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vado retro

too many goddamned bad songs bein played here

Feb 25, 07 11:21 pm  · 
vado retro

hey if dreamgirls is supposed to be about motown? well none of the songs have any thing to do with the motown sound sorry...

Feb 25, 07 11:27 pm  · 

What's with all the random little movies they're playing? And then they make people stop saying thank you after 15 seconds or whatever? This thing is still not anywhere near finished and we're close to midnight.....

Feb 25, 07 11:49 pm  · 
vado retro

marty scorcese has glasses like mine! george lucas looks like the electrical consultant on a job i recently worked on. sounds like him too!!!

Feb 26, 07 12:10 am  · 
vado retro

whats with jack nickolas's lex luthor look???

Feb 26, 07 12:14 am  · 

Ellen was great the whole night. "Clint, can I take your picture for MySpace?" lol

Feb 26, 07 12:19 am  · 

Cate Blanchett and Kate Winslet can both can pretty much wear whatever they want, although Kate Winslet looked like she wanted to be anywhere else in the world every time the camera was on her.

Ellen was pretty good. I haven't watched her since the second season of her old sitcom.

I thought the shadow gymnasts were one of the funner gimicks the Oscars have pulled, also. Overall, a better than usual show.

Feb 26, 07 12:45 am  · 

we couldn't stay up for it all. too much past our bed time.

but what we saw was much more fun than i remember them being in the past (despite this morning's review calling degeneres a 'lightweight'. boo!)

i also liked degeneres getting her pic with eastwood. both my wife and i laughed out loud when she made spielberg do a retake.

randy newman and james taylor acted like they didn't know the song they were singin' - and that they probably didn't like each other very much. i don't usually like melissa etheridge all that much, but both her song and her performance were classy - nicely done. and cool suit.

loved the moments of bafflement before the audience realized that, yes, in fact, eastwood would translate for morricone. he could have waited longer, stretched the moment out...a... bit... before he let on.

my general impression was that the stage direction was a lot more sophisticated, planned, less ad hoc than in previous years. it seemed to be running like clockwork.

Feb 26, 07 7:35 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I like the fact that so many Mexicans took home the lil' gold guy last night! And Forrest Whitaker ... that was so cool.

Feb 26, 07 8:11 am  · 
Ms Beary

getting on archinect this morning, I'm shocked to see so much gossip about celebrities. yuck.

Feb 26, 07 10:36 am  · 
Ms Beary

WWTCD? So my boss's lunch hour has always been kinda liberal, he's the boss. There'd be maybe 1 or 2 long lunches every week, where I assume there is some good reason for it. But over the last few weeks, it is consistently 11 to about 2 or 2:30 and I have a hunch there are margaritas involved more often than not. Half the time he doesn't come in till 9 and leaves at 4 too. Meanwhile, us worker bees are getting all the work done and there has been some sighs of disgust among us when the boss finally rolls in from lunch, only to blast music and do some karyoke and tell really funny jokes and stories in cartoon voices. We are doing alright, profit wise. Mostly because we are putting out crap documents, and a few of us put in unpaid overtime to get our work done. This is the boss who says "You don't have to work overtime, but you have to get this work done."

OOPs, That was a long paragraph for me to say: my boss acts like a 6 year old, and needs some discipline. How can employees instill discipline in the boss?

Feb 26, 07 10:43 am  · 


Feb 26, 07 10:55 am  · 

SB- I am in a similar situation, but a much smaller office. I used to get pissed at the fact that he just doesn't seem to care, and it was keeping me from doing my best work for sure. Then I decided that picking up his slack was affording me an opportunity to take more control of everything. Now if the clients have important questions, they come to me, and once I'm licensed maybe they will come WITH me. Meanwhile, I've gotten him to pay me more for my larger role, and I take the same liberties as him when possible.

On the downside, I find I have to keep myself architecturally inspired outside of work, but maybe that's not such a downside.

Writing this has just made me realize- It's snowing and the lifts started running 4 minutes ago. I'm going snowboarding for the 3rd Monday in a row, cheers y'all!

Feb 26, 07 11:06 am  · 

"everything is design. even drafting" - vado retro

best damn quote I've heard in a long time. I think I'm slowly setting up the Vado fan club...he's really showing his architectural wisdom. Unknown unknown fans.

Feb 26, 07 11:08 am  · 
Ms Beary

FRO- where are you at anyways? Western slope? I DO get lots of responsibility, we all do. The boss thinks everything we do is fabulous, doesn't even look at anything before stamping it. I'm allowed to make all sorts of mistakes too.
All in all it's a great place to be. I just think it's disprespectful and childish and we are all pretty fed up with it. Something is going to pop sooner or later. I won't quit because then I'll find myself in a place that has a diffferent set pf problems.

