
Thread Central


Seriously though, can we please let that thread drop off the front page?

Feb 8, 19 12:40 pm  · 

In case you guys haven't tried it, I was gifted the Brutal Coffee from Archinect for Christmas and it was *delicious*. I liked the white roast better, but both were delicious. And the packaging is gorgeous. Really excellent gift if you're looking for a hostess gift or something. Or Valentine's Day!

Non, I think we're having the guy who designed that pen on the podcast soon.

I see the economy slowing a tiny bit right now - a few fewer projects popping up, by no means slow, but slowER than it has been the last few quarters. Anyone else?

Feb 9, 19 1:02 pm  · 

Depends on market sector. On the corporate side a lot of large corporations are using the revised tax code to invest capital into facilities. Tax cuts are not trickling down to working class individuals, but investment in real estate is up. Read that as you wish in terms of long term projections.

Feb 9, 19 1:20 pm  · 

Investment in RE is up because taxes on RE income are down. The entire economy is now structured on economic rent - unearned revenue.

Feb 9, 19 7:33 pm  · 

Well, now I'm nervous.

1. The Where'd You Go, Bernadette movie release has been pushed back *again* to August. That's 15 months later than originally scheduled. Which means it must be having production problems?

2. In good news the official trailer was released! But it looks....not incredibly enticing.

Feb 9, 19 5:52 pm  · 

Just got an email from DC:

Name: david curtis

Email Address: [email protected]

Message: If you have something to say to me pick up a fucking phone like a man. Or keep defaming me online and see how that works out for you asshole. 415 472 2859


I guess low self-esteem is it's own reward.

Can anyone recommend a mental health professional in San Rafael CA? He is in desperate need.

Feb 9, 19 7:58 pm  · 

That's hilarious, can you phone me? Kinda bored right now.

Feb 11, 19 11:30 am  · 

You said he used his own name and was aggressively hostile - so he responds with aggressively hostile email using his own name. Hard to claim "defamation" while demonstrating the very character flaw with which he's charged.

Feb 11, 19 12:44 pm  · 

Make sure to record the audio when you decide to pick up that phone ;)

Feb 11, 19 1:01 pm  · 

Earthlink still exists?

Feb 11, 19 1:04 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

good email to add to the spam generator.

Feb 11, 19 2:28 pm  · 

That taunt of his sounds very gendered and sexist.

Feb 11, 19 6:18 pm  · 

Have you called him yet?

Feb 12, 19 8:21 am  · 

Hey I'm finally an Architect.

Feb 11, 19 6:02 pm  · 


Feb 11, 19 6:17 pm  · 


Feb 11, 19 6:20 pm  · 

I'll take both. Thanks.

Feb 11, 19 6:30 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Nice, can you help me design a deck?

Feb 11, 19 6:45 pm  · 


Feb 11, 19 7:43 pm  · 

tduds, YAY!!!!! It's the best feeling! Congratulations!!

Feb 11, 19 7:48 pm  · 

Credentialed starvation. Congrats anyway.

Feb 11, 19 8:36 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Congrats! You will soon be overwhelmed with people asking you to do all sorts of work for free or less than min. wages.

Feb 12, 19 9:09 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Tintt, I asked first.

Feb 12, 19 9:30 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I glazed over it. See it now. I want to pop the top on my garage. 4 walls and a roof. How hard can that be? I pay $25 per wall and $15 for the roof. Due Friday.

Feb 12, 19 10:55 am  · 
Wood Guy


Feb 15, 19 2:18 pm  · 


Feb 24, 19 10:49 pm  · 

Got another one (mined from the spam folder):

Name: david curtis

Email Address: [email protected]

Message: You accused me of a crime on the website Archinect. Either apologize immediately and remove the comment or I will sue you.


Victim mentality is an indicator of Narcissitic Personality Disorder. 

It's not to late to help yourself.

Feb 12, 19 9:33 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Love it. I'm sure you can sell this drama to Netflix. They will fund anything.

Feb 12, 19 9:36 am  · 

Did I miss something? What crime?

Feb 12, 19 10:44 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Before this article disappears, I'm bumping it in hopes that someone will add to the hilarity.

I don't do much (or any) residential so my crazy client stories are limited to dumb government employee demands... which I probably can't elaborate on due to my security level.  

Feb 13, 19 8:47 am  · 

I remember those days ! ... [redacted]




Feb 13, 19 9:44 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I know what all those [redacted] and those [redacted] mean. That's a 2 Guinness minimum for those stories. Luckily, I've been more on the private corporate client side of things for the last few years so my [redacted] stories are not as common as they once were.

Feb 13, 19 10:46 am  · 

Ugh so many of these young/graduating architect posts just sound like SUCH. DICKS.

“I’m about to graduate but I’m just such an amazing designer I just don’t know how I’m going to stand working with anyone who isn’t as perfectly design-y as I am. How do I find a job where I get to design everything, all day long, but I don’t want to have to project manage or anything?”

Feb 15, 19 12:52 am  · 

Hi manta!!

Feb 15, 19 1:39 pm  · 

What's a CD set? Is that what the plebs turn my beautiful sketchup model into? They always ruin it with strushures or mepanical ducks or whatever.

Feb 15, 19 2:11 pm  · 

Gravity is such a nuisance.

Feb 15, 19 6:15 pm  · 
Oooh! Is David Curtis banned?!?! Looks like I missed some juicy goss in the last year! Phew with him gone maybe I’ll stick around a bit
Feb 15, 19 12:53 am  · 

He's banned but he's still reading. If you write something that irks him he emails you to threaten legal action.

