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taliesin midwest south?

nah, i wouldn't want to associate with that group. nothing against wright and mentorship, but i've always had a weird heebie-jeebie feeling about the taliesin internal culture - the indoctrination thing. obviously it works for some people.

Jun 12, 07 5:34 pm  · 

taliesen louisville just didn't have the same ring to it...

Jun 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 

I'm loving those french bulldogs. You could imagine them with a bowtie

I've had an exhausting day, and left feeling very pissy. I was lamblasted that I didn't do enough research into the activities that happened whilst i was away. Funny enough that i was able to do this, and resolve in 5 hours what took them 4 months. wtf?

i need a hug. And the worthy gaze of a cute little dog

Jun 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 
larslarson the humorous image in my head was all of us archinecteurs
working under one roof at a number of large drafting tables
with mr. ward running around checking drawings/models.

all hand drawings...with t squares.

Jun 12, 07 5:37 pm  · 

no, tubmles, i don't have the pleasure of working with myriam and her random protruberances (sorry, couldn't resist), and therefore i deduce that her previously posted crush is not in fact Toyo the French Bulldog...

Jun 12, 07 5:37 pm  · 


Jun 12, 07 5:38 pm  · 

are they really so random?

Jun 12, 07 5:39 pm  · 

having a crush on that gorgeous pooche is understandable.

Jun 12, 07 5:40 pm  · 

the origional Taliesen is in Wisconsin and Taliesin west in in Scottsdale

Jun 12, 07 5:51 pm  · 

tumbleweed...that dog seems more like a peter eisenmann
to me..or maybe robert venturi

and i second the idea of having dogs in the office...or at
least one office dog. can we agree no cats?

Jun 12, 07 5:57 pm  · 

unfortunately, tumbles, i do not have access to a real life doggy crush. I met a french bulldog at the chicago dog show that i went to on a complete whim a month ago--her name was Daisy and i fell hard. she was a puppy puppy! all snorts and huffs and licks and her tongue was soft and warm and she was soooo cuddly and adorable. and her whole back end wagged instead of her tail. ever since then i have dreamed of french bulldogs. if/when i get one, however, i have a secret name already all picked out!

Jun 12, 07 6:02 pm  · 

yes please - no cats.

I'm not too sure about naming dogs after architects. My beligian shephard/rotwieller named Tschumi has some personal issues. He doesn't like other animals and doesn't like too many people

Jun 12, 07 6:05 pm  · 

my old office had a cat that occasionally wandered down--against the rules, bad kitty--to the basement office from the house upstairs. When i first started working there I was all, "aww, why can't we have the cat down here? Maybe I'll just let him in every once in a while, for fun!" Yeah, that little idea of mine withstood about one hour of his actual presence. Cats in an architecture office = constant aggravation. They love ruining papers and models and sitting on your keyboard while you are using it. If you work quietly they will meow at you over and over until you pay attention to them. His wafting hairs tickled my nose. No cats allowed in architecture offices!!!

Jun 12, 07 6:06 pm  · 

My reason for no cats is that they think they are the be all and end all; and well we have architects in the room. It would be cross mojo-ination too many egos in a basket

Jun 12, 07 6:07 pm  · 

my cat is cool...

Jun 12, 07 6:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cat person representing.

I'll admit he's a pain in the ass when I'm trying to do something productive at my desk, though.

Jun 12, 07 6:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oh, fuck... That should have been more like:

Jun 12, 07 6:16 pm  · 

feck...need a resize, huh?

Jun 12, 07 6:16 pm  · 

lig - yo - great minds think alike!

(how did you resize?)

Jun 12, 07 6:17 pm  · 

nice floorboards, btw...

Jun 12, 07 6:17 pm  · 

Yeah that cat has more meow meow than meow

Jun 12, 07 6:24 pm  · 

any hints on the resize? can i do it from flickr? - that is the "medium" size in flickr - the "small" size is too small...

Jun 12, 07 6:27 pm  · 

since y'all are going to the dogs, i may as well join you.

here's abbey. my arthritic 11 1/2 yo Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

(yes, she's wearing a hat that says Happy Fucking Birthday because she was on her way to her chihuahua friend Reuben Bean's birthday party.

truth be told, best dog in the world.

Jun 12, 07 6:30 pm  · 
Jun 12, 07 6:31 pm  · 

Stephan Amen: I had some guy from your state blasting my ears all weekend about the gossip of Wesley Peters and the Fellowship.....Aside from that I have a great time wondering around Northwest Arkansas. working on organizing the 600+ pictures which were taken.

