
Thread Central

some person

myriam: I can't speak to snow skiing, but water skiing is where it's at during the summer.

(That's me, 2nd tier on the right. May 1997 Pewaukee Lake. The news came to do a story on us that day because it was so cold.)

Feb 19, 07 9:21 pm  · 

Holy crap, DCA. How do you get up there? Wait, how does the girl on top get up there?

And how do you get down???

Feb 19, 07 9:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

vacation's all i ever wanted...vacation that's my chance to get away...

Feb 19, 07 11:34 pm  · 
some person
In Motion

(not mine, just found it on youtube)

WonderK: There are multiple ways to build a waterski pyramid, and they vary in complexity depending on the size of the pyramid. I'll tell you how we built this one:

1. Everyone gets a rope and will be pulled by his/her individual rope. (This is key.)

2. The three guys sit on the dock with their skis in the water, then the three girls sit on their shoulders, respectively, at the moment before the boat pulls away from the dock.

3. After the guys stand up on their skis (and are moving forward), the two girls on the 2nd tier climb from the guys' shoulders and then stand up. (Meanwhile, the top girl is still sitting on the middle guy's shoulders).

4. The two girls in the 2nd tier help the top girl to stand up. Right foot on 2nd tier A's hip, left foot on B's shoulder, right foot on A's shoulder.

To disassemble:

1. Top girl repeats step 4, but in reverse, then moves down to the middle guy's skis and stands on his feet.

2. 2nd tier girls also move down to respective guy's feet and ride into shore like that.

I broke a guy's nose one time during a pyramid.

Feb 19, 07 11:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

good lord, DCA, we had no idea you had such far-ranging talents! I think you need to post that picture on your hard hat that you wear to job site visits, let the contractors know you are not to be trifled with!

puddles, I now have GoGos stuck in my head where no doubt it will remain for days, or morph into that one Belinda Carlisle solo song that...dammit...I can't....ever....get out....of my head.....dammit...must not think about it....nooooooooo.

Thanks, man.

Feb 19, 07 11:50 pm  · 
some person

haha thanks liberty bell :)

In light of today's snarky email implication from the owner that I'm not being a team player (an email that was mistakenly forwarded to me), I think I need to send him a link to that photo as evidence of my dedication to teamwork. Yes, it's getting uglier, but I'm beyond taking it personally.

Feb 20, 07 12:01 am  · 
some person

arg. I'm humming "Vacation" now, too...

Feb 20, 07 12:02 am  · 
brian buchalski

also on youtube

Feb 20, 07 12:10 am  · 
brian buchalski

another one from youtube. does anyone know if it is really true that the navy paid or this video to be made as a promotional peice?

Feb 20, 07 12:20 am  · 
liberty bell

Ted Haggard (you know: described by Dan Savage as "America's favorite crystal-meth-snorting, male-escort-blowing evangelical Christian pastor) received roughly $130,000/year salary as the pastor of a church.

I'm ready to leave architecture and become a "spiritual leader". I think I'm charismatic enough to do it.

Feb 20, 07 12:49 am  · 
liberty bell

"Have some more Kool-aid and I'll show you some slides of the Contemporary Art Center by Zaha Hadid - praise the lord, his hand at work in concrete!"

Feb 20, 07 12:51 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, sorry - the kind of hypocritical sex-phobic "Christianity" promoted by that guy just makes me furious, because I believe in the basic tenets of Christianity and people like him not only make a mockery of it, but cause serious damage to innocent people in the process.

Carry on.

Feb 20, 07 1:04 am  · 
brian buchalski

starting a church is actually one of the quickest ways to become wealthy...but keep in mind that you won't be allowed to sleep-in on sunday mornings anymore.

Feb 20, 07 1:44 pm  · 

but you can sleep with the parishoners and their kids!

Feb 20, 07 2:09 pm  · 

my friend passed away saturday morning. he decided to go to a better place while looking at an elongated perspective of a fern garden.

i got to see him last thursday all day and he was in good spirits and we talked for at least four hours as he smoked his beloved cigarettes.
he is survived by two daughters and many loving friends.

he said;
"i learned art is not BS from michael asher and from john baldessari, i learned, art can be BS if it is really good".

he was a three story man in a one story town.

thank you for listening to my story for the last six weeks or so.