Feb 15, 19 6:42 pm  · 

Someone left a tag open....

Feb 15, 19 4:34 pm  · 

[/i] test

Feb 15, 19 5:16 pm  · 

I just read Olaf's parametric details thread (2015) after it was necro'd. I miss threads like that, where people discuss pertinent issues with thoughtfulness and without animosity.

Is this - like larchinect's post today - another sign of the accelerating decline of our culture?

Feb 18, 19 10:34 am  · 

yes, but we are all quick to note the "decline of culture," but never any increase. I still believe the workd is a far better place than it was 30 years ago and still trending the right way

Feb 18, 19 1:10 pm  · 

Depends where you look, life expectancy in the States is dropping, so is literacy, numeracy, problem solving skills...

Feb 18, 19 3:01 pm  · 

Miles - I feel like everyone's stressed out and not as optimistic as they were 4 years ago.

Feb 18, 19 7:50 pm  · 

I'm continually stunned by how many cockroaches feel free to run across the floor now that American leadership stopped being ashamed of their hateful pandering to the lowest common denominator. For example, see TrogIodytarum.

Feb 19, 19 11:38 am  · 

Sneaky, I don't think it has anything to do with Trump, were you not around in the pre-Facebook/Twitter era when all accounts here were anonymous?

Feb 19, 19 12:29 pm  · 

I'm speaking on a larger scale than just here. I should have refrained from calling names.

Feb 19, 19 1:51 pm  · 

I know I miss the days before November 2016, back when manners were perfect, courtesy was automatic, and disagreements were decided by pillow fight.

Feb 19, 19 3:00 pm  · 

But I thought we could Make America Great Again. Does that not require there to be a specific point in the past worth returning to?

Feb 19, 19 3:44 pm  · 

Well Pete, on that larger scale...people were always assholes but now they are maybe being assholes more out in the open. I personally think it's better when it's all out there for all to see who the assholes are than have some asshole trick you into making you believe they're no asshole.

Feb 19, 19 4:31 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Rando, what about someone who tricks you into thinking they are an asshole when in reality they are just a bunch of fluffy kittens in a trench-coat? asking for a friend.

Feb 20, 19 8:47 am  · 

[redacted] :-)

Feb 20, 19 9:38 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

First day back from vacation and... I need a vacation. 

Feb 19, 19 7:46 pm  · 

If nobody actually saw you today... just try to sneak back out for another week.

Feb 19, 19 8:03 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'll report back on how it goes.

Feb 19, 19 8:38 pm  · 

Now you know how a prison escapee feels when he gets caught.

Feb 20, 19 7:47 am  · 

Testing for italics

Feb 20, 19 8:41 am  · 

And testing in the reply

Feb 20, 19 8:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur

testing failed

Feb 20, 19 8:46 am  · 

I've alerted the Big Green Head.

Feb 20, 19 8:52 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Big head is a meanie

Image result for zardoz head

Feb 20, 19 8:54 am  · 



bold italics

Feb 20, 19 11:53 am  · 

Testing for embedding tweets:

Feb 20, 19 6:12 pm  · 

dammit! Very interesting link though about rich mofos not wanting to pay taxes and being called out in Davos by Dutch historian Rutger Bregman and arguing with Tucker Carlson about it all, clip was supposed to air on Fox...

Feb 20, 19 6:20 pm  · 

Thanks for posting that.

Feb 20, 19 7:11 pm  · 

Is Donna8796 a bot?

Feb 22, 19 9:35 am  · 

I do hope so.

Feb 22, 19 9:40 am  · 

Clients such a pain in the arse, "X company can do it cheaper can you match or do lower than them? No, we're good at what we do, we aren't a cowboy company."

Feb 22, 19 11:44 am  · 

Wasn't there a thread about people quitting their jobs outrageously a while back?

...asking for a friend

Feb 23, 19 1:44 pm  · 

That's the one, thanks. My search skills were not up to par today

Feb 23, 19 2:39 pm  · 

You have a recent story to add to it?

Feb 24, 19 7:17 pm  · 

Ask me in a week or two ...

Feb 24, 19 10:45 pm  · 


Mar 17, 19 7:39 pm  · 

See the update I posted to the thread linked above...

Mar 21, 19 1:36 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

What do guys build models out of? For study, not presentation. I have my Legos out!

Feb 23, 19 2:50 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

What I need is a big hunk of clay.

Feb 23, 19 2:54 pm  · 

paper mostly. foam. plaster, sculpting clay. occasionally fruit.

Feb 24, 19 9:46 am  · 

Clay - are you going parametric on us?

Feb 24, 19 10:31 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Solids and voids. Not parametric.

Feb 24, 19 4:41 pm  · 

Hey TC it has been way too long... Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and congrats tduds!

Also while I dislike a system that allows an UHNWI to have this sort of I mean what a bath/view!

Feb 23, 19 3:03 pm  · 

I saw this image on Twitter with a caption that there really are people in the world with too much money.

Feb 24, 19 9:16 am  · 

i dislike that tile.

Feb 24, 19 9:46 am  · 

That would make a great homeless shelter.

Feb 24, 19 10:34 am  · 

Hey Donna, that is where I first saw it as well

Feb 24, 19 12:20 pm  · 

Ha! All that money and the bathtub's lop-sided.

Feb 24, 19 3:28 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I don't like the towel placement. Tear it down and start over.

