
Thread Central


Hi TC.

while you were all out parading and looking at architecture, i was eating poached eggs and toast at guerilla cafe, a very berkeley establishment with much in the way of shabazzian vibes. blue bottle coffee too, which if you're not familiar with is the darling roaster of the bay area. (one of...)

now trying to decide if i will prepare that equipment schedule that i didn't finish yesterday, or enjoy the rest of my saturday and do it tomorrow.

ahh, the joys of being behind in your work.

no thanks on the jetta rationalist, my TDi is treating me fine. good luck with the sale though.

Jun 9, 07 8:12 pm  · 

OMG, mightylittle brought up brunch....can't wait till brunch tomorrow.....

Also, I have a place to live in California now. Yay!

Jun 9, 07 8:17 pm  · 

quill--i like your use of precious in that context, actually. it's a word with a lot of connotations to it, a rich word. oh how i love words.

I would also like to state for the record that one of the things I love about Thread Central (and all of archinect, but specifically TC) is that all the usual suspects post from and originate from a variety of settings/locations; this is the most diverse group i interact with in my everyday life. It is very enriching. Thanks to all of you who share what daily life is like in your respective locations and situations.

I suppose I should do more of that myself... but y'all have heard so much about Chicago already!

Jun 9, 07 8:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, WonderK!

I thought I had a place to live in NYC, as that's what the roommate-to-be and I agreed on over the phone last night. It wasn't anything special, but the rent was cheap and it was in a decent Queens neighborhood. But I got an email today informing me that she's rented to the room to somebody else, so I'm back to square one. Arrgh.

Jun 9, 07 8:20 pm  · 

Hmm, rationalist, that Jetta is tempting, but not in the cards for me.

I wish I could afford a car, insurance, gas, and parking... I do miss driving very much, although it is more as a concept than an actuality in this city. (As LiG can attest.) In fact I was supposed to have a driving lesson this weekend with my boyfriend who got called to work Sat and Sun instead... being as how I am a girl and "girls can't drive stick" I was never allowed to learn growin' up. Old world fathers are tough to cross. We had so many fights about other things that this one simply wasn't important enough to push for, always figured I could learn later and then never did. It was enough to be allowed to talk to boys on the phone!

Jun 9, 07 8:25 pm  · 

LiG I'm beginning to think your case of roommate bad luck is the worst I've encountered. Be like me and give it up for the glories of empty rooms!!! I'm sure there's SOME place in NYC that you can afford by yourself...?

Jun 9, 07 8:26 pm  · 

weird, i referenced LiG without knowing he was lurking and reading. nice.

Jun 9, 07 8:26 pm  · 
vado retro

every woman ive ever known with a car had a stick. cept my mom but she knows how to drive one.

Jun 9, 07 8:56 pm  · 

as you all might be able to tell, I am in a very loving mood today. I love Chicago. I am so so so so so so so glad I moved here. It's so nice to be happy again! A recent trip back to Boston was revelatory...

time for my new crush:

oh how i want you!!!

Jun 9, 07 9:00 pm  · 

wanna call up my daddy and give him a talking to, vado? you have to speak french, and very loudly and slowly. a life of being a mechanic is hard on the ole ears.

Jun 9, 07 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

myriam, I learned on a stick shift and am militant when it comes to learning to drive one. My argument to all my girlfriends, including their dads when I could get them to listen, was "What if your date gets drunk at a party and you (the girl) are sober enough to drive but can't drive stick?" It's a personal safety issue, IMO.

Also, we've not heard enough about Chicago and how much you are enjoying it there. It makes me feel good to know it is working out so well for you.

On the other end of the spectrum, LiG I'm ready to cry over your endless roommate troubles!!! Argh, is there ANY feasible way to live on your own?!?

DubK, glad the apartment worked out. That's a relief. Now go have fun at the meetup tonight (I've not been following that thread, hope it's still on)!!

Angus' party was a big success, yay. Now I can relax and work all day tomorrow!

