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All the necropostings these days...


Jan 21, 17 5:44 am  · 

Sarah, you ever get that Garage Built?  Giving you a stiff handed Queen's Wave.....

I doubt if those tax returns will ever see the light of day or any in the future financial information related to his family and fortune. So we will never know how many backdoor deals were made during his short time in office.

So the important thing is to organize on a local level and let your local government know your depending upon them to help lead the way back to a better path.

Jan 21, 17 10:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, not yet, Snook. We had to reroof our house, though, and extend it to create a covered porch. I don't know that we will ever get to the garage. Maybe I should start a gofundme campaign... 

Jan 21, 17 10:31 pm  · 

It's over 2.5* what it needs now.  Welcome back Sarah.

Jan 22, 17 5:24 pm  · 

Tom Brady.

Jan 22, 17 6:49 pm  · 

Tom Brady.

Jan 22, 17 7:16 pm  · 

I hear you Sarah. At this point we're likely to sell this house before we ever do the front  facade renovations I've dreamed of since we bought it 11 years ago.

Jan 22, 17 8:03 pm  · 

ARCHINECT! I missed you.

Remember when I moved to Rwanda? Maybe you don't. Either way, it swallowed me into a black hole of power outages, water outages, internet outages, crippling isolation, a concerted attempt by my husband's employer to depress us into committing suicide and, to top everything off, a full scale late-night house robbery right before Christmas whereby all our electronics were stolen, including our hard drives with all our work, ever.

I'm done with this fucking hellhole and we're moving back to Canada soon. 


Do you have friends, students, or colleagues who are dying to work for MASS Design Group? Send them my way, I have all the info they'll ever need!

Glad to be back. Catch me up on what I missed the past 8 months.

Jan 23, 17 2:33 pm  · 

Well hell, I can't complain about my work place anymore after reading that.

Seriously, that sucks. Sorry you had to endure that.

Jan 23, 17 2:41 pm  · 

So many past 'nechtor's resurfacing, must've been a disturbance in the force...

MASS was fascinating to learn about, saw Micheal at a conference a few years back.  But the realities of working in a place like that, in which you'll never be a part of no matter how long you live there, was something I wouldn't want to do, again...  Hope Canada is agreeable when you get there.

Jan 23, 17 3:04 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Damn steph... I do remember when you stated, with enthusiasm, that you were relocating to Africa. Rather terrible that it did not work out. I've had colleagues try similar things but no where near the same level of despair as you experienced.

At least plenty of places in Canada are looking for bodies.

Jan 23, 17 3:44 pm  · 


We all might be joining you if the "Alternative Truthers"  keep up their fabrications.

Jan 23, 17 5:50 pm  · 

Stephanie I'm sorry. That is terrible.  Many years ago I looked into moving to South Africa, my husband has a friend there. But I didn't think the risk sounded acceptable. Not to impugn an entire continent, and I'd still love to visit, especially Nairobi.

Jan 23, 17 8:08 pm  · 

Who leaves Canada? Your adventures sound like my 1st year of my life (of which i remember nothing). Nigeria in the late 70's. My father loved it, mother not so much. As one of the many stories goes - On the flight home (Germany back then) my mother held me as angry passengers jumped the counter when the airline ran out of tickets. They stabbed the poor guy. My father scored tickets chasing a scalper or something up and down the luggage conveyor belt. Its fun to some people, but I would go with Canada, as an architect.

Jan 23, 17 8:33 pm  · 

I disagree with everything Rand, but mostly I blame her for making this caricature of the arrogant, controlling, uncompromising aryan asshole the most widespread trope for architects in pop culture that we have, still, even today.

I did enjoy Anthem as a teen, tho. It talked about sneaking around and sex.

Jan 23, 17 10:36 pm  · 

Hi TC! I have been away too long. Considered trying to catch up with backlog for a moment and then reconsidered...