Jun 12, 07 7:07 pm  · 
vado retro

open book. enter cat.

Jun 12, 07 7:08 pm  · 
Jun 12, 07 7:15 pm  · 
vado retro

so cute!

anyway two weeks ago i went to the doctor. i knew i had put on a few cuz things were tight. so, i got on the scale and gasp... i gained 15 pounds in a year!!! i nearly fainted. anyway spurned on by self disgust i have changed my diet to all fresh fruit and veggies, turkey and chicken and black beans etc. no chips, soda, processed anything and am doin really good. eating things i like etc. i just had a delish smoothie of frozen strawberry and banana, non fat yogurt and some soy milk. yum. anyway i saw "supersize me" at the library and even though i saw it in the theatres i rented it again. and goddamn if i am not craving a quarter pounder with cheese!!!!

Jun 12, 07 7:21 pm  · 

vado, it's okay, i'm a licensed food professional. i understand your craving.

it's good to crave though, it means the healthfood hasn't kicked the spirit out of you!

but i warn you...DO NOT GIVE IN!*

you'll thank me one day.

i, too, have been drinking smoothies like they're going out of style.

*disclaimer: you may give in, but only if it's a double-double-animal-style. but then you must repent with multiple shots of wheat grass juice.

Jun 12, 07 7:33 pm  · 
vado retro

the craving has passed. im gonna have a baked chicken breast and some steamed green beans with lemon.

Jun 12, 07 7:54 pm  · 

i'm not a tc regular but i just felt this need to post a pic of my cat.

so this is matilda...

Jun 12, 07 7:56 pm  · 
vado retro

cute kitty. become a tc regular. tc needs you!

Jun 12, 07 8:12 pm  · 

dr. suess is in da house......

vado, you don't have to give up taste when eating better - remember do you want red or green with that?

why drink wheat grass when there are better tasting green things around to munch on????

toroid, the trick is to type width=418 after a single space for discussion threads or width=300 for news items just before [/ img] (418 is the width in pixels)

Jun 12, 07 8:37 pm  · 
vado retro

i am eating very savory food. its primarily cutting out processed food. actually i was lookin for some green chili enchilada sauce to make some black bean burritos and they were out. i did have a nice conversation with a cute woman about salsa.

Jun 12, 07 8:43 pm  · 

hey vado like you I've had to substantially change my eating habits (I gained 20+ lbs during recovery). My diet is a little more drastic - no booze, meat or rice except special (doctor defined) occassions. So all I eat is fish and salad....twice a day, and i'm allowed to refine breakfast. It seems to be doing the trick, especially since i can't really workout

Jun 12, 07 10:51 pm  · 

I think tk cat might need a diet too...that's a fat cat, but it has a lovely coat and I can see a bit of sass there too

Jun 12, 07 10:53 pm  · 

It's really hard to eat well when you are on the road and your clients require you to produce 12 hours a day. This week I knew it was coming, so I brought lots of yummy trail mix. The organic kind from Target has some great mixes. Still didn't stop me from getting a crab cake sandwich tonight though.....

Did somebody say wonderKitty? She would be terrible in our office. She pees on things.

Jun 12, 07 11:19 pm  · 

Trader Joe's makes it really easy to eat well. My biggest beef is with preservatives and corn syrup, like tumbles mentioned--if it can stay on the shelf and not grow mold, I don't want it anywhere near my enzymes. That shit scares me. My boyfriend keeps getting mad at me for buying bread that goes stale/moldy by the time I've only eaten about 1/3 of it, but I'd rather waste the extra couple bucks on replenishing those loaves than eat the plastic-bagged stuff he brings home. It's probably made in China and put on the slow boat over here, for all I know. Gross.

architechno, I never really understood what you had wrong with you. Do you mind recapping briefly? If it's too personal, then forget I asked. ;)

Also, for the record, although I've always been a dog person myself, I do love cats. We had one growing up, I always enjoy being around them. My only anti-cat stance is strictly for the office.

also, I forgot to say this earlier, but rationalist, it always astounds me to remember that you are under 25. eep!

Jun 12, 07 11:31 pm  · 

ha ha, wonderkitty got a haircut!

She's heart-achingly adorable, WK.

Jun 12, 07 11:32 pm  · 

She is pretty darn cute, but that haircut is from last year. We're getting another one in a couple of weeks. I plan to take as many ridiculous pictures as possible.

