
Thread Central


Linky to Video:  Penumbra - A Kinetic Daylighting and Shading System

As it's a 3 year old video, this may have been posted before, but it's just so cool...

Feb 7, 17 3:51 pm  · 

I'm sorry, but every time I see this photo, I want to stab every single person on the planet, in the eye. I just can't figure out why exactly, I have an idea, but...

Feb 8, 17 12:24 am  · 
I 100% feel the same about that photo, beta.
Feb 8, 17 7:33 am  · 

Can we assume that this won't be anyone's Christmas card, either?

Feb 8, 17 9:25 am  · 

The very carefully posed and curated "casualness" of the whole thing while the woman breaks her own spine achieving that position is a large part of it.


I do love her outfit, tho.

Feb 8, 17 9:25 am  · 

A classmate of mine actually works for those folks.

I can't trust anyone that bares ankles while in pants.

Feb 8, 17 10:24 am  · 

Josh I would scare the Hell out of you sitting here in my flannel pants with Moose Profile Prints all over them.  It is just another day in the

Feb 8, 17 10:59 am  · 

Uuuugh Josh you've reawakened my shoe issues!

A man with bare ankles with a suit is funny, IMO, because it reminds me of the 80s. But bare ankles on *either* gender WITH BOOTIES is totally unacceptable. Totally wrong. Booties are for *cold* weather. You don't wear booties and pants then expose this little strip of skin around the ankle to the weather!

This is such a popular look in women's fashion right now and it makes me crazy. Also: ballet flats, no hosiery, in cold weather: NO.

Feb 8, 17 11:07 am  · 

Well it's a bit different in pajamas. Bare ankles are acceptable then. But with rolled up jeans and a jacket?

Feb 8, 17 11:08 am  · 

Folks now this guy scares the Shit out of Me!  Stephen Miller (political operative)​ just look him ups and his background and think about the power he has at this very moment.  Much scarier than a guy in loafers and bare ankles in the office place.

Feb 8, 17 11:21 am  · 
Two more days! I am really excited to be back in architectural practice again!

We are having donuts at work this morning to celebrate me leaving. At least, for me it's a celebration!
Feb 9, 17 7:51 am  · 

Ya doughnuts are the way to celebrate!  Just leave the doughnut holes in the rear view mirror.  Best of luck on your new adventure.  Thinking the only adventure I have in the future is retirement.  Who the hell wants and old fart working for them anyway. So I will continue to go alone...

Feb 9, 17 11:40 am  · 

BTW  12" of snow here this morning and it started after 6:30 and it is not even noon.

Feb 9, 17 11:42 am  · 

snook I'm envious in many ways, I would enjoy being a sole prop again, but: health insurance. Gotta stay in the system for my boys.

Feb 9, 17 11:44 am  · 

I hate the photo.

I would've killed to work for TWBTA, I know I would've had to work my ass off, but knowing how they value employees, I would feel confident of two things; first, they would never feel the need to do a photo shoot that implied how cool they were, how funky and hip. Second, they would actually wear socks.

The photo oozes of trading in the kind doucheocracy that gave us Trump. I'm probably wrong, and this says more about growing up poor, and being shit on by these types, but fuck. I'm just human.

Feb 9, 17 11:07 pm  · 

Doucheocracy is a good word.

Feb 9, 17 11:21 pm  · 

I knew you'd like that one.

Feb 10, 17 12:07 am  · 

Just bought tickets to see one of my favorite bands - Rise Against! The Pavilion at Northerly Island isn't exactly a great punk venue though...

Feb 10, 17 11:21 am  · 
I grew up in Arizona owning a horse. Different!
Feb 10, 17 11:36 am  · 

I'm going to see RTJ next Tuesday!

Feb 10, 17 11:49 am  · 

Nice! There are rumors of a Metallica stadium tour with Avenged Sevenfold and Volbeat on the bill. I'll be all over that if they play Soldier Field.

Feb 10, 17 12:06 pm  · 

Ooo the layout changed.

I think this is better... once I get used to it.

Feb 10, 17 11:58 am  · 

It did, about 5 minutes ago!

Feb 10, 17 11:59 am  · 

First reaction was, yuck. Now I'm getting used to it and I don't think it's that bad. I don't know about this in-line replying to specific comments though. It's going to make it much harder to follow the current conversations, especially if the current conversation is on a previous page.

Feb 10, 17 12:11 pm  · 

For example, it says my comment is the last comment in the thread, but when you "jump to last" it takes you to the bottom of the page.

Feb 10, 17 12:12 pm  · 
I grew up in Arizona owning a horse. Different!
Feb 10, 17 12:01 pm  · 

again with this horse, i dont belieber it; photos!

Feb 10, 17 12:04 pm  · 



Very exciting. I'm like a  little kid today.

Feb 10, 17 12:10 pm  · 
wurdan freo

Nice changes Archinect... what do the stars mean? and when are you going to add emoticons so I can give someone the thumbs up or the finger!!! I know architects are too cool for emoticons, but maybe they could be redesigned like these sweet hipster emoticons... 


would also be nice to be able to vote up or thank someones post..

