
Thread Central


Now if i can only find a girl that likes to get spanked this much. (This IS work safe)

This is pretty good too.

Feb 12, 07 10:49 pm  · 

Cheer up, Gin, it's Westminster Dog Show week.

The Komondor, aka The Mop

The Kuvasz, a personal favorite

A Dandie Dinmont Terrier just like Bill Cosby's dog, who won his group tonight

liberty bell, this pup's for you.....

A wee Bull Terrier puppy

On a side note, where do they come up with the names for these poor creatures anyway?

Feb 12, 07 10:52 pm  · 

Humph. 3 out of 4 isn't bad.

Bill Cosby's actual dog.

Feb 12, 07 10:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, that's it, I give up. I'm throwing in hopes of getting good photographs of the modern house I've been working on for the last miserable 18 months.

The clients selected an unknown contractor (but cheap!) to work with who has been a disaster. Construction has taken three times as long as it should have. Every tiny smudge of drywall mud, every 1/2" variation in lighting spacing, every return visit by the plumber has been an occasion for the owners to proclaim they they could do better themselves and why are they paying a contractor and an architect if they could just do the work better and cheaper themselves? Yes the project has had some serious issues, but ya get what ya pay for and I started losing money on this job 9 months ago because the schedule is so attenuated my CA time has gone enormously beyond what it should have been if they had stepped up and used the contractors I like to work with and recommended anyway. I have been consciously and with serious effort stopping myself from responding with any anger over how demanding they have been way beyond my making any profit on this thing. Well tonight I finally lost it and responded to the latest whiny bitchy self-righteous email with a slightly snippy one of my own. So bye bye beautiful pictures for Dwell magazine, I don't f*cking give a crap on this any more. No project is worth this kind of self-flagellating I've been doing for these ungracious and ungrateful clients. I give up.

Sorry to hear about everyone else's crappy day, too. LiG I don't know how you kept from kicking your employer in the shin when s/he told you to come in on the weekend to move your desk, that's utter bullshit. People suck.

Feb 12, 07 11:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

But thanks for that adorable bully puppy, DubK! Looks like a miniature bully, maybe.

Feb 12, 07 11:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm gonna go pour myself a bourbon and watch weather porn (you know, the doomsday carrying-on the weather people do when a big storm is coming, as tonight.) Goodnight.

Feb 12, 07 11:06 pm  · 
vado retro
Feb 12, 07 11:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh and just one more thing (icy bourbon in hand now): puddles, at the very least vado and I are going to do a very realistic and idea-filled scheme so don't you worry about a bunch of blue foam dildos, no blue foam allowed by team cannoli. Of course the final quality of our proposal will mainly be due to vado's intelligent and dedicated work on it and I'm afraid he's getting sidetracked helping the youngun's on their Cooper exams: stick with me, vado, so we an do this thing!

OK, to the news...

Feb 12, 07 11:13 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i thought about bringing our drawings home and working on them tomorrow if i get snowed in(which i am hoping for) but having grown up in the lake effect area of lake michigan three or four inches aint much, and im prediciting that we'll only get an inch and a half. the news has been talking about this storm since sunday and there aint a goddamn flake fallen yet. snow pussies.

Feb 12, 07 11:18 pm  · 
vado retro

according to the news did u know that strong winds can cause blowing and drifting snow!!! i had no idea...

Feb 12, 07 11:19 pm  · 

I got to work today at 6:30am and left at 7:15pm, after pushing back the reservations i had made to take my boyfriend out to celebrate his promotion. my boss volunteered me for an 8am meeting at the site tomorrow, for which i have to have drawings in hand, which still need a bit of tweaking, so i will go back in tomorrow at 6am again to get those ready and plotted before the site meeting. oh and i was in on the weekend for most of sunday too. still no apartment, because they all want to show during daytime hours, and i am at work, and can't even really pick up the phone when the agents call. i hope this ends soon, i am tired. i do enjoy the work, though.

oh, and i'm alive

Feb 12, 07 11:42 pm  · 

actually despite the overtime it feels really, really good to have things to do again and to be pushing myself to meet goals and to feel like i'm doing a good job... and i like the work! also, the boss works harder than anyone else in the office, so you don't feel grumbly about workin' long hours occasionally, 'cause boss is doing it pretty much round the clock. i dunno how boss manages to spend much time with boss family.

