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i know what you mean, lb, about that ONE niggling detail that you can't let go as you admire a project about which another designer is (rightfully) proud. come see my house and i'll invite you to make a list of them - so that i can add it to the list of things that bother that f*&$ out of me every morning. it's certainly humbling. (but would still be helpful.)

maybe they really need you to have said it. the owners, i mean, not the designer. maybe your one little comment could correct the one missed note in the whole composition!

and, yes, 21C is kind of a regional miracle. i both applaud their success and wish they weren't spreading the wealth: they're planning to do more 21C's across the country. to their credit, each will have its own regional character. i'd selfishly prefer that we had the only. the other too bad is that it's too bad it took a ny architect to get it done. my old office worked on a boutique hotel for that site for years before those clients hired those architects and we became architect-of-record. (nothing against those architects - they did an amazing job, of course. and, because they had the 'signature' cred, they were able to maintain an authority in decisions that local architects never seem to command.)

maybe all of us need to just figure out a way to get work in each other's cities so all of us can be the outside/exotic designers for a change.

i'll be your architect-of-record if you'll be mine.

Jun 11, 07 7:09 am  · 
vado retro

our firm is starting to take over louisville.

Jun 11, 07 8:07 am  · 
Living in Gin

Arrgh... I'm having one of those mornings where I'm in a pissy mood, and I feel like I just hate people in general. Happy Monday.

Jun 11, 07 9:39 am  · 

Monday, June 11 - the soak

Chia-turtle will bathe on the conference room table until tomorrow morning, when she will be lathered with "a thick, gel-like paste" of pre-soaked chia-seeds.

Jun 11, 07 9:57 am  · 
vado retro

steven have you eaten at Proof? they have corbu lettering...

Jun 11, 07 10:03 am  · 

...and bison too. and brussel sprouts that redefine your understanding of brussel sprouts. yes i have.

Jun 11, 07 11:20 am  · 
liberty bell

AP, let me get this straight: your new office doesn't mind you using the office conference table for kitschy non-work-related things like soaking a chia turtle?

Super cool!!!!

God I can't get motivated today and I have so. freaking. much. to. do. before I leave Friday for 3 weeks.....

Jun 11, 07 11:24 am  · 
vado retro

a chia buffalo would be cool. you can actually get a bison burger in la porte indiana. so its no big deal there. i have problems eating something that we almost but not quite made extinct.

Jun 11, 07 11:27 am  · 

lb, that's exactly what I was thinking when I read AP's post!

Back at work.... *sigh* No signs of life here yet, which is good, as I do not feel fully recuperated from the weekend's adventures yet.

Jun 11, 07 11:28 am  · 
liberty bell

I need an assistant. Who also cleans my house.

Jun 11, 07 11:30 am  · 
Ms Beary

I killed so many brain cells over the weekend, I don't know if i should be allowed to be an architect any more. I'm still hungover from Saturday.

Jun 11, 07 11:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

i'll be your assistant lb.

Jun 11, 07 11:35 am  · 

tumbleweed and others..
i was at a bar recently where someone brought in a french
bulldog...i asked her if it was a boston terrier and i thought
she told me that it was a french 'poodle' but close...up until
that point i'd never heard of a french bulldog and now i'm hearing
about them everywhere...

and at the time i just thought she was being either a bitch
or attempting humor...

and it's funny but i was thinking the same thing about AP's workplace...
has this become a sort of office project? or is it more of a 'let's
humor the new guy' sort of thing?

Jun 11, 07 11:37 am  · 
liberty bell

If I could only pay you, Strawbeary, I'd fly you out here tomorrow. And Monday morning hangovers would be totally fine, we'd get up to speed slowly together!

Jun 11, 07 11:37 am  · 

clarity regarding Ms. Chia-turtle:

she was here when i started 3-4 weeks ago, sitting quietly on a shelf near my desk. the other day susan was feeling sad, so i sent her a photo of the chia-turtle to cheer her up... in her newly elated state, susan recommended that i seed the turtle, allowing her to realize her life's purpose. and so it goes.

and ya, it's pretty laid back here...we'll see how Ms. Chia plays when the boss gets back from London on Wednesday...

the japanese guy that sits next to me has a French Bulldog named "Toyo" after Toyo Ito.

Jun 11, 07 11:52 am  · 
Living in Gin

God, I fucking hate this office. I'm halfway through picking up redmarks for Principal A on a set of drawings that's supposed to be issued for permit sometime last week. Principal B comes and grabs the drawings from my desk while I've stepped away, and is now busy designing a complete new layout for the plan.