Feb 20, 07 3:02 pm  · 
Ms Beary

sorry to hear that orhan.

Feb 20, 07 3:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, thank you for sharing it with us. I have been illuminated by your sharing; it has caused me to think about life in a way that I typically don't in a day at the office.

I'm so glad you were able to be there for your friend, and that you were able to enjoy his company at the end. You helped him immensely, no doubt, and I am sure you also benefited from the time spent with him in ways that will reveal themselves over time.

My condolences on your loss. Take care of yourself and your grief now, too, our dear abra.

Feb 20, 07 3:07 pm  · 

My profanity-laced tirade on this thread is dedicated to myriam. Thank you for your encouragement in getting me to curse. I don't do it often but I mean it when I do.

Feb 20, 07 4:36 pm  · 

nice work dubK, I especially like the 'too comfortable to give a damn' part.

condolences to you Orhan, I found ThreadCentral to be overflowing with them.

Feb 20, 07 4:43 pm  · 

In the US its President's day - somewhat odd since there is only "one" president...or is it Presidents' Day? Hmmm food for thought

In Europe its the Winter holiday....a free day to replace all those days you had to go to school in feet of snow

And in the Caribbean its Ash Wednesday. Its a holy day, but I'm sure most people aren't 100% what it is for

Feb 20, 07 5:26 pm  · 

in Colorado it's a Powder Day. It's a holy day, but I'm sure most people aren't 100% sure what it's all about. I, on the other hand, have been snowboarding as if my life depends on it.

Feb 20, 07 5:41 pm  · 

it's ash wednesday already?! did i sleep through mardi gras?!

condolences orhan. just returned from a funeral last weekend. good times for reflection, those funerals. i guess that's why we have 'em. still not sure why we embalm. (my grandfather looked bizzarro. i'd rather have depended on memory.) but that's a different thing.

Feb 20, 07 7:29 pm  · 

Very sorry, Orhan. Re: the cigs, my father has made my mom & I promise him that if we ever know he's dying for sure, we'll bring him a case of Bud and a carton of Camels to consume (in the hospital if need be), since he's been obliged to give them up. I'm not sure I'll ever actually have the heart to go buy those cigs, because to me that'll mean that I've given up on him.

I will also take this chance to apologize to all of Thread Central for the grad school mania that is only weeks away from hitting Archinect like a ton of bricks.

Feb 20, 07 7:39 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

um... i think i just missed the last 20 some odd pages of TC.

i live in perpetual grad school mania so i'm just poking my head back in here... at 4:58 AM PST...

happy ash weds. freshman year of college, my friend had a goldfish named glub. glub somehow developed a dark mark on his forehead on ash wednesday... and it subsequently disappeared on easter sunday.

i'm not wonderin'... but i'm just wonderin' if maybe...

(i don't mean to be sacrilegious)

Feb 21, 07 8:02 am  · 

Oh, ACfA......remember when we had our race to 1000 posts? That was funny. And apparently a long time before you started grad school :o)

I celebrated Mardi Gras last night with a piece of Godiva chocolate cheesecake. This consists less of chocolate cheesecake and more of light fluffy sweet heaven.

Feb 21, 07 8:21 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm trying to catch up after not much archinecting alst night due to working on the Breuer charrette. betadinesutures (Ken, dear), you just asked a question on another thread that echoes my thoughts exactly. Cheers.

Feb 21, 07 9:48 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, I thought your rant on the global warming thread was wonder(K)ful.

My partner and I are having a "partner's lunch" today to discuss issues with the firm. I'm putting together a list of things I believe we need to discuss and it is getting surprisingly long - it's a bit scary. I'm requesting that we eat at a place that serves beer because I think I'm going to need one to be as honest about some stuff as I feel I need to be - is this bad business strategy? Things sure get murky when one's business partner is also one of one's lifelong best friends.

Feb 21, 07 10:53 am  · 
vado retro

condolences orhan and to you steven.