Feb 26, 07 11:34 am  · 

i never worked in a place that didn't have problems. now that i am on my own for a while, problems magnified.

Feb 26, 07 11:38 am  · 

Zaha video here

Feb 26, 07 11:46 am  · 

hey wait, i just stepped over the 1000 mark too like LiG cool

Feb 26, 07 11:51 am  · 

Is this guy the top boss? A mid-level boss? One of several high-end bosses?

Feb 26, 07 11:51 am  · 
Ms Beary

local office top boss

Feb 26, 07 12:21 pm  · 

Ouch. That's a hard one... he's basically got the run of the place, but he's still somebody's employee. I guess that I'd just settle in with some popcorn and wait for the train wreck, to be honest. Seems like that behavior will come back to bite him in the ass one day or another.

Feb 26, 07 12:25 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yeh, that and go to lunch with him as often as possible!

Feb 26, 07 12:37 pm  · 

Maybe he is having an inner office fling with the intern. She been missing around the office lately?

Feb 26, 07 12:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary

ha ha, no she's here. she's actually the best at keeping tabs on him and asking everyone if we know where the hell he's at and when he'll be back.

Feb 26, 07 12:55 pm  · 

Second Guess he is pulling a Louis Kahn or a Frank Lloyd Wright~

Feb 26, 07 1:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i suppose with 5700 posts, i will occasionally say something smart.

Feb 26, 07 2:06 pm  · 

something to look to I guess

Feb 26, 07 5:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Jesus H. Christ... My new roommate has informed me that he might be moving out at the end of March.

I hope I get some good news from some grad schools soon, because these past few weeks have been absolutely shitty.

Feb 26, 07 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, that completely sucks. I can't imagine having to go through the whole roommate search process again. Argh.

Would it help your mood to engage in some self-help book authro bashing? Here is a brief excerpt from the new diet book "The Secret":

Food is not responsible for putting on weight. It is your thought that food is responsible for putting on weight that actually has food put on weight. ...Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.

Uhhh, OK - I'm gonna eat this cookie and while doing so think "It's not the cookie that is causing me to gain weight, it's my brain!! Stop it, brain, stop it!!" and I'm sure those calories totally won't count!

Next, I'll apply this technique to the structure of my recent house project: "Weight is not responsible for the house falling down, it's my thought that makes the materials weigh something and thus collapse on each other..."

Feb 26, 07 11:14 pm  · 
some person

eeek! The house fell down? I guess I missed that one....

Feb 26, 07 11:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

They're pouring footings in a couple weeks, DCA. If the contractor does what my drawings show the house *should* not fall down, whether I try to hold it up with the power of my brain or not!

Congrats on passing your exam, by the way!

Feb 26, 07 11:18 pm  · 

me too. But I had 3 cookies - oops

Feb 26, 07 11:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

betadinesutures, please call RonJon a dick again over on the grasshopper thread - it sounds so much funnier coming from you!

Feb 26, 07 11:48 pm  · 
some person

thanks lb.

Oops...I guess I mis-read your channeling-of-good-thought as the truth. Good thing; we don't want any structural failures.

Do you create your own framing plans and size your own structural members? 'Tis the norm for single-family residential architects? (It was at the residential firm I worked at for a year...). I found that it was actually quite fun to do roof framing plans. I never had the "privilage" of sizing the structural members, though.

Feb 26, 07 11:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Typically we are using I-joists and the contractor has the lumber yard tell him/her what size to use. I do a basic framing plan and foundation plan, and I call out typical sizes on the permit-required wall section, with the noted caveat that "typical" is subject to change due to field conditions and with architect approval.

I love doing wall sections. I looooove doing them. Wish I had time to devote to them rather than whipping them out as quickly as I can before a deadline!

We've called in a structural engineer on a couple jobs, and honestly I love working with them even if sometimes they seem a bit conservative. Better safe.

Feb 26, 07 11:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I got to size framing members for a simple job and then actually call the lumberyard and order the TGI's when i worked for a small engineering/build firm (the job I had during college I just mentioned in the ARE thread, imagine a 3rd year arch student sizing structural members! It can be done!). It's the connections and whole systems that I worry about designing. You can pretty much guess the sizes of a member to use (on a simple project)

Feb 27, 07 12:01 am  · 
liberty bell

I'd been planning this image then missed my chance to et it at the top of the page - damn.