Jun 9, 07 9:18 pm  · 
vado retro

my tongue is bigger than that pooch...

Jun 9, 07 9:20 pm  · 

vado i would kill for a rottweiler. looks like that's what yours is? i had a friend with a rottweiler/german shepard mix and i was in love at first sight. i've never liked a small dog till i made friends with a french bulldog at teh chicago dog show a couple months ago. so little but so fierce and friendly both!

liberty, i agree, no need to convince me. i've known for years that i was racecar driver at heart, and what kind of racecar driver drives an automatic?! the only two cars i've ever had my dad kindly bought and lent to me, so of course they were both automatics. in arch. school no one ever had time to teach me (nor i to learn) and in boston and chicago no one owns cars. soooooo it just hasn't happened yet. i've had enough lessons to get around in a parking lot decently, just ready for the next step now... lucky for me there ain't hills in chicago like there are back home in southern california!

Jun 9, 07 9:28 pm  · 

french bulldogs are like a combo of an ewok and a gremlin. no child of the 80s could withstand one.

Jun 9, 07 9:29 pm  · 

also, i'm finally in the market for my first archinect tshirt. only problem is, the size guide makes absolutely no sense to me. can any girl give me some pointers on size? i'm normally a 6 or a small/med, depending on chest sizing of the garment. do the tshirts run big or small or what?

Jun 9, 07 9:35 pm  · 
vado retro

actually thazz my niece and her husbands dog which i spent a lot of time with and i'm sure it likes me better. i just got my cat who is helping me post.

Jun 9, 07 9:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm a pretty exact size 8 and the gilr's medium "sucks" T fits me a bit snug. If I was 30, I would feel it fit me perfectly, as a 40yo, I sometimes feel it fits me too tightly (I'm the same size as I was at age 30, it's just a mental thing about my age.)

Jun 9, 07 9:48 pm  · 

your cat like 50s modernism sweet.

Driving stick. I was always teased that I couldn't drive one simply because I prefer automatics. All of my female friends swear by them...all of them.

There's something though, about being able to drive and hold the hand of the special person next to you. I'm a romantic.

But it really sucks to have a stick shift car and have no where to go, no mountains no space to rockle through the gears...instead you get traffic...burning out the clutch - pointless.

Jun 9, 07 9:57 pm  · 

good point, techno. same way i feel about motorcycles... i would kill for one, but will only get one when i can have nice sunday rides in the calm countryside.

automatics do have perks but i guess i'm the sort that likes to do things the hard way. :)

also, thanks lb, it sounds like a medium will be perfect for late-20s-me. wunderbar!

Jun 9, 07 10:19 pm  · 

lb gave me the giggles with her post

Jun 9, 07 10:19 pm  · 

myriam- all American Apparell clothing runs obscenely small. In the womens, I need an extra-large, and anything ribbed is just basically out of the question. Medium mens fits a little snug up top, but is pleasantly long enough.

Jun 9, 07 10:52 pm  · 

hmm, maybe I need a large then! Anyone know if archinect shirts are returnable? I guess I could always resell it on archinect if it doesn't fit. Thanks for the warning, rationalist.

Jun 9, 07 11:00 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, my goal is to eventually get my own place in NYC, and I anticipate making a decent enough salary there that I'll be able to afford one. Problem is, I don't have much money saved for all the upfront costs of getting an apartment (security deposit, broker's fee, etc.), and without a job lined up and with my less-than-stellar credit history, it's doubtful I'd get approved for one, anyway... At least one that's worth living in.

Once I'm settled in NYC, have a job, and have some money in the bank, then I'll start looking for my own apartment there. In the meantime, though, I need to find a share situation. If I end up not doing the Columbia summer program, then selling my car will put me a few grand closer to that goal.

About driving a stick: I learned to drive on a stick and get pretty good at it, and I've owned a few stick-shift cars over the years. They really suck for city driving, though, and nowadays I prefer an automatic.