Feb 21, 07 1:13 pm  · 

Orhan & Steve, I don't have anything new to add, but hang in there. You'll find things to smile about again soon enough.

Maybe that should be addressed that to LB too!

dubK- some rants are good and yours was very good ;-)

Since I left TC hanging on my cryptic post last week, my office had a major managment shake-up. the people who hired me are now gone... of course it's still a 'secret' and not every client has been informed. The founder/owner seems to be doing everything right to maintain the integrity of the firm/people involved, so it's a very interesting business school leason. the silver lining is that I'm getting to step up and take a more active leadership role in the 'greening' of this office- woohoo!

Feb 21, 07 2:10 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I saw a total idiot of a bicyclist almost get hit by several cars in one of the busiest intersections in New Haven. A guy, riding his bike on the sidewalk (don't get me started on that!), rode into an intersection right as the DON'T WALK hand stopped flashing. And as he was about to finish crossing, there was this loudish "ping" -- the dude's bottle of Sobe-Orange-Creamsicle-Stuff fell inside the intersection.

But instead of pedaling away, he actually DISMOUNTS his bike and stops to pick up and put the damned bottle in his messenger bag. This, while three lanes of traffic are accelerating towards him. I hope that drink was worth it, because he almost got hit by about three cars. There was, as you can imagine, this cacophony of car horns.

And then, he manuvers back onto the sidewalk, and pedals in between two girls, with barely enough room to make it. Some other guy across the street started yelling at him, but the cyclist just kept going on.

Freakin' insane.

Feb 21, 07 5:14 pm  · 

thanks for your kind words about my friend's death.

ssms, that is a rubberised action man in action for sure. a true unheroic urban vigilante on pedals.

Feb 21, 07 5:36 pm  · 

my most sincere condolences, Steven.

and Orhan, thank you for sharing your experience with us, and condolences for your loss. i've taken note, for my own future benefit, of the grace with which you handled these last weeks with your friend.


speaking of idiots (in reply to smokety's story), last night my design partner/GF and I were at the office late working on our breuer charrette entry...all of the sudden the fire alarm starts blaring. well, after 7pm the bldg's doors are locked, and you have to press a green button that says "EXIT" in order to open the door from within. evidently, a hispanic woman who is on the night cleaning crew was trying to exit the building, became frustrated that the door would not open, and, perhaps confused, pulled the fire alarm instead of pushing the adjacent green EXIT button (clearly marked). She struggled to explain this to me (hablo un poquito espanol), then she quickly vacated the area (she already had her purse in hand, and was trying to leave for the night when she pulled the alarm).

another uni-lingual cleaning crew member contacted the bldg, we went outside to wait out the alarm. turns out there were 15 or so people working in the 4 storey bldg, including 2 carpet installers who had 7 hours of work ahead of them (this was around 9:30pm). 30 minutes later the alarm turned off. not such a big deal, but definitely an avoidable nuisance.

*disclaimer - my great grandmother is native Mexican, my mother has Mexican blood (therefore i am part Mexican) and i have no issues with immigrants working in this country. that said, my mexican grandma refused to speak spanish (her first language) to people in miami that came into the business were she worked as a receptionist/switchboard operator. people would often walk in and begin talking to her in spanish (this was in Miami)... she would respond in english. this frustrated her immensely, and i suppose hearing accounts like this from her on a regular basis left the impresssion on me that a little consideration for local customs goes a long way. if they begin in broken english, at least trying (even if the first question was "do you speak spanish") she would oblige and help them out...a giving, yet ferocious woman...


Feb 21, 07 5:43 pm  · 

smoke: It was most likely a recent graduate of one of New Englands Prep Schools taking a year off and headed to an Ivy League School next Fall.....oh well! Bump and Run!!!!!

Feb 21, 07 6:58 pm  · 
some person

liberty bell: How was your partner's lunch today? Did you discuss your business plan? (You know I'm going to keep asking you about it until it's done!)