Jun 11, 07 12:01 pm  · 


i think it'd be a better story if the chia turtle was making a ruccus..sp?
(as opposed to sitting their quietly).

Jun 11, 07 12:08 pm  · 
Ms Beary

really lb? so it would be ok if I left every hour to go puke in the bathroom like I am doing today. (I guess I've got it good because I can do that here too and no one will bat an eye.) i love summer, but i can overdo it sometimes. i feel so dumb!

gin, what's the big deal? it's all in cad right? you can pick up the chages in an hour, right? (just kidding).

Jun 11, 07 12:10 pm  · 

of course he can pick up the changes in an hour.... because computers are magic.

Jun 11, 07 12:13 pm  · 

oh, and to update everyone on the tally: fourteen weeks left!

Jun 11, 07 12:13 pm  · 

Ok, so I think I'm caught up. Here's my comments:

-I'm glad Daisy is doing well.

-I feel bad that tk's car got broken into.

-AP, my grandpa's name was "Norbert" as well. He was the best grandpa ever. *tear*

-LIG, thanks! How goes your apartment hunt?

-myriam, I would suggest a "large" for you. Trust me.

-Strawbeary, I killed a whole lot of brain cells this weekend. I'm probably going to cleanse again in a couple of weeks, my body is so wrecked.

-rationalist did indeed cart me around this weekend. I am very grateful! Especially for the impromptu run to In-and-Out Burger last night. Yum.

-Meeting my future roommate, and tumbles, and alexander walter, and Appleseed was very fun this weekend! tumbles and I were cracking up the whole time.

Furthermore, it is a relief to have a place to live. Now I need to continue finding a way to pay for it, LOL. Also, I will be just a few blocks away from a couple of fellow archinectors and Alex tells me that my new place is only one block away from Archinect HQ. Total coincidence. Is that nonsense or what?

My roomie, our kitchen/living room, and the south facing windows which I must start sewing for immediately:

Jun 11, 07 12:21 pm  · 

i've been hungover at work coupla times on wednesdays...that's
the worst..cause you still have half the week left...and you just
feel like an idiot cause who drinks til 3 on tuesdays?

and does anyway get the feeling that someday archinect is going
to be some kind of uber office with all of us working together on
various projects...just have this feeling as more and more of us
are meeting up with one another...has this sort of atlas shrugged
kind of feeling.

Jun 11, 07 12:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, I sent you an email, but I'll say it ehre too: I'm so excited for your move to the Left Coast, but it hi me today, looking at your Flickr apartment images, that you're moving away from me!! The whole Midwest suddenly looks a little greyer. Sigh.

Jun 11, 07 12:23 pm  · 

and wonderk that place looks sweet...

Jun 11, 07 12:23 pm  · 

lb, responding to your email is next on my agenda. Please don't talk about the leaving yet! We will cross that bridge later.....

thanks lars!

Jun 11, 07 12:25 pm  · 

hey, is Cincinatti all right? ; P

Jun 11, 07 12:27 pm  · 

I can verify that Cincinnati is indeed intact. Also, so is Atlanta. I will report on Philadelphia and Lancaster, PA later on.

tumbles> yeah, it's like this glazed concrete. It is really nice. Perfect for a roommate who paints, and our cats!

Jun 11, 07 12:33 pm  · 

Straw - i think i can empathize with you. The other week i came in after a somewhat stellar night out - i lost my cookies in the starbucks on the way to work - and then every 12 minutes after that. i walked into my bosses office and told him i was sick - he felt bad for me and gave me money to take a cab home - ! -

Jun 11, 07 12:35 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes it is that bad, and this is a hangover from Saturday's festivities too.

oooh, nice place. and like, what, are you on a tour wonderk?

i never ordered the archinect t-shirt, now I'm glad I didn't. if a large and xl barely covers a girl who wears a 4 or 6, I'm SOL.

so we are getting an intern from Dublin! his first day we are all going to wear cowboy boots, wranglers, silver and turquoise belt buckles, etc and say, "You ain't from 'round here, is ya?" (Because you know that is how everyone in Denver talks and acts and we must live up to it for our newcomer!)

Jun 11, 07 12:51 pm  · 

dang dubK, that place looks niiiice. i love rough juxtaposed with shiny! brick and exposed wood ceiling with polished concrete and a slick looking kitchen. ....mmmmmmm...

lars, short answer, yes. i do get the feeling that at minimum some of us will collaborate in the future.