Feb 24, 19 8:42 pm  · 

What did I miss with tduds?

Feb 24, 19 10:48 pm  · 

Nevermind I found it. Congrats!

Feb 24, 19 10:50 pm  · 

​It's disgusting. Sitting there in a tepid pool of your own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around you.

Feb 25, 19 3:51 am  · 

I am a big fan of baths, personally. Always feel guilty about the water use though...

Feb 26, 19 12:18 am  · 

Hot tubs > bath tubs.

Mar 1, 19 12:53 pm  · 

I just emailed this to a client:

We will take these ideas into consideration but we’re talking about significant redesign and change in functionality. Right now, with all of these notes as well as the cost savings changes, the building feels like a design-by-committee that won’t really function well or look good for anyone – it’s gotten very far away from many of the positive lessons learned when we visited the existing facility examples. Note that this is normal: design very often goes through a phase of messiness before it gets back to an improved clarity.

We will spend some time early next week making revisions and I’ll send it back to you by Wednesday.

I feel like it's a fairly mild communication, but in my mind, as someone who always tries to please the client first, this is taking a *very* strong stance and I hope I don't get angry blowback. 

Mar 1, 19 8:54 am  · 

If that email is enough to get you angry blowback, you have a turd for a client. Ah, but that's redundant, isn't it?

Mar 1, 19 11:26 am  · 

"Note that this is normal..." is a masterstroke of conflict mitigation. I may have to squirrel that phrasing away for the future.

Mar 1, 19 12:55 pm  · 

Reminding clients (and others) about process, expectations, and responsibilities in an explicit and timely way is critical. Your message does this diplomatically, Donna. Good writing is important, kids!

Mar 1, 19 1:04 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

wurdan -- maybe you'll see this and maybe not but dropping a note here to say I emailed you. check your junk mail if you don't see it. thanks!

Mar 1, 19 9:39 am  · 
wurdan freo

Strange... i haven't checked tc in a while but did today... :)

Mar 2, 19 1:16 pm  · 

Any Canadians want to sound in on Canadian economy coming to a complete halt? Is it effecting the construction industry? What is the 1 year outlook on upcoming work? 

Mar 1, 19 12:58 pm  · 

Haven’t seen any slow down personally

Mar 2, 19 8:09 am  · 

2018 recession started last summer.

Mar 2, 19 8:35 pm  · 

No slow down here in London area

Mar 2, 19 10:21 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I have work lined up for next 2-3 years. Have never felt better. Hope I don't screw it up.

Mar 2, 19 10:33 pm  · 

Mar 2, 19 10:51 pm  · 

tintt and OneLostArchitect you're playing yourselves, and cowards, use your own name. You're not anonymous.

Playing yourselves.

Mar 2, 19 11:20 pm  · 

Archinect has anon accounts, if you don't like that that's your problem, talking about playing yourself...

Mar 3, 19 2:23 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Such a lovely invite.

Mar 3, 19 3:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Plenty of work on the books for us here in the capital, both private commercial and government.

Mar 3, 19 7:39 am  · 

sam, i don't think the video you linked strongly supports your position.

Mar 3, 19 10:22 am  · 

I havent worked there in 3 years now, but all my contacts/mentors seem to have been looking to hire in the 3+ years experience range for at least a year now. Ottawa is particularly crazy because the west bloc project seems to be hiring literally any fresh grad who can open a revit file, meaning the market is reverse-saturated (?) for talent with any level of experience. Many of my friends in Toronto seem to be moving jobs due to firms trying to fill positions by poaching good staff from one another. Seems like a great time to be working there.

Mar 5, 19 1:16 pm  · 

Anyone been to coal drops yard? What do you think about the gillets jeaunes as a design feature? I have a lot of time for Heatherwick compared to other youngish designers.

I'll add as a non-architect building geek that the way the void to chimney breasts have been treated is brilliant.

Mar 2, 19 8:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

bump... because I've got a cubic-light year's worth of work to do and I need a distraction.  

Mar 5, 19 9:43 am  · 

I need a distraction from that damn hockey team.

Mar 5, 19 11:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I... that hurts man... low blow.

Mar 5, 19 11:59 am  · 

Hurts me too, I still follow them.

Mar 5, 19 1:10 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

ah least there is far less traffic if ever I'm on the highway near game start or game end times.

Mar 5, 19 1:50 pm  · 

I'm a 52 year old professional, I shouldn't still get the giggles in the lunch-n-learn when dessert is offered and the tile rep asks the gay man in the office "What's wrong, don't you like pie?!"

Shoot me, someone. 

Mar 5, 19 12:52 pm  · 

Seems a very legitimate question.

Mar 5, 19 12:58 pm  · 

You get pie desserts for your lunch and learns? wow. Our suppliers need to up their game.

Mar 5, 19 1:11 pm  · 

What kind of pie?

Mar 5, 19 1:34 pm  · 

French Silk.

Mar 5, 19 1:45 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

OOOOOOh. I like pie.

Mar 5, 19 1:50 pm  · 

It took me 5 minutes to figure out what tickled you, Donna. (I'm slow, but eventually I figure things out.) Good thing lunch wasn't foot-long hot dogs... you might have embarrassed yourself :o]

Mar 5, 19 2:48 pm  · 

I still haven't figured it out.