That point was driven home a few years ago when my then-girlfriend was at my place one evening, and she made brownies to eat after dinner. Problem was, she burnt them to a crisp, and after she left that evening, I was in the kitchen using a large knife to try to dislodge the brownies from the pan. The knife slipped and went straight into my right palm.

I bandaged myself up and went to bed that night, but woke up at 6:00 the next morning with my hand swollen and in horrible pain. I made the decision to drive myself to the ER and get it looked it. Problem was, I drove a stick, and trying to drive that car to/from the hospital was an incredibly painful experience. Turned out I didn't need any stitches, but that episode convinced me I'd be better off owning an automatic.

Jun 9, 07 11:15 pm  · 

archinect garage sale - I can see it now

Jun 9, 07 11:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Arrgh... Note to self: Learn to proofread before hitting the "submit" button.

Jun 9, 07 11:18 pm  · 

i personally loathe automatics. it is so nice to have almost complete
control over the engine that you have with a is so much safer
for instance to slow down your car with the gears (in snow) than it is
without for instance... that and just simply slowing down your car
quickly with the gears and the brakes is nice.

i learned how to drive stick in norway...i was visiting my relatives and
the only car i could borrow was a stick. my aunt gave me a few lessons
including a stall pulling onto a two lane highway..and then i was off.
drove all over norway alone. ever since i've pretty much only driven
stick (except rentals here don't come that way).

and i also drove myself to the hospital to get stitches LiG... honda
accord five speed...drove and changed gears with my left hand (i can
hold the wheel with my knees)...i needed stitches though.

Jun 10, 07 12:58 am  · 

LiG - I know the feeling. way back in high school, we used to party at this place we affectionately called the 'tubes' because it was a concrete sewer tube lot.

all these big, 10' diameter tubes and enormous concrete pylons stacked up all over the place.

we used to hoist kegs up on top of the platforms and party up there, some 20' off the gorund. crazy times.

nonetheless, one evening i had literally JUST ARRIVED and was walking towards a friend to say hello. i misread the gap between the two stacks of pylons and fell between them. trying to avoid the twenty foot drop to the gravel ground below, i instictively reached out to try and grab the top ledge of the pylon. i managed to brace myself and avoid a broken leg however the bottle of iced tea i had been holding was less fortunate.

i crushed it into bits with my right hand as i grabbed the ledge - blood all over the place and me with a 4-speed subaru brat.

i took of and tried to drive myself to the hospital, but to no avail. i had to hitch a ride home and wake my parents.

that being said however, i still drive a stick shift.

good luck with the apartment hunt. NYC is a nutty place, but it can sure be worth the effort. i've had both good and bad luck looking for lodging there. unfortunately, most of my friends from the city have since moved or gotten married, otherwise i'd put the word out looking for help. what hood are you looking for mostly?

Jun 10, 07 1:59 am  · 

a subaru brat!! rock on, mightylittle. nice ride.

Jun 10, 07 2:02 am  · 

woo! up late, can't sleep. just noticed i somehow made it to over 2,000 comments. wow.

Jun 10, 07 3:17 am  · 

we're takin' the girls to the zoo today. interesting how these kids' places have diversified. we're takin' the girls to the zoo - to the waterpark - today! (they're too young to care about the animals.)

kind of weird.

Jun 10, 07 8:09 am  · 
vado retro

-zoos depress me.
-wasn't there a class action lawsuit against suburu with the brat? i remmeber hearing of many instances of people getting seriously hurt/killed with those seats in the backseat business?
i remember driving to the hospital with burned palms (that i got from workin in a bread factory) basically drove with my wrists. fortunately, the only automatic i ever owned (76 competition orange trans am) was my ride.

Jun 10, 07 8:37 am  · 
vado retro

i'll you mine...

gearshift, that is...

Jun 10, 07 8:43 am  · 

beta's back! (albeit branding himself a little differently.) do we have to start calling you ken again? 'cuz beta's more fun.

Jun 10, 07 9:33 am  · 
liberty bell

I prefer "beta", so that's what I use.

