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LB....that happens in our office as well.....but it is a bit more complicated since the better half of the office is my wife. She is
the tranplant from when I mess up and don't introduce
her to someone I usually hear about it later. It is even worse if it happens to be an attractive lady.....then I'm in plain...plain trouble.

Feb 22, 07 2:52 pm  · 

i used to do that, forget to introduce my wife, but it was never out of neglect, it's just i am stoopid. now i do a better job.

Feb 22, 07 3:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

architechno, I think an Archinect Idle singing competition would be great. Can you fly us all down to your locale to participate?!? I need some warm weather, man...

Feb 22, 07 4:22 pm  · 

Glad to know I'm not the only hard-ass on here who thinks these kids should do the damned work themselves.

Update on the saga of the death of my laptop: I've purchased a motherboard/powerboard/fan/lower case combo off of ebay, and will attempt to merge it with the still-working bits of my laptop this weekend. Fingers crossed!

Feb 22, 07 5:25 pm  · 

lol, rationalist...though not the kinda test anyine can do for you...although vado's answers did sound pretty good. posted there too, but the test ounded kinda dumb to someone has been reading too much betty edwards...

that conversation sounds like an impt one lB. am sure you will do well also. just couldn't be otherwise.

i had to think what american idle meant for a sec (cuz we don't have it in japan and i don't download it)...and my first thought really has to be...thank god there is almost no american/english tv here. funny thing, japanese tv is as inane as USA, but nobody talks about it the next day. somehow they dn't put the hooks in to just pure barbless fun.

Feb 22, 07 5:56 pm  · 

jump- that's exactly what pisses me off so much about it. If the person understood the test at all they wouldn't be on here looking for "right answers".


on another note, I have once again managed to make myself sick by starting an exercise regime. This happens every friggin time- I decide that I'm going all healthy, work my ass off, and after a few days of it, I'm about to pass out. I'm always fine once I get past this initial system shock, but it sure as hell deters one from exercising.

Feb 22, 07 6:41 pm  · 
vado retro

as i just posted on the "help me take my cooper union home test" it all stems out of hejduks nine square grid problems which come from colin rowe which come from rudolf wittkower's "architectural principles in the age of humanism." and all you really had to do was go do a bit of research about the cooper union architecture school (actually i worked with a guy who went to the cooper union in engineering and he had no idea who hejduk was) and these clues are there. its all right here on your computer. no need to be very smart. just no where to look.

Feb 22, 07 7:01 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Did anyone else catch Ed Keller's appearance on the "SciArc" thread?

Feb 22, 07 7:16 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I think I just realized something very important, that I can go to work and NOT spend 8 hours (10 hours whatever) on CAD. We are so conditioned to think that "work" for architects involves computers and it feels suspicious/wrong to NOT work on CAD. I have sorta realized this before, but the culture tends to push the design WHILE drafting and I think that wastes mega time.

Bring out the paper and the pens and the scale and turn away from the computer more often. Design doesn't happen in CAD where I worry about whether something is 4" or 6". A giant relief has been lifted and I am crawling out of the mud that is CAD and have made some serious progress today. CAD is great for drafting, but a design tool not so hot. No wonder I am usually frustrated.

I love to draw and I love messy drawings. I know ms. perfect intern deskmate computer guru frowns at my sketches because I draw 1st floor at the same I draw 2nd floor and I scribble notes everywhere and parts of the drawing are very refined and then some parts have big X's to cross out mistakes, and I freehand draw lines that get a little wavy cause I don't use a straightedge. ha HA!

How many out there even have a space to draw? Seems like architect's desks are set up for computers and style, not drawing. My "drawing table" is a glass table, now covered in beautiful fingerprints and drafting dots.

Feb 22, 07 7:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay, Strawbeary! vado and I were charretting the other night and we both lamented that we did not have a drawing board just to use for layout.

I loooove messy sketchy drawings - they are so revealing and great records of what you were thinking about at the time. An amazing thought process. Good for you - clear some stacks of files off the desk and draw!

Feb 22, 07 9:31 pm  · 
some person

liberty bell: It's great to hear that your partner's lunch went well. Congratulations. Please share your joys and sorrows (but only if you want to) in the business plans thread.


Today was great. Mid-afternoon we were ordered to evacute our office immediately because the manhole in front of the building was on fire. I had the presence of mind (doesn't happen often) to bring some shop drawings out with me and proceeded to rope co-workers into assisting me in reviewing them.

The news showed up and asked for an interview. The reporter asked some very leading questions about my concerns for the manholes (a similar thing happened a few years ago), but I stated that Georgetown is an old part of the city, and these kinds of things come with the territory. I don't think it was the answer he was looking for, so they probably won't use my footage.

Anyways, after an hour of waiting, we were told to leave because officials would not let us back into the building (there were concerns that the fire would spread from the underground vault to our building). We made it into a girls' afternoon, testing all kinds of make-up at Sephora, shoe shopping, and going to the GAP. Before leaving for the excursion, I managed to get back into the building to get my cell phone and answer an urgent RFI - what dedication.