Feb 10, 17 12:41 pm  · 

the stars indicate when threads are featured (displayed on the homepage) and/or moderated with at least featured comment

Feb 10, 17 12:50 pm  · 

OK, so featured should mean "Full of good info" or something, but wurdan is, I think, asking if there is a way to just note that I laughed at a comment or thought it was especially funny or sarcastic or whatever. There's no way to do that?

Feb 10, 17 1:36 pm  · 

It looks like the stars indicate threads which you (the user) have posted in.

Feb 10, 17 12:42 pm  · 

I haven't received my gold star today. It was a struggle getting out of bed this morning after all (temp swing in Chicago = sinus hell).

Feb 10, 17 12:57 pm  · 

My sinuses (sinii?) were SO bad this morning Josh! I feel you.

Feb 10, 17 1:33 pm  · 

What's a "Featured Comment"?

Feb 10, 17 1:13 pm  · 

you can see an example of featured comments over in that Gensler building news posting. Just more stuff to scroll through to get to the bottom.

Feb 10, 17 1:26 pm  · 

@tuds - to improve the experience of the discussion threads, and to highlight comments that enhance news and feature articles, our team of moderators can now highlight valuable comments, hide comments that are offensive or off-topic, and block spammers and/or trolls from ruining conversations. For example, see this news post and this discussion thread.

Feb 10, 17 1:46 pm  · 


Feb 10, 17 1:50 pm  · 

Another new feature that we've just released - Ignore User! This will allow you to stop seeing comments from people that drive you nuts. 

Feb 10, 17 1:58 pm  · 

Can Ignore User also block featured comments? I'm off to check...

Feb 10, 17 2:16 pm  · 

Dang, no. Oh well.

Feb 10, 17 2:17 pm  · 

Is there a way to get notified when your comment is featured? That would be kind of cool.


Feb 10, 17 2:25 pm  · 

Great idea, we'll add that to our wishlist for the next round of updates.

Feb 10, 17 2:26 pm  · 

What about marking comments read/unread, or simply highlighting the new comments from the last time you visited the thread?

If someone replies to a comment earlier on the page, or on a previous page, clicking to go to the last comment takes you to the bottom of the page rather than the last comment.

Feb 10, 17 2:31 pm  · 

There's no way of knowing what comments a user reads. The replies to comments are intended to be a more personal discussion between the users, they aren't considered a reply to the *thread*.

Feb 10, 17 2:54 pm  · 

Ignore User!  Hallelujah!

Thank you Archinect.

Feb 10, 17 2:49 pm  · 

In the future everyone will be Featured for 15 minutes.

Feb 10, 17 4:06 pm  · 

Messing around on the office network drive today and found a list of everyone's salary.... Interesting reading!

Feb 10, 17 4:15 pm  · 

Sounds like you might be getting a raise soon ... or fired. Here's hoping for a raise.

Feb 10, 17 4:28 pm  · 

Oooooh that's fun reading.....

Feb 10, 17 4:39 pm  · 

You working for Russian Hackers?

Feb 11, 17 1:15 pm  · 

Guys there was a little yellow tag next to a thing I said on the internet. Now there is no little yellow tag next to the thing I said on the internet.

PERFIDY! DECEIT! **throws glove on the table**

Feb 10, 17 4:35 pm  · 

He'll be back in a week.

Feb 10, 17 4:36 pm  · 

I don't know what I'd do without his enigmatic bitmaps and vague condescending retorts.

Feb 10, 17 4:37 pm  · 


There's no way of knowing what comments a user reads. The replies to comments are intended to be a more personal discussion between the users, they aren't considered a reply to the *thread*.

Yet countless forums seem to be able to make it happen all over the internet every day.

At least you've started including the comment in the email notifications when someone replies to a comment ... however, there isn't a link to the direct comment. So, if someone replies to one of my comments in a thread where I have multiple comments, I'm just supposed to figure out what comment the response was intended for, or sift through all my comments until I find it? Could be problematic if it is buried in over 1200 pages like in Thread Central.

Also, why is there not a way that I can reply to your inline comment above? Is the intent that the original poster of a comment can't reply to their own comment ... addressing things that other users have said in their replies?

Finally, is there a way one can embed links (or even format text) in the new replies that I'm not seeing? I can paste the entire URL, but what about embedding the link, like I'm showing here

Feb 10, 17 4:40 pm  · 

The forums you are referring to assume that when you open a thread, you are reading all of the comments. We'd rather not make that assumption.

Feb 10, 17 4:54 pm  · 

Adding a link in the email notification to the precise thread is coming. We know, it's not working well now, especially if you reply to a comment in a really long thread like this one.

Feb 10, 17 4:55 pm  · 

You can reply to the the comment above, you just need to click the "reply" link under the original comment. We will be adding another reply link at the end of the replies soon to make it more clear.

Feb 10, 17 4:56 pm  · 

We made the decision to have the replies-to-comments have very simple text-based formatting, to offer a chat-based experience, rather than opening up a bloated WYSIWYG field that allows for text formatting, linking, etc.