Jun 12, 07 11:45 pm  · 

I'd been doing well at losing weight for a bit, and actually after I started biking the weightloss stagnated, I assume because I had been working harder at the gym than I am on my bike. So I'm going to try to bike an extra 3 miles a day on top of the commute, either by running errands at lunch or taking a more scenic route home and see how that works out. I'm not totally worried about the lack of weight loss because I FEEL a ton better than I have in a while (aside from that spurt of migraines last week), so I'm going to try and go with it and see what happens.

WonderKitty looks delightfully impertinent, and I agree that Dr. Suess may need to stop eating so much green eggs & ham...

Jun 12, 07 11:46 pm  · 

miriam, i had a seizure (cause still unknown) and dislocated both my shoulders in the process. I was hung up for 4 months recovering. I'm about 90% better but will require surgery on my shoulders

Jun 12, 07 11:56 pm  · 

WonderKitty looks like it just came out of the dryer. Pity she/he pisses on everything - that can suck.

Anyhow I just say a spider devour a bug 3 times its size. nature is amazing. And on that note i'm heading to sleep its midnight here.

Jun 13, 07 12:00 am  · 

daisy update;
she has been at home since friday and she can't walk. it is going to be a long thrapy period until she gets her mobility back. doctors are giving hera good chance to walk again since she is still young and willing to fight.everyday she improves a little. i helped her to stand up on her 4 legs without support. that is a huge improvement in a week after a stroke which paralyzed her right front and rear legs.
our daily routine now evolves around daisy. i start to sleep on the couch and she is on the floorbed next to me. i help her with pee and poo and today she got her Radio Flyer fom an admirer and old friend of hers and this opened a whole new world for her getting out and meeting her friends and going around the block. her morale went really up and that is very important that we all keep our hopes up and relentlessly believe she'll be fine. her brother is acted strange when she came home, he was scared and didn't want to deal with asick weakling. it might be a dog instict of strongest survive or something. but the day before yesterday he came out of the blue and showered her with kisses which made her prop up and jump outside of her bed. great new desire to get out there and fight for her condition.
she takes light pain medication and prednison which is a steroid.

good thing tina works from home and i am on flexable schedule.
with every small improvement, we get more hopeful and cheer her up. she probably never be 100% all god but i am okay as long as she is trying and little by little improving.
it is hard work but reward is priceless. she still looks like a princess and says HI..

Jun 13, 07 12:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

I've made somewhat of a resolution to get myself into shape and start eating healthier once I get settled back in NYC. I'll certainly be walking more, which is good, but I need to find some healthy food that doesn't taste like sawdust and doesn't cost a fortune. Commuting to work on a bike would probably serve me well, but the idea of riding a bike in Manhattan scares the living shit out of me.

Last time I tried to take up a healthy activity in NYC -- kayaking in this case -- I flipped the boat during my fist lesson, took an unplanned swim in the Hudson River, and ripped my right rotator cuff to shreds in the process. I still haven't had surgery for it yet, but I'll need to sooner or later. Architechnophilia, I feel your pain. Even my "good" shoulder has been giving me trouble since that incident. I guess when one shoulder goes bad, it tends to cause the other one to go bad as well.

Speaking of healthy eating, I just got back from the big NeoCon party sponsored by Lee's Carpet. Prime rib buffet with lots of tasty sides and a never-ending supply of free booze. No wonder I'm having trouble getting into shape. I actually got the phone number of a very cute interior designer who is a dead ringer for Sarah Silverman, but alas, she lives in Dallas and I'm moving to NYC in two weeks. Life ain't fair.

Jun 13, 07 12:27 am  · 


Wild sex with an interior designer who looks like Sarah Silverman for the next few days until she leaves and you will never have to see her again sounds fair to me...

especially if your 'dates' for the next few days revolve around all you can eat prime rib and free booze

Jun 13, 07 2:11 am  · 
Wild sex with an interior designer who looks like Sarah Silverman for the next few days until she leaves and you will never have to see her again sounds fair to me...

uhh yeah. let me know if you need a fill-in. there's a jet-blue special right now from oakland to chicago. i could be there by say, 3am?

Jun 13, 07 2:26 am  · 


glad to know that you are out there to lend a helping hand (or whatever else may appear) our fellow archinectors

Jun 13, 07 2:33 am  · 

What's up with these "tm" signs you guys put next to your names?

Jun 13, 07 5:17 am  · 

because mightylittle decided to trademark his unique name, i copied.

Jun 13, 07 7:44 am  · 

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