OK, you guys stop posting here because my boys are at a hotrod show and I'm supposed to be redrawing a garage roof to see if we can make a change without going through a 6-week historic preservation application process, plus finalizing cabinet drawings, plus adding a ton of receptacles and phone outlets to the RCP's plus writing a curriculum for GSA plus doing everyone please stop being so entertaining because I have to get to work!

(I'm kidding - please don't ever stop being so entertaining!)

Hope you get a nap today, Steven.

Jun 10, 07 9:37 am  · 

[beta]- the typology of your new screen name is a flashback to the late 90s... very funny! that was a great discussion last night over the grilled trout and cannolis with you and the missus. we can save the stogies till you get the stamp.
I never new that some of my archi books could be worth so much $$$. Wow D+S Scanning is worth $395. Ok, gotta start a new thread on book values...

as to typology shifting of screennames, none of the following appeal to me: t®eekille®, treekille®, or treekiller™.
maybe †reekiller, or trÆkiller, or treekiller∞, or ¥reekiller or treekiller. hmmmm

is sort of raffish,

tr€€ki££€r works for £€$$

I'll take your votes!

(oh, you can just copy and paste the symbols from word into archinect)

Jun 10, 07 1:22 pm  · 

Here's the funny thing with me. We drive rhd cars, when I go to the states I have a hard time because my right doesn't seem to understand how to shift...its really quite weird, as if the information won't go to that side of my brain. Go figure, I do also drift to the left lane now and again. So if you here some numbnuts is swerving along the interstate - it wasn't me, honest

Jun 10, 07 1:59 pm  · 
vado retro

back from an late morning/early afternoon at the mass ave. starbucks. as i was outta coffee and needed to read some stuff for my exgirlfriend/future wife. was sittin outside and sharing a table and umbrella with a young woman studying for the bar. compared to the are that is such a joke, anyway we were chatting about different thangs like the gotan project and cinema paradiso. she was originally from croatia so she had this cute accent that i like, anyway, the point of my story is that i was wearin my architecture sucks t-shirt and she said "that's a cute shirt" haha. now must clean crib and learn all the wilco lyrics from their new record so i can sing along like a real fan on friday.

Jun 10, 07 2:07 pm  · 

vado it always weirds me out when you say mass ave.

Jun 10, 07 3:36 pm  · 
vado retro

every town's got one!

Jun 10, 07 3:44 pm  · 

yeah, but there's only one true mass ave... the rest are plain old massachusetts!

Jun 10, 07 3:52 pm  · 
vado retro

for a city to have its "main drag" named after the state its in, is too puritan.

Jun 10, 07 3:54 pm  · 
Jun 10, 07 4:18 pm  · 
Jun 10, 07 4:19 pm  · 

(hehe, i figured out the correct code!)

Jun 10, 07 4:19 pm  · 
vado retro

wtf? is that????

Jun 10, 07 5:16 pm  · 

page 106 of pilgrim's progress!!!!!

Jun 10, 07 5:22 pm  · 
vado retro

billy pilgrim thanks you...

Jun 10, 07 5:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm (more than) a little buzzed. Had a lovely evening tonight down in vado's hood - hi vado! - with a couple of local art world luminaries. Nice little downtown Indy condo dwelling, recently redone interiors by a local competitor of mine. I complimented their beautifyul upholstery but refrained from saying "Youve GOT to change those builder-quality railings on the stairs!!!!"

I feel sorry for people who make movies and then go to see movies - they must not be able to sit back and non-critiquingly enjoy the film just liek we can't enjoy buildings. Steven, 21C came up as a local Midwest miracle.

Now I'm putting Angus to bed and will be asleep within the hour. G'night.

Jun 10, 07 9:34 pm  · 

Just put WonderK on a plane to go back to her home... the month of August is going to be tons of fun.

Jun 11, 07 2:23 am  · 

it's 4:05AM and i still miss the Sopranos....:[

Jun 11, 07 5:06 am  · 

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