Steph welcome back, wish it was under better circumstances. Shame the adventure didn't work out. Assume MASS Design Group, wasn't who your husband was working for?

Hope I get to do at least some of our dream reno, to our newish home (50s brick ranch) before we leave. Given the market hope I don't have to buy again for a long while. Plus, prefer idea of making the place I want out of what I have to work with, vs moving to something better.

re: inauguration, I feel like everyone I know made it to a Sat march. Just not the wife and I. Definitely, felt like slackers...

Jan 24, 17 1:10 am  · 

"you have 1 day to do 4 historic elevations" lol yeah sure...

Jan 24, 17 9:50 am  · 

I was in Africa twice. Once in the Ivory Coast city of Abidjan where the vibe was that the locals were going to be shooting at each other any minute. Which they did a couple of months after I left, and Johannesburg, South Africa, where my host's house (in a gated community) was robbed and when I took everyone out for a farewell luncheon someone tried to use my credit card number after I got back. The most beautiful city in South Africa, Cape Town, has the highest murder rate in the country. A lot of South Africans are bailing and going to the west coast of Australia.

Jan 24, 17 10:58 am  · 

@nam, yes, it was MASS and boy could I tell you stories. I had to laugh at the archinect feature that came out about "how to get a job at MASS"... Damn, no one has any clue. At least when you go work for BIG or Gehry or Libeskind you know in advance you're going to get fucked. The best thing to come out of this whole fiasco is that we rescued a street dog who had a serious form of cancer that we were able to get treated for insanely cheap. As soon as she gets microchipped and the vet signs off, we'll be booking her first class on KLM. Ah well. Live and learn.

Jan 24, 17 2:03 pm  · 

It's always a good story if it ends with a doggy going on to a better spoiled-silly doggy life! Yay!

Jan 24, 17 2:22 pm  · 

Also, Stephanie, this may be impossible to answer but: was there a moment, of a single event, at which you said "Eff this, we're out" or was it a slow piling up of problems that you slowly had to admit were not worth it?

Jan 24, 17 2:26 pm  · 

Wait... Does this mean balkins was right?

Glad you are safe, will have great stories I'm sure
Jan 24, 17 9:07 pm  · 


Also, Stephanie, this may be impossible to answer but: was there a moment, of a single event, at which you said "Eff this, we're out" or was it a slow piling up of problems that you slowly had to admit were not worth it?

The robbery definitely shook us, but we did choose to return after Christmas break to "make the best of things." There has been a singular moment since then, but I can't really talk about it yet. Let me just tantalize you with the statement that lawyers are involved.

Actually, bar this MASS BS the challenges we've faced have been difficult but surmountable. I have to say, going freelance was the best choice of my life so far and I've been pulling in work like crazy here. There aren't a lot of freelance designers in these parts so I've been able to develop my creative work in a way I don't think I'd have the opportunity to do in Canada. 

Anyways: I'm going to prowl the boards and see how many posts there are entitled "what school should I go to" "how do I get a job" and "can someone review my portfolio." Ahhh, archinect. So predictable, so soothing.

Jan 25, 17 12:27 pm  · 

Stephanie, glad you're back, where you back at? I was looking at the MASS site, and as tantalized as I am by your story, the photos of the staff had me wondering; are they stepford people, how genuine are their smiles? I got creeped out.

Jan 25, 17 11:11 pm  · 

Well, we're not quite back just yet. Still in Rwanda - my mom is coming for a visit (planned long before any of the Bad Things happened) so we're here for at least another month. But we're planning the next stage.

Unfortunately we were so keen on coming here that we didn't make a plan B so we don't have a clear idea of what to do and where to go next. I imagine we'll be back in Toronto for a little while, as we have family there. But as far as longer-term options.. I'm taking suggestions starting now! 

Jan 26, 17 2:53 am  · 

^ Try south africa? I hear it's a wonderful place with an environment contrasting that of Canada.

Jan 26, 17 4:06 am  · 

Come London, tons of work here...for now...