Heck, this was BETTER than a snow day. Arg - but tomorrow will require a lot of catch-up.

Feb 22, 07 10:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad you had fun, DCA. And got a wee bit of work done outside, too.

And now for something completely different: I desperately want one of these: Clocky, the alarm clock that runs around the room if you try to snooze. My only regret is the original prototype was covered in fake fur. But I still want one.

Feb 22, 07 10:19 pm  · 
vado retro

my alarm clock is sittin in my lap rite now and purring...

Feb 22, 07 10:23 pm  · 

my two alarm clocks are fast asleep in the living room with my wife as I crank away on one of those projects which has to be done tomorrow cause the civil engineer is going on vacation....argh!

Feb 22, 07 10:40 pm  · 

i have 2 of those as well, snooker. nothing like young kids to reaquaint a person with the early morning sun.

for backup i use my cell phone. don't own an alarm clock qua alarm clock anymore...sign of changing times?

i do almost 80% of my drawing in my sketch book, very often on the train ride to and from the office (40 minutes one way sadly, which is incredibly short for tokyo; who said the compact city and trains are the future? dont know squat is all i can say... ) autocad is used mostly just to make things official. i have a miniature scale ruler that is a beautiful object, fits easily in my pocket, along with pen.

i generally do detailing (everything really) in perspective and section and plan, all over the sketch book, so work ends up mixed in with ideas and outlines and text for dissertation; with other projects, with dwgs of shtuff i see, and sometimes with my daughters dwgs...but it is all together and easy to store...have been doing like this for about 8 years now and not a backwards glance for the days of trace. and never a thought that i should be using the computer to do this instead.

slightly eccentric, but at least i haven't gotten to the point where ALL my sketches are done on archive paper like kisho kurokawa (he wants to ensure all of his genius stuff is there for posterity a hundered years from now)...

Feb 23, 07 12:28 am  · 

that clock is sweet lb..i'll have to get me one of those.

Feb 23, 07 12:34 am  · 

I just might get myself a Clocky. I killed my alarm clock many months ago by punching it in my sleep. I woke up several nights in a row between 2 and 4 am as my fist connected with the metal... then it just stopped working. I wonder if I could train Clocky to run away if I hit it? That would be a great solution for me.

Anybody remember the death of my laptop? It lives again!!! After minor trouble with clock settings, 'porta-puter' was resurrected around half an hour ago. I now have a salvaged car and a salvaged computer, both made possible by ebay.

God forbid I ever need tech support on it.... half my service codes come from one computer, half from another computer, and it now has several ports which Dell had ceased to include in new computers when mine was purchased. Those crazy Indians would get super-confused by this thing.

Feb 23, 07 2:18 am  · 

i design in the form of redlines on prints, i'm afraid. i realized recently that i hardly opened autocad this year. and i have certainly been left behind by those in the office who have picked up revit.

i spend some time with pencil on trace - and yes i still have a drawing board - but usually the initial sketches just go far enough to pass off to someone to begin to generate a computer model. then i draw on prints from that. now that i think about it, that seems very weird to me. i'll have to think more about whether it's a good thing or a bad thing....

Feb 23, 07 7:16 am  · 

jump mine are furry wire haired pointing griffons.....So morning can be wet noses, tossing at the foot of the bed, or a morning whine from the little guy who sleeps in a crate and is wanting his freedom.
I haven't been able to train them to get their own breakfast or to turn on the cartoons and leave us in bed.

Feb 23, 07 8:08 am  · 
vado retro

today we are having our annual meeting. its being set up now. house music is blaring! in the conference room. woohoo!

Feb 23, 07 9:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Glad to hear your laptop is back, rationalist. Good for you taking it on as a DIY project instead of giving up and putting a new one on the credit cards!

Feb 23, 07 9:16 am  · 

@ Smokety above:

First Andrew Maynard came through (with a lot of class, I thought), and now it's Ed Keller vs. Marlin on Sci-Arc pedagogy.

Who else should we call out?

Feb 23, 07 9:26 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I did not catch the Andrew Maynard part ... my bad.

Feb 23, 07 10:18 am  · 
Ms Beary

at my office everyone does design and everyone does drafting, so no sketching and passing off to someone else. i wish. it's neat that we all do everything but it wastes time as concepts tend to be tested in CAD and when they don't work the drawing starts to get messed up. concepts on paper can be explored and abandonded and you can run thru many concepts in a few minutes. I know this always have, it's just easier to sit at a cad station and surf the web than actually think thru a problem. Granted I'm working with miss always gets it right the first time and carves it into stone and NO one is allowed to edit anything she does. She doesn't like my hand sketches, challenges everything I do, which I suppose she should. She's still under the impression that whatever she draws in schematic design is going to get built, and resists any change introduced. Yes, I'm still having problems with her, although not as many lately. It's tough being the mentor. Having the new principal helps - he keeps us going in the same direction and solves our silly disputes.

vado, what songs are blasting?