Feb 27, 07 12:02 am  · 

i'm still alive.

and i too wondered why the hell they had R&B songs for a Motown movie. Now I'm glad I didn't see it. also they do not need to have a full 30 minutes of singing in that broadcast, excerpts are fine, thank you! my fave part is the dead guys, too. most years i actually shed a tear, stupidly.

i actually think it's kind of lame that the song for the al gore movie won.

on the news this morning they mentioned that someone's trying to take the wind out of gore's sails by noting that his house costs over $13,000 a year in energy bills to run, because it is a ginormous mansion. This being Chicago, the local news crew--all 4 people at the desk--immediately went on about how it doesn't matter, he's done so much to bring attention to this issue (one guy even said "they should look at how much electricity is going down to crawford, texas!"), how they should look at the per square foot energy costs, that the man has a mansion--what do you expect, and someone actually said "let's not be classist!"

SO. while i am glad that they didn't give in to the sound-byte gore-bashing that was the original intension of the news item, i actually think there's a good point in there. why DOES al gore have a mansion? what about building footprint? per square foot ISN'T the way to do it, because we should all live smaller as well as cut down energy costs. I almost feel like calling in to the show.

Was interesting to see local news krew stick up for gore, though. Coming from Orange County I can tell you I'm not used that THAT.

Feb 27, 07 8:24 am  · 

are the awards over yet? is it safe?
(celebrity chat on TC?! is there no sanctuary?! I 2nd Strawbeary's "yeck")...

nevertheless, I was happy to hear yesterday morning (overheard co-worker conversation) that The Departed won Best Picture or whatever that award is called...loved that movie.


i ate a sleeve of thin mints last night...well, almost the whole sleeve.

Feb 27, 07 9:42 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm eating the new "Cafe Girl" Scout cookies as we speak, AP - they're great dipped in coffee.

Feb 27, 07 10:54 am  · 
liberty bell

I've got a WWTCD query, too:

We are finally - finally! - setting up our firm website. It will be minimal: a few lovely pictures and contact info, that's it. But the .com domain name we want is already registered to a painter.

So should we go with .net, or with .biz? My graphic designer - who will also be doing the web design - thinks that .biz is up and coming as the cooler cousin of .net, at least in the design fields. I like the idea of .biz because that's what we are: a business. But I also think if someone finds the .com and sees that it isn't us, their first default will be to look at .net. What do you guys think?

Feb 27, 07 11:36 am  · 

.net all the way!!!

Feb 27, 07 11:43 am  · 

i'm confused. is .com out of the question?

Feb 27, 07 11:45 am  · 
liberty bell

.com is out of the question. It's actively in use by a painter.

Feb 27, 07 11:53 am  · 

you can't alter the name to make it work for .com?

what about .ac ?

Feb 27, 07 12:03 pm  · 

if you search for it online would it come up. I've found most search engines unforgiving when it comes to .biz addresses most times listing them past the 3rd page (try it); and much too far for me to look.

I'm with AP and the others...either .net or find a way of altering the name to make it .com (or do a mafia style meeting with the painter "offering" to buy his domain name)

Feb 27, 07 12:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

that "" does look cool, doesn't it? (And I LOVE that photo on their homepage!)

Or we could use .ar.

Potentially we can alter the name for .com, but I am loathe to add hyphens, and adding design or architecture at the end doesn't flow very well. The problem is the graphic that represents our firm name is really my partner's name - and adding "-design" or whatever to it seems overly long.


Feb 27, 07 12:18 pm  · 

You really don't want to add a hyphen? We have a hyphen in our URL and it works fine for us. I like it for clarity, actually.

I don't know that you want to use .ar as it might imply that you work in Argentina. Although that seems to be just fine, so who am I to say.

BTW, you could buy .net AND .biz. Nothing stopping you.

Honestly this is a big decision though. I bought several domain names last year and I was lucky because I got the main one that I wanted but I am still second guessing the others. I too, will be starting on mine soon, so yay for brushing up on Dreamweaver, lb.....

Feb 27, 07 1:07 pm  · 

have y'all seen the news story about zaha's record profits?

holy crap...

she paid herself over $650,000 last year... patrick shumacher made over $390,000...

plus zaha, the sole shareholder, took a dividend payout of over $470K...

so much for architects being poor...

i'm guessing that they don't have a constitution like richard rogers that says that the lowest paid intern gets paid no less that 1/3 the highest paid person in the firm...

good to see that they haven't donated any profits to charity either... nice that she can give back a little bit, huh...

Feb 27, 07 1:34 pm  · 

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