Feb 21, 07 9:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for prodding me DCA....yes we discussed it and I am going to spearhead writing one. We talked about a lot of things, from taxes to emotions. And we cleared the air about a few misunderstandings. It was a really good talk. Also, we've agreed to bi-monthly meetings to talk project status, and agreed to do this at a lunch out in restaurants where we are likely to run into clients/potential clients so I can work on my network here - he knows everyone in this city, and I have spent so much time working that I've not managed to meet a lot of them.

Speaking of taxes, I just read that there is a "domestic production deduction" that companies can take if they provide architecture or engineering services for the domestic construction industry. Tell your accountants.

Feb 21, 07 11:18 pm  · 

i know it will pass but, i just can't seem to concentrate on work right now and wish i was in a partnership with a nice and compatable person.

i am sure you guys are going to make it really well lb. you seem very complimentary to each other. it is best when the issues are discussed openly.

Feb 21, 07 11:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i'll be your partner orhan! i am nice and compatible but have little talent and a short attention span. is american idle on yet?

Feb 21, 07 11:55 pm  · 

Interesting day...something that fits into Orhan's needs I guess. I received & started working on a tender package with a possible practice partner. This is particularly good news since, due to my health I am probably not likely to return to my previous one. Long story short the doctors want me away from there for questions, and I feel after that (perhaps even now) that I will want a change.

Feb 22, 07 12:24 am  · 

hey vado we just go out there get some jobs and you do whatever you can and i do the same we just tell people their project is ready in ten days and move on to new stuff after that, lets go for it.

Feb 22, 07 12:49 am  · 
brian buchalski

now that's a business plan.

Feb 22, 07 3:32 am  · 
liberty bell

I just spent 20+ hours charretting with Mr. vaod cand can tell you that he is not only nice and compatiblle but also very talented and able to produce under pressure too. He does get a bit distracted by the studio music, but his singing voice is pleasant enough that it's OK.

Feb 22, 07 7:10 am  · 

Orhan Retro...hmmmm nice ring, but i still like...

2 Craggy Guys Architecture

kind of like Click and Clack The Tappet Brothers...

Feb 22, 07 7:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

liberty bell types like she just spent 20+ hours charretting. good thing spelling doesn't count here, right?

Feb 22, 07 8:31 am  · 
vado retro

well, one of our charrette days was spent streaming classical music from vermont public radio. the afternoon where i was alone i was listening to wbez outta chicago and when lb and i raced to the finish we were streaming the local "world class" rock station. i was really draggin but "crosseyed and painless" was the smelling salt i needed. ken if you join it would be The 3 Crags!

Feb 22, 07 8:59 am  · 
vado retro

my coworkers are here now. begin the half hour discussion about lost and amerikan idle. i am not in this conversation btw.

Feb 22, 07 9:02 am  · 

lb, what was the explanation for that party? Or was it posted earlier and I missed it?

BTW, does anybody but my think that people asking about their Cooper Union home tests is outright CHEATING?!

Feb 22, 07 12:30 pm  · 

Cheating themselves, I would say.

It is weird to think about that test from a post-architecture education mindset. When I took it I dont recall being overly analytical about any of it, I just read the questions, took them at face value, and answered them. I didnt know any architects or architecture professors, and there was no internet to tell me if I was who I was supposed to be.

Wow, I sound like a cranky old man. DAMN KIDS!!!!

Feb 22, 07 1:26 pm  · 

yeah, it's cheating.

Feb 22, 07 2:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, that post was pre-COFFEE this morning, which fully explains my terrible spelling issues!!!

rationalist, the explanation for the party (and for this disturbing habit my partner has of not introducing me to people when we bump into someone he knows out on the street) is simply not thinking about how a small oversight can be interpreted as a major insult. We're working on it, because god knows I've been guilty of the same thing.

The funny thing about working with someone you've been friends with since college (over 20 years) is we can refer to similar situations that occurred when we were college kids and see them more clearly with the benefit of age/perspective. I've said it here many times: getting older, so far, is getting nothing but better and better.

OK, gotta go look at the Breuer submissions!

Feb 22, 07 2:23 pm  · 

lb what music was playing? Should we arrange a Archinect Idle singing competition

Feb 22, 07 2:43 pm  · 

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