Feb 23, 07 10:33 am  · 
vado retro

everything is design. even drafting.

Feb 23, 07 11:53 am  · 

if you feel like meeting a newbie to archinect, a few of us are saying hi to indra here. it's fun to make a first impression- not be missed is strawbeary's self-portrait with catapiller.

Feb 23, 07 1:15 pm  · 

hey everybody...

if you haven't already, check out +q's latest schoolblog entry, which includes a plug for an awesome short film, The Octopus, which has been entered in a film festival that is jurored by Speilberg...

check it out! he made it for a seminar class that we took while studying abroad in Hong Kong one summer...most of us wrote papers. Richie made an awesome film.

Feb 23, 07 1:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

just in case you were wondering, yes, i'm still alive.

Feb 23, 07 1:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Yah for those that are introducing themselves in the Greetings threads. Today can be Archinect Coming Out Day!

Feb 23, 07 3:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Seems the Friday afternoon office slacking is just starting to heat up Archinect, and alas, I have to go pick up my son.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Feb 23, 07 4:40 pm  · 
vado retro

we need another charrette soon as i really like hangin with lb on the weeekend!

Feb 23, 07 5:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i am very tired. today we had our annual meeting then we went for a long lunch. then we talked about how to deal with some vibration due to a relocated(by the owner) rtu. then i showed our charrette to some of my colleagues. then i searched for gutter hanger. not much for being so beat. gonna go pick up a bottle of wine or two and go hang with the kitty kat and watch a movie. l8tr!

Feb 23, 07 5:07 pm  · 

departure for a weekend in Gainesville (for the UF Career Fair) in 10-20 minutes...or as long as it takes to pack everything up...

I never went as a student, but this will be my 2nd as an employee. I enjoy a paid weekend in G-ville, anyday, but selling a firm that I don't entirely buy feels a bit odd...I freely share the good, but is it appropriate to share the bad too?

have a great weekend everyone.

Feb 23, 07 5:20 pm  · 

I had to do three design presentations today to different clients. Talk about being bushed.....and you know all the fricking changes are going to occupy my whole weekend. If I let them sit to long I'm sure I will not be able to keep the projects straight in my head.

Plus I have some Construction Documents which need to get started.

However on Monday I get to go to a demolition 10:00am in the morning.

Feb 23, 07 6:06 pm  · 
vado retro

saturday is starting off well. just had a surprise call from a good friend and am now drinking some very tasty coffee. plan on hitting the film "breach" for a matinee. might get my car washed and need to change a headlight bulb. also need to run by the art store and take a nap of course...

Feb 24, 07 8:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Funniest sentence I've heard in awhile "Did you decant the Bisquick?"

Funniest joke I've heard in awhile (ahem): "Jeb won't be America's Next Bush - that will be Hillary!"

Feb 24, 07 9:12 am  · 
some person


(vado, please insert cheerleader photo here)

Feb 24, 07 10:57 am  · 

I love me some Bisquick. In fact I think I shall go decant some right now.

Feb 24, 07 11:07 am  · 

I'll take my Bisquick straight up......let it ferment in my mouth.

Feb 24, 07 11:15 am  · 

rather have it fried to a bubbly golden brown with real maple syrup on top!

anybody else enjoying the snow?

Feb 24, 07 12:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Last week I invested what felt like a significant amount of money - 15 bucks - in an ostrich feather duster. I'm happy to report that after using it this afternoon to dust all the art in the house I feel it was a good investment.

Feb 24, 07 1:37 pm  · 

got to love this, some douche posting in the MIT school blog - not about architecture - finds that a woman with autism is pretentious...some things just twist the mind on its edge and the world seems backwards...what a hole.

Feb 24, 07 1:59 pm  · 

Ive been at work every saturday for 3 months.
My place is a pig sty.
Ive given up on staying out in front of the mess.
Now Im just trying to keep up.

LB - You got rug rats as well, how you do it and get
your drawings, billing, pointless correspondance,
shops, bidding and oh yeah that design thing done?

Feb 24, 07 2:01 pm  · 
Feb 24, 07 2:03 pm  · 
Feb 24, 07 2:04 pm  · 

hey ken. if that album is 'by request only', is it two sides of silence?

Feb 24, 07 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

evilp, my strategy is to never meet a deadline. Ever. But I lag behind them only enough that people don't lose patience with me. And then a do a concerted busrt of focused attention on them so they feel special and pampered, briefly. Then I ignore them until a week after the next deadline, again.

Also, I do everything half-assed.

Feb 24, 07 2:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

And no, I'm not at all proud of this business and personal life strategy. But it's keeping me barely afloat, so far.

Feb 24, 07 2:41 pm  · 

lb, i thought that i was the only one using that strategy!

Feb 24, 07 3:02 pm  · 

seriously though this semester has been crazy as hell. Non-stop work, I am barely staying afloat also lb. My goal for now is to bob in these troubled waters until May.

Feb 24, 07 3:05 pm  · 

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