Mar 5, 19 3:19 pm  · 

PS. Don't ever lose that trait, Donna.  In my teaching life I work around many people (mostly faculty, some administrators) who seem to have no sense of humor about them at all.  Dour. Joyless. At least that's how they seem on the surface, at work. It's both annoying and pitiable. My students have to contend with a prof who has fun, makes lame jokes, and enjoys laughing.

Mar 5, 19 3:45 pm  · 

I thought all the hashtag movements outlawed humor in the workplace?

Mar 5, 19 8:14 pm  · 

isn't there a #humor hashtag?

Mar 5, 19 11:25 pm  · 

Humor requires the capacity for joy and the willingness to not take oneself so seriously.  So, yeah, it sounds like we have a problem.

Mar 5, 19 11:48 pm  · 

But what's the joke, not kidding...

Mar 6, 19 2:58 am  · 
liberty bell

randomised, pie is a slang term for the vulva.

Mar 6, 19 6:53 am  · 

Okay, that's actually pretty funny.

Mar 6, 19 7:26 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I find it equally funny that rando was unaware of the joke.

Mar 6, 19 7:35 am  · 

No clue whatsoever...

Mar 6, 19 8:24 am  · 

I used to drive an old Vulva station wagon. Best car I ever owned.

Mar 6, 19 10:03 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm being nice to a headhunter on Linked-in... no reason why, just felt like it.  What happened?  Sure... I guess I could be interested in joining forces with a few residential designers doing suburban boxes, but why?  At least I got the names of other local arch firms out of it so I know who is hiring and who has work to spare but now that I know, why would I even use the headhunter?  You literally told me the office name and the position they need filling.

Wednesday crazy rant over (for now).  I blame my oddly flavoured coffee. Bad choice, but I guess I should have read the sign before saying yes to whatever the coffee stewardess said.  Insert classic Denis Leary rant about maple nut crunch coffee.

Mar 6, 19 9:06 am  · 

Im pretty sure the way it works is that as soon as the HH tells you the firm/position (with your affirmation that you want to know that information), the office is not allowed to engage with you directly about employment, it has to go through the HH. Also, who the hell uses staffing services in that city? Seems crazy with a good arch school nearby and multiple community colleges, makes no sense in my opinion. You'll have to drop some names for me when we get that guinness.

Ive subscribed to a few daily job posting boards, not because I have any interest in them but because i'm always curious who's hiring (and therefore who's winning work).

Mar 6, 19 9:15 am  · 
Non Sequitur

As you know, there are few(ish) mid size commercial firms here... and a few large A&E (soon to be one less... SNC anyone?) footholds. The latter are typically the ones that use HH services. Can't remember the last one that was a smaller office. As you say, loads of potential people available so it's strange that they just don't put out an add on their sites or through the OAA classified page. Lots of big projects rolling through town so everyone is getting their slice.

Mar 6, 19 9:24 am  · 

I don’t understand how head hunting is a viable business. The cold messages I always get are clearly form letters and never show the smallest awareness of the type of work I do. I guess some are impressed by the flattery but I can’t imagine such persons being great employees.

Mar 8, 19 1:26 pm  · 

So satisfying when the final product starts to look like the rendering...

Mar 8, 19 12:26 pm  · 

Looks great, tduds!

Mar 8, 19 12:29 pm  · 

And yes, even this far into my career I'm still thrilled when I walk into the built version of what I've been imagining all along. It's a great feeling.

Mar 8, 19 12:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Those are terrible khakis in the rendering. But, can you say what company provided the skylight?

Mar 8, 19 12:33 pm  · 

Luckily we had the Khakis changed for the final spec.

& DeaMor did the skylights ( They were mostly excellent to work with. Better than the window sub - who I'll avoid naming for now.

Mar 8, 19 12:38 pm  · 

They only need to cast that beam :)

Mar 8, 19 12:45 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Thanks, always interested in non-Kawneer systems. They seem to limit themselves to PNW so doubtful they will be available in my area... but still worth a look.

Mar 8, 19 12:45 pm  · 

I don't know if quondam ever checks this thread but we got in a silly pissing match a few months ago & he challenged me to show built work. Better late than never, I suppose.

Mar 8, 19 1:57 pm  · 

tduds 10

Mar 8, 19 3:15 pm  · 


Mar 8, 19 3:18 pm  · 

Actual is much better than the rendering. Nice work.

Mar 8, 19 3:19 pm  · 

Thanks thanks!

Mar 8, 19 3:35 pm  · 

Those decorative railings sure ended up looking very different than what was rendered.

Mar 8, 19 4:51 pm  · 

Better, imo. Railings in Revit are a *pain*

Mar 8, 19 5:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

dumb question... but horizontal railings are allowed in your area Tduds? I can't even whisper such a design for fear of countless people climbing (and presumably leaping) to their deaths due to the very obvious public climbing danger. Can't even do horizontals on a 2' high landing.

Mar 12, 19 12:07 pm  · 

The ban on horizontal railings was in IBC for a few years, circa early 2000s, and then it quietly disappeared. A few places have kept that as a state or city amendment - in some cases just for education, childcare, or healthcare uses, or sometimes they limit the horizontal spacing to smaller than a toe can supposedly fit - but everywhere else we're all free to climb the railings again!

Mar 12, 19 2:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Damn it, deterring climbing at guards (anything above 60cm requires a guard) is a Canada-wide building code req for all part 3 buildings... and very mild allowances under part 9.

Mar 12, 19 2:36 pm  · 

Yeah that came up. It's allowed, but occasionally discouraged, but we preferred it in this case. The drop isn't far enough to do any real damage - intentional or otherwise.