Jan 26, 17 5:47 am  · 

Changes in my life! I'll be starting a new job in three weeks. More on that later, but it's good to be moving on and challenging myself in yet another direction.

Also I just had lunch with an architect from Brooklyn and it turns out over 20 years ago he interned at the firm I worked for in Philly.  We know so many of the same people.  We architects live in a tiny, tiny community, you guys!

Jan 27, 17 1:48 pm  · 

Congrats Donna! Hopefully it's a good move.

Jan 27, 17 2:07 pm  · 

congrats donna, I hope it's a good move.

When I googled ngorongoro this video was front and center, very laid back atmosphere.....

Jan 27, 17 3:43 pm  · 

For the other Lunar new year celebrators, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jan 28, 17 11:20 am  · 

Congratulations  Donna, Hope they have a good Insurance Package.   The Challenge is always good!  I'm sure I can say this for sure..."Your not headed into a Cabinet  Position are you?"

Jan 28, 17 6:21 pm  · 

Congrats, Donna!

Jan 28, 17 11:55 pm  · 

go Donna!

and happy new year of the Rooster! (to all)

Jan 29, 17 10:16 am  · 

Congrats Donna!

Jan 29, 17 11:43 am  · 

So in a little bit of happier news, since I've started my low carb diet a few weeks ago I no longer want to hurt people for candy and I'm down 15 lbs.

Jan 30, 17 11:20 am  · 


Jan 30, 17 11:39 am  · 

In other happy new, I'm addicted to rocket league on a new PS4 we've just bought. Or is that bad? Anyone else got a PS4?

Jan 30, 17 5:16 pm  · 

Rocket League is too much fun. I'm not a big video game person, but I keep finding myself getting roped into matches at friends houses.

Jan 30, 17 5:23 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Good stuff Josh.
Jan 30, 17 7:05 pm  · 

broke out all four (4) consoles this weekend for the kids (5&8)

XBox 360 - hooked up HDMI for dual minecraft playing, for the kids

XBox - could only get a car game to work, multi player though, lots of fun, kids can't drive worth sh...

Nintendo Wii U - my 5 year old owns this thing, SuperMario addict and of course Mario Kart is alway s

the original NES (nintendo) - Mario brothers, kids complained a lot harder than the WiiU Mario.  and Contra, wife's favorite, thank god for cheat codes, those games were/are hard.  Its almost like everyone gets trophy now, a zillion continues, etc...

Interesting note - duck hunt wasn't working with the flatscreen. I know I could google it, but wondering how Duck Hunt always worked the first place.

Jan 30, 17 8:00 pm  · 

congrats Josh!  so I'm a diet of sorts (no soda or energy drinks)

after finding out my blood pressure was 160/104 when I got a bad ear infection I figured it was time to lay off the Red Bull.  In a week I've come down to Pre-Hypertension and too think in college I'd faint from low blood pressure.  It could just be the profession!

Jan 30, 17 8:02 pm  · 

apparently analog tvs had more consistent and dependable timing.  lcd tvs have latency when they refresh, so when you click the trigger on the gun, the response from the tv isn't timed right anymore.

googled it

Jan 30, 17 9:59 pm  · 
Ok, that's just way too many words on the Nintendo Zapper.
Jan 30, 17 11:30 pm  · 

whoa ricki, bit excessive man...  my gut feeling and first theory was what you wrote and curt linked - found in the google.  gut feeling explained.  does Max Headroom have a gut though?

Jan 30, 17 11:42 pm  · 

CRT has better response timing and colours, that's one reason a lot of photographers and graphic artists still use them.

Jan 31, 17 2:54 am  · 

Mate, you're going on a tangent here.

Jan 31, 17 4:29 am  · 

<crazy old hippie alert> We've already become an authoritarian state and you guys are arguing about video game resolutions.

Jan 31, 17 10:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur


also, squirrel on water-skis alert

Jan 31, 17 10:59 am  · 

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