(that said, there is a work-around if you spend some time to figure it out)

Feb 10, 17 4:58 pm  · 

So many issues I'm seeing with the inline replies. 

  • Jump to last comment ignores replies in a thread and takes you to the end of the page of comments, which isn't necessarily the last post to a thread now.
  • no way to reply to your own comment, or the replies on your own comment
  • no way to format text (bold, italics), create bullets or numbered lists, post embedded links, or post images on replies.
  • no date/time stamp on replies so you can't tell when a reply was posted. 
  • no way to view comment history next to user name on replies. If a user only posts replies, there would be no way to see their comment history.
  • Within comment history, no way to see which comments were made as replies ... or the comment it was replying to.

Edit: sorry for some repeats above as you just answered some of them in your response.

Feb 10, 17 4:58 pm  · 

^ see above

Feb 10, 17 4:59 pm  · 

First 2 points will be addressed soon. Regarding your remaining points, we intentionally didn't add formatting features, date stamps, comment history/contact links, etc because the replies-to-comments are intended to be very simple chats with another commenter, not formal comments to the group or original poster.

Feb 10, 17 5:21 pm  · 

Still not seeing a reply option on my own comments.

Feb 10, 17 5:03 pm  · 

You're right, that's a bug and will be fixed.

Feb 10, 17 5:08 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

This is crazy. I can't keep up.

I'm seeing Mercedes benz ads on archinect. What does that mean? What kind of data are you selling on me?

Feb 10, 17 5:24 pm  · 


Feb 10, 17 5:32 pm  · 

^work around not what I was expecting

Feb 10, 17 5:34 pm  · 

The forums you are referring to assume that when you open a thread, you are reading all of the comments. We'd rather not make that assumption.

I'd rather have it assume I've read everything and be able to tell what is new, than not be able to tell what is new without checking every post in a thread. Do you really anticipate that the replies option will only be one or two comments back to the OP and that no one else would be interested in what is posted?

Adding a link in the email notification to the precise thread is coming. We know, it's not working well now, especially if you reply to a comment in a really long thread like this one.

Good to know, this will be greatly appreciated. Understandable it's difficult to roll everything out perfectly the first time.

We made the decision to have the replies-to-comments have very simple text-based formatting, to offer a chat-based experience, rather than opening up a bloated WYSIWYG field that allows for text formatting, linking, etc.

(that said, there is a work-around if you spend some time to figure it out)

Are you telling me that you think the six options for formatting text you currently have is bloated? I get the quick chat-like experience you're going for, but posting a link, or a meme to a specific comment would be so much better if it didn't have to show up as the full URL. I'll have to try what I think is the workaround. I'd do it to one of my own comments, saving someone the email notification, but ...

Feb 10, 17 5:27 pm  · 
Don Kashane

Just did a test: if you click "edit comment" after you post a reply, all six edit features then show up.

Feb 10, 17 7:37 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I feel there is little work getting done in architecture firms across the world today as everyone eats donuts and gets adjusted to the new thread central. Ha. Happy Friday!

Feb 10, 17 5:33 pm  · 

Happy weekend TC. I think I figured out who I'm ignoring first. Is there any way to undo ignoring someone, or is it a one time thing?

Feb 10, 17 5:42 pm  · 

It shows you a handy link when that user makes a post.

Feb 10, 17 5:43 pm  · 

^ Yeah, that's annoying ... it still shows when they post ... you just can't see the content unless you 'unignore' them. You have to go to your settings in order to do that ... though the link is provided. 

Ironically, I'd rather it worked with an option to show the content of an ignored post within the thread with a simple show/hide comment + or - button (like Rick mentions above) and you wouldn't have to globally unignore someone to see one of their posts and then decide to ignore them again.

Feb 10, 17 5:46 pm  · 

I think an "unhide this post" as a one time, non persistent thing would be good, but I'm a masochist. I need to be annoyed enough to leave them ignored which the feature does well . It's better for my health and why I uninstalled facebook instead of just trying to stop using it.

Feb 10, 17 5:49 pm  · 

The reason that it is indicated when an ignored user posts a comment is so that you will understand the context when other people reply to them.

Feb 10, 17 5:55 pm  · 

RickB-Astoria - you've basically described exactly how the ignore feature works. (Archinect is built on a fully custom backend)

Feb 10, 17 6:11 pm  · 

^ Good point Sneaky.

Feb 10, 17 5:52 pm  · 
Da fuck?
I'm still seeing that archinect I've come to know and love.

Maybe outside the US We get late info...?
Feb 10, 17 5:52 pm  · 

Are you in the UK? Archinect UK will be getting these updates soon. Until then, you can always use the edition switcher below the menu on the left of the page to view the "Global Edition"

Feb 10, 17 5:54 pm  · 
Me and archiwutm will continue to live in the dark ages. It's cool, I blame it on brexit.
Feb 10, 17 6:03 pm  · 

Nigel Farage screws everything up for you guys.

Feb 10, 17 6:07 pm  · 


Feb 10, 17 6:10 pm  · 

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