Mar 19, 19 6:21 pm  · 

glassdoor sent an email that i'm underpaid by 10k or so, but they didn't have my current pay correct, so I fixed it, but then they updated the amount that I should be making, so the end result was no change in "underpaidness"

so I guess I don't know if my underpaid or not, AIA says i'm about right

Mar 8, 19 1:01 pm  · 

How do you check this?

Mar 8, 19 1:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I am busier right now than I have ever been in my professional life and I am totally exhausted, in part because I’m still filled with overwhelming dread that we’re headed into another recession and it’s all going to crash down any minute. My cortisol levels are off the chart!

Mar 12, 19 6:28 am  · 

Seeing a lot of buildings being built on poor pieces of ground, which is usually a good sign of a bubble. Lots of cheap money for too many years is going to result in foreclosures when the market normalizes. But, I've been saying it for a long time and it hasn't happened yet. Bubbles usually keep going longer than you would expect. Stay tuned, kids.

Mar 12, 19 8:22 am  · 
Non Sequitur

is cortisol slang for rye? (or bourbon I guess...)

Mar 12, 19 8:57 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Bourbon melts cortisol.

Mar 12, 19 9:15 am  · 

Architects should know better because we know of a predictor that has 100% batting average. Architectural Billing Index (AIA) gives you heads up in what will be happening 9 to 12 months from now. Right now all indicators are over 50 and have been that way for a long time. Once they drop into 40's and stay there for few months, you will have trouble in under a year. But liberty bell, I feel ya. Still emotionally scared from the last one.

Mar 12, 19 9:58 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I woke up stressed from a dream where I had 8 recruiters in my office all at once begging me to come work for them. I just said, nah, over and over. Nah. No, bro. Nnnt. It was just a dream but yeah it feels like it could crash soon.

Mar 12, 19 7:49 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Had an email exchange last week with a recruiter who was hunting for a few different firms. One of them was a residential designer/builder (ie. not an architect) looking for an arch (or specifically, looking for an arch's stamp) to jump into commercial work. Odd, as that's not permitted, so I'm scratching my head wondering who this wanker is and what low hanging fruit work they are chasing. I'm currently in the early phase of a multi-year-long office building project (2 high-rise) so if those get going, I may not "see" much crash personally. +

Mar 12, 19 9:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Not permitted but incredibly common. 

I just kicked off a multi-year project yesterday too. Probably what prompted the crazy dream. 

Mar 12, 19 9:13 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

And the Chrysler building sold for 150 million which is the cost of a double wide trailer on a few acres of land where I live. The end is near.

Mar 12, 19 8:50 am  · 

It definitely feels impending at this point. Just far too bubbly in general.

Mar 12, 19 9:10 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I just ran my first Dynamo function. I needed to purge 8-million imported line types out of our template file.  Woot me, thanks internet for laying out the bread crumbs.

Mar 13, 19 12:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Reasonably important. Thanks for stopping by.

Mar 13, 19 12:13 pm  · 

AlinaF, I think you're great. Please like me.

Mar 13, 19 3:29 pm  · 

Tips, Non?

Mar 14, 19 4:17 pm  · 

Nice! I don't think it is too hard to use in actual project work if you are resourceful and can follow directions. Still, that's only like 10% of the workforce in this field...

Mar 14, 19 5:19 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Tips? Well, I read many of the revit forums and pieced enough info from a few threads to string together a basic dynamo filter function (is that the correct term?) then found another thread with a more advanced description for deletion. Connecting little nodes with squiggly lines is fun and I'll keep an open mind if the new junior kiddies talk about it.

Mar 15, 19 8:20 am  · 

Not really. Autodesk and Dynamo websites seem to be the best, whereas GH/ Rhino is more decentralized. Despite having a bunch of scripting and dig fab experience I find myself doing that less and sketching and directing more. It's not better, just different. I never learned Dynamo that well but managed to throw together a script recently to import huge amounts of topo from a mess of 2D and 3D cad files. Through rhino/GH to excel then Dynamo. Learning to love Dynamo for scheduling also.

Mar 15, 19 10:01 am  · 

I'm in a bad place mentally today. The cheating thing, combined with how fucking hard I've been working without a break lately, and the greater realization that so many people don't work hard at all, has me down.

Thankfully I had lunch with a group of women architects that has been informally meeting as a Women In Architecture group and it was delightful. SO many fun and smart women in our field!

Mar 13, 19 2:25 pm  · 

I find that all the arch offices I've worked at and menial and glamorous side gigs in between have this in common: 20-30% of the people do 90% of the work.

Mar 15, 19 10:03 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

saw this in a meme earlier this week: "How many people work at your company?" Response is "Hmm, about half of them."

Mar 15, 19 10:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I'll be making a push for associate promotion soon and I've been asked to list out my demands/expectations in advance of a meeting with the equity partners. Uncharted territory for me. Fun times ahead certainly.

Mar 14, 19 11:17 am  · 

Good luck...

Mar 14, 19 11:19 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Thanks. I don't get anxious about work but this feels like a different sport. Will see how this plays out and put in some thought into my response.

Mar 14, 19 11:23 am  · 

What does associate title mean at your place? Over here it means 'other places called you that so we will as well I guess'.

Mar 14, 19 11:28 am  · 
Non Sequitur

It's an official management role, top base salary (whatever that is, I don't know) + unknown %. It also comes with increase responsibilities with clients but also staff and office profitability management.