Feb 12, 07 11:45 pm  · 

Dear Friends,

I'm not sure what this "Thread Central" thread is all about but since it is incredible long & popular I can only assume (& considering it was the good grace of His love that directed me here) that there must be some objectionable content embedded in here somewhere. So with that in mind i have decided to bring Christ to "Thread Central." I need to review this thread for evidence (of the objectionable kind), then I'll probably make out again after I go outside and then I be right back and I'll bring some more Christ to the "Thread Central." Hold those (better not be dirty) thoughts!

With Love!


Feb 13, 07 12:02 am  · 

the bunny used to be funny. what happened?

congratulations myriam's boyfriend! and glad you enjoy the work, myriam, even if the hours are relentless...

i'm going to bed.

Feb 13, 07 12:06 am  · 
Living in Gin

Somebody needs to lock evangelicalbunny and vinpust in the same room together and throw away the key.

Feb 13, 07 12:13 am  · 
vado retro

52 posts? thats hardly being evangelical. preach or get off the pot lepus...

Feb 13, 07 12:25 am  · 

Ok today makes 5 weeks since i've been out of work. Its a day of celebrating milestones.

I'm going a little nutty, but I'm trying to concentrate on getting better so i can return to the grind.

I really would love to be on site, wind flapping over my shaven head, coffee still struggling through the veins, boots feeling a little too heavy from all the mud on the previous journey

Feb 13, 07 1:03 am  · 

vado don't encourage her/him

granted that post got lost in the sea of "intellectual" musings

Feb 13, 07 1:09 am  · 
Living in Gin

Another day, another dollar.... Several inches of snow out there with near-blizzard conditions, and with several more inches on the way.

Today's dilemma:

Option A) Wear my usual dress slacks and dress shoes for my walk to/from the subway. Likely result: I freeze to death, and/or slip and fall all over the sidewalks, but at least I'd be in compliance with the firm's most-hallowed dress code.

Option B) Wear jeans and boots. Likely result: I stay warm and upright, but risk getting chewed out by my bosses.

If I worked for normal firm this would be a no-brainer, but I work for a place where common sense goes to die. I could frankly care less what my bosses think about my clothing choices, but I fear that any confrontation will result in me losing my temper in a major way, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Feb 13, 07 8:04 am  · 

Gin, it's actually pretty warm out, as long as you have some good wind protection in the form of scarf and hat. Snow is deep though and no one has shovelled yet. So I recommend: wear boots with dress clothes and bring your dress shoes to change into at work. This is the route I took and it is working well! I'm already at the office so you can trust what I'm sayin'.

Also, it's really pretty out! Snow isn't muddied or slushied up yet!

Feb 13, 07 8:17 am  · 
liberty bell

myriam you are so optimistic and hard-working. It's a joy to hear from you. Good luck at your meeting this morning, I hope this job is working out well for you.

Snow day here today - I'm home with my son all day, CADing while he watches Magic Schoolbus and sledding/shovelling out when he's not.

My husband made it home from Chicago at 2:45 this morning so since that moment I've been feeling much happier about the snow. it really is lovely out, visually that is!

Feb 13, 07 8:37 am  · 
vado retro

you call this a storm? of course i put on my prescription sunglasses and left my other glasses sitting on my dining room table(i hope) so i am lookin a little like a secreting agent.

Feb 13, 07 9:09 am  · 
liberty bell

Well vado now that I've seen your office I think you are right - sunglasses are appropriate up there!

Feb 13, 07 9:15 am  · 
vado retro

our office shut down due to the increasingly crappy weather conditions. so i am home in my fuzzy slippers. shoulda stopped and got a hot chocolate. oh well. grilled chees and tomato soup is definitely on today's lunch menu.

Feb 13, 07 11:33 am  · 

DCA: I don't mind the 'single point of contact' thing in general, when the point of contact functions properly. Unfortunately, I cannot be the single point of contact, because this is not my primary project right now and there's a lot that I don't know about other areas of the building. The job got split up into areas, and I was in charge of roofs, which turned into my being in charge of steel because the steel is most complicated at the roof. However, I know jack squat about the finishes, interior dimentions, concrete work, etc.

I'm glad things are going well for you myriam! So far it sounds like the move has treated you great all around.

Feb 13, 07 11:46 am  · 

Weather is going to get very bad here in Cincy tonight. Unfortunately this will happen right as we are leaving work. However the prospects for getting in tomorrow do not look good. Unless you have cleats and an ice pick, in which case you are all set.

Feb 13, 07 12:47 pm  · 

Vado I just saw your post about being creative. I have actually made two trips to Perry Green. When I read the article....I said, security was really slack when I was there both times. They keep funny ass hours and you have to call ahead and make an appointment, but when you show can just wonder around at your own liking.

