be so crazy.

embrace it.

Jun 28, 07 4:54 pm  · 

but the craziness ends this weekend, right?

Jun 28, 07 4:59 pm  · 

folks its Thursday evening. One more day until the weekend. I'll be archinect'ing from my hammock come saturday (I put it up tomorrow)

Jun 28, 07 5:10 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Just saying hi. I've missed pages 133-116. :(

Jun 28, 07 5:24 pm  · 

it's like your predicting the future beary..

my landlord is a chinese woman who barely speaks
i go through a 'realtor'. he's the one of the better landlords
i've had in that he never really bothers us except to see if we
need anything. and i have to call him to see when he's
collecting rent because he's usually five to ten days late in coming
to collect pretty typically.

had my share of awful landlords though. one of whom would sneak
into my apartment pretty much every day...i knew this because i'd
set booby traps to see if she'd come in. shouted at me once that
i couldn't have a third roommate when a friend came to visit for a
weekend (she claimed he'd been there for two weeks..) in the end
i was very happy to move out.

Jun 28, 07 5:45 pm  · 
vado retro

tumbles i didnt know that you were "the man".

Jun 28, 07 5:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary

oops pages 113-116.

my landlord rocks, except that when he does come in (once in 2 years) he smoked cigs in my apartment and put them out in the toilet. I had another landlord that did that to me - put them out in the kitchen sink though. I never pay my rent until the 5th day of the month either, and he charges us about $300 less than he charged the previous tenant! And I don't pay any utilites so I take a lot of hot baths and run the heat and A/C with the windows open. Sometimes.

Why am I looking for a house again?

Jun 28, 07 5:54 pm  · 


neither did I....

Jun 28, 07 5:55 pm  · 

yes but did your landlord ever rent a closet in your apartment to some cbs cameramen?

actually, he was not the landlord but sort of illegally subletting the place to me. and the agreement was that he would stay at the place when in nyc, so it was more of a house-sitting deal. and he was pretty cool actually- we still keep in touch.

Jun 28, 07 6:01 pm  · 
for tumbles

Jun 28, 07 6:53 pm  · 
Fun! Help me name my new dog!

Jun 28, 07 6:59 pm  · 

*Herzog (gets bonus points since it rhymes with 'dog')
*Frank (this one covers a lot of bases...)

Jun 28, 07 7:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Winka's good.

Jun 28, 07 7:08 pm  · 

you are most welcome. I thought you were almost daring someone to make the Gwen reference

Jun 28, 07 7:11 pm  · 

any chance you want to name the dog after me?

Jun 28, 07 7:12 pm  · 

Winka's nice if it's a girl anyway. I think that Rem and Corb kind of go together somehow though.

Speaking of naming things, I recently christened my bike 'Clementine'.

Jun 28, 07 7:13 pm  · 
TC- if you had a doggie named corb, what would you nane his female cohort?/ younger sibling?


Jun 28, 07 7:16 pm  · 


Jun 28, 07 7:21 pm  · 

i'd give pierre extra points for subtlety.

and on that note, maybe 'jean' for 'jeanneret' although it will sound sort of simple.

Jun 28, 07 7:22 pm  · 

tumbles- yup. Orangina was also considered, but didn't quite fit. Here she is (well, a showroom model anyways, mine's got a bit more wear and tear as she's been around a few hundred miles worth of block already):

Jun 28, 07 7:25 pm  · 


Jun 28, 07 7:54 pm  · 

but i like pierre better. if you pick pierre, do i get some kind of doggie prizola?

Jun 28, 07 7:55 pm  · 

how about jean-pierre?

Jun 28, 07 8:02 pm  · 

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