Mar 14, 19 11:54 am  · 

Good luck, at the firm I was at before my current one they lost 2 top people because they couldn't agree on associate terms. One of them is now a top dog at Dialog

Mar 14, 19 12:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^which dialog office? I may know or have worked with them. Maybe best not to answer that one affterall. 

My current office has lost quite a few senior staff under similar circumstances but from what I understand, it was more due to them reaching their skill set's ceiling and demanding more without actually offering more. Just because you've been here 16y does not make you an ideal candidate if you still can't organize a drawing set or manage deadlines..

Mar 14, 19 12:32 pm  · 

Ill narrow down it to a Western Canada Dialog office ;)

Mar 14, 19 1:02 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Our office has close ties with both their Calgary and Toronto offices.

Mar 14, 19 1:18 pm  · 

Congrats! Very interesting prospect to figure out. We have nothing like that, base promotions to those types of management levels are somewhat preset, at least at the lower level. Further up I'd assume there might be something similar int erms of negotiation.

Mar 14, 19 4:58 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^Thanks, but t'is only words at this time. Just got to be careful not to trample on some unknown office politics.

Mar 15, 19 8:17 am  · 

Best way to advance is Ray Donovan style - have dirt on all the higher-ups. With a bit of research you could be a full partner overnight.

Mar 15, 19 9:28 am  · 

Oooh, landmines of ego and infighting! Even more interesting and challenging.

Mar 15, 19 11:25 am  · 

Associate and Sr. Associate titles in my firm are basically handed out for being minimally competent and not quitting to get better money elsewhere. If you’ve been here for more than 3-5 years and you haven’t been promoted to associate yet, it’s probably because they don’t like you or you don’t offer any real value to the projects you work on. I like the way your associate title works better tbh.

Mar 16, 19 9:32 am  · 
wurdan freo

In addition to a bowl of blue m &ms on your desk every morning I would send this list of demands... thank you marie claire

Mar 19, 19 2:20 am  · 

Me right now: Filling out paperwork for a state permit application and listening to classical piano versions of 80s pop songs to help me concentrate. How freaking old am I?!?! LOLing. Life is so odd.

Mar 15, 19 12:43 pm  · 

me:  coloring site plans in photoshop.  it's been a while.  nice to get a break.

Mar 15, 19 1:54 pm  · 

Lucky... I do it all the time and my brain is turning to mush

Mar 16, 19 11:35 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I was just coloring a site plan too. CRAZY

Mar 15, 19 2:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

I’m listening to straight up spa music right now. Imagining myself floating in an isolation tank after having a massage instead of filling out a COMcheck form like I really am....

Mar 15, 19 3:13 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm colouring some elevations with some pantone markers. 

Mar 15, 19 3:27 pm  · 

Try coffee staining instead

Mar 19, 19 1:00 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

That happens by default.

Mar 19, 19 1:05 pm  · 

I just got a reminder of how selfish many people in this profession are. 

Mar 15, 19 4:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, Sneaky, that sucks. Hope it wasn’t too disheartening.

Mar 16, 19 3:01 am  · 

and that's a surprise?

Mar 16, 19 9:37 am  · 

Interestingly it has a lot i
f the

Mar 16, 19 12:58 pm  · 

Sorry. Phone reply. It has a lot of similarities to EAs story below. Young designer who is miserable because higher ups don't have the time or interest to invest in his continued growth. We all admit that school doesn't prepare you for work but then so few firms invest in the new employees. I remember it being tough, but it seems that the industry's trend towards faster and cheaper (profit, baybeeeee) is really going to come back to haunt us when the younger folk all either quit the profession or jump around so much their skills and experiences fail to form a cohesive set of knowledge that really makes them a great member of the team.

Mar 16, 19 1:07 pm  · 

I'm now in these BIM/practice meetings, approximately 10 people including 2 owners and a bunch of boomers. I'm beginning to feel like I was included as a token. Every time I bring up training or mentoring I get blank stares. They'll say things like "I had the SMACNA manual at my desk for 20 years... they just need to figure it out." I respond with "where's the most recent SMACNA manual in the office, oh we don't have a digital or hard copy? Well, did you know that if you look at the SMACNA sheets online for that detail and compare it to your personal copy that you brought from home, they've changed the gage from 18 to 22 gage? Do you think it's still going to prevent oil canning with breaks every 8-inches or should we do breaks at 5-6 inches now?" A slim few of them are beginning to open their eyes on the vast obfuscation of knowledge and watering down of details within the "sacred manuals" much less the typical millennial "I'll google it" option. Mentoring is more important than ever.

Mar 25, 19 1:15 pm  · 

I’m currently trying to avoid doing dishes. I’d rather be going through shop drawings.

Mar 15, 19 11:02 pm  · 

I’ve been spending some time helping out a young designer trying to get more into a technical role at my office. She has a strong desire to learn but lacks the experience and knowledge needed to really take it on without mentorship. I’ve been working to mentor her but the firm leadership seems unwilling to fully support her in this. 

The strange thing, they fully supported me when I did a similar thing when I started at this firm, and we have more of a need for it now than we did back then. I’m trying to figure out if this is a personal thing with the leadership  against the employee, a lack of confidence in her ability to become competent in this area of practice, or if this is a sexist thing because she’s a woman. Maybe it’s just easier to take on a new role by getting hired for that role specifically rather than moving to that new role within a firm. To be fair, the leaders I’m dealing with now are different leaders than I was dealing with when I started, but we have a well-established precedent for training and mentoring emerging professionals into this type of role and the leadership knows it.