The second time we were there we hooked up with one of their staff
people who gave us one of those tours of the restricted areas which was alot of fun.

Thinking maybe I will have to wear my Super Chicken Outfit....swoop in and grab the Calder right from under their eyes, and fly off into the sunset.

Feb 13, 07 1:09 pm  · 

An English springer spaniel won the Best in Show title tonight at Westminster.

Also I decided to celebrate being potentially iced in this evening with some wine and additional cocktails. Is that bad?

Feb 13, 07 11:47 pm  · 
vado retro

is that a trophy or a dog dish???

Feb 13, 07 11:52 pm  · 
vado retro

a snow/ice storm can really have a quieting effect upon a city.

Feb 14, 07 12:27 am  · 

walks like a dog dish, talks like a dog dish, quacks like a dog dish. Yup, it's a dog dish.

Hey, I think I know that lady and that dog!

Feb 14, 07 1:00 am  · 

yeah but the real question is; who's had better grooming the dog or the lady?

Feb 14, 07 4:27 am  · 

i thought that dogs look like their master, but!?

Feb 14, 07 9:06 am  · 
vado retro

Happy Valentine's Day to all my imaginary girlfrienz:

Feb 14, 07 10:32 am  · 
Feb 14, 07 10:48 am  · 
vado retro

nature's weight room. went out to surmise the severity of the storm in regard to my car being buried. it wasnt bad in itself. however, the street that my parking lot feeds into was buried and i ended up helping several neighbors dig out and get out of the snow pile up in the street. i'm exhausted now!!!

Feb 14, 07 12:17 pm  · 
Chili Davis

If only I had a dollar for every minute I wasted posting on this site...

Feb 14, 07 2:49 pm  · 

Congrats Chili. You'll be pushing 2 grand before you know it...

And technically you would have earned more, considering that one post often takes more than one minute. Maybe I'm just slow....

Feb 14, 07 3:09 pm  · 

finally got the printer|scan|copier working at my mums it feels like an office.

All I need is project

Feb 14, 07 3:23 pm  · 

its Valentine's

someone gave me a rose and a box of chocolates

who says men can't get flowers

I'm the dame this year

Feb 14, 07 3:25 pm  · 
vado retro

Chili your posts take a whole minute? i'd have never guessed...

Feb 14, 07 3:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

liberty bell checking in:

I'm so freakin' sore from shoveling snow (us and the little old lady's next door) that I could cry.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Goodnight.

Feb 14, 07 8:11 pm  · 

take two aspirins and a cuppa coco with whipped cream and call in the morning.

Feb 14, 07 9:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

lb- sorry to hear it. i didn't shovel any snow myself but i think i might have come down with the flu this afternoon. my stomach has been awful & i feel fatigued & very cold...will probably use a sick day tomorrow. yuck, but at least i get to sleep with guilt-free abandon.

Feb 14, 07 10:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've been trying to kick a cold for four weeks now. In fact, I'm beginning to think it's something more than a cold, so I'm seeing my doc tomorrow to get my sinuses checked out. Fun, fun.

I also just posted my car for sale on craigslist... If I sell this for what I hoping to, I can pay for my UK trip and a new laptop. Wish me luck.

Feb 14, 07 10:19 pm  · 

Speaking of laptops, I just got one of these. tres bon.

Feb 14, 07 11:04 pm  · 

Vr – back at you.

WK – 1 minute to read, 5 min to think about response, 5 min to respond, sarcastic response, priceless:)

Chili – vr is already a millionaire. Ask him about his strategy.

Archi – I have a project for you – can you clean my back porch. Flowers and candy – nice.

Lig – good luck!

Diabase – nice! Although I have to warn you – I had an HP Pavilion and it was notorious for consistent crashing episodes. I hope the Compaq is superior to what I had.

Feb 14, 07 11:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Feel betterm puddles. Hot rum toddies did it for me last week when I felt like death.

Getting the child to school today in this is going to be an adventure - plus I have my partner's cats to feed while he enjoys 85 degrees in Florida but his driveway isn't plowed, oh joy. On the bright side, I am VERY eager to get out of the house and back to some normal routine - happy Thursday everyone!

Feb 15, 07 6:58 am  · 

it's still too dark for me to see what the weather is, but last night's forecast said 9d. ouch!

today will be a non-productive day for me. preservation lecture at 11:30, mayor's announcement of a new city-sponsored project at 12:30, visit the house to see the (again) flooded basement... at some point i'll have to face those shop drawings again.

Feb 15, 07 7:17 am  · 

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