Jun 11, 07 1:36 pm  · 
vado retro

once i threw up in the service elevator at im pei's indiana university library while at my work study job. not pretty.

Jun 11, 07 1:40 pm  · 
vado retro

the shirts also shrink even if you wash em in cold and don't put em in the dryer. oh i;m a size 2.

Jun 11, 07 1:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

It seems my undergrad classmate and close friend Scott Pask just won another Tony award last night! Yay for Sott and yay for everyone who is interested in pursuing non-traditional architecture design work after getting an Arch degree!

Jun 11, 07 1:49 pm  · 
vado retro

thats great what size is he?

Jun 11, 07 1:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado that's actually an excellent idea as a gift for me to send to him....

Jun 11, 07 1:52 pm  · 

I booked my van for the move! It was a bitch, too, because I thought I'd found a really good deal online, and then I went to book it and oh wait, there's a $25/day charge for being under 25, and also a $400 charge for returning it at a different location!!!!! So the company I thought was the cheapest turned into the most expensive, because the rest of them at least built the return fee into their pricing instead of suprising you with it at the end. Turned out to cost me nearly twice the rate I'd budgeted for because of shady online "base rate" pricing practices. Beware of Thrifty rental cars...

So I'm giving myself four days with the van to make the move. Day 1: figure out how to fit all my earthly belongings into van. Days 2&3: drive, drive, drive. Day 4: purchase any large home essentials such as a bed. Return van. That's not cutting it too close, is it?

Jun 11, 07 1:52 pm  · 
vado retro

when i moved to new mexico from indianastan i took a suitcase and a cat and a boom box (which i left at the taxi stand)
when i moved from new mexico to chicago i brought one car stuffed after seeling big stuff and a different cat
when i moved to indy i had a car stuffed, and a chevy blazer stuffed and a different cat.

Jun 11, 07 2:08 pm  · 
vado retro

i travel light. im a 21 st century thoreau.

Jun 11, 07 2:09 pm  · 

Someone has mentioned casually maybe possibly coming along for the drive, but I don't actually think it'll happen, cause he's a bit of a putz. And hey, if he doesn't come along, then there's room for at least two more boxes where he would've sat.

I'm travelling relatively light as well, vado: when I talk of a van rental, I mean a mini-van! The only pieces of furniture I'm keeping are my desk and a set of bookshelves, and I'm going to do my best to do a clothing-purge before I go. Actually I should get started on that, see whether I have anything a thrift shop might actually buy off me.

Jun 11, 07 2:16 pm  · 

rationalist - no chance of renting it under the name of an over 25'er? Or switching companies? That is so annoying!

Jun 11, 07 2:19 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah i got a lot of crap now.

Jun 11, 07 2:21 pm  · 

oh, yeah, I didn't go with the same company. As soon as I saw their bogus 'drop-off' charge I went elsewhere. But the under-25 charge remains everywhere, I couldn't find a way around that.

No over 25'ers want to come with me! Can't get the bf to go, and that may be best, clean break and all that.

Jun 11, 07 2:22 pm  · 
....but I don't actually think it'll happen, cause he's a bit of a putz.

tee hee hee

Yeah that's the only good part about turning 25, renting cars. It's all downhill after that (kidding!)

Jun 11, 07 2:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I really don't enjoy doing cabinetry drawings. Furniture design is too hard.

Jun 11, 07 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro

hang in there!

Jun 11, 07 3:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive!

Jun 11, 07 3:44 pm  · 

i miss last week.

do over !!!

Jun 11, 07 5:27 pm  · 

I'm still alive.
survived section C of the LARE, tomorrow is section E...

wK- where is that sweet loft, congrats on landing a new home....

re: truck rentals, penske has the best trucks around for intrastrate moves. in LA, check out Avon (they mostly deal with hollywood so the trucks are tricked out with lift gates and they offer good deals)

Jun 11, 07 6:15 pm  · 

thanks for the suggestions. But when I went to their site and tried to get a quote, it only had drop-off locations in LA, so it's a no-go.

I'd been thinking of getting a membership to FlexCar at some point, so now I'm wondering if that won't be able to happen until I'm 25, or if FlexCar understands that young people constitute a large portion of their market.

Jun 11, 07 7:11 pm  · 

wow I spend my day working, and miss almost a whole page worth of Thread Central. And I see Wonder K has returned to us, fabulous. Alo fabulous is the floor in your place...nice, how was that done?

Jun 11, 07 9:20 pm  · 

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