Her most direct supervisor tried to ‘warn’ me at the beginning of all this that she tends to jump from one thing to another without fully following through, but I don’t agree with him on that at all. If anything I’d say it was because she doesn’t feel fulfilled or fully engaged with the work he has her doing and is looking for something else that she enjoys more (like what I have her doing). I’m starting to wonder if that ‘warning’ was really his thinly-veiled sexism. The guy is a tool anyway so it wouldn’t surprise me. 

Mar 16, 19 10:08 am  · 

Isn't it a tendency of younger employees to want to try new things and figure out where their interest s lie so they don't get stuck doing something they hate for a 40-year-long career? Everyday Architect, are the firm leaders who oppose this mentorship all Boomer age? I would think they would want a young person to *have* a mentor so that as she explores various avenues she's also staying aware of the big picture.

Mar 16, 19 10:24 am  · 


Mar 16, 19 10:29 am  · 

bad managers don't self reflect. It sounds like her former direct supervisor is a bad manager.

Mar 16, 19 10:41 am  · 

Pretty much all the leadership with any real say in anything are boomer age. Sure there are a few Gen X-ers thrown in for age diversity, but everything is really run by the boomers. I don’t really know if it is generational though. If anything it may come down to a different view of mentorship. They seem to think mentorship is taking someone out to grab coffee and talking about career goals for 30 minutes then going back to work, without ever having to do anything to help someone advance the career goals you just spent 30 minutes talking about. Is the unwillingness to do anything to effect change a generational thing?

Mar 16, 19 10:52 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Sounds like good old fashioned sexism to me. Lots of men especially older ones think women are there to make sandwiches for the men.

Mar 16, 19 12:57 pm  · 

Everyday, I do think you nailed it with the generational differences on what mentorship means. Those 30 minute coffees can help someone check a box but it's not really effective in the working world and society we are in right now.

Mar 16, 19 2:26 pm  · 

Sounds like there is a lot of ambient sexism at this firm. I do think these people owe her honest straightforward feedback... Maybe it has been given and acted on.

Mar 18, 19 9:01 pm  · 

This is for an assignment in school. One of the assignments is to interview someone in the field you are going into. These are questions in the book.

1. The nature of the work. What are the duties and responsibilities on a day-to-day basis?

2. Working conditions. Is the working environment pleasant or unpleasant, low-key or high-pressure?

3. Job entry requirements. What kind of education and training are required to break into this occupational area?

4. Potential earnings. What are the entry-level salaries, and how much can you hope to earn if you are successful in this field?

5. Opportunities for advancement. How do you move up in this field? Are there adequate opportunities for promotion and advancement?

6. Intrinsic job satisfactions. What can you gain in the way of personal satisfaction from this job?

7. Future outlook. How is the supply and demand projected to shape up in the future for this occupational area?

Mar 17, 19 11:31 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

How about you pick-up the phone and call around? Posting questions and expecting free answers in an online forum is fucking lazy.

Mar 17, 19 11:40 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

So I've gotten another PM from an Indian architect looking for US immigration information.  When did I pretend to know a thing about this that would lead someone to ask me?  

Mar 18, 19 8:40 am  · 

So, do you know? Asking for a friend.

Mar 18, 19 9:13 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Maybe I do, maybe I don't. A crisp hundred-yankee-dolla bill should clear up this mess.

Mar 18, 19 9:32 am  · 

Ok, no problem:

Mar 18, 19 9:51 am  · 

Someone spent time creating those bad images. SMDH.

Mar 18, 19 3:27 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^Everyone needs a hobby.

Mar 18, 19 3:48 pm  · 

Trolling isn't a hobby.

Mar 18, 19 5:41 pm  · 

It's not a hobby, it's a presidency

Mar 18, 19 5:46 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


Mar 18, 19 6:18 pm  · 

Poorly Photoshopping fake money is a presidency. O...K...?

Mar 18, 19 6:54 pm  · 

i think he was suggesting the president is a troll?

Mar 18, 19 9:33 pm  · 

Ah. I think I follow. Thanks for the clarification.

Mar 19, 19 11:18 am  · 

Glad to see you're carrying water for trump out in the open, now.

Mar 29, 19 3:58 pm  · 

You are utterly adorable.

Mar 30, 19 1:05 pm  · 

Deep state is a myth created by Trump acolytes and perpetuated by tiny brains.

Mar 31, 19 12:24 pm  · 

Hello everyone, 

I have an online Msc entrance exam for a university in central Europe, the duration of the exam is 30 minutes... 

Anyone been through similar exams? 

Mar 18, 19 5:58 pm  · 

I'd hurry up then, don't waste your time on here, tick tick tick tick!

Mar 19, 19 1:03 pm  · 

Damn you autocorrect

Mar 19, 19 1:04 pm  · 

I recently gave notice to my employer after accepting an offer at another firm. Since then, two firms reached out to try and poach me away from the offer I accepted, and a head hunter contacted me on behalf of a third and fourth firm. Today, a second head hunter reached out to me for a fifth firm (which was really the second firm). 

Being young and having been in school when the previous bubble burst, I'm curious ... are we at peak bubble when I have to beat potential employers off with a stick?

Mar 22, 19 1:27 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Sounds like a good problem to have. Congrats on the new gig.

Mar 22, 19 5:55 am  · 

Thanks NS. I’m happy to have this problem because it means I can help out friends and colleagues looking for a change as well. The young woman I have been working with for example is planning on reaching out to some of these firms to see if they will be a better fit than going back to working for the sexist a-hole.

Mar 22, 19 8:58 am  · 

I graduated during the last recession too... same situation, except I moved about a year ago and don't want to move again - I'd rather see a project through and nail down some solid experience. But the headhunters are thick, and offering serious money. Talking to older people around the office it seems like historically a sign of an overly exuberant market. That said, not sure if we are in a bubble or not. There was (and is) a ton of pent up housing demand. Even if the bottom falls out of stocks, I'm not sure housing or institutional construction would slow down. Government spending on infrastructure and civic buildings couldn't possibly be lower either. People with 5 - 10 years experience are sort of the same - ton of pent up demand at firms, no one to fill the rolls b/c all the smart ones got out of this profession when things were shit in 08 through 10.

Mar 22, 19 9:41 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Very interesting, same situation here, almost a little more restraint given my smaller market. I'm at the 10y mark and sitting down with the equity holders later to discuss promotion.

Mar 22, 19 9:53 am  · 

There is still a weird age gap that the recession from decade ago left behind. Lots of opportunities out there for younger staff to get into situations where you can punch above your weight class. Not everyone is up to the challenge, and for some situations, you just can't fake experience. Typical project going out is an exercise in inefficiency.

Mar 22, 19 11:27 am  · 

More than a few times in the past couple years, I've felt I was moving too fast or skipping over key experience. (I think it was you Rusty) Saw someone lamenting the lack of older and longer-duration Project Architects recently. Feels like I'm in danger of skipping over that and ending up some sort of director or manager which is not what I want at all - all the fun happens when you are actually designing and documenting buildings, not watching some other person do it.

Mar 22, 19 11:54 am  · 

To be fair, an experienced architect in leadership role will have a decent toolbox of knowledge to play with, but it will be far from complete or comprehensive. You play to your strengths and hopefully work with people who have complementary knowledge. You can always revisit any steps that you feel you skipped over.

Mar 22, 19 12:40 pm  · 

I feel like my office is trying to push me toward “senior project architect”. I am currently heading up CA on a very large and complicated project and I’ve been encountering issues that are way beyond my experience level and I seem to be doing ok. Client is happy so far. The gray-hairs keep telling me I’m doing great - but most of the time I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. I work in a large firm and there are only two other people my age doing similar work. The rest of my peers are either doing production work or are on the “design-only” track.

Mar 22, 19 12:57 pm  · 

I feel like I’ve been punching above my weight class for most of my short career so far. I sometimes found myself thinking, “does the person asking me for help realize they’ve been doing architecture longer than I’ve been able tie my own shoes?” These are technology related questions either like how to work Revit. These are deep technical questions I figured every architect should know. It was like my own father was coming to me for serious parenting advice. This isn’t to say that these people were incompetent. My point is more that I realized early on how easily one can fake it in this profession. I didn’t want to be that type of architect so I’ve made it my duty to know what I don’t know and not be the type of architect that just fakes it. I’ve never let myself be content with not understanding something I should understand. I think that has made a huge difference in the outcome of my career path so far.

Mar 23, 19 9:42 am  · 

" Being young and having been in school when the previous bubble burst, I'm curious ... are we at peak bubble when I have to beat potential employers off with a stick? "

I am very much in the same boat as you in terms of graduating during the recession and entering a workforce where it constantly felt like a kind of messaging to 'be thankful you have any job' ... which leads me to the question, are the poaching-recruiters actually trying to lure you away with more money? Still seems like that is the kicker with plenty of firms these days - they would definitely like to hire you, just not with additional cash.

Mar 26, 19 2:42 pm  · 

Finally starting to see $$$ behind the offers. But agree in sentiment. As recently as 6 months ago firms were trying to entice me with "great opportunities" and "benefits" and "growth" but precious little hard cash. A few recent offers have come with 5-10k bumps. To go through the trouble of moving, though, its got to be a lot more than that.

Mar 26, 19 7:56 pm  · 

My offer was just over a $30k bump in pay. I never let it get to a point where we were talking money with the firms trying to poach me, so not sure if there is still money on the table. I'm skeptical that they'd be able to offer me much more than 30k. One thing I do know, there's no way I would be able to get a 30k raise by staying and asking for it. Maybe in 5 years they would be able to get me there, but then I'd miss out on 5 years of higher income, larger retirement contributions, compounded interest on those accounts, etc.

Mar 27, 19 2:54 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

That's great! Hope it goes well, EA.

Mar 29, 19 4:06 pm  · 


Mar 26, 19 2:42 pm  · 

looking for cool cmu block projects/architects that work in the material...any recommendations?  small scale, simple, brutal, regional...less interested in the parametric every block is rotated another 2 degree thing or variations in spacing.  

Mar 26, 19 2:44 pm  · 

Louis Kahn - Unitarian Church he did.

Mar 26, 19 4:05 pm  · 

thats cool - brick not block tho

Mar 26, 19 4:12 pm  · 

No, that's block

Mar 26, 19 4:20 pm  · 

Clark and Menefee. Look at the Middleton Inn, but really any of their work.

Mar 29, 19 9:16 am  · 

First Unitarian Church

Mar 26, 19 4:20 pm  · 


Mar 26, 19 4:51 pm  · 

thats cool...I only saw the exterior images

Mar 26, 19 5:30 pm  · 

That's worthy of an architectural erection.

Mar 26, 19 5